Over 200 New Year New me Part 39



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member

    Jess, Cris and everyone who has been struggling, I've been with you! I'm STILL pretty much in a plateau since MARCH and it's driving me crazy, but I refuse to give up. I WILL see my goal weight by this time next year and hopefully even sooner.

    I'm on board with the 30 minutes of exercise 5 days per week (per the ChaLean program). Last night bf and I did Push Circuit 2 and I'm feeling it big time today. The squats and lunges were killer since my legs and hip flexors were already sore and screaming from Wednesday's workout. But I pushed through it and felt great afterward. I slept so hard, I overslept by 10 minutes this morning even though I was in bed by 10:30. I feel pretty refreshed today, though.

    Let's not sabotage ourselves this weekend!

    Checking in from yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 276
    Sodium: Over by 230...I consider this a win!
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: ChaLean Push Circuit 2
    Proud: I've had a good week with staying within my calories, working out and not eating out. I feel like I'm getting things back under control.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm still implementing my "work for it" policy. And since I want to use my groupon for mexican food tonight, I'll be at the gym after work today, morning sickness and all. :smile: I like this. It's safe to say I'm not eating "healthy." I mean, I had pizza twice this week, too much ice cream 3 times this week, and I ate chicken tenders (yep, that's it) for dinner last night. But it's also safe to say that I'm eating WAY healthier than I did before September 2009. And I love exercising now when before I hated moving so much that I actually dreaded bi-yearly fire drills at work because that meant I'd have to shuffle 275 pounds up 2 flights of stairs afterwards since I didn't want to wait 30 minutes on the elevator.
    I'm a different person. :drinker:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Awww Meook that just made my day! I missed ya! Sooo how was the wedding...still waiting on pics...couldnt see it on FB!

    But overall how was it? Yay for you!

    LETS DO THIS!!! I m so tired of being miserable!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Happy Friday!

    I'm loving the focus and encouragement that is happening this week!

    Went to hot yoga for the first time in like a month last night. Oh my I missed it! It was hard - always is! - but I really enjoyed the workout. Hoping that as my schedule gets a little less crazy in the next month I can get back to the once or twice a week. I like the 30 min exercise challenge. We can all find time for a walk, right?

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Cals - UNDER (the first time I've written THAT in a while!!)
    Water - 128 oz (peeing like crazy, but after all that sweating in yoga, I had to replenish!)
    Exercise - 1 hour of hot yoga
    Proud - Went back to yoga and felt great!

    5K is Sunday morning. Heading to the gym tomorrow for a small workout so I'll be ready on Sunday. ACK!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Lauren! LOOK AT UR TICKER! YAY Look how close u are!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Oh Cris! I'm not sure how honest my ticker is!! I haven't weighed in on my "ticker" scale in over a month and I was at 174.4 there. I've been weighing in at home, but my scale is super weird. Seriously, last night I weighed in at 175.5. This morning I was 168.5. You know, just a 7 lb difference!! I need to weigh in for real so I can post what's REALLY going on. Even though it's been a month, I'm pretty confident I'm within 2-3 lbs of my lowest (174.4).

    Oh and someone finally posted a picture from the wedding last weekend!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lauren-Your going to do so great on the 5k this weekend!

    Julie-Yay for working for all your cravings this week! I know you are going to have a healthy pregnancy.

    Heather-Great job staying within your goals this week. Your gonna get past this plateau! Keep on keeping on!

    It's 11:15 and I'm STARVING!! Lunch isn't for 45 minutes and I'm trying to resist the temptation to snack. I have nothing healthy at the bank to snack on.

    Funny story. Earlier this morning this guy came through the drive thru wanting statements. Told him to come inside that we can't do it through the drive thru. He threw and big fit and came inside. When he got in here...holy alcohol. No wonder he didn't want to come inside he was drunken the DRUNK! I wanted to throw up he smelled so bad of booze. Coming from someone who drinks on a regular basis...that's bad! :sick:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Laila...........0.0........0%...I suck!

    still holding on 199.6 this morning. I need to get back on this..why did I neglect myself this week,?maybe it's because I felt alone..hubby is back in baltimore (business trip) but he come home tonight - yah!, my father has his stent surgery yesterday ( all is very well), and kids are demanding too much from me, and lastly, college is overwhelming me again (too many tests and little time - ugh!), that has been my life in a nutshell..sorry for the rant

    Nancy: congrats on being close to having an honest ticker..you go sista! And I hope you feel better soon!

    Lauren: Congratulations on your baptism! And YOU LOOK AMAZING IN THE PICTURE!!! Just awesome!

    Teresa: hope you had a fun time with the kids, my 5 y/o always has me moving..he is never in one place and I wish I could count that as exercise..lol

    Deb: you’re so lucky to have one-on-one with a personal trainer… and don’t forget we need feedback from the PT, have fun ;-)

    Momma: I am so happy for you and your little Ryry..that is terrific news…keep up the great work!

    Melinda: the Harry Potter event sounds lot of fun..enjoy!

    Cris: Glad to see you..I missed you so. I have been feeling like that too, maybe it me taking on too much to the point I want to burst..but I let out my frustration to food. Sista you are never alone on this journey..you have all of us..and we can do this together, right! It sounds like you have a great plan already…good for you!

    I totally agree with Julie, focus on one thing at a time, don’t overwhelm yourself with too much because that when *we* want to give up on everything. Small steps girl…we can do this, right!

    Ann: I’M IN!!! I need to challenge myself..I will exercise for 30 minutes today..thanks girl!

    Jess: I think 15 pound by your trip is doable if “you” make it doable…I am so tried of making goals for myself and not really achieving them. I had set out to lose 30 in 3 months..that didn’t happen..then I said I would lose 10 this month..and well that didn’t happen. So I re-focused and said if I can maintain my 199 and if I lose weight that would be a little incentive and that terrific. I just don’t want to overwhelm myself with too much at this stressful time in my life. So my new goal(s) is/are to eat right, exercise (at least 30 minutes), and drink my water..pretty simple right.

    I think I got everyone...sorry if I didn't..not intended:flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Did you call the cops to come get the guy for drunk driving? I would have!

    Lauren: You look gorgeous in your dress!

    Laila: Don't feel too bad about not achieving your goals. I haven't met any of mine in a long time, so I've reset them and will try to hit them this time. I'm shooting for 5 lbs./month which may be unrealistic given the plateau I've been in forever, but it's my goal for now and we'll see what happens. Sorry your life has been so hectic lately! We're here for your rants!

    So, ladies, I'm scared. On a whim, I signed up for a Thanksgiving morning 5k. I'm terrified because I'm unprepared, but I'll run at least once before then. I was going to sign up for one tomorrow morning, but registration is closed. So, even though I'm not doing one the same day as I promised, I am doing one this week!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-If I can run a 5k you can definitely run a 5k! Even if you don't run the whole time you WILL finish it! Is your bf going to do it with you!? I wanted to call the police on the man but my manager said no. I was going to do it anyways but he got away too quick to get his license plate information. It was awful. My co worker said she couldn't smell it. WOW. It was just terrible!

    Laila-I haven't met hardly any of the goals I've set for myself either. I am determined to meet this one. I want to be 195 for my trip. This trip is a reward to myself! I think the goal you have set for yourself are excellent. Espeically during the busy hectic holidays.

    Deb-Not sure if you are reading the thread or not but I hope you are feeling better!!
  • Julie...........0.0.........0%

    Sorry I haven't been around the last few days - have been trying to climb out from under the amount of work I have to do. I've been under cals most days and sodium every day, but haven't worked out yesterday or today. Just needed a bit of a break. Am going for a big run tomorrow in an attempt to get closer to that 5K distance for next Thursday!

    School is having a chili cook-off tonight, so am trying to keep my cals under control until then. I hope everyone has a great weekend. :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lauren, you look fabulous!
  • Oh Cris! I'm not sure how honest my ticker is!! I haven't weighed in on my "ticker" scale in over a month and I was at 174.4 there. I've been weighing in at home, but my scale is super weird. Seriously, last night I weighed in at 175.5. This morning I was 168.5. You know, just a 7 lb difference!! I need to weigh in for real so I can post what's REALLY going on. Even though it's been a month, I'm pretty confident I'm within 2-3 lbs of my lowest (174.4).

    Oh and someone finally posted a picture from the wedding last weekend!


    Lauren you look great!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Thanks for the lovely compliments ladies!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allison: Best of luck with your run tomorrow. I definitely need to do some last minute training, too!

    Jess: No, the bf is not doing the 5k. He hates running, but I'm trying to get my sister to do it since she's been spending a lot of time running on the treadmill lately. It depends on her work schedule, though.

    For lunch today I went and got a protein shake (I was out of protein powder and am getting more tonight) that tasted just like an Orange Julius! Yum! It made me feel like I was having a dessert for lunch and it was under 300 calories. Woo hoo. I'm going to a fish fry tonight with a friend, but I should still be under on calories, even if I decide to have a beer or two.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks for the lovely compliments ladies!

    I can't see it at work but I will definitely check tonight! Or is it on facebook?

    Allison-Good luck tomorrow!!

    Heather-Hope you can get your sister to go with you. I should just register for one and do it alone. I don't have anybody around here who wants to do one. My cousin in Tulsa is the only one. Just fly to Texas and I'll run one with ya! HAHA! JK JK!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Ack! My current thumbnail is a boob shot! I must fix!

    EDIT: Fixed it. But b/c it was funny:

  • Calories- Under and I did great!!!!!
    Water- 64oz.+ and I have had to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes
    Exercise- 40 minutes on my Stationary Bike burning 605 Calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Proud- That even though I still don't feel too great still, I didn't use that as an excuse to eat JUNK and not exercise!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930

    Yes, yes, after being on hold and gaining for about FOUR MONTHS straight, I finally lost the ten I gained PLUS an additional 1.5!!! Lordie Mae that ticker has not moved for a long time!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Lauren - you look FAB in your gorgeous dress! ROFL at your boob shot! I am proud of you for sticking with the 5k!
    Laura - great job exercising! I know how you feel - I'm sick and I do NOT feel like exercising at all. But I am going to do it if you all are doing it!!!
    Allison - I am so proud of you for doing the run! Have fun!
    Heather - I am proud of you for signing up for one, too! I had to smile at your Orange Julius comment. We haven't had those in Lou for sooo long I almost forgot about them, until your post!
    Jess - thank goodness you didn't light a match near the drunk customer!
    Laila - you do NOT suck. Your scale just didn't cooperate today. I know what you mean about goals, though. I am so sick of disappointing myself with failed goals that I decided to stop making them for now.
    Julie - I have some 48 F's to give you if you get that big! LOL But I PRAY you never do! Those ta-ta's killed my back!
    Momma - I am always so happy when I read that you're happy. :heart:
    Cris - little petunia, you refused to let me give up, so now it's my turn. I WILL find you if you go AWOL again! :heart:
    Melinda - how did the movie extravaganza go?
    ladeb - WTG on giving up that caffeine!!! You are my hero!
    meokk - um, the wedding pics? Pronto, sister! :laugh:
    Ann - I wasn't going to exercise today, but then I remembered I had just committed to your goal suggestion and I forced my butt off my chair to go for a 30 minute walk! Thanks for your motivation, sister! :heart:
    WHERE IS LILDEB??????????????

    If I forgot you I am super sorry! Blame it on me still being sort of sick!

    check in:
    cals: Oooh la la a little over (darn martinis at Happy Hour)
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 min. walk
    proud: I exercised today PLUS I wore my new smaller sized jeans to work today - ooofta I felt like a sausage but by lunchtime they were OK! :laugh:
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