Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties! - November Challenge



  • seripha
    Meag - Don't feel too bad about having birthday cake or eating other foods that you normally wouldn't eat. Just do your research for the restaurant if you can, pick the foods that you get the best feeling about eating, have a smaller piee of cake, and adjust your other meals as necessary. And have a good time supporting your man.

    And remember if it doesn't go as you plan, it's not going to ruin everything forever. It's just one meal :)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Meag- I read your Rant and it made me a little sad for you. I know how it is when you feel trapped in a bad food world but I have faith that you will do great. If anything this is just a little longer vacation. Try not to feel guilty you have come so far and another week of non dedicated eating is not a huge deal. As others said make smart choices where you are and I am sure you will do fine. I totally know what you mean with the busy schedule, I have a 10.5 hour day with work and commuting, then I
  • tai_88
    tai_88 Posts: 23
    Gosh so many posts... thank you all for entertaining me during my slow times at work.

    @Meag & Emmy - if you need some warm weather you can always come down my way. Lemme tell you that all of you would laugh at us tropical folk with our sweaters on if its under 70F (21C).

    @Meag – Sorry that these upcoming days seem so daunting for you. Just remember - “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission” - Eleanor Roosevelt. I know it’s difficult when you seem to be the only person on one side of the fence (wrt food/eating), but when you have something you believe in you are bound to bump heads. Just take a deep breath and don’t get frustrated. The internet is wonderful these days that you can look up food options before you go to restaurants. I know there are some places that don’t have healthier food but those places are becoming few and far between. And you can always alter menu ideas to fit you nutritional needs. I’m excited that you get to spend so much time with your friends and family; and equally sorry that it seems to stress you out just as much. I know you’ll figure out a way to enjoy yourself and not feel the stress of not eating what you normal would.
    I’m sure it will work out for the better. I hope you and your boy get to spend some quality time together doing things that you both enjoy!

    @Emmy – congrats on the swim, I’m totally jealous as I cant find the time to swim and honestly I consider myself a fish. Planning on doing Day 1 of 30DS… I’m scared!?!?!?! I’ll let you know how it goes.

    QOTD (yesterday): I’d love to go to New Zealand, that’s where I was born but left when I was only 2. So it would be nice to visit family down there. Trying to plan and go visit my other family in Scotland, though US$1000+ is pretty steep for just the plane ride.

    QOTD (today): Can’t live without my ballet flats. I’m 5’8 and in Miami I might as well be 6’5. So the flats give me fun colors, keep me only slightly taller than other people and satify my shoe fetish. Though I’m getting a lot better because A) I don’t have the money to spend $100 on the shoes I want, B) I have realized that cheap shoes aren’t an adequate alternative and C) my boyfriend doesn’t understand my shoe compulsion so he doesn’t let me buy shoes if he can help it. You know boys…”I only have 4 pairs of shoes… black work ones, brown work ones, running shoes, flip flops. Why do you need 4 colors of the exact same shoe?”

    *** Tale of my victory over the chocolate muffin***
    Preface: I started my new job last month. 4 of my first 5 days had some kind of office party – cake, cookies, fruit, and ice cream. You name it, it was there. That is actually one of the reasons I started mfp again. My self control dwindles in the face of food.
    So yesterday there was a bake sale fundraiser, and to show my support I had to buy something. I ignored the pumpkin pie and the muffins and the chocolate (2 weeks strong - no candy) and I got a bagel and orange juice. It wasn’t until I logged them that I realized they ruined my whole day of eating.
    I mean the bagel was ok, but then an hour later I was hungry and I’m already 400 clas down. I increased my cals to 1500 and I’m finding it harder to eat under than I did when I was only eating 1200. I’m finding that I’m more inclined to want to eat bread or rice which I wasn’t really doing before because I didn’t have the extra calories. Stupid food… I’d like a pill that would give me the food I need and make me skinny. No… I enjoy food too much. Guess that’s why I’m here.
    Anyhoo today… I resisted. I did not have any of the muffins that my boss brought in. And let me tell you the chocolate muffin looked delicious. But I decided I want to waste over a third of my calories (560 to be exact) on a muffin. It can’t be that good! So I ate my oatmeal and yogurt.

    Tai 1 – Food 0
    So that is the story of my victory over the chocolate muffin… ****

    I am having a pre-thanksgiving dinner tomorrow which I’m kind of worried about. Though I’m more worried about these people trashing my house than of the food, lol. I guess I don’t want to lose myself in the food. It’s so easy to overeat when everything is right in your face. And my boyfriend is going to a bachelor party (something else that makes me nervous and might induce emotional eating) so he won’t be there so help keep me in check. Keep your fingers cross that I don’t throw myself in the deep end. Though I am experiencing that ‘full-feeling’ and am able to tell myself to stop eating even if I have food left. Baby steps… Small portions. No guilt.

    Oh goodness there are cookies in my office. I honestly thinking I'm going to cry. I need to go find my apple. I'll leave you guys before I get too emotional....

  • tai_88
    tai_88 Posts: 23
    Oh just one more thing.... I had a tuna sandwich today. And tuna to me is always one of those foods I forget I love! It was great. really made my day!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Continued- go work out, I usually don't get home until around or after 8 and I leave the house around 7:45. It is hard but noone said it was an easy life being so awesome. I think you will be fine.

    I am not looking forward to WI tomorrow I do not have High Hopes. I swim tonight for training, and I am hoping that maybe the extra calories I had yesterday combined with the more workouts will help the weight drop. O well I am focusing on NSV-s right now, and I know I am going to hit 6 days of working out this week.

    Maybe we can all do a NSV list on top of our normal list, kind of an end of the month hoorah? Let me know what you guys think.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Tai - Great victory :happy: Choc is so hard to turn down sometimes! Very proud of you :drinker: Thanks for the kind words wrt my rant earlier :happy: I will definitely enjoy my time spent with the boy. Of all the people in my life, he is the one that is most supportive of my preferences and choices. Its nice to have him in my corner and to have him to vent to when I feel overwhelmed by food and plans.

    Aly - NSV list sounds great. I'd love to see a list of accomplishments at the end of the month! Do you mean victories, or goals? Anyway it all sounds like fun! Its so great to see everyones progress :happy:
    My rant made me pretty sad too... I've found that sometimes this journey to healthy + fitness can be a very lonely road. I know that eating a sh*tty meal here and there isn't a big deal and I can try to rationalize 'til the cows come home, but b/c of my pre-existing control issues (thanks for that, Mom!) it doesn't do me much good... I always manage to do better than I anticipate. I managed to lose weight the week I went away to Ottawa because of making healthy choices and running while I was gone, but the worry and stress leading up to the trip always makes me a complete and utter disaster. Thanks for listening!

    Seripha - I don't necessarily feel bad about eating cake. I feel annoyed that there's an expectation that I'll eat cake, even though I don't like it, because that's what people do. And that if I don't eat cake it's because I'm being "obsessive", and not because I just don't like it. It's also a matter of having cake along with a myriad of other high cal/fat/carb meals throughout the week that I won't be preparing. It just adds up! :ohwell:

    Went for a run this afternoon to quell my nerves and burn some calories in case we go for dinner tonight. Trying to be pro-active. Ended up running 5 miles at an avg 10:30 pace and actually kept my pace steady for the entire run. No more than 15 seconds between my slowest and fastest miles. Got home and made a super sweet protein shake -- It was ENORMOUS and less than 300 calories. I actually had to use 2 glasses :bigsmile: I added 1 cup of spinach to my usual recipe and it was great. Couldn't taste it at all but it added some bulk and has loads of good stuff in it. Strawberries, chocolate, PB2, almond milk and spinach. Can't go wrong.

    Glad my day has turned around a bit. Hopefully things will stay this way through work tonight. Have a great rest of your day everyone!!
  • seripha
    Oi I'm going to the Harry Potter midnight screening tonight. Going to take a lot of will power not to totally binge on popcorn!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Seripha - make sure to pack healthy snacks that you will look forward to eating!! But the smell of that buttery popcorn lures me in too!! I wish you the best of luck! And hope you have a great time!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    QOTD (yesterday)- not really a big ice cream fan (sorry Meag) give me greasy salty french fries any day over ice cream...
    This is just wrong, Cait! haha Could be a deal-breaker for us. I may have to break up with you... :laugh: Seriously though, I get it. I don't like cake, rice or Italian food. Food preferences are so individual. Everyone's different!

    Meag- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dont break up with me over ice cream!!!!!

    I can feel the frustration in your venting... and can totally related. Its so hard sometimes when life struggles get in the way of the plan we have created for ourselves. I think it is great that you have already identified possible obstacles. Dont beat yourself up about them though. Know that they are there and use this as a test to figure out how you are going to work through them. I can imagine that this is a struggle that I lot of people face once they areat maintenance- fidning the balance between staying healthy and also not bogging themselves down every time they dont make the best choice. Use this as a practice for yourself so that you can continue to develope good coping skills for when you do get down to maintenance. I LOVE the idea about offering to bake a cake (especially with the the boy AND in matching aprons!) tee hee... and yes it is SOOO bad *kitten* that you are a bouncer!!! LOVE it!

    TJ- would LOVE a mini challenge... just havent been able to get back in to the routine of exercising the way I was the first month... damn getting sick and getting off track.
    you always keep me motivated, accountable, and stop me from beating myself up when I fall... thank you for that!

    Skiptomylou- welcome to the group! I just joined the group and the beginning of this month and the ladies on here are INCREDIBLE! They are so supportive, motivating, and inspiring. And a HUGE resource for ideas, workouts, and healthy eating... and sometimes its just a great place to vent about life and our struggles... hope you love coming on to this forum as much as I do!

    lostalykat- I love your thinking on being healthy. it truly is about finding a balance and making healthy choices- I know if I deprive myself too much that I get miserable also! you are pretty bad *kitten* yourself with that workout- love that you gave us a breakdown!!!! its so great to have a team and a place like MFP to support us when some of the people in our everyday lives cant/wont or just dont get it

    Emmy- sounds like an awesome swim! good for you for going longer!

    Tai- way to win over that chocolate... and baby steps are just the right attitude!!!

    Seripha- enjoy the HP- let us know how it is!!!! and goodluck with that popcorn!

    QOTD- I was trying to think of an answer to what I cant live without in terms of accessories... I asked my fiance and he told me bobbypins... AHHHHAHAHa I guess there is some truth to that recently as I have been going through the stages of growing my hair out. I love putting my hair up with bobbypins.
    I used to be a HUGE funky thrift store clothes junky, but once I put on more and more weight I started shying away from them... starting to feel the urge to go thrifting again soon!!! YAY

    Great work today everyone! I love that I can come on here and read through everyones posts and become even more determined to do what I need to do!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Roo-thanks... i just stress on occassion!! no biggie!! :)

    Spellbinder-we have lots of the same destination...we could do our traveling togethor!!! lol

    Stuart-that is an awesome pic...great job!

    Cruan-i picked up the new wii zumba video game today!! trying it tomorrow! also i saw the new wii active~have you tried it?

    Skiptomylou-WELCOME to the group...happy to have you :)

    Tai-WTG on the victory with the muffin!

    Emmy-thanks so much for your support!

    Kat-you will do great!! oh and what is NSV??

    QOTD-i love ugly shoes and cheap necklaces and bracelets!! LOL

    oh...and as for me...i took my weigh-in from today instead of yesterday and i am down 1.4 this week so that is a total of 3lbs out of my 9.6lb goal!!! with 12 days left i would need a miracle to get there completely but i am still happy with my progress so far :)
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    WOW!!!! So many things to comment on today yet SO TIRED was at school from about 7:15 am until 8:00 pm. I did pack my lunch but I needed to get out of that place. Joined the girls for dinner and had soup and salad...suprisingly enough we all did!!!! My hubby is such a great guy he downloaded my itunes running plan for my half-marathon. Meag and Gonks I found it on I haven't tried it out yet but I listened to some of it and it sounds pretty good so far!


    Everyone else...caatch up with you in the morning...I'm off to bed!!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Options after being away from the gym for a couple of weeks, I decided that I would take the kids tonight and I would attempt to try the Zumba class. However, things took a turn for the usual! I swear I am not mean to make it back into the gym. Everytime I try, something comes up that is truly out of my control. Tonight my daughter through a huge tantrum which prevented us from going. So as much as I am not a fan of running but you ladies inspire me day after day, I am going to attempt to go for a run tonight. I hope it works out becaue I hate having to workout at night. I have to adjust my calories to accomodate for the extra calories that I burn but if I don't get my workout in then I have gone over my calories for no reason.

    Sorry for the rant ladies!! I think its turned into one of "those" weeks! :explode:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    you are doing a great job!! just keep going!! some of us just aren't meant to go to the gym...and that's ok...there are always other alternatives!! after being away from the gym for a couple of weeks, I decided that I would take the kids tonight and I would attempt to try the Zumba class. However, things took a turn for the usual! I swear I am not mean to make it back into the gym. Everytime I try, something comes up that is truly out of my control. Tonight my daughter through a huge tantrum which prevented us from going. So as much as I am not a fan of running but you ladies inspire me day after day, I am going to attempt to go for a run tonight. I hope it works out becaue I hate having to workout at night. I have to adjust my calories to accomodate for the extra calories that I burn but if I don't get my workout in then I have gone over my calories for no reason.

    Sorry for the rant ladies!! I think its turned into one of "those" weeks! :explode:
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    So I weighed in this morning and the scale didn't budge at all from last week! I'm pretty relaxed about the number on the scale - maybe too relaxed, because I'm not upset or anything, but I'm also not letting it inspire me to kick it up a notch. I'm not really sure what to do differently. I know that I should make the time to go to the gym or do some cardio more often - but I'm not exactly inactive. This past week (exception of today, too much carbalicious snacking today) I've been consciously watching what I eat, making better and healthier decisions than normal (finally went grocery shopping and now I have FOOD in my fridge!) I just really needed a win (or rather a lose :wink: ) today. **Yes, I'll have some cheese to go with this whine :laugh: ** I've also been finding it hard to eat all my exercise calories... I think I'm going to need to change my focus from trying to lose to being happy with maintaining through the end of this semester. Because the last thing I need with papers and exams is for the scale to start stressing me out.

    Glad some of you liked the picture I put up. In the spirit of true honesty, that's not a picture of me. None of the class had our cameras out while we were on the course, and I would've been pretty upset if someone had stopped belaying me in order to snap a picture!!! I found that pic on Google Images because I wasn't sure if you all knew what a Giant's Ladder is. I picked that one because, as you've said, it is totally bada$$!

    Oh, and I am so SORE from yesterday!!! Mostly in my arms, upper back, and sides. And I have this odd bruise probably from sitting weirdly on the planks. But I talked myself out of working out today because of the soreness. Not sure if it was the right decision, but I'm planning on making up for it tomorrow!

    @Emmy, your swim sounds awesome, and I saw on the newsfeed that you got quite a burn out of it. WTG :flowerforyou:

    @Tai, great story, way to be victorious over that chocolate muffin!! Is it really that many calories??? I don't think I've ever tried to log one, but that is unbelievable :noway: Have fun at your pre-thanksgiving dinner party!! Try not to stress out too much. I've been reading some tips on getting through the holidays, and I like the suggestion of eating a lean protein BEFORE parties so you're not starving and filling up on party food. Also, if it's your place, you can control a lot of what food is served. I really hope they don't trash your house!!

    @Meag, I can tell that you're really frustrated and stressing out about upcoming bad food pressures. There is such an emphasis on social eating in our society (which I love to do, but I know that it's hard to align it with healthy living). I think that you've already proved that you can get through these sorts of situations with your great work during your vacation earlier this month. I'm so happy for you that your boy is so supportive of your healthy lifestyle. And I agree that making the bday cake with him would be adorable (especially with matching aprons :laugh: ) If worse comes to worse and you don't feel like you can politely refuse a piece of cake, just take a bite or two and put the rest on your boys plate - he probably won't mind! Glad to see that your day turned around :smile:

    @Guam, good luck on the run tonight. Let us know how it goes! It's a great idea to find an alternative workout for days that you just can't make it to the gym. I've used an online yoga video before. The only problem with that is when my computer goes to screensaver mode while I'm all tangled up!!

    QOTD (accessory): I have to say scarves. Wide, warm, soft, colorful scarves. I love them. I'm so happy every fall when it gets cool enough to wear them again. And I have so many because my family and friends know that I love them and give me MORE as gifts. What a vicious cycle :happy:
  • Roobean33
    Happy Friday! It's 12:10am here. :)

    Emmy - H2O intake is much better, although still needs improvement...but moving in the right direction. :-)

    TJradd - Wow, crazy what a difference a day makes...congrats on your loss! Keep it up!

    Meag - Good luck this week. Take control of what you can. For the things you can't control, try not to let them ruin the experience. This is such a tough time of year and you are doing great!!!

    Guam - Wow, how frustrating. I hope you got your run!

    Stuartme - You are too cute! "in the spirit of true honesty" made me giggle. You were right, I didn't know what a Giant's Ladder was.

    Finn- Only ran 2X this week. And I still stink at it. ;-) Hope it's going better for you.

    WI for me tomorrow. Thinking a maintain/minor gain. I went over my calories twice this week, and even my gym workouts were only so-so this week. I'm not going to freak out. I going to accept the #, and focus on next week.

    So much going on this upcoming week. My best friend is having her birthday party tomorrow. It actually feels more like a college reunion, since she invites EVERYONE we may have ever known. I am looking forward to getting all cute. I pretty much am always in workout clothes or scrubs.
    Working Mon-Wed. Thanksgiving in NJ with my husband's family. Then back to PA to work Friday. Then leaving after work Friday to CT to spend the weekend with my family. Celebrating Thanksgiving #2 and then my brother's 21st birthday, and my youngest brother's 7th birthday. That's 2 birthday cakes and 2 pumpkin pies to contend with.

    I'm going to try and eat in moderation, log what I eat. Exercise everyday. I'm going to splurge on pumpkin pie. I'm going over my sodium to eat stuffing. BUT, everything I eat will be a informed decision. I'll log it before I eat it so there can be no regrets.

    Anyway, hope all you ladies have an awesome weekend planned! Good luck and enjoy your Thanksgivings!!!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Well it's 3:45am EST, and I've been up since 8am. So this could be a bit incoherent... Let's see!

    Guam - If you are wanting to try running but feel like you don't know where to start, try the Couch to 5K (C25K) program available totally for *free* online! Many, many of my MFP friends swear by it and I know that loads of people have had success with it, including Melissa (correct me if I am wrong here) :smile: And from what I remember, there are several ladies in the group here working through the program as well. Really a wonderful way to ease yourself into running and feel accomplished after every single run. I haven't done the program myself but I have heard about the results and they are truly brilliant. Just my $0.02. When I started running I absolutely hated it and I never thought I'd be able to run more than 200 meters or so (the max I could run before walking when I started in March 2010) -- You really will surprise yourself :happy:

    Thank yous to EVERYONE who wrote supportive messages to me wrt my rant earlier. I feel like a bit of a baby now for having totally lost it on the board, but thankfully I know you guys are super understanding and sweet and totally bad *kitten* so I don't feel too embarrassed. I am just going to do what I can and see how the scale treats me on Monday. Tomorrow I am going to kick my own *kitten* with circuits and push-ups and whatever else I can manage and try to eat well. One day at a time! I really do appreciate having a place to vent a little, even if I sound totally mad to the rest of the world. :heart: you guys!

    Melissa - Is that a full training program with music and cues? My only phone/music device is an Android and I'll have to ask the boy to d/l it for me, assuming it's compatible with what I have. I'll check it out tomorrow and get back to you! I've been researching some training programs for Jan and found about 6 that look amenable to my running needs... I can't do anything that is purely timed intervals because I don't keep a watch on me and I run outside, so distance and time are mostly guess work until I get home and check my Android running app. Here are the programs I have found:,7120,s6-238-244--6851-2-2X5X8-4,00.html

    Take a look and let me know what you think! I am willing to take up whichever program we all can agree on. Pretty flexible :) YOU TOO GONKS! :drinker: Yay so, so exciting!!!

    Cait - You're safe for now, girl :wink: Just so long as you stick around and keep me motivated hahaha! Jk!

    OK well I better get going. We ate out for dinner tonight but I tried to be as healthy as possible with my choices. No idea how to log what I had so I just grabbed the item in the database that seemed most appropriate. We had burritos but I got mine without rice or cheese, WW wrap, and went super light on sauces. Mostly just veggies and chicken. Good enough!

    On the menu for tomorrow - Pumpkin Protein Pancakes for breakfast! :bigsmile: I'll be posting the recipe for all those who LOVE all things pumpkin, like myself! hehe
    Keep up the good work everyone! Hope you sleep well and HAPPY FRIDAY!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    stuart- i know how it is feeling like you could always do better!! you seem to be doing great though even though you aren't at the gym everyday!! just keep eating right and get in as many workouts as you can and the scale will change!!

    Roo-thanks so day seems to make a huge diff for me!!! good luck on your weigh-in tomorrow!!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Hey ladies... so I maintained this week. Exactly a 0.0lb loss. I am not as upset as I thought I would be. I just have to be honest with myself and say I wasnt as active as I have been in terms of exercise. I was more active in my daily life: stress with the truck breaking down, working longer hours, stress at work, still getting over being sick, etc etc. But I really only exercised one day and one walk in to work. So my body just didnt want to lose and I had some not so great eating days. Nothing awful always within 100 under or over my calories but not always great food choices in there.

    Anyway, I just have to turn this into motivation to get back on the exercise wagon this week. Having one car between us is going to be tough, but I am just going to have to figure out a way to make it work for getting to the gym.

    TJ- would love to do an exercise challenge

    Roo- sorry bud I only ran once this week and it was not great either

    Today is certainly a new day!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Cait-alright girl...get ready for that challenge!! Does starting on Wednesday work for you...cuz that is when I am starting my next food challenge!!!???

    As for me...I weighed-in again today...down another 1.8lbs!!! so currently 4.8 out of my 9.6 for the month lost!! Yah!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Cait-alright girl...get ready for that challenge!! Does starting on Wednesday work for you...cuz that is when I am starting my next food challenge!!!???

    Works for me!!!! And WOWEEE on more WL this week. keep up the GREAT work :)