Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties! - November Challenge



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Melissa - Hahah i'm on that thread ALL the time... Actually I have chicken breast, salsa, onions, peppers and jalapenos in the crock pot as we speak! :happy: Cooking for tomorrow's dinner since I won't be home during the day.

    The farthest I have run thus far is about 6 1/2 miles as well, so I think we're at about the same level of endurance and speed. Hoping to start training slow and long for a Half in January (Half is in May). I want to give myself ample time to prepare. I was thinking that since most training programs are anywhere from 9-18 weeks, I might double up every week to progress through the training program more slowly, hoping to see marked improvements in my time and speed as I work up to 13.1 miles. Not sure what you guys had in mind, or if this seems like too much training, but I am on board for any constructive criticism or other ideas :smile: For me the training is more about the progress and the journey toward the Half than just getting ready and getting it done. I have been so pleased with my progress using the Higdon 10k program -- It's really a great feeling to finish every week and know you're doing better, running farther, and getting faster.

    Let me know what you think - You too, Gonks!
    No worries about the Warrior Dash, Melissa - I'll be going with the boy if we have the time and money. Probably NY but we may go for Ohio if it's easier and cheaper (unless of course I have some MFP friends running in NY :glasses:)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    This thread is just moving right along!! So good to see everyone so involved. I took the day off work so I was not able to do a question of the day earlier but I have one for you today don't worry.

    Seripha- Glad to see another person on the challenge! We love new comers!!

    Meag and Gonks- You will be surprised how easily your body responds to longer runs, even when you get to 10 and 11 miles. The muscle memory from your shorter runs help a lot. I used hal Higdons half marathon schedule but I was not too impressed. It seemed like too many days of running.

    Tai- I would say stay away from the scale as much as possible, if you need to check your weight weekly for sanity sake write it down next to your measurements. Make your measurements the focus instead of the scale number. I know it is hard but IT is a hard lesson to learn that muscle weighs more than fat and when you have more muscle you don't see the scale go down as much.

    I had a very relaxing day today I got a massage and shopped a bit. I am so glad i took the day off. The massage was great after doing my half marathon yesterday. Now I am slightly exhausted so I might lay down and read for a little bit. Did good on food today. I checked the scale today and to not surprise it was up. I know my body holds onto water after a big workout so I am sure that is what is happening after running for almost 3 hours yesterday. Good luck to everyone and have a great day!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Whoops forgot the QOTD!!

    What do you do to relax? (besides working out)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I'm at about 5 miles (that's the long run planned this week), so I am a little behind you guys.

    I think doubling up weeks makes sense- the Hal Higdon plan also urges that, if you have time, work in short mileage weeks if they arent already incorporated in the plan. I definitely think that spending multiple weeks on each scheduled week of whichever program we settle on is a smart way to go.

    I'm pretty copacetic when it comes to training- I'm always following one of some kind so there's really no such thing as "too much" training. The only thing- I have a hard time doing any run incriments that are metric (stupid american city blocks in .25 mi splits). But I can be flexible.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I'm at about 5 miles (that's the long run planned this week), so I am a little behind you guys.

    I think doubling up weeks makes sense- the Hal Higdon plan also urges that, if you have time, work in short mileage weeks if they arent already incorporated in the plan. I definitely think that spending multiple weeks on each scheduled week of whichever program we settle on is a smart way to go.

    I'm pretty copacetic when it comes to training- I'm always following one of some kind so there's really no such thing as "too much" training. The only thing- I have a hard time doing any run incriments that are metric (stupid american city blocks in .25 mi splits). But I can be flexible.

    That's fine by me, Gonks. Ill be training from Jan-Mar in a gym mostly and the treadmills are all imperial (damned Americans!)... Also, the conversions aren't so bad for me and my RunKeeper is set in imperial as well. We'll find something imperial to use :happy: Glad you are on board for a slow and steady training regimen.

    Thanks for the tip Aly -- Higdon does recommend quite a bit of X-training in his 10k program but I haven't checked the Half program yet... Here are two programs I have found so far that seem like they have some potential:,7120,s6-238-244--6851-2-2X5X8-4,00.html

    We can always adapt them to our needs or personal goals, of course. Any suggestions on training programs that work, Aly? JILL!?!? I know you're here :laugh:
    -Meag :heart:
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Good to see you girls planning for a half marathon. I'd love to be there some day soon. I'm still struggling with C25K but I'm determined to to do it even if I have to start all over again.

    Today is weigh-in day & I'm pleased to say that I've lost 1 pound this week. I must be doing something right since I wasn't expecting this...yippe!!

    Good night girls :)
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    I am finally getting around to catching up with all your posts lovely ladies=]

    Seripha- Welcome to the most happening thread around=] Everyone is soooo supportive and friendly, I feel closer to people on here than any "friends" I have on Facebook=]

    Tai- By decorating do you mean xmas decorations??? You nutter, it's only november!!!hahaah! I've had it drilled into my head from an early age that decorations don't go up until at least mid-december!! Guess that was my mum and dad's way of not getting us too hyped up!!! Also don't worry about a slight gain. It does sound like your doing loads of exercise and the girls are right... muscle weighs more than fat and if you don't eat enough calories to replenish your body after exercise, it will hold on to any fat reserves you have left.Keep up the hard work and definitely measure rather than weigh!!! Scales aren't always your friend!!

    Melissa- I'm glad someone else is doing the 30 day shred on here=] what level are you doing??? Do you do it every day like it suggests or just on your rest days?? My thighs are so tight today but I'm looking forward to a swim later to get them working again=]

    Aly- For QOTD.... Even though I exercise more now than ever before, I'm still a slob deep down and so to relax there's nothing better then cwtching up on my sofa with my duvet and watching a film or my CSI box set=] The slob in me will never disappear!!

    Spellbinder- Way to go on your 1lb loss!!! Great work!!!

    Have a tremendous Tuesday lovelies=]

    :heart: Emmy
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Whoops forgot the QOTD!!

    What do you do to relax? (besides working out)
    Relax? MFP, of course! (I wish that was entirely a joke, but there is so much truth to it...)

    Mostly I curl up in bed with a book or just to decompress. Sounds incredibly lazy but I never get enough sleep and it's nice to just lay down quietly for 45 mins in the dark to recharge. Otherwise, if I am stressed or feeling overwhelmed, I go for a long walk outside to clear my head or have a hot chai tea and play some cards or scrabble with someone I love - always makes me laugh and takes my mind off things. I'm a total dork. Deal with it :wink:

    Not too sure what else I do to relax really... We spend a LOT of time at local indie coffee shops, lounging and chatting, and watch copious amounts of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia on the computer whenever we have spare time. That seems to always make me happy.

    Off to NY State today (Buffalo region) to shop for inexpensive clothes and shoes in the outlets! So excited :bigsmile: Hoping to find some good cold-weather running stuff at one of their sports outlets! If not, I'll just load up on other clothes and call it a WIN anyway. Have a great day everyone! I'll check back in once I get home - I am sure the thread will be moving along quite nicely by then!
    Meag :heart:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Take a bath, sit in the sun by the pool, and go to a hookah lounge!
    Whoops forgot the QOTD!!

    What do you do to relax? (besides working out)

  • tai_88
    tai_88 Posts: 23
    QOTD: I like to croquet (on paper I seem very old):love: its definitely a workout on your wrists! I used to read a lot but I haven’t found anything that has really struck my interest.

    @emmy – Yes of course I mean Christmas decorations. My living room has so many lights I’m sure if I took the roof off my house you could see it from space. Though like I said before… glitter…. EVERYWHERE! I don’t understand why they have to put glitter on everything. Makes no sense!
    Oh I am getting 30 day shred from Netflix. Should be here tomorrow! Do you like it? I’m excited to try something new.:happy:

    @Meag: Enjoy your shopping trip. I'm actually going to the mall this weekend and try to find a dress for a wedding. O_O eeekk.
    Yeah I had changed my carb/protein/fat % to 40/30/30. I eat a lot more protein than carbs so that ratio worked better with my eating habits. When it was 55/25/20 I was always over my protein and under my carbs.
    Oh and regarding your friends. You seem to have your head screwed on right enough to see that these people do have a negative effect on you. More than anything it’s important to stay positive and be around people who promote a kind environment. Even if they are dealing with insecurities or personal issues there is no reason for them to force their misconceptions or misunderstandings upon you. If you have expressed that you don’t like what they say and you don’t think it is appropriate or at least told them that you aren’t harming yourself nutritionally (because perhaps they are genuinely worried), and they continue to do it then there is no mutual respect. Who needs them! You have us…lol.:heart:

    @seripha - welcome!

    @lola – don’t push yourself too hard. One of my favorite quotes from ‘the devil wears Prada’ is “I’m one stomach flu away from my goal weight”. I’m sure you lost weight when you were sick but I’m sure it wasn’t a healthy loss and now that your body is recovering it needs all the nutrients. If you feel up to it I encourage working out, my dad says it will sweat the sick ness out of you… but you don’t want to push yourself to the point that you get worse and then you can do anything!

    Thanks everyone for the advice. It made me feel better to have an outside perspective. I changed my loss goals to 1lb (instead of 1.5 lbs), so now my cal goal is up at 1500. Maybe I just shocked my body too much. We shall see how it goes!
    What’s new with me today? I tried a circuit last night. Actually I convinced my boy to do it with me and he was huffing and puffing (Not like his little weight machines at all). LOL… it gave me a weird kind of satisfaction to see him work up a sweat with me. :heart:

    So I got my mile down to 9:20, which is the fastest I’ve gone in a while. :smile: I need to keep working up to 2 miles etc, but the track I run is 11 times round for a mile…. So it can be a little monotonous. :yawn:

    That's all from me this morning.... I should probably go do some work now! :grumble:

    Ok now Im not sure if you did this in October, but I was wondering if we could do a quick personal stat list to show where people are from:

    Tai_88: 22. Miami, Florida, USA
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I just weighed in for the week and I'm down 1.2 pounds from last week, bringing me to a grand total of 29.2 pounds lost. I'm right at the cusp of 30 pounds and I am anxious about getting there. I still have a lot to go (I'm wanting to lose 64 pounds total) but my progress has been incredibly steady. I honestly was surprised by my weight this week because I kind of blew it during the weekend because I went home to my family and was in less control of the food I was eating, because I wasn't the one preparing it.

    Next week hopefully I'll hit 30 pounds lost, which means I get to buy myself something! It's going to be a shirt of some kind.

    QOTD:What do you do to relax?
    I lay in bed and go to sleep. Honestly, I don't have time for relaxation. My waking hours involve doing homework, picking up the apartment, doing more homework, cooking dinner, and then doing homework until I fall asleep. Luckily winter break is coming up to give me a break from that.

    I admire all of you who are running. haha, I can't even imagine myself doing that.
    AND! I wish I had more time to respond to everyone on here, but alas, my life is busy.

    @ tai_88: That's really how I try to look at food too. There was one day when I was CRAVING Burger King. When I go to Burger King I always order the same thing (and it's what I crave, so something else on the menu really wouldn't suffice). 1240 for calories for one meal is a lot and that day I was craving it I realized for how much I wanted Burger King, for 1240 calories I actually didn't want it. If I had been craving it enough though I would have gotten it, no doubt. I still eat ice cream, candy, chips, whatever I want. I just balance that with everything else I'm eating, but honestly, I don't even crave most of it anymore at all.
  • Roobean33
    inskydiamonds- congrats on your 1.2lbs! You are doing great! You'll hit 30 before you know it! Glad to see you are rewarding yourself for all your hard work.

    tai- Awesome job with your mile time. I am a good minute above that, lol.

    meag- hope you had an awesome time shopping with your mom and found some good stuff!

    QOTD - If I'm stressed, I tend to shower. It's like a mini-time out for yourself...I mean, who bothers you while you shower?! Besides little ones, for you Moms out there...then there is no escape. Otherwise, I just enjoy talking with my husband and wrestling my pup on the floor like I'm 10.

    Feeling a little low today for a variety of reasons. 1. TOM. No need to say more. 2. I gained a pound back when I unofficially weighed myself today. 3. My throat is sore and I have the day off tomorrow and a huge birthday party for a close friend Friday...not a good time to get sick. 4. I can't eat enough FAT according to MFP. I am doing great otherwise...maybe I need to just eat a tablespoon of peanut butter everyday, idk lol.

    Today I'm going to focus on hydrating...I was doing so good with my water intake and have slacked off recently.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    inskydiamonds - congrats on that loss!! I am sure that it will feel great to go shopping for a new shirt or whatever after losing that much weight!! I refuse to buy clothes right now because I don't want to buy the size that I am currently in. However, my birthday is next month and my boyfriend, my friends, and I are going to a comedy club and I, of course, want to buy something cute to wear. I think I have already reasoned with myself and said that if I haven't lost any significant amount of weight then I will just have to wear what I have.

    Meag - have fun shopping!! I love the outlets!! And I am right there with you, I am on MFP all of the time!! I think I am even becoming an addict...haha

    Tai - great job on your mile time!! I think the best I have done is 10:30. I really need to get out there and do this!! I think I have a plan though.

    Roo - I have had a hard time hydrating this week also. I did great last week. Most days I was drinking 2 bottles of water. I take a one liter bottle of water to work with my everyday and try to finish it before I leave for the day because I know that once I get home, the odds of me actually drinking water are very slim. This week, I have had the same bottle from yesterday and have only taken a few sips out of it. I am determined to finish it today though.

    And for me...I had the hardest time falling asleep last night. Apparently there was just too much on my mind to calm my thoughts and go to sleep. So, I think I have come up with a better workout solution, since depending on the gym on Tuesday nights has failed me on numerous occasions. So here it mornings are generally hectic. My alarm goes off at 6:15 and I hit snooze a few times. Once I am ready to get out of bed, I can hear that my brother is in the shower so I just roll over and fall asleep. Then I fall asleep for too long and by the time I wake up, I am running extremely late. My plan now is actually get up when the alarm goes off. I discovered the Exercise TV on the on demand channels so I can do that while the children are still sleeping. Then I might also have a little ME time. Hopefully it will work out. And I decided to share with you lovely ladies in an attempt to hold myself a little more accountable.

    Happy Tuesday ladies!! Hope its a great one!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hola peeps, I feel so great today after having a relaxing day yesterday. I was actually really tired still after my massage and mini nap. I guess it took a lot out of me not getting a lot of sleep the night before the race and then doing the race hehe. I feel great today and rejuvenated. I have officially learned my lesson to not weight myself on the non Weigh In days. I did it yesterday hoping after my race I would see a loss but my body is holding on to all the water it can. I am flushing this out and drinking tons of water today. I started off the day with a tempeh stirfry and I am on board for all my snacks/meals for the day. I have swim training tonight and I am excited to get back in the pool.

    Meag- Have fun shopping! I did some shopping yesterday and it was soo fun.

    Tai- Glad that you are figuring out what you need to do for your body, this is all a process.

    RooBean- Try to not let the stress of the day get you down. And, amazingly enough when I started eating more healthy fats (nuts, avocado, peanut butter) I found that I lose weight easier. Try to incorporate it a little more. Was today your WI day? Don't check the scale in mid week unless you are prepared for it to be up and down all the time. Even on official WI days it can off kilter.

    INSKY- Great Job!!! So excited for you!!! That is a huge accomplishment to be proud of.

    QOTD- What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
    Mine is Mint Chip all the way!!!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    QOTD - I LOVE ice cream!! I have lots of faves...cookie dough, pecan praline, triple fudge brownie, fried ice cream, oreos & cream. And I don't think I have had any lately.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    QOTD- Maple Walnut or Super Bazillion Chocolate (Not a specific or real flavor I know, but the more chocolates in the title, the more its MINE :love: )
  • Roobean33
    Guam - It's nice to know it's not just me! I work at a hospital in the laboratory, so I can't really drink too much during my work day because we can only keep food/drink in our lounge due to all the hazardous materials we are working with. I try to drink a few glasses before work and after my workout, but I have still never reached my 8...Trying to do better!! I hope you finish your bottle today!!!

    Aly - I need to try to eat more of those things...I have been pretty much at half of what I need a day. Not an official WI day. Probably shouldn't of done it, but I felt like I've been eating well so I wanted to check my progress. A +1 was not expected. :sad: Official WI days for me is Friday. Thanks for the advice and have a great time swimming tonight!!

    QOTD - This ice cream shop near me makes Coconut Almond Fudge Ripple. It's heaven. The chocolate fudge swirled in a vanilla wonderland of coconut and bits of cocoa covered almonds.....this is surely not helping Meag's addiction. :tongue:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Update for me day is going fabulous!! :bigsmile: I am not sure exactly whats going on today but it feels as though all of the stars have aligned today. The boy has been making me smile all day long. Had a great meeting with my boss today. I went to the farmers market store on my lunch break and picked up lots of fresh vegetables...even okra to make my attempt at inskydiamonds' food challenge this week. Decided to start a new tradition with my kids. Maybe its just my lack of sleep and I am delirious at this point. Either way, bring on the rest of the day!!

    tai - I forgot to post my info the first time but here it is...

    GuamGrly (Bethany) - Garden Grove, CA, USA
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Good day today...went for a 3 mile run with a pace of 9:30 in the rain...I didn't have a choice but to run fast or else I was going to get soaked! Made lo cal mac and cheese for dinner tonight and getting ready to make turkey and wild rice for tomorrow. I have parent teacher conferences the next 2 days so I packed lunch and dinner so I won't be tempted to go out...

    @ Emmy...I have started a new schedule including 30 day shred. I rotate running, 30 day shred, and yoga with a rest I don't do it everyday. The farthest I made it when I was doing it everyday was level 2 (it totally KICKS my butt!!!)

    QOTD: I LOVE Mint Chocolate chip!!! I also love chocolate and vanilla twist!