Over 200 New Year New me Part 39

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Hey girls how is everyones morning going? Well I saw 225 on the scale but I am not logging it yet because on the Wii it was 2 pounds off (heavier) from my scale so I will see what happens in the next few days.I guess I will be the first to weigh in and my weigh in is for the week not today.



  • Good Morning Everyone!! I am up and rearing to go. I am a little bit sore from all the exercise I did Yesterday. I will still try to do some today but maybe not as much. I hope you all have a wonderful day!!
  • Ann....................-3.0..............1.31%
  • Looking at my updated ticker I just realized....I'm over halfway to my halfway point! :happy:

    Here's yesterday's check-in:

    Cals: 491 under (exercise cals)
    Sodium: 546 under
    Water: 64+ oz
    Exercise: worked out with my personal trainer and burned 716 cals! I am really sore today.
    Proud: I made a yummy dinner for my neighbor/friend/classmate last night since my oven is broken and we're waiting on the serviceman to come out. So I went down the street and made him roast chicken and potatoes and it was so tasty!
    Like: I like that I'm coming into my own as a cook.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Looking at my updated ticker I just realized....I'm over halfway to my halfway point! :happy:

    Here's yesterday's check-in:

    Cals: 491 under (exercise cals)
    Sodium: 546 under
    Water: 64+ oz
    Exercise: worked out with my personal trainer and burned 716 cals! I am really sore today.
    Proud: I made a yummy dinner for my neighbor/friend/classmate last night since my oven is broken and we're waiting on the serviceman to come out. So I went down the street and made him roast chicken and potatoes and it was so tasty!
    Like: I like that I'm coming into my own as a cook.
    I am halfway to my halfway mark too YAY US!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm definitely upset by the number on the scale this morning. I overloaded on sodium yesterday but I was pretty good most of the week with food and exercise. Up 3 pounds from last week. I weighed more this morning than I did last night right after dinner so I know it's all water retention but it was WAY too close to 200 for comfort.

    I'm not going to stress out about it, I'm just going to use it as motivation to be more active than usual this weekend. :smile:
  • I'm definitely upset by the number on the scale this morning. I overloaded on sodium yesterday but I was pretty good most of the week with food and exercise. Up 3 pounds from last week. I weighed more this morning than I did last night right after dinner so I know it's all water retention but it was WAY too close to 200 for comfort.

    I'm not going to stress out about it, I'm just going to use it as motivation to be more active than usual this weekend. :smile:

    Most defintly the sodium. That stuff is EVIL! It's hard sometimes not to go over on it.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hellllloooooo motivation!!! My cousin text me this morning. Our trip destination changed last week and it looks like were booking our trip today!! AHHHH!! Hello motivation again. Were leaving in about 10 weeks!!! So if I'm lucky I can lose another 10 pounds before the trip. IF I'm lucky. A little disapointed about that but hey...I been a slacker and all I can do now is make good choices and be good for the next 10 weeks. We are going to Playa Del Carmen. And as well as slacking on my weight loss I haven't got my passport yet. :mad: It says regular processing takes 4-6 weeks to procses. REALLY don't want to pay an additional $60 plus overnight shipping to expedite it. What do you ladies think?? BTW..I'm up 2 pounds from my lowest. So no weigh in for me today. But my mojo is back!! :bigsmile:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    good morning gals..

    Mama.. glad to hear Ryan had a great day! enjoy the weather
    Julie.. don't fret.. I am confident you will be just fine! You are always an inspiration!
    Reana.. glad to see you back.. EAT YOUR BREAKFAST!!
    Heather.. glad to hear that things are going better as the week progresses
    Mstahl.. how did your dinner with your friend go?
    Nancy.. I miss ya.. how is the mold fest going at your work this year?
    1stpaul.. how is the YMCA going?
    posme.. glad your internet is up and running.. how is everything else going?
    ready2 ... nice to meet you! Glad to see your determination!
    Jess.. how exciting a trip in 10 weeks! You can do it!

    Ok.. where are Cris and lildeb? Anyone heard from them?

    I think I identified part of my issue with over eating in the evening. Not sure how I am going to solve it though. This week, I have had a bit more determination to get back on the horse. So, the past few days, I have been cooking healthy again. Last night I made Dill potatoes and baked Greek chicken. It was really quite yummy (at least to me) My family complained bcuz it was not FRIED. I guess it just stressed me out after making the effort to try and find something full of flavor and cook it healthy all they could do was complain and not eat it. So, I naturally wanted to eat everything in site (and ate more pumpkin bread then I should have) I am really at my wits end because I have crappy will power right now. So, cooking two different meals is not an option. GRRR.. not sure how I am going to get this one fixed. Suggestions???

    Well I really need to go and get my workout in before my client gets here! So, I will check back in later!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Checking in for yesterday...it's ugly
    Calories: Over by 550
    Sodium: Over by 565
    Water: 32 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: That I didn't buy anything while shopping last night just for the sake of buying something.
    Like: That I take on new challenges and do the best I can.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies,

    OMG, I have missed 3 pages worth of post. I am just going to jump right in and do my best to reply to some of the posts.

    Meokk, thanks for congrats on reaching ONEderland; I am so happy! I am still maintaining 199, but TOM visited this morning and well I am up 3 pounds. I know it’s not my fault, following the plan to the T so it has to be women issues.

    Julie, way to go on NOT getting morning sickness…you are so lucky. That is the only reason why I didn’t like being pregnant..that and maybe having the baby w/o any drugs (terrified of needles and my deliveries are so quick doctors have no time to stick me with anything..lol) After my contractions begin it take me 30 minutes or less to have my babies..sorry if it’s too much info.

    Heather, I feel you on the candy. when it’s in front of me; I don’t think of it but once I see it , I can’t get my hand off of it..it sucks but it is out of my house because I lose to total control of myself...

    Allison, at time I like working with groups (because lots of great ideas/brainstorming and we are somewhat on the same page). But other time I like to work alone on a project because I like to get the job done ASAP while other like to wait to the last second or like to slack off, which feels you are working alone on the project. Good luck, you might need it :)

    Ladeb, welcome to this amazing group!

    Nancy, Hugs to you for staying on track and losing 3 pounds. I am a huge emotional eater..more on happy then sad occasion.

    Ann, awesome job on your workout! You’re doing great!!!

    Momma, Glad Ryan had a great day! hugs to you both:flowerforyou:

    Laura, way to on being on track..small steps girl…that’s all it takes :)

    Cogirl, I am the same way, I am great during morning but afternoon and evening my binging kicks in…I started to eat lots of carrots and celery in place of chips..for some reason the chips don’t appeal to me now..maybe because of the sick feeling I get when I eat lots of eat. As your quote says, “one day at a time” don’t beat yourself up if you eat a little too much just make better choices the next time you eat. We will lose this weight no matter how long it takes..as long as we are doing it the *healthy* way.

    Renea, welcome back! And I totally agree with Nancy..YOU NEED TO EAT BREAKFAST…your body will thank you.

    Jess, I am sooo glad you found your motivation….WLECOME BACK SISTA!!!

    I think I got everyone…sorry if I didn’t..not intended


    (TOM visited this morning) I am 202 as of today..it sucks but it's TOM so it's understandable

    Have a great day! I promised my 5 y/o son that I would take him to the park for a "picnic in the park" thing..off to make a light , healthy lunch.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    :flowerforyou: to Ann and Allison on your weight loss and reaching *your* halfway mark!!!! Both are doing amazing...keep it up!!!
  • good morning gals..

    Mama.. glad to hear Ryan had a great day! enjoy the weather
    Julie.. don't fret.. I am confident you will be just fine! You are always an inspiration!
    Reana.. glad to see you back.. EAT YOUR BREAKFAST!!
    Heather.. glad to hear that things are going better as the week progresses
    Mstahl.. how did your dinner with your friend go?
    Nancy.. I miss ya.. how is the mold fest going at your work this year?
    1stpaul.. how is the YMCA going?
    posme.. glad your internet is up and running.. how is everything else going?
    ready2 ... nice to meet you! Glad to see your determination!
    Jess.. how exciting a trip in 10 weeks! You can do it!

    Ok.. where are Cris and lildeb? Anyone heard from them?

    I think I identified part of my issue with over eating in the evening. Not sure how I am going to solve it though. This week, I have had a bit more determination to get back on the horse. So, the past few days, I have been cooking healthy again. Last night I made Dill potatoes and baked Greek chicken. It was really quite yummy (at least to me) My family complained bcuz it was not FRIED. I guess it just stressed me out after making the effort to try and find something full of flavor and cook it healthy all they could do was complain and not eat it. So, I naturally wanted to eat everything in site (and ate more pumpkin bread then I should have) I am really at my wits end because I have crappy will power right now. So, cooking two different meals is not an option. GRRR.. not sure how I am going to get this one fixed. Suggestions???

    Well I really need to go and get my workout in before my client gets here! So, I will check back in later!

    You can call me Laura. Thanks, I am very determined this time to get this weight off. I am tired of being like this and not able to do what I want to do.
  • :flowerforyou: to Ann and Allison on your weight loss and reaching *your* halfway mark!!!! Both are doing amazing...keep it up!!!

    Thanks! :blushing:

    I've never gotten this far with weight-loss goals before, because I always managed to sabotage myself. To actually stick with it, succeed, and have the support and encouragement of family, friends, and the people on MFP has really kept me going and is what will get me to the halfway point and to the finish line!
  • Is anyone else in this group on facebook? I would like to add you to my facebook if you don't mind. If you do have a facebook and you don't mind me adding you send me a pm and I will let you know what my name is so you can find me or so forth.

  • I think I identified part of my issue with over eating in the evening. Not sure how I am going to solve it though. This week, I have had a bit more determination to get back on the horse. So, the past few days, I have been cooking healthy again. Last night I made Dill potatoes and baked Greek chicken. It was really quite yummy (at least to me) My family complained bcuz it was not FRIED. I guess it just stressed me out after making the effort to try and find something full of flavor and cook it healthy all they could do was complain and not eat it. So, I naturally wanted to eat everything in site (and ate more pumpkin bread then I should have) I am really at my wits end because I have crappy will power right now. So, cooking two different meals is not an option. GRRR.. not sure how I am going to get this one fixed. Suggestions???

    Well I really need to go and get my workout in before my client gets here! So, I will check back in later!

    Growing up, my brother and I were allowed one food we didn't have to eat when my mom made it. My brother's was quiche, mine was Spanish rice. Those were the only times mom would make us a separate meal. Other than those two meals, we ate what we were served. Tell them you're the boss and you're making better meals for everyone!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    CoGirl-I would just try cooking some other foods they might not like. I don't think you should have to cook 2 seperate meals. They should try and not eat the fried foods to begin with. You are just trying to set a healthy example for your family. It's definitely an adjustment at first but I know you can find some good recipes that they will like that are still full of flavor.

    Laila-Enjoy your picnic at the park with your lil man! What an awesome way to spend time with your son.

    Laura-You can add me on facebook if you would like. lilboh02@gmail.com or anybody else who hasn't already added me.


    Congrats to Allison and Ann for your awesome losses this week! Y'all are both doing so great. Hope to join in the losses next week!

    Going at lunch to get my picture taken for my passport...have an appointment to get my passport Monday. Getting excited here!! Only concern is having "summer" clothes to wear in Mexico...eek!!
  • CoGirl-I would just try cooking some other foods they might not like. I don't think you should have to cook 2 seperate meals. They should try and not eat the fried foods to begin with. You are just trying to set a healthy example for your family. It's definitely an adjustment at first but I know you can find some good recipes that they will like that are still full of flavor.

    Laila-Enjoy your picnic at the park with your lil man! What an awesome way to spend time with your son.

    Laura-You can add me on facebook if you would like. lilboh02@gmail.com or anybody else who hasn't already added me.


    Congrats to Allison and Ann for your awesome losses this week! Y'all are both doing so great. Hope to join in the losses next week!

    Going at lunch to get my picture taken for my passport...have an appointment to get my passport Monday. Getting excited here!! Only concern is having "summer" clothes to wear in Mexico...eek!!

    thanks :)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello girls!! I am here, (thanks dawn for thinking of me :flowerforyou: )

    I have been like super super busy at work, working almost ever night. Next week is going to be hectic too, i had a dead line that i was trying to hit and i had something take me lotl onger to get done that i was really hoping....it still is late but the people that need it aren't doing anythign with it till late next week so i think i am still okay.

    Next week we are releasing a huge project that everybody had pieces in hopeing my parts go well, it is pretty mandatory no time off next week for anyone unlesss it is an emergency!!

    We had our builders meeting yesterday, it went pretty good, so now they are going to start getting the purchase orders for stuff...hopefully in about 3 weeks or so we will start doing something on it...he siad though there is a like a 90 day build time, but we aren't ready for it to be done that early :smile: so i guess they can take their time.

    i talked to my boss today and she was fine with next year having serena come home after school...the school is like down the street from our house (actually it is on the same street just like a block down). That is going to save us like 350 a month !!! I was only going to pay for her to be there like 1 1/2 hr or so a day. I still will send her somewhere in the summer .

    My weightloss is not going good...i have not been tracking at all...and eating way to much bad stuff .. I was up to 249.7 this morning...not funny...tooo close to 250. I know alot is sodium from the last few days, but got to get back with it.
  • Calories- Under
    Water- 64oz+
    Exercise- 35 minutes on my stationary bike. Burned 527 calories!!!!!!!
    Proud- that I am doing this!!
This discussion has been closed.