Over 200 New Year New me Part 39



  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok gals I need your help to stay motivated and on the wagon.I cannot fall off again ever.I am up 6 pounds and I am so sick and tired now of seeing 232 when 2 months ago I was 218-220.I want to see those numbers again before the end of the year.So I made a plan for myself.I will continue to count calories,I will not overindulge in sodium as I have been and I will exercise moderately everyday even if it is only for 15-20 minutes daily.I have to lose this weight once and for all.I have been playing around with this for too long and haly way doing it somedays and then other days full force.I need to full force do things again without burning myself out.I am getting serious about this once and for all.I want to be healthy and happy with the way I look and I want a few more children as well and I know to get there I need to work.So please if any of you are having the same issues and not giving it your all lets help each other focus and win this battle once and for all so we can live our lives healthier and happier.I have been at this journey too long and its time to change my lifestyle for good and keep it healthy for good.So who ever wants to join in is welcome and for those of you who are doing fine on your own please continue to support the rest of us who are struggling.I want this so bad and I want to get fit and healthy.Today is a new day and I have already made steps in the right direction today so help me stay on that right path in the weeks to come.Help me reach my goal weight and stay on track I hate this weight I am at.

    End of November_ -5 pounds
    December_ -10 pounds
    Goal for the end of the year -217
    End of February -200
    August-140 Reached my goal!!

    Ann, I know exactly how you feel. I had ate good all day yesterday only to go over my calories before I went to bed. I have been here for almost 2 years and I am ready to do this dang thing and keep it off. I'm with ya. Let's Rock It!!!!!!!
    I have been here for almost 3 next November and I am so ready to move on from weight loss mode and focus on being healthy and fit and maintaining my goal weight once I reach it.Now is the time for me to stick to it and not blow it anymore.NO EXCUSES AND NO SLACKING!!! I am going to ROCK THIS FAT RIGHT OUT>
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I've been doing a great job with exercise the last several days. I think I can keep up a pretty vigorous (um, relatively) exercise routine for a while. I'm really going to make that my goal.

    I haven't been feeling so great for the last 24 hours. I'm thinking the morning sickness is kicking in a little. I feel hungover. Just queasy/lightheaded/exhausted and a little disoriented. FUN! :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ann-I'm so glad your ready to kick things into gear and get your weight loss moving again. Looking at your goals though just remember to account for plateaus. Losing 10 pounds a month till August of next year is a very very aggressive goal. For me at least. I have never been able to lose that much for an extended period of time. I'm ready to hit it hard with you and lose this weight together. I'm shooting for 5 pounds a month and focusing more on how my clothes fit. I can't watch the scale too much. It just gets me down. I'm looking to tone. Do you do any type of strength training or is all pure cardio? I know when I started Insanity I started to see changes in my body rather quickly. Might be something to consider if you are doing pure cardio. Once I got down to 220 it was like my body was telling me I needed more then just cardio. I'm here for you. Were going to do this together.

    Heather-Your trip sounds amazing!! You will be a sexy cowgirl for sure! I can help with the cowgirl part!! :laugh: Your post on doubting my countryness on facebook yesterday had me just rolling! I'm starting Insanity this week again. It's set! I think that's what's going to work best for me right now. Even if I can't do it 6 days a week I need to be doing it. I'm with you on the not eating out and saving money as well. I will have no life for the next month until my trip is paid off.

    Julie-Hope you get to feeling better. So happy to see you taking care of yourself during your pregnancy. When do you have your first appointment?

    So anybody hear about the hotel explosion in mexico? Yep. That was in playa del carmen. Where I'm going in Jan. So now everyone has me freaking out about going there. Awesome! My best friend is going there in December. Makes me kinda nervous!
  • Ok gals I need your help to stay motivated and on the wagon.I cannot fall off again ever.I am up 6 pounds and I am so sick and tired now of seeing 232 when 2 months ago I was 218-220.I want to see those numbers again before the end of the year.So I made a plan for myself.I will continue to count calories,I will not overindulge in sodium as I have been and I will exercise moderately everyday even if it is only for 15-20 minutes daily.I have to lose this weight once and for all.I have been playing around with this for too long and haly way doing it somedays and then other days full force.I need to full force do things again without burning myself out.I am getting serious about this once and for all.I want to be healthy and happy with the way I look and I want a few more children as well and I know to get there I need to work.So please if any of you are having the same issues and not giving it your all lets help each other focus and win this battle once and for all so we can live our lives healthier and happier.I have been at this journey too long and its time to change my lifestyle for good and keep it healthy for good.So who ever wants to join in is welcome and for those of you who are doing fine on your own please continue to support the rest of us who are struggling.I want this so bad and I want to get fit and healthy.Today is a new day and I have already made steps in the right direction today so help me stay on that right path in the weeks to come.Help me reach my goal weight and stay on track I hate this weight I am at.

    End of November_ -5 pounds
    December_ -10 pounds
    Goal for the end of the year -217
    End of February -200
    August-140 Reached my goal!!

    Ann, I know exactly how you feel. I had ate good all day yesterday only to go over my calories before I went to bed. I have been here for almost 2 years and I am ready to do this dang thing and keep it off. I'm with ya. Let's Rock It!!!!!!!
    I have been here for almost 3 next November and I am so ready to move on from weight loss mode and focus on being healthy and fit and maintaining my goal weight once I reach it.Now is the time for me to stick to it and not blow it anymore.NO EXCUSES AND NO SLACKING!!! I am going to ROCK THIS FAT RIGHT OUT>

    I started here January 1, 2009, so this January will make 2 years. I probably would have been to my goal weight by now if I had not given up and gained the weight back but I will not play the shoulda, coulda, woulda game. I am just going to kick my butt in gear and get busy. No more excuses and no slacking for me either!! I am so in with you. We can and will do this together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I've been doing a great job with exercise the last several days. I think I can keep up a pretty vigorous (um, relatively) exercise routine for a while. I'm really going to make that my goal.

    I haven't been feeling so great for the last 24 hours. I'm thinking the morning sickness is kicking in a little. I feel hungover. Just queasy/lightheaded/exhausted and a little disoriented. FUN! :tongue:

    Julie, sorry to hear you are not feel the greatest.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann-I'm so glad your ready to kick things into gear and get your weight loss moving again. Looking at your goals though just remember to account for plateaus. Losing 10 pounds a month till August of next year is a very very aggressive goal. For me at least. I have never been able to lose that much for an extended period of time. I'm ready to hit it hard with you and lose this weight together. I'm shooting for 5 pounds a month and focusing more on how my clothes fit. I can't watch the scale too much. It just gets me down. I'm looking to tone. Do you do any type of strength training or is all pure cardio? I know when I started Insanity I started to see changes in my body rather quickly. Might be something to consider if you are doing pure cardio. Once I got down to 220 it was like my body was telling me I needed more then just cardio. I'm here for you. Were going to do this together.

    Heather-Your trip sounds amazing!! You will be a sexy cowgirl for sure! I can help with the cowgirl part!! :laugh: Your post on doubting my countryness on facebook yesterday had me just rolling! I'm starting Insanity this week again. It's set! I think that's what's going to work best for me right now. Even if I can't do it 6 days a week I need to be doing it. I'm with you on the not eating out and saving money as well. I will have no life for the next month until my trip is paid off.

    Julie-Hope you get to feeling better. So happy to see you taking care of yourself during your pregnancy. When do you have your first appointment?

    So anybody hear about the hotel explosion in mexico? Yep. That was in playa del carmen. Where I'm going in Jan. So now everyone has me freaking out about going there. Awesome! My best friend is going there in December. Makes me kinda nervous!
    I set 10 pounds because thats what I want to aim for but if I only lose 5 pounds a month I will be happy.Thanks for joining in Jess love ya gal
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- my first appointment is scheduled for January 3rd but they told me the nurse may take issue with that & call me to make it sooner. I REALLY want to keep the 3rd because I'm already off work that day (no explaining to supervisor) and that's when my insurance deductible resets & my new insurance plan goes into effect (so no wasting hundreds of dollars on a deductible that's about to reset. If I went in December, I'd have to pay for the entire appointment out of pocket because I'm $3,000 away from meeting my deductible this year. :laugh: No thanks, I'd much rather wait 3 extra weeks.)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess -- my first appointment is scheduled for January 3rd but they told me the nurse may take issue with that & call me to make it sooner. I REALLY want to keep the 3rd because I'm already off work that day (no explaining to supervisor) and that's when my insurance deductible resets & my new insurance plan goes into effect (so no wasting hundreds of dollars on a deductible that's about to reset. If I went in December, I'd have to pay for the entire appointment out of pocket because I'm $3,000 away from meeting my deductible this year. :laugh: No thanks, I'd much rather wait 3 extra weeks.)

    Whoa! I don't blame you there at all! I hope they let you wait. I hate that stupid deductible business!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ann: Count me in on your challenge to really step up to the plate and lose some weight!

    Jess: Scary business about the explosion. I'm so super excited about the Montana trip. We need to have 50% down when we make the reservations, so I have to really budget myself. But, I did get a healthy raise today due to restructuring in our office (co-worker quitting), so that's definitely a plus! I forgot to mention that skeet shooting is included in the resort package along with all of the horseback riding, campfires, meals, dances, etc. I really need to make this trip work out because it's my dream trip!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Your trip sounds amazing!! And thanks for the input ont he swimsuit suggestion. I think I'm going to wait to buy until January like you suggested. I always set these goals but never meet them because I feel so pressured. With the holidays around the corner there is no telling what I will actually accomplish. But I have the motivation and that's what counts!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: I buy my swimsuits from Land's End online because their sizing chart is accurate and the adorable halter tops actually properly fit well-endowed women such as myself. They're cute, comfy suits, too. You can check them out at Landsend.com
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess: I buy my swimsuits from Land's End online because their sizing chart is accurate and the adorable halter tops actually properly fit well-endowed women such as myself. They're cute, comfy suits, too. You can check them out at Landsend.com

    They definitely have some cute ones! I'm all about needing the extra support! I have a feeling if I shrink more and my ladies do not I might have a problem finding swimsuits. :frown:
  • I am just exhausted....I've tried to come online multiple times today with no luck. Meetings ran long (and sucked), class ran long (and sucked)...the only thing not that long today was my outdoor run. My HRM was acting weird and it was COLD so my asthma wasn't great and it seemed harder than it was on Saturday. Which is silly, I think, but I have a major case of the Mondays.

    Yesterday was okay - I was under on calories and sodium, had some nice exercise, and got a LOT of schoolwork done which was good.

    I just feel like I'm drowning. Hopefully yoga in a bit will help bring me back to a better place.
  • Calories- under!!!!!!!
    Water- 64oz+
    Exercise- 40 minutes on my Stationary Bike, burned 630 calories
    Proud- That even though I ate too many calories yesterday, I am back today attacking this thing with a vengance!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hey lovely ladies! It's been a nutty past few weeks with travel and busy work. I have been tracking still, but obviously not been checking in with you all. I've missed you!

    Anyway, I'm back to it. Had my first day of food that wasn't crazy over and I'm finding my way back to mojo. I'll try to check in more tomorrow, but I'm here and working on getting it all back. Good to hear how things are going for you all!

    Cals - 1368, 103 over (darn raspberry lemonade at dinner!)
    Water - 72 oz
    Exercise - Walked about a mile today
    Proud - Was at a wedding this weekend and got LOTS of compliments. We didn't take any pictures, but once someone posts some on Facebook, I'll post one over here. Good to feel like the hard work is noticed and appreciated.
  • Good Morning Everyone!! I feel like crap today. My head is killing me so this might be an no exercise day due to that, but we will have to see. I was susposed to get my TOM on Sunday but it has not shown up yet but I don't dare to let myself get excited b/c it will probably show up any time now. Anyways, sorry if that was TMI. I hope you all have a great day.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Allison-- swim! :flowerforyou:
    Laura -- Sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you feel better as the day progresses.
    Lauren -- Yay for getting right back on it as soon as things settled down a little! We've missed you, too!

    I feel SO bloated today and the scale reflected it. I've yet to get to 200 but I was way too close again this morning. 198 my *kitten*. I know it's water retention. I'm uncomfortably bloated this morning. It's kind of ridiculous. :grumble: All my pants are getting tight because of the bloat (and I swear I'm not just in denial about getting fatter! :laugh: It's seriously all bloat! I think the rest of me actually looks thinner -- my collar bones are sticking out like never before).

    Calories: 2023 (200 cal deficit)
    Exercise: 30 minute walk
    Water: 12 cups?
    Proud: I'm making myself exercise every day, even if it's just a 30 minute walk it's so much better than nothing.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Thanks to Momma24 for sending me to the new link. Why/when do links change?

    Checking in with excitement! I was at a knitting retreat in Lanesboro, MN all weekend. It was great fun AND I CAME BACK WITH A LOSS! So nice to have such a great weekend, good company, great conversation and great (but healthy) food.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ladeb: Ann (Awestfall) typically posts a new link weekly or biweekly so they don't get so long and hard to keep up with. She always puts the link in the old thread, so just click and it will bring you over to the new one! I'm glad you came back with a loss after your time in Lanesboro. Are you from MN?

    Jess: Did you workout last night or this morning? I did at 5am this morning! Here's me trying to keep us both accountable!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 330
    Sodium: Over by 531 (parmesan chicken at Noodles & Co...delicious!)
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: None, but did at 5am this morning instead.
    Proud: That I got to eat Noodles & Company AND have my Caribou coffee and stayed under my calories for the day!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Ok gals I need your help to stay motivated and on the wagon.I cannot fall off again ever.I am up 6 pounds and I am so sick and tired now of seeing 232 when 2 months ago I was 218-220.I want to see those numbers again before the end of the year.So I made a plan for myself.I will continue to count calories,I will not overindulge in sodium as I have been and I will exercise moderately everyday even if it is only for 15-20 minutes daily.I have to lose this weight once and for all.I have been playing around with this for too long and haly way doing it somedays and then other days full force.I need to full force do things again without burning myself out.I am getting serious about this once and for all.I want to be healthy and happy with the way I look and I want a few more children as well and I know to get there I need to work.So please if any of you are having the same issues and not giving it your all lets help each other focus and win this battle once and for all so we can live our lives healthier and happier.I have been at this journey too long and its time to change my lifestyle for good and keep it healthy for good.So who ever wants to join in is welcome and for those of you who are doing fine on your own please continue to support the rest of us who are struggling.I want this so bad and I want to get fit and healthy.Today is a new day and I have already made steps in the right direction today so help me stay on that right path in the weeks to come.Help me reach my goal weight and stay on track I hate this weight I am at.

    End of November_ -5 pounds
    December_ -10 pounds
    Goal for the end of the year -217
    End of February -200
    August-140 Reached my goal!!

    count me in! I need to set some short term goals as well.

    Excercise 5x per week, doesn't have to be at the gym.
    Keep calorie intake at or below 1500, prefer 1200
    November End - lose 5 lbs
    New Years - lose 5 lbs
    February End be under 200 (where will I go then for support? :wink: )
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