Day By Day Challenge-Part 3 (november)



  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So goals for Monday
    1. Water-DONE
    2.get Christmas decorations out of basement and work on getting them put out-FAIL
    3. vaccum before decorating. -FAIL
    4. do some sort of exercising besides cleaning. at leasst 30 mins worth.FAIL

    Well yesterday was spent mroe finding out what's going on with my friend's husband than anything else. I now have an adorable little baby boy sitting on my couch playing with his rattle. Can't take him into the ward they are in so I'm watching him for them. He's only 6 months old. So far my friend's hubby is doing ok they are still trying to figure out what exactly is going on but it looks like he will end up on some kind of meds so he can function again. It could of been worse cause whatever is going on could have caused either a heart attack or a stroke. He's far too young for that. I think he's in either his late 20s or early 30s.

    So goals for today are simple
    1. Play with baby:) Good work out when I do it but don't know how to really log that one....
    2. Clean what I can while he's here
    3. Water

    Now fussy is setting in but I think he needs a diaper change so I'm off to take care of the little guy:)
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Tuesday's goals:
    1. Exercise of some description and hopefully Tri class again. *FAIL
    2. Water water water. *7 CUPS SO FAR
    3. I have so many files for billing and the bosses want them sent off I just haven't had time so must make sure that gets done tomorrow. *FAIL
    4. Keep my sugar intake in check. This always seems to be the one I go over on mostly even though I don't eat lots of 'sweet things'! *MAJOR FAIL

    Rubbish day today. Work was so manic with things popping up that needed to be done immediately. Then I had to go out to a meeting in the afternoon thinking I would be done in good time and could go home and make it to the gym class. BUT NO! The useless train system collapses at the lightest snowfall it really is pathetic. It took me over 3 hours to do a really short journey. I made it home and now finally in the warm (had to stop off a get a hot chocolate through part of the journey to warm me up).

    Tomorrow is a new day and I WILL ACHIEVE MY GOALS!!
    1. Exercise of some description.
    2. Healthy lunch choices.
    3. Get into work early to get as much done as possible before my appointments start for the day.

    Ravyn - changing dirty nappies is no fun but playing with the little man must make up for it! Hope your friend's husband starts to make a good recovery.

    Jess well done on getting that treadmill in today!

    Kim you are a rockstar with burning that many calories! I bet you did sleep well last night!

    Leela thanks for the reminder about the new thread. I really cannot believe it's already 1 December tomorrow. How time is flying!!

    Hope you're all having a great day and see you on the next thread!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Tuesday's recap:
    Tuesday's goals:
    basically, they're the same.
    1. aerobic class in the morning, CHECK another mini workout in the evening. STILL ON THE LIST (probably won't get any miles in unfortunately) GOT IN 4 MILES ON THE BIKE!
    2. water, water, water
    3. eat only when I'm hungry. CHECK stop eating when I'm not hungry. CHECK Try to stay under 1200 calories. IT WILL BE VERY CLOSE!
    I'll wait for the new thread to post my Wednesday's goals!
  • frubjious

    Tuesday’s goals:

    1. Food healthy choices again - Not too bad on actual choices but did eat far too much
    2. Shred and body combat- No, Surrey is closed for snow and the cold is making me extremely lazy :frown:
    3. Paint paint paint! I’m running out of time- Yes
    4. Try not to get snowed in any where. - Made it home but nearly came off the road on the way.

    Yesterday was a bit fraught, trying to get things done in time for the close of the month and I definitely took it out on the diet when I got home. Had a rather exiting moment on the way home when I took a corner and the car just kept turning. Fortunately the whole thing was very slow and the roads weren’t very busy. I agree with. Nam, for a nation that talks about the weather ALL the time we are totally un prepared for any of it. It rains and we have floods, sunshine & we have droughts, a bit of snow and the country shuts down. Instead of fighting it all I have decided to go with the flow and have taken today off to make Christmas cards.

    Rav, I’m glad they’re able to help your friend’s husband

    Nam I hope you have better luck with trains.

    Will post todays goals on new thread.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Here's Decembers, I hope everyone transitions okay. See ya on the boards.