Day By Day Challenge-Part 3 (november)



  • TheNewJessieMae
    I had a textbook perfect day yesterday. EXCEPT- I had more than 4 smokes, but NOT more than 8. After today, there is no more. Scares the HELL out of me. This week, even though I cut down to 4. I always at least knew there was one coming. After tonight there isn't any coming. Scares me BAD. I love you all and I know you will be there to support me and I appreciate it. My patches came in, so hopefully that will help bunches. I only started with level 2 instead of level one because I don't think I need that much nic pumping in me, just a little bit. Hopefully that was the right decision.

    My Goals for 11/20
    1.) Get off my butt in a minute and go get my daughter from my parents.
    2.) Get to home depot to pick out hardware for my cabinets!!! Bottom cabinets and counter tops should be in today!!!
    3.) walk around with a bottle of water in my hand CONSTANTLY!!! Drown myself like LEE!!! Muah love ya girl!
    4.) Do Day 2 of the 30 day shred!!!

    Everyone one is doing Excellent. I know things are hectic right now with everyone but everyone is holding their own very nicely. Love our group.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Morning Jess!

    I broke my water record yesterday. 132 oz!!!

    So Saturday's goals:
    1. workout before and after daughter's swim lessons. I want to get in at least 7 miles today to stay on track for my challenge.
    2. eat according to my new calorie schedule.
    3. keep chugging water.

    Non fitness goals
    1. wash 2 loads of clothes (the clothes seem never ending)
    2. buy daughter new school pants to replace the ones she's outgrown or abused.
  • frubjious
    Hi Everyone,

    I hope every one in the US had a good Thanksgiving. Sounds like you’ve all been doing really well.

    The past few days for me have been a bit of dieting disaster for me. A cold, combined with a stressful situation at work I’m ashamed to say, reduced me to skipping meals at work then hiding under my duvet eating any kind of junk food I could get my hands on in the evenings and doing absolutely no exercise. However I’m feeling better now and know best way to keep feeling better is just to carry on trying. So with that in mind:

    Goals for the remainder of Saturday:

    1. 2 more loads of laundry
    2. 6 more cups of water
    3. House work!

    Sunday’s goals:

    1. 30 minutes cardio
    2. Water
    3. Log all my food

    I hope you’re all having a lovely weekend.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hello everyone! I know... I disappeared again! School has been crazy. But I did not stop working on my diet! I have been drinking much more water... although still not completely up to par, snacking less, and trying to make healthier choices. Although being home has already started taking a toll (And I just got home yesterday!) So goals for today...

    1. Get some schoolwork done. Yes, first day of Thanksgiving break. :(
    2. Drink lots of water!
    3. No snacking since brunch and dinner are not low calorie... just my favorites cooked by my stepdad.
    4. Laundry finished.

    On another note, my niece was over yesterday and boy is she growing fast! My dog gets sooo jealous of all the attention she gets. It's really funny. Have a good day everyone!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Since I was feeling a tad bit better and the weather here in GA is absolutely beautiful I decided to head to the local park in order to get in today's workout. Today I walked the park trail three times for a total of 5.64 miles and then I walked around the parking lot for 15 minutes as a cool down.

    Tonight I am heading to an Old School party. They hold this party once a month in a local hotel ballroom and they only play R&B and Hip Hop from the 1980's and 1990's. I absolutely love this music and always have a good time when I attend. It's soooo popular that there's usually between 2000-3500 people in attendance every month. Can't wait!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    We were having internet problems at home yesterday so only got on for a little bit.
    Did well on my Thursday goals and did pretty well yesterday, too.

    Today I am under on calories so far but didn't get much of a workout in. Now my son and I are at the airport waiting for our flight to Phoenix so most likely I won't get a workout in--maybe a walk later. We'll see.

    I don't know if I'll have time to post while I am visiting my Mom but I do plan on logging my food and I plan on at least walking every day while there.

    So--my goals until November 28th--

    1) Water--lots of it!
    2) Walk EVERY day.
    3) Watch my portions.
    4) Be REALLY careful when they put out the plates of appetizers--which they do A LOT!

    I hope everyone in the US has a great Thanksgiving! I plan to!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    My Goals for 11/20
    1.) Get off my butt in a minute and go get my daughter from my parents. :smile:
    2.) Get to home depot to pick out hardware for my cabinets!!! Bottom cabinets and counter tops should be in today!!! :sad: I DID BUT THEY DIDN'T HAVE WHAT I WANTED.
    3.) walk around with a bottle of water in my hand CONSTANTLY!!! Drown myself like LEE!!! Muah love ya girl! :drinker: NOT AS MUCH AS I HAD PLANNED BUT STILL GOT AT LEAST MY 8
    4.) Do Day 2 of the 30 day shred!!! :glasses: GETTING READY TO DO THAT PLUS I TOOK A WALK WITH MY KIDS AND PULLED MY SON IN THE WAGON!!!

    My 10:30 cig today made me sick. I decided I wanted to embrace that nasty feeling and just quit. SOOOO I haven't had one since. I went and got a SEXY outfit (new pic) and a beautiful Dress to wear to my husbands Christmas Ball. SHOES and all. I cannot believe I bought a 7 1/2 shoe!!! I've never worn a 7.5 shoe.......... What's the dealio with that?

    Sunday 11/21 Goals:
    1.) Feel liberated from the cigarettes.
    2.)take another walk with my babies and continue the shred.
    3.) Take it easy, don't create or be around stress so that I don't want to smoke.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Saturday recap:
    So Saturday's goals:
    1. workout before and after daughter's swim lessons. I want to get in at least 7 miles today to stay on track for my challenge.
    2. eat according to my new calorie schedule.
    3. keep chugging water.

    Non fitness goals
    1. wash 2 loads of clothes (the clothes seem never ending)
    2. buy daughter new school pants to replace the ones she's outgrown or abused.
    1. Only 4.7 miles, another 6.45 miles today, I'm on track to meet my 75 mile goal by the end of the month.
    2. yes, its not as hard as it was early in the week
    3. only 64 oz, not bad, not great
    1. working on it now.
    2. I did get her two new pair of pants.

    Sunday's goals, I know its a little late.
    1. stay within calories
    2. burn atleast 500 calories
    3. drink water despite how cold it is today.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    1. Have a nice day in Chicago tomorrow. DONE
    2. Dress warmly for the windy city!! DID:)
    3. Make healthy choices even though we will probably eat nothing but oriental while we are there. Most of the day will be spent in China town. EVEN DID WELL WITH THIS ONE:)
    4. Don't spend too much on junk while we are there:) DONE:)

    1. Figure out where to plant the trees I got today from The Arbor Day Foundation. I wasn't expecting them until the spring because well its almost time for the ground to freeze up around here. But I'll get them in the ground now so they don't die! I have 5 days to get them into the ground. Gotta figure out what I can plant on the street since they just redid all the sewers around us and have limitations on what is allowed to be planted there. WELL GOTTA CALL OR TALK TO SOMEONE IN THE CITY FIRST SO I CAN KNOW WHICH ONES ARE GOING IN THE GRASS BY THE ROAD.
    2. Clean the house FAIL
    3. LaundryFAIL
    4. Hang pictures. FAIL

    Sunday is a fail because we ended up out most of the day instead of at the house like I had hoped. Hubby needs something and we had to pick up our daughter so we just went out and tried to find what he needs. We didn't find it. No one seems to have it around here. He's not happy about that.

    So goals for Monday

    1. CLean house
    2. Laundry
    3. water
    4. some kind of exercise besides the cleaning.

    Looks like you all did well this weekend:) Hope you all have a good Monday as well!
  • frubjious
    Hi Everyone,

    Hope you all had a good weekend.

    Goals for the remainder of Saturday:

    1. 2 more loads of laundry - Done
    2. 6 more cups of water - Done
    3. House work! – Done! Yess!

    Sunday’s goals:

    1. 30 minutes cardio - No
    2. Water - Yes
    3. Log all my food – Yes

    Goals for Monday:
    1. Stay under my calorie allowance – Just cooking for myself this week so should be a lot easier
    2. Water
    3. Lunchtime walk
    4. At least 30 mins cardio after work

    Have a lovely day, see you later.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Monday, I will have to recap the weekend later.

    1. go to stability ball class and 30 minutes of cardio.
    2. eat sensible.
    3. drink water
    4 incorporate abs and pushups throughout the day.

    have a great monday. I gotta run. Just got a text from my workout buddy asking where am I !!! :)
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    1. Get some schoolwork done. Yes, first day of Thanksgiving break. :( Check
    2. Drink lots of water! Check! Saturday and yesterday
    3. No snacking since brunch and dinner are not low calorie... just my favorites cooked by my stepdad. Not at all
    4. Laundry finished. Folding the last load now.


    Goals for today...

    1. No nap! Addie kept us up all night last night but I'm hoping that'll put me on a better schedule if I can actually sleep tonight.
    2. Work done.
    3. Water
    4. No snacking (been doing good so far)

    I woke up this morning and took a walk to the doctors and back. And... apparently I'm just super lucky and got three viruses back to back to back. Lovely.

    Separately, Christmas Candylane is back at Hersheypark and I love it because I get to actually work at rides instead of being in charge of people. I love getting to interact with the guests, especially the kids. Even though it's COLD. Have a good day everyone!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So goals for Monday

    1. CLean house-DONE
    2. Laundry-WORKING ON IT
    3. water-DONE
    4. some kind of exercise besides the cleaning. - HAD A WALK:)

    So goals for Tuesday.

    1. Visit my friend and her baby who I haven't seen yet:)
    2. Finish laundry
    3. water

    I'd probably talk more but its raining something fierce right now and I wanna watch:)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    my 'net is still down. i'm sending this message from my phone. i don't want to make it too long in case it doesnt go through. I met all my goals drank 90 oz of water, made it to fitness class, ate sensible and only when i was hungry and i did plenty of abs. may do a bonus workout b4 bed. good night all.
  • frubjious
    Hi Everyone,

    Goals for Monday:
    1. Stay under my calorie allowance - Yes
    2. Water - Yes
    3. Lunchtime walk - Yes, loving the lunchtime walk
    4. At least 30 mins cardio after work - Yes

    1. Eat slowly! Slow down already Kim!
    2. Go to body combat after work
    3. Do the dishes
    4. Water

    Have great day everyone.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Afternoon all,

    I've been a little missing on this thread the last few days. Have generally been doing ok the last few days except I went over on Saturday by a few hundred but I trained so hard in the morning so I didn't feel guilty!

    I know it's quite late in the day to post goals but there's no harm:

    1. Training in the morning - DONE!
    2. Get all of my water in and some bonus water.
    3. Eat at least half my exercise cals today - feel like I need the extra calories after training this morning.
    4. Loads of paperwork to do this afternoon - try and clear the back log. Have been out of the office so much recently that it is all piling up!
    5. Load of laundry when I get home.

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I know that its already Tuesday afternoon, but I'll still post goals. My internet finally came back up.

    Tuesday's goals:

    non-fitness goals.
    1. mop kitchen
    2. clean out night stand (it's a mess!)
    3. vacuum
    4. clean the tiles in the bathroom.
    5. sweep bedrooms.

    All my non-fitness goals sounds like a workout to me!!

    I'll post for Wednesday in case I don't come back before then.
    1. Go to AM zumba, may not go to PM zumba because I want to start cooking. we'll see how I feel.
    2. push ups and abs.
    3. 30 minutes of cardio other than zumba.
    4. continue working on non-fitness goals from Tuesday.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    1. Training in the morning - DONE!
    2. Get all of my water in and some bonus water. WORKING ON IT ALMOST THERE!
    3. Eat at least half my exercise cals today - feel like I need the extra calories after training this morning. I'VE EATEN ABOUT 3/4 TODAY BUT REALLY FELT LIKE I NEEDED THEM.
    4. Loads of paperwork to do this afternoon - try and clear the back log. Have been out of the office so much recently that it is all piling up! MADE GOOD PROGRESS.
    5. Load of laundry when I get home. IT'S IN THE WASHING MACHINE NOW ALMOST FINISHED.

    Tomorrow I have a meeting out in the morning and then I'm coming straight home by about lunchtime to try and crack the back of a big task. Being at home I hope I reach all of my goals:
    1. Go to Body Pump and Pilates class after I finish up for the day.
    2. Get lots of work done in the afternoon and no turning on the tv or spending too much time on mfp!
    3. No snacking when at home.
    4. More veggies at lunch and dinner.

    Hope you've all had a great day. I'm off to hang the laundry up and then get to bed early tonight.
  • frubjious
    1. Eat slowly! Slow down already Kim! - Most of the time
    2. Go to body combat after work - No, but did start 30 day shred
    3. Do the dishes - On my way to do them now
    4. Water - Done!

    Wednesday’s Goals:

    1. Eat slowly
    2. Water
    3. 30 day shred
    4. 30 minutes additional cardio
    5. Painting Class

    Have a great day every one.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Sorry I've checked out guys. Hoping to get in the grove.

    Goals for tomorrow.
    1.) get to the doc on time
    2.)30 day shred-day 4