Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties! - November Challenge



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    QOTD - You have GOT to be kidding me Aly!! :tongue: Ice cream is all I ever think about... haha I'd have to say PC Candy Cane with Chocolate Fudge Crackle pieces, probably, but I think that's just because it's in season. Otherwise I usually LOVE the Chapman's Premium Frozen Yogurt (MacNut - so good and sweet!!) or ANYTHING with peanut butter in it. President's Choice makes another called "Loads of Peanut Butter Treats" ... Holy smokes, that is one rich and freaking delicious ice cream. I can barely even eat it without feeling sick but it's totally worth the stomach ache! haha I think PC may only be a Canadian brand though, so you guys are really missing out!!

    Don't forget about mint choc chip... Love that old staple. Oh and Marble Slab makes an awesome Cheesecake ice cream that I used to get mixed with raspberries and graham crackers in my past life -- Have I mentioned that I really love ice cream? :blushing: It's not a wonder I was 190lbs! Thank goodness for having developed some self-control.

    OK enough about ice cream! This is driving me mad...

    Shopping trip was AWESOME but so, so long and I am happy to be home. Left at 9am, got to Niagara around 10:30 and went outlet shopping for a few hours. Bought a few *really* cute sweaters/cardigans that the heavier me could have never pulled off. I have never felt comfy in pull-over (non-hoodie/zip-up) sweaters because I always had a pudgy mid-section and felt really exposed. It was nice to buy size XS at The Gap and actually feel good wearing them! I still have some pudge (despite being an XS, I know I sound like a mental case but it's mostly just loose skin) but I am ok with being imperfect now! Such a great NSV for me :happy: I never thought I'd be able to pick out whatever I want to wear and actually look GOOD in it! Being too small for a sweater or shirt is now my biggest issue (at stores where sizes are quite generous) - and it's one that I am more than happy to deal with! I also found a sweet pair of running tights for the cold weather months at the Under Armour outlet which made me insanely happy! 54$ instead of 100-120$ in Canada-- you betchya!

    Anyway, I tried to eat well all day. Ended up having Subway for lunch, which was alright. Kind of a sh*tty option but it was the only half-decent choice where we were. Better than other fast food. And at least I know the nutritional contents. Had sooo much coffee and ended up snacking on a HUGE apple and Popchips in the car. But generally a decent eating day, all things considered.

    Really love shopping trips like this one... They remind me of how far I have come in my health and fitness journey, and I ended up having a really productive conversation with my mom about healthy eating and how hard it is for me to navigate eating with our family some days. It seems that conceptually in our family and in society generally moderation and denial are so often confused -- I regularly dismiss certain foods that I don't like or don't want to eat for health reasons, in exchange for other foods that I prefer (ex. rice for a bed of spinach). This is now regularly misunderstood as me being a diet-freak (although I have never eaten rice in the past b/c I don't like it) and met with comments like "Oh come on Meag, you're thin now, you can have the rice..." This is annoying for a few reasons:

    1) I certainly don't need anyone's permission to eat whatever the *kitten* I want. I am an adult. And I have control over what I put in my mouth. If I didn't, I'd be 400lbs.
    2) It's absurd that any preference of a healthy food over something else (not that rice is inherently unhealthy) is PURELY for weight-loss purposes. I happen to really *like* spinach! I eat it every day. And I happen to really *not like* rice. Deal with it.
    3) Being healthy makes me feel good. Eating high cal/high fat food makes me feel nauseous and bloated. It's not much of a "treat" if you feel sick after the fact, is it?

    Anyway I tried once again to explain this as politely as possible and I think it may have actually gotten through. I know that my family finds my eating habits inconvenient, mainly because I do a lot of the cooking and they are subjected to healthy foods they wouldn't normally choose. Also because I normally turn down their invitations to eat out, since I would rather eat in, enjoy my food and avoid feeling guilty afterward. I am just tired of feeling like I should be the one to constantly compromise to make them happy... Hope this has cleared up some of the issue b/c I am done with feeling like I always need to accommodate everyone!

    END RANT... Sorry I am so rant-y these days. TOM. Things will be back to normal in a few days hahahah!

    Liz - Amazing weight-loss! You must be soooo happy! So close to 30lbs too - I hope you find a really great treat for yourself once you reach your goal :happy:
    Melissa - Speedy run, girl! :noway: The rain certainly doesn't make me run any faster... Just makes me cranky and wet! haha I'm impressed with your dedication!!
    Guam - Wooot! Glad to hear you are having a FAB day! Keep it up :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:
    Aly - I know I already said this but seriously -- GREAT JOB ON YOUR HALF!!! I am SO proud of you :bigsmile: And you look gorgeous in your new pic. Woot!
    Roo - PB every day sounds like an awesome plan :laugh: Try nuts, healthy oils, avocados, eggs and other higher fat/protein foods. I have been aiming to increase my fat/protein lately and it certainly is changing how I feel! My mood is improved (despite the ranting lately) from lowering my carbs and sugars and my skin feels and looks better. Good luck!
    Tai - So right about my friends and VERY happy to have you ladies and all the support here :bigsmile: Really makes a world of difference!

    OK This is thesis-sized. Sincerely apologize!! Love you guys and thanks for reading. :heart:
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Meag glad you had fun on your shopping trip and XS!!!!! what an accomplishment!!!!! It has been a long time since I have enjoyed shopping...people don't understand that when you are not happy in your own skin it affects EVERYTHING around you!!! That's why I say, "Healthy body, healthy mind!" I firmly believe that with my dedication to my health makeover I have changed not only on the outside BUT on the inside as well!!! I am a better daughter, wife, teacher, and most of all mother! I want to be an inspiration and role model for my two beautiful daughters and I love to hear them say I want to be a runner like you Mommy!!! or trying to "lift" weights or do the sit-ups right along with me (on those days I do more laughing at how funny they are then actual working out but it's worth it!!!)

    I actually had one friend that I work with sign up for a 5K with me this coming May...she has never run and is going to start C25K...another friend from HS emailed me and asked me to run a 10 mile race this coming excited to have a postive impact on people!!!

    Not only are we making a difference in our own lives but what we do also inspires and motivates others!!! GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!!! Be proud of your big accomplishments and the little hurdles!!!!! Celebrate it ALL:flowerforyou:

    Thanks for being my support and motivation!!!!:heart:
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    hello my kick *kitten* in our twenties friends. it is so great that I can come read this suuper awesome thread!

    so I'm home sick as some of y'all have experienced lately. I have not worked out since last Thursday and it is KILLING ME! I feel like a total sloth, but I need to take my own advice and get better before I get back to the gym. None the less I really feel like I'm falling behind in my goals =(.

    Still keeping track of my calories which is good because just chugging orange juice racks up the calories!! (didn't realize how many until MFP).

    Also, battled a birthday party at work last night (which is basically just junk food sitting out ALL NIGHT LONG!). Ate a piece of birthday cake because I could fit it into my calories and after my oatmeal with almonds and blueberries (YUM!!) had one serving of cheetos (instead of eating a whole plate full like I used to). After I left work basically felt like I was going to die on the way home so I called into work tonight. Starting to feel better after sleeping A LOT! Hopefully that trend will continue into tomorrow. Hopefully the worst has past??

    Looking forward to chatting it up with you gurls soon and being able to say that I'm feeling much better!! =D

    QOTD Gonk- I'm with you. The more chocolates in the name the betterrr...mmm. Death by Chocolate, Chocolate Fudge Brownie, Triple Chocolate Fudge.... the list goes on and on.
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    Hey girlies=]

    What a miserable wet and windy day we are having here in Wales=[ Hope it's prettier where you are!!! Went for my swim yesterday=] Yaaaaay I'm back on the wagon!!! Although doing 30 day shred on tuesday and then swimming last night has got my muscles soooo tight. Has anyone else experienced this amount of muscle pain when starting exercise for the first time in a long time???

    Me and the boy are having a few problems at the moment.... don't wanna bore you too much with the details but I'm worried that we are just too different to ever completely work out. Maybe I'm just having a bit of a crazy few days and I need to vent but whenever he suggests we do something, it's like he's only ever thinking about his preferences and doesn't consider that I may not be interested in something like that. Sorry if that doesn't make any sense to any of you but I'm just trying to express myself and whenever I do, words always come out muddled!!

    But anyway I'm on track for a great week. I'm gonna push through the muscle tightness and do another 30 Day Shred today. I'm gonna take your advice Melissa and alternate it with my swims to get the best results out of my body.

    inskydiamonds- Way to go on your loss!! You'll hit that big 3-0 any day now=]

    Roo- I have been crap keeping up with my water intake recently too!! I have a big 2 litre bottle of water in my fridge which I was trying to drink every day and then fill back up, but recently I've been completely ignoring it!!! I'm gonna try and focus on getting enough water this week especially since I'm planning on doing so much exercise.

    Guam or Bethany=]- Glad your day was filled with sunshine.... even if it was just because you were delirious from lack of sleep=]

    QOTD- ICE CREAAAAAM!!! oh yum. wish you hadn't mentioned it because now i desperately want some!!!

    I love anything chocolatey and marshmallowy=] Ben and Jerry's Phish Food, Rocky Road, Haagen Daaz do this amazing Bailey's ice cream. Absolutely anything whcih is rich and chocolately is my fave=]

    Meag- I am soooooo glad you had a successful shopping trip!!! I cannot wait until I am a size where I can just walk into a shop see something I like, try it on and it fits as its meant to!!! At the moment I am avoiding shops like the plague (which is hard since I work in a department store!!!haha) because I know if I try something on I will be disappointed with how it fits!! I don't want to buy any new clothes until I'm at least 40lbs down=]
    I always feel sorry that you have so many people in your life who don't understand your eating habits. I totally agree that after my treat days I feel bloated and sluggish so how can it be called a treat day. I just need to adopt that mentality before I put the food in my mouth! because as soon as the taste is there I forget all about the following feelings of yuckiness and just devour the bad food I should be avoiding!!! Stick to your guns Meag and everyone will soon understand that your healthy lifestyle is around for good!!!

    Rai- I hope you feel better soon. Don't worry about those calories in your orange juice.... the vitamin c overrules the calories=] I'm sure you aren't falling to far behind your goals, and the sooner your better the sooner you can catch up with them=]

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday lovelies=]

    :heart: Emmy
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    P.S. Tai- I forgot about your idea of posting stats:

    emmyworthy(Emily but Emmy for short)- 21, Swansea, Wales, Great Britain.
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Hi! I lost 1.5 pds so I weigh 184.5! Yay! My goal is to weigh 182 by Dec 1 but I turn 30 this Sunday so I'll try to eat as healthy as possible this weekend!

    Have a good Wednesday!

  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    woot! great job laura!!

    feeling better now. still coughing like crazy, but i now feel like i have a normal cold instead of a super mega cold. slept so much that I'm starting to wonder if I'll be able to sleep today so I can go into work tonight. woke up HUNGRY so had trouble not eating everything I looked at... only ate half of everything I looked at haha. will try to head back to bed soooon.

    Emmy - congrats on jumping back on the wagon! you only fail if you give up girl! Way2go! Sry about your relationship. Take some time to think it through and make the best decision. Relationships are hard!!!
  • cruan
    cruan Posts: 13
    Good morning!! Hope everyone's having a good week. Today was my weigh in and I'm down 2.4 lbs!! :bigsmile: Soooo excited!! Total I've lost 7 lbs, almost to my first 10, I can't wait for that! Zumba comes out tomorrow as a video game and I can't wait to be done with school so I can go buy it. I'd rather look like a fool dancing in my house than with 30 other women, I don't have any rhythm!! lol

    It's time for me to get ready for school, I'll be back tonight to catch up!

    Have a great day!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Emmy - It's great to hear you are back on track with your workouts. Sounds like you are working hard and your muscles are letting you know! The tightness is normal... I still get that when I workout, even the same circuit training I've been doing for weeks/months now. It's just your muscles recovering -- So long as you can still function I wouldn't worry too much about it. Lots of stretching and a nice hot bath are always good ways to relax and ease the tension. Make sure you cool-down after your workouts too... 10-15 mins walking at 3.0 or 3.5mph should do the trick. If you work really hard for 30 mins and then just stop cold your muscles can tense up pretty badly. And the extra walk is never a bad thing, right? hehe Sorry to hear about your boy-troubles, sweetie. As Rai said - relationships are hard! Just do what is ultimately best for you and what makes you happiest - if you feel like your preferences aren't being considered or accommodated then you should let him know. Relationships should be give and take and if you feel like you're the one always "giving" it can be very draining... Good luck <<hugs>> Private message me any time if you like :D I'm always lurking around somewhere!

    Lauratx2 - Great loss, girl! What are you doing to keep the pounds coming off? Haven't heard from you in a while! :happy:

    Cruan - Awesome! 2.4lbs is mega :drinker: Getting darn close to that double digit!! Zumba video game is news to me - For which system? Sounds like it could be lots of fun! Let us know what you think :wink:

    Alright, I am going to totally punish myself today. W3D2 push-ups, 3X circuit training that I missed yesterday and a few miles logged in my new gear. I am way too psyched about it NOT to run today! hehe I am also making low-cal pumpkin cupcakes *gasp* with a box mix cake. Completely out of the ordinary for me since I love making things completely from scratch but I want to try them and I know they will go over super well with the family. Randomly baking things reminds them that I am changing my lifestyle and can have ONE cupcake without having to completely fall off the bandwagon -- this change is for good!

    Oh and Emmy thank you for the supportive words :happy: It's so nice that you ladies understand where I am coming from. I have worked SO hard and it can be really discouraging that so many people in my life cannot understand or support my choices, even after more than a year of healthy living. 40lbs down and a major shopping spree is in your not-so-distant future! Just keep chipping away at it and you'll get there.

    To everyone: IT'S SO WORTH IT -- If you ever need a reminder, let me know! XOXO
    Meag :heart:
  • tai_88
    tai_88 Posts: 23
    Morning all!:happy: Hump day for me... and I don't feel like working.

    So last night I had a really good work out. I started the 100 push up challenge, W1D1 = 2+3+2+2+9=18; which is not bad considering that I haven’t done any pushups in months. Though not necessarily good considering I need to do 17 straight to pass my physical fitness test. Did I tell you guys I'm in the Army? Well the Reserves and I have been slacking between my camp in July and basically the end of October. Need to back in the swing of things for my camp next year.

    I also did the C25K W5D1. I managed to keep my 1/2 miles pretty consistent - 4:20; 4:30 & 4:50. My legs were feeling a little jelly from my lunges the day before; really showed me the importance of rest days.

    I have also lost another 1/2in from my waist. So pretty excited about that!:bigsmile:

    @Aly – I love your new picture. So cute!:flowerforyou:

    @Meag – WOW… you REALLY like ice cream, though who can blame you. Congrats on the new clothes, you must be so excited with an XS. Gosh! Don’t feel guilty for your rants. That’s why this is so good… because honestly if we don’t want to listen we can just skip over the parts with !!! and *&@$ etc. (Not that we would :smile:)
    Oh what does NSV stand for?:blushing:

    @Diamonds – OMG I am so happy for your 30 being so close… I’ll have to find some way to put balloons and streamers on the page when you hit it! I really miss BK. I used to get the original chicken sandwich with cheese. Just thinking about it make me hungry!

    @Rai- Sorry you are feeling sick. Tis the season! Just sleep it off and I’m sure you will feel better soon!

    @Emmy – I have some friends from Wales. Actually she went to Cardiff I think. Sorry you are stiff, it will go away eventually. I like to think of it as shocking my body into submission! And boy issues… sorry you are going through a rough patch. Honesty is always the best policy. You need to try and address the issues with him and then go from there. Honestly boys can be so senseless sometimes.

    @Laura – Congrats on your loss. Hope you have a great birthday on Sunday!

    @Ruan – Congrats on the loss, always good when you see the next milestone right ahead! Way to Go!

    @Roo – Hope you are feeling better today!

    Has anyone else realized that half the people on here are experiencing TOM this week. Look how close we are already. j/k!

    QOTD (Tuesday) – Generally I’m pretty simple. I love French vanilla or rainbow sherbet. Though if I’m feeling wild, I love to get the strawberry cheesecake blizzard from Dairy Queen.

    That’s all for me right now… Enjoy your Wednesday!:smile:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Everyone, I just spent some time looking at everyone's recent posts and it is great to see everyone doing great. Meag! Good job on the shopping at Gap! I love Gap! I was so excited when I fit into a Medium there hehe. Congrats everyone on your losses...

    For me :( I feel like I am fighting an uphill battle. I am working so hard on my food changes, and I exercise a lot and I have been checking the scale the past few days and it is saying up almost 1.5lbs :( I am not sure why this is happening but it is bumming me out. I am not going to tell my bf about it because he gets sad when I am sad. It makes me want to eat everything I have been giving up. Why is my body having such a hard time getting below 170??? I was just thinking how I felt like my stomach was looking smaller. I took a picture, I plan to do measurements tomorrow night if I have time. I just don't know what to do about this. I am working hard on losing weight and it is not happening. O well I am going to email my nutritionist and see what is going on. Have a good day everyone. Sorry for the Pity Party.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    inskydiamonds-CONGRATS on your loss

    QOTD-ben and jerrys lite phish food

    kat-i def feelya...sometimes i feel like the damn scale never moves the way i want it to!

    tai-WTG on the push-up challenge! i am loving that challenge!

    cruan0 that is sucha great loss!! keep up the good work!

    rai-feel better :)

    as for me...just got done with work so i will be weighing in when i get up, and unfortunately i don't have a great feeling about it :( i know that i did everything great this week and so i am not too stressed but i was really hoping for some sort of loss this week! wish me luck!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Tai - NSV = Non-scale victory! I don't measure myself (because I'm too uncoordinated to do it) and so clothes + fitness goals are my main source of success! Especially since I am nearing my goal weight :happy: Thanks for reading and being understanding. Love this thread. What would I do without it! Awesome about joining the push-up challenge! I am on W3D2 today and Holy. Hell. SO HARD! but worth it! My progress is pretty substantial already. So keep up the good work - And super neat about being in the Army. Who knew we had a member of the US Military on our boards! Anyone else in the Military?

    Aly - Not sure what to say :ohwell: I can completely understand being bummed out! You're so healthy + fit, it must be incredibly frustrating that you can't get down to a weight that makes you happy. Take your measurements tomorrow and get back to us. You never know. Hope you're feeling better about it tomorrow <<hugs>> you are doing SO fabulous with your other goals, it's a real bummer that this is keeping you down.

    My cupcakes just came out of the oven and they smell awesome! I added egg whites to bump up the protein. I'll let you all know if they are any good!!
    Have a great day :flowerforyou:
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    Laura- congrats on your loss!!! Even with your birthday celebrations I'm sure you'll reach 182 by Dec 1st!!! Just make good choices and you'll be fine=] If you want to drink alcohol stick to vodka or gin and slimline tonic! only 50 calories per glass=] Sending you early birthday wishes=]

    Rai- Glad yo're feeling slightly better=] Sleep is definitely my friend when I'm feeling fluey so I'm glad you've been able to catch up on some zzzzzz's=]

    Cruan- WAY TO GO!! 2.4lbs is amaaaazing! Video game Zumba sounds fun=] I've never tried Zumba at all but I really want to! I'm just totally uncoordinated so don't want to embarrass myself!!haha!!

    Meag- Thanks so much for your supportive words. I've spoken to the boy since this morning and things seem to be a little better. We both apologised and hopefully things will be okay by the time he gets home from work=] And I wish wish wish I could jump in the bath right now but unfortunately my flat only came with a shower=[ stupid landlord obviously didn't consider that he would be renting to a bath lover!! Glad you're cupcakes turned out good...... they sound yummy although I'm still a bit on the fence about pumpkin in baking!!! hahaha!!

    Tai- thanks for your words of support too=] You are totally right that boys are senseless. And stupid. And annoying!!! hahah!!
    I'm actually from Cardiff myself but I live in Swansea for University. Good luck with your training... can't imagine having to be fit enough to be in the army!!!

    Aly- Sorry you're not feeling great about yourself!! I'm pretty sure everyone experiences a plateau at some point and as long as you stick at it you'll get through and carry on losing the weight=] I know you can push through=]

    Tara- Good Luck with your weigh-in!!! Hopefully you get the loss you're after=]

    As for me..... I've just finished my second bout of 30 Day shred!!! Had the day off yesterday because I went swimming instead!! And although my thighs are still really stiff I managed to keep up okay and I think I'm actually starting to understand what people mean when they talk about endorphins!!! I've never believed in them before but doing that DVD I get past a certain point and I feel light as a feather because I am actually doing what I dreamed I could=]

    Keep it up everyone!!! We are making this month a month to remember=]

    :heart: Emmy
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Lunch one of parent teacher conferences...half the teachers just left to go grab fast food...I packed myself lunch! Very proud!!!!

    Lost another 0.5 pounds this week. Very happy to be down to 124 lbs. Thinking I might lose the last 4 lbs. and then start to maintain! Love that my clothes are getting loose again BUT the wallet doesn't like it (neither does the hubby!!!)...
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Melissa- You are on fire! Good for you!

    Emmy- Good to see that you are seeing results in the workouts! These are necessary times to focus on progress rather than numbers.

    Meag- What I would do for a cupcake right now! My work is having their november birthday celebration today and I am debating about indulging or not. I know I am not supposed to but I am feeling so crappy right now, not sure what to do- Any help would be great.

    tjradd- Don't worry to much about the scale. We all know that the scale is an evil B*tch sometimes! hehe You have been doing great this week and that is what matters the most.

    Feeling and looking healthy is what it is all about. I know that I do not look as big as I did even a month ago. Even if the scale is not showing it. I recently started my Triathlon training and I know that I am building muscle back up. I am wondering if I need to eat more food or something. I am debating about counting but my nutritionist has advised against it. I am trying to not feel lost, not to mention my TOTM is coming up this weekend, so I am extra emotional right now. Thanks for all the support guys, you are always here when I really need it. Does anyone have any ideas for what I should do to see the scale go back down? I am feeling at a loss.

    QOTD- If you could travel to any where in the world where would it be?

    This is a hard one because I want to see everything! I would love to go to India, and China to see all the beautiful spiritual places. I also still want to travel through Europe. One day I will go to all the places I dream of.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    QOTD: GREECE. In 8th grade my world hist teacher told us about glass bottom boats to Crete from the mainland. It's been a life goal ever since

    Aly- if TOM is upon you, chances are thats exactly why you are retaining weight. Do you know that when pushed to extremes your body can retain as much as 8 lbs of water then (very atypical but it happens). I think your nutritionist is right - stay away from the counting. I still think the scale is being a little harsh at you- why not try something like this?
    I'm sure at your nutritionist you get a more accurate body fat reading, but this isn't a terrible estimator and allows you to get the kind of "number satisfaction" that you get from a scale but based more on your measurements.

    Also- isn't triathalon training kind of intense? Maybe workout wise you are pushing your body too far for it to get a chance to lose any weight even though it is getting healthier overall.

    Emmy- Glad to hear the boy things are clearing up a bit. WTG on getting your workouts in- if your muscles are tight try to work in a day or two a week that is devoted to stretching rather than straight up working out. You'd be surprised what a difference it makes, both in how your muscles feel and in your mental rechage-ness.

    Tara- can't wait for your update girl! You are gonna rock it!

    Everyone else- y'all move too fast for me to keep up with. WTG everyone.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Morning ladies and Happy Hump Day!! :bigsmile:

    Meag - I have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed your rant and couldn't agree with you more!!:drinker: I really wish that I had friends that I could go through this with (besides you lovely ladies of course)!! I can't wait to hear how you like the pumpkin cupcakes. I was going to make those last night too but I was so tired from not getting enough sleep the night before that I just didn't have the energy. I am gonna try and get them done tonight.

    Melissa - I wish I had someone that would sign up for a 5K with me. I don't necessarily need them to run next to me during the race but just knowing that I had someone there with me would make a world of difference. During the MLB all-star weekend, I decided to do the one mile fun run so that I could take my kids along. It was just my kids and I but I wish I would have had someone there with me. Hopefully I will be able to find someone to go with my by the time I sign up. And great job preparing for lunch...and dinner today!! I find that when I take the time to prepare, my days goes so much smoother.

    Rai - Glad to hear that you are feeling a little better. Hopefully work won't be so hard tonight after your day of rest, relaxation, and tons of Vitamin C. And great job controlling yourself with the Cheetos. I ended up binging on ice cream last night. I really wish my family woldn't keep that stuff around. Most days I can avoid it but last night didn't go so well! :devil:

    Emmy - sorry to hear about the boy troubles but glad that you guys were able to talk things through and hopefully he just needed to have his eyes opened to the situation. I am sure a bath would have been great after that, as well as your amazing workouts. I love baths too but am not a fan of the one I have. I am determined that in my house (when I am able to finally buy one) I will have a jacuzzi bath tub. Oh how I long for that day!! :love:

    Laura - Congrats on your loss!! And happy early birthday!! :flowerforyou: I hope you take the time to fully enjoy your birthday and hopefully subconsciously you will make healthier decisiosn.

    Crystal - Congrats on the loss!! I haven't had a chance to try Zumba just yet. But I have taken hip hop classes and another dance class in the past. I love me some classes. Hopefully I will get a chance to try Zumba tomorrow cause I really need to get some exercise in this week!! :grumble:

    Aly - perhaps you should just make a vow to stay away from the scale for a few days...or even a few weeks!! The important thing is that you are looking and feeling better! I finally formatted my before pictures so I might just post those on the thread tonight when I get home. I am not even close to after pictures but maybe I will have someone take some current pictures of me. And hopefully there will be some change. :huh:

    Tara - good luck with your weigh in today!! Mine is tomorrow and I know it will be good after binging last night. But those are the consequences that I have to face for my actions!! Keep your head up though and keep us updated!! :flowerforyou:

    Tai - thank you for your service!! :happy: I think back now and wish that I would gotten my act together and gone into the Air Force. But now that I am a single mom of 2 kids, I don't know that I could do any type of service work. I also need to buckle down and take my measurements. I keep saying that I am gonna do it but I need to stop procrastinating!! :grumble:

    QOTD - I love to travel!! But haven't hardly gotten a chance to travel since I have had my kids. My goal at one point in my life was to travel to all 50 states before I turned 50. I could still make it happen but I am not pushing it either. I would love to travel to Guam again. I also want to see Europe...and just about all of it!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Aly - I LOVE the Gap! Honestly... about 75% of my clothing comes from the Gap and it's the ONLY place I can find pants or jeans that are long enough for my legs (34inch inseam on this 5'7" frame- I am literally ALL leg). The sweaters are SO cute I want to scream. I am so pathetic about it sometimes... haha! The Gap Outlet store in Niagara is probably my happiest place on earth.

    So... QOTD - South/Central America - Venezuela, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Peru... The old culture and endless hiking/outdoorsy potential + the incredible coffee makes it a hands down winner. I'd LOVE to take a few months to back-pack there... Possibly work and vacation. Who knows. I am young and maybe some day I'll be able to afford it. Until then I will settle for a week-long vacay in Mexico - Pretty awesome coffee there as well! Wishing I could go this year but I doubt it's in the cards. Saving for next winter for sure!

    I think I should give up baking all together. I always try to make things as low-cal and low-fat as possible and they never taste like real baked goods. They just taste low-fat and mediocre. These cupcakes smelled AMAZING but the texture was off. Nothing like cupcakes at all. Not worth the 99 calories at all. LAME!

    Aly, if you are eating b/c you feel sh*tty then stop. If you are treating yourself because you can fit it into your cals and you really want something, then choose wisely and eat in moderation! Have one or two small treat items (find someone to share with so you can try more and have less hehe) and have a healthy lunch and dinner. No harm, no foul. Your diet seems extremely regimented and you definitely have to leave room for some treats and sweet stuff now and again. Can't be perfect 100% of the time! Good luck and if you feel like you can't cope with it, try to just stay away from the treats all together and find a mental happy place. Have some tea and steer clear of the kitchen. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon <3

  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    I've got A LOT of catching up to do with you gals. I tried to do it last night, but I fell asleep on the couch (with my computer on my lap!) I'm really suffering from a lack of energy lately. I've been trying to wake up early because I'm much more productive in the morning - and it was working for a few weeks - but for the past few days I've barely been able to force myself out of bed, even if I have enough sleep. It's SOOO inconvenient!! What is up?? Sorry, was not planning on starting this post off with a vent.

    I've got to leave for Rockclimbing soon, but I promise I'll be less selfish in my next post!

    QOTD (yesterday): Favorite ice cream?? Mint ANYthing :bigsmile: Right now I have some mint chocolate brownie - oh yeah, that stuff is good! LOVE peppermint stick when it's in season, too.

    QOTD (today): One word: EVERYWHERE! For academic reasons, I want to travel to the DR Congo. Yeah, it's a war zone - but I wouldn't really be traveling there as a tourist anyway. It's the case study of my thesis and I've been studying it and advocating for it for 3 years now. I've learned about, taught about and supported an organization in DC that works with women victims of war there (and elsewhere around the world) and by this point the country just means so much to me. As a TOURIST, I want to go to first to Turkey, then anywhere and everywhere else I can think of. Some Egypt, some India, some South Africa - and maybe Europe if I have time. And Central America/Caribbean Islands. Meag, Costa Rica was so much fun. A few friends and I went hostel hopping through there two summers ago: tons of hiking, interesting tours, ropes course through the rain forest - you would love it! I'm almost out of the coffee I bought there and it's the most depressing thing ever!

    Catch up with you all later! :smile: