November 360 minutes a week "Move-It" challenge



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Mon- 60mins bootcamp....300mins to go!
    Tues - 30 mins leslie sansone dvd......270 mins to go!
    Wed - 30 mins turbo kick ....240 mins to go
    Thursday - 55 min ZUMBA!...185mins to go....

    sorry for the short post hope everyone is doing great and by the look of it everyone is really close to the goal!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    My friend did not cancel so we got a nice 55 min walk in. Quite chilly outside today. Brrr... I also got in 10 min of strength training today.

    150-65 = 85 minutes to go! Which is great because the next 3 days are going to be so super busy for me. The thought of still needing to average 30 min of movement between them is a little intimidating but that is just because before I would have said screw it, I'm too busy and taken the 3 days off.

    This challenge has really kept me active and on track this week!

    85 minutes to go! :drinker:

    Wonderful Diane!!! Whoooohoooo!!! Awesome job on the stairs too!! You are right the challenge do motivate me also. This is my 2nd month and even though I was exercising before, I am doing much more now to try to meet the challenge. This is better than my pedomentor which is a lot less accurate. Keep up the good work Diane!! Yes the hawk was here today in Chicago too! Today I will be pulling out my gloves, scarfs, etc.....:-)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Totally blew it this week with lack of exercise ~ but my diet has been perfect - that's a huge deal for me. Transitioning to a new job, moving offices and doing two jobs at once ( not to mention the normal stuff like home/family that we all deal with) No excuses but I've been emotionally drained, sad to leave so many that I love and excited/scared about the new challenge. Still haven't finished packing up my office.
    I am going to try to do something tonight - at least a walk if nothing else to clear my head.

    I'm not giving up ~ still going to move it ... moving boxes ???? :laugh:

    Peace :heart:


    Congrats Janet on eating perfect! I wish I had 80 percent perfect eating.....:-) Keep up the good work!
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Count me in! I love the challenge, and it'll certainly keep me moving!
  • carcar63
    carcar63 Posts: 158
    Monday 11/1 45mins treadmill, 20 mins Just dance II on wii
    Tuesday 11/2 45min treadmill, 15mins just dance
    Wednesday 11/3 zilch
    Thursday 11/4 50mins treadmill
    Friday 11/5 45mins treadmill


    Don't think I'm going to make the 360 this week, but I'm sure going to give it my best shot tomorrow & Sunday. Besides, my daughter & I are suppose to do just dance after school today so that'll help.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    my daughter & I are suppose to do just dance after school today so that'll help.

    I so want that!!!

    Does anybody that Comcast-on-demand...I did the was so much fun...25 minutes boom, your done
  • carcar63
    carcar63 Posts: 158
    my daughter & I are suppose to do just dance after school today so that'll help.

    I so want that!!!

    It's sooo much fun if you like dancing and moving. We do the challenge part against each other. My son just moves his arm, so we say his scores don't count. :laugh:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Hello all!

    Well I reached my "Move-It" goal this week for 3,000 calories! I am still going to shoot for 360 minutes over the weekend. I think I can manage 65 minutes over the weekend.

    I lost 1 pound this week! I will take it considering all the candy I ate this week. I am glad the candy week is over with.

    Congrats to Coleen, Swinnie, Cnbethea, Kim, and everyone else I missed! Good job!! Keep moving and have a good weekend!!

    Mon: 650 cal (60 min walk)
    Tues: 730 cal (70 min gym)
    Wed: 0
    Thurs: 750 cal (75 min gym)
    Fri: 1018 cal (90 min gym)
    Sat: 0
    Sun: 0

    Week total: 3148 calories burned (295 min)

    Calories left to burn: GOAL of 3000 calories REACHED!!:heart::heart:
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    this place has been hopping...i didn't check for one day and i am behind like 3 pages!!! woohoo for so many people joining in and doing such a great job!!! :)

    monday: run 26/251
    tuesday: pilates 15/36, walk 75/275
    wednesday: run 26/251
    thursday: nada...2nd 12 hour day in a row so snooze beat running in the AM :(
    friday: run 22/212
    so far: 164 minutes/1025 calories
    to go: 196 minutes/1475 calories

    i think that i am going to revise my personal goal for this week to 240 min (equaling 6 40-minute workouts on average)...its still going to mean that i have a lot of work to do this weekend, but i feel like it is more reasonable for me! :) i will be spending the majority of the day tomorrow checking out wedding venues with my mom so a super long workout is not in the cards, but i know that i can average 40 minutes/day and be successful :)
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Mon- 60mins bootcamp....300mins to go!
    Tues - 30 mins leslie sansone dvd......270 mins to go!
    Wed - 30 mins turbo kick ....240 mins to go
    Thursday - 55 min ZUMBA!...185mins to go....
    Friday - 50 mins boot camp ....125 mins to go!

    Hmm I will try hard to complete the challenge by the end of the week...hope i can make it
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Well I reached my "Move-It" goal this week for 3,000 calories! I am still going to shoot for 360 minutes over the weekend. I think I can manage 65 minutes over the weekend.

    GOAL of 3000 calories REACHED!!:heart::heart:

    Mollie, you have done so well this week! You have worked your tail off doing a huge amount of exercise. Your body is surely loving all the activity too. I am very proud of you for all your hard work!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone and TGIF! Checking in w/today's totals:

    Monday: 55 minutes of Billy Blanks boot camp.......305 minutes to go!
    Tuesday: 62 minutes of HIIT on elliptical & treadmill..........243 minutes to go!
    Wednesday: 25 minutes of a Core workout & 35 minutes of Push Circuit 1..........183 minutes to go!
    Thursday: 47 minutes of Burn Intervals dvd & 20 minutes of Core workout...........116 minutes to go!
    Friday: 60 minutes of Legs & Back from the P90X program.....................................56 minutes to go!

    I should be able to reach my goal tomorrow if I attend kickboxing class in the morning. Great job everyone and keep it up!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, nada
    Tuesday, elliptical 98 minutes...945 calories
    Wesnesday, elliptical 21 mins...163 cals
    Thursday, ellpitcal, 6-pack abs and kardioke, 88 mins...731 cals
    Friday, ellipitcal and cardioke, 46 mins...368 cals

    To Go: 108 min/2207 cals

    Ugh, I am done for the day, I am going to enjoy the evening

    2 more days!!!! Move it and Shake, you don't have to Jiggle it!!!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Monday 60 min deep cleaning / 151 cals
    Tuesday 55 min zumba / 601 cals
    Wednesday nada
    Thursday 45 min zumba / 409 cals
    Friday 120 min work / 294 cals

    Remaining - 80 min / 1045
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    whoops, wrong thread.
  • klkelley
    klkelley Posts: 122 Member
    11/04/10 - 120 minutes
    11/05/10 - 165 minutes
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Mon 25min insanity fit test
    Tues 41min insanity plyo cardio circuit
    Wed 39min insanity Cardio core and resistance
    Thurs 33min insanity cardio recovery
    Fri 38min pure cardio

    176mins down and 184mins to go!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hey movers,

    Just wanted to say that yesterday I wore leggings...finally got the courage to put them on and go outside...I don't think they looked too bad hips seem to be thinning down, less bumps

    Thought I would share a success...

    Anybody else seeing some changes?

    I am going to get a 20 minutes workout in today, probably not going to make the 360...but, will give it my best
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Checking in w/today's totals:

    Monday: 55 minutes of Billy Blanks boot camp.......305 minutes to go!
    Tuesday: 62 minutes of HIIT on elliptical & treadmill..........243 minutes to go!
    Wednesday: 25 minutes of a Core workout & 35 minutes of Push Circuit 1..........183 minutes to go!
    Thursday: 47 minutes of Burn Intervals dvd & 20 minutes of Core workout...........116 minutes to go!
    Friday: 60 minutes of Legs & Back from the P90X program.....................................56 minutes to go!
    Saturday: 35 minutes on the elliptical and 50 minutes of kickboxing....................0 minutes to go!

    Total minutes completed: 389 and I still have 1 more day to go and I have burned a total of 2900 calories which is a bonus.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Mon: 650 cal (60 min walk)
    Tues: 730 cal (70 min gym)
    Wed: 0
    Thurs: 750 cal (75 min gym)
    Fri: 1018 cal (90 min gym)
    Sat: 1011 cal (100 min gym)
    Sun: 0

    Week total: 4159 calories burned (395 min)

    Calories left to burn: GOAL of 3000 calories REACHED!! :heart: :heart: