Deleting YourFitnessPals



  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Pretty sure if I had to see the excessive and unnecessary wordiness of the OP in my feed, that would warrant immediate deletion. And I work in a corporate setting where BS and jargon is status quo, so that's saying a lot.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I go in every once in a while and delete people who haven't been active in a few months, though I'm not sure why. If they aren't around, what does it matter.

    I've deleted a few who added me (no msg) and then posted about their 500 calorie days etc. We don't have much in common. I'll keep them a while, see if they notice *my* posts about my healthy diet and ask questions. If they don't, and they keep posting about their unhealthy diet, then sometimes I'll delete them.

    I deleted one person who had far too much religious stuff in their daily comments, including their comments TO me. I don't mind religious stuff, just don't want to be bombarded, and wonder about folks who send ME religious stuff when they don't know my beliefs.

    Otherwise. In reality, other than "dead" accounts, I've probably deleted about 5 people.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I delete people with months (3 or more) of inactivity that included my husband LOL!

    I deleted a person who bombarded my news feed with senseless Bullsh!t! She posted every minute of her narccisistic life. DELETE get the Eff off my news feed! :noway:
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    I delete people with months (3 or more) of inactivity that included my husband LOL!

    :laugh: :laugh: My brother hasn't logged in in 2 months, longest on my list - this makes me feel better about deleting him.
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    Speaking solely for myself:

    In your first sentence, by exclusion, you express the belief that threats to physical safety which are not credible should not be grounds for immediate deletion. That belief is grounds for immediate deletion.

    Your description of your befuddlement as charming is grounds for immediate deletion.

    Your employment of terms and concepts such as raison detre, contritition, attrition, accountabilibuddy, polite nudge, well-mannered are each individually and certainly in the aggregate grounds for immediate deletion.

    Your creation of this thread is grounds for immediate deletion.

    People use this site and its functions, including the social aspects, in the manner they find most fitting. In some instances, this manner may not be the same manner in which you may choose to use the website. Over time, you will surely find yourself with a collection of like-minded individuals. The only way to achieve this parity is through addition and attrition.

    Yours truly,
    Delicious Cocktail

    Things like this are one of the reasons I will never delete you from my FL :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • ritan7471
    ritan7471 Posts: 99 Member
    I was an English major in college and I can't even begin to comprehend the jargon in this post.


    Same here. William Faulkner is easier to understand.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I don't over think or over analyze this to the degree you do, original poster. I'm the medieval ruler of my MFP friend list. I delete when I feel like it. Eating disorder, long period of inactivity, hardly ever interacting with me, harassment of me/others are the reasons I typically delete.

    I've even deleted one of my good friends from Facebook after she stopped logging here for a long time. We're still friends there. :laugh:
  • CoffeeBugg
    CoffeeBugg Posts: 75 Member
    Ended up deleting one when he raged at those of us who suggested he eat more than 1400-1500 cals a day when doing 2-3 hours of intense cardio. :ohwell:
  • keobooks
    keobooks Posts: 92 Member
    OK, my FL friends.. you are NOT stirring up enough drama! You guys all seem to be eating healthy diets and are not spamming my feed. What's wrong with you? Get interesting, dammit!

    I delete inactive people. I figure if they want to be my friend when they come back they can find me. So far, I haven't gotten very personal with anyone on my feed. There are a few people I'd miss if they deleted me, but I am guessing I wouldn't notice for a while and I'd just wonder why they stopped posting.

    My FB friends are 99% people I know irl or from online sources where I've known them for years. So yes, I do feel like my FB friends are real.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I delete people who disappear for months. The amount of leeway depends on how much I interacted with that person prior to the disappearance. I also delete people who are REALLY obnoxious about whatever lifestyle they're living (this only happened once) or anyone who thinks 600 calories per day qualifies as eating a lot.
  • CoveOps
    CoveOps Posts: 100
    I just delete myself. But I keep coming back!
  • Malcomblh
    Malcomblh Posts: 4 Member
  • keobooks
    keobooks Posts: 92 Member
    I just saw a familiar face on a post and I realized that I knew it because she was a friend of mine. I haven't seen her active in a while but I didn't think of it. When I clicked on her it asked me to request a friendship or whatever. She DELETED me! I think... Or maybe she was familiar from posting on the boards a lot and I never befriended her.

    Would it be totally rude to ask her to be my friend again? Should I mention that I can't remember if we were friends before or I just recognize her face from the boards? It's awkward either way...
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Who cares its the internet...

    It's not FB and these people aren't your "real" friends anyways, and you should be the only one keeping yourself accountable.

    /end thread

    My MFP friends are more "real" friends than any of my "in real life" friends have ever been.
  • Tammer81
    Tammer81 Posts: 38 Member
    I just saw a familiar face on a post and I realized that I knew it because she was a friend of mine. I haven't seen her active in a while but I didn't think of it. When I clicked on her it asked me to request a friendship or whatever. She DELETED me! I think... Or maybe she was familiar from posting on the boards a lot and I never befriended her.

    Would it be totally rude to ask her to be my friend again? Should I mention that I can't remember if we were friends before or I just recognize her face from the boards? It's awkward either way...

    Just go for it; what's the worst that could possibly happen, that she declines and the two of you resume the status quo ante of oblivion to each other's existence?

    It's only the Internet, amirite?
  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    I deleted every single one, I am tired of people minding my business..what type of motivation are they? none...You need to find motivation in yourself and treat it as a tool, way of life, life style, call it what you want. I have friends in reality.
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    Who cares its the internet...

    It's not FB and these people aren't your "real" friends anyways, and you should be the only one keeping yourself accountable.

    /end thread

    says internet friends dont matter.

    goes on to say how FB friends are real.

    Exactly what I was thinking! :laugh:
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    To be fair to that poster, most of my Facebook friends are indeed my real life friends. But I guess some people just add anyone on there.
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    Yup 14 days of not logging...unless you have put on your profile you are away...

    If your profile is hidden your gone....

    If I see what I call drama

    sometimes people with closed diaries...but those I have other reason's to delete that just puts the icing on the cake.

    I don't have a lot of time or energy to waste on people who aren't serious...

    ^I agree with the above. Except if you do not log-in for 7 consecutive days (without an excuse (EX: vacation sick emergencey) gone. If in 4 weeks you log in less then 14 days gone. If it is a very one sided relationship gone. If you are a collector gone. And sometimes we just do not interact well. I have a very short freinds list I try to keep it below 40, but I interact with them almost daily or as much as possible. If some one need encoragement I am there for them, but they have to be there.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I delete due to non-activity of a month or so, but I did have to delete someone who decided to write soft-core porn on her feed. BTW guys, I do not remember her user name so you can friend her.