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  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I really liked your tips until I read tip #6.
    Not all of us who eat 1200 calories are paralyzed hermits ( which is insulting towards people with handicaps who are unable to move and lacks logic ) but many of us are like I really short ( 4'11.5 " in my case ) and older ( past 65, also in my case ) and with a BMR of 1229 I do well on 1200 calories, especially for losing weight...and know that I am not the only one.
    After reading #6 I felt disappointed, because I thought you knew what you were saying......well you quite don't.
    Off to eat some cauliflower with cheese sauce and a chicken quarter.....yes, it can be done ( and easily ) on 1200 calories.....
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    Also loads of ppl with thyroid/pituitary/pcos and other maladies often have to have reduced caloric intake to make up for a slower metabolism/digestion rate
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Tip # 21 - Broad beans are not food.

    Um Yeah Broad beans are food - Uranium is not food!
    What's a broad bean?

    A Fava bean
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    Tip #14 - no muscle is not heavier than fat.
    Tip #15 - Tea and Coffee does count as water intake


    Muscle is NOT heavier than fat, it is more dense. You also CANNOT build muscle while eating at a deficit.

    Great joke. I know one about a man going into a bar!


    I love you. :love:
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Tip # 21 - Broad beans are not food.

    Um Yeah Broad beans are food - Uranium is not food!
    What's a broad bean?

    You don't want to know - but they are definitely not food.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    #1 Don't argue with people who think that muscle weighs the same as fat.

    You might as well try to convince a flat-earther of the near-spherical nature of our planet, or a moon landing denier that it was easier to land on the moon in 1969 than to produce a convincing fake.

    Having made the rule, and I believe it is rule number 1, I will break it this last time.

    What do you think someone means when they say one substance weighs more than another? They mean that it is denser. What else could someone older than 2 possibly mean by that? What do nuclear physicists mean by "heavy water"? They mean water that, by virtue of having extra neutrons in its atomic nuclei, weighs more than the same volume of ordinary water, i.e. it is denser. Or are these PhD physicists ignorant of the most basic nature of the world around them, something even a kindergartener can understand?

    Explaining slowly and carefully to someone that a pound of one thing weighs the same as a pound of something else is condescending in the extreme, and just results in two people thinking the other is stupid. Assuming that the people you communicate with have the intelligence of a mollusc is not the best way to make friends and influence people.

    Why should I say "denser" to appease people who have a rigid and incomplete definition of certain English terms?

    And I'm pretty certain you'd find a good correlation between the belief that muscle and fat weigh the same and failure to achieve fitness goals. Why else stick doggedly to such an absurd position, if not to rationalise another doughnut?

    I think that might have qualified as a rant, but I feel better for it, especially since it wasn't aimed at any one luddite in particular.

    Makes rule, immediately breaks it.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Clicked through to rebut...

    ...have nothing.

    So, uh...
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Clicked through to rebut...

    ...have nothing.

    So, uh...
    but you can rebut the rebutters.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Clicked through to rebut...

    ...have nothing.

    So, uh...
    but you can rebut the rebutters.

    No interest.
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    This needs to be stickied. If I could I would sticky it with myself. But alas, the power is not mine. Should be though.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member

    And of course 2 lbs of muscle weigh more than 1 lb of fat. That's simple math. But to make a blanket statement that is incorrect that muscle weighs more than fat, no. You compare them 1:1

    A lb of muscle weighs the same as a lb of fat as does a lb of feathers, lb of avocados, lb of apples, etc. While there may be a lot more of some than others, they all still weigh the exact same. If you are comparing weights, then you compare 1:1. You want to compare volume that's a different story all together.

    Many people take this as a given when the question is asked, and their mind does the above work and assumes the meaning is not literally "does a pound weigh a pound" because nobody in their right mind would be asking that question, but really "does an equal volume of a substance have a different weight" is what is meant.

    The more literal minded can't make this jump from the question and it drives them nuts and write how the others are which the more flexible minded people get annoyed the obvious real question was ignored and the literal minded people are being needlessly anal which the literal minded people still cant make the jump and add a few more definitions...which causes the flexible minded people to think the literal minded obviously are just trying to argue and be "right" because anyone can see the literal question is not whats being asked...and on and on...

    ^^BINGO! And welcome to the world of living with someone with Aspergers. Think Sheldon, from The Big Bang Theory.
    SO many Sheldon's on here!

    And of course there are the people who just like to argue for the sake of arguing.

    But be careful that you don't accuse them of "typing just because they like the cool clicking sound the keyboard makes", because they may report you. This will result in you receiving a nice note from a mod, telling you that a grown man got his feelings hurt, so she had to remove your comment.:noway:
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Tip #25 It's okay to log sex as cardio.

    ^^This! But most of us enter it as, 'walking the dog'. :blushing:
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Tip # 21 - Broad beans are not food.

    Um Yeah Broad beans are food - Uranium is not food!
    What's a broad bean?

    A Fava bean

    Do they go well with Liver and a nice bottle of Chianti?
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Tip: 1200 calories can be the right number for many but not most people. People who automatically advocate against it are usually acting on emotion and group "wisdom."
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member

    And of course 2 lbs of muscle weigh more than 1 lb of fat. That's simple math. But to make a blanket statement that is incorrect that muscle weighs more than fat, no. You compare them 1:1

    A lb of muscle weighs the same as a lb of fat as does a lb of feathers, lb of avocados, lb of apples, etc. While there may be a lot more of some than others, they all still weigh the exact same. If you are comparing weights, then you compare 1:1. You want to compare volume that's a different story all together.

    Many people take this as a given when the question is asked, and their mind does the above work and assumes the meaning is not literally "does a pound weigh a pound" because nobody in their right mind would be asking that question, but really "does an equal volume of a substance have a different weight" is what is meant.

    The more literal minded can't make this jump from the question and it drives them nuts and write how the others are which the more flexible minded people get annoyed the obvious real question was ignored and the literal minded people are being needlessly anal which the literal minded people still cant make the jump and add a few more definitions...which causes the flexible minded people to think the literal minded obviously are just trying to argue and be "right" because anyone can see the literal question is not whats being asked...and on and on...

    ^^BINGO! And welcome to the world of living with someone with Aspergers. Think Sheldon, from The Big Bang Theory.
    SO many Sheldon's on here!

    And of course there are the people who just like to argue for the sake of arguing.

    But be careful that you don't accuse them of "typing just because they like the cool clicking sound the keyboard makes", because they may report you. This will result in you receiving a nice note from a mod, telling you that a grown man got his feelings hurt, so she had to remove your comment.:noway:

    WOW---I think I know someone like that. :smile:
  • Lilenatalem
    Lilenatalem Posts: 46 Member
    #8 is the best!
  • sheilarosella
    sheilarosella Posts: 101 Member
    Tip #14 - yes muscle is heavier than fat.
    Tip #15 - Tea and Coffee does count as water intake
    Sorry a pound of fat and a pound of muscle both weigh a pound
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Tip #14 - yes muscle is heavier than fat.
    Tip #15 - Tea and Coffee does count as water intake
    Sorry a pound of fat and a pound of muscle both weigh a pound

    Yes but 2lb of muscle and 1lb of fat are not!