Over 200 New Year New me Part 39



  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Jess: I buy my swimsuits from Land's End online because their sizing chart is accurate and the adorable halter tops actually properly fit well-endowed women such as myself. They're cute, comfy suits, too. You can check them out at Landsend.com

    I love Land's End! They really do have all the different body types covered as will as sizing, tops and cute to boot.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Ladeb: Ann (Awestfall) typically posts a new link weekly or biweekly so they don't get so long and hard to keep up with. She always puts the link in the old thread, so just click and it will bring you over to the new one! I'm glad you came back with a loss after your time in Lanesboro. Are you from MN?

    Yes, I live in the northern suburbs of Minneapolis - Champlin if you have heard of it.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ladeb: When you're under 200, you'll still come here for support because many of us are already there. We've become a close group, so we'll be here even when we're ALL under 200! I've most certainly heard of Champlin...I work in Blaine and live in North Branch!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hi ladies :)

    Slowly but surely getting back to being on track. Taking it one day at a time. Day 2 of eating well :) I'll take it!

    Nearly time to turn in this take home midterm... it's been killing me this week! (and an equally brutal project I need to get cracking on)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm getting so much extra exercise walking to and from the bathroom today! :laugh: I've had to pee every 30 minutes for the last 2.5 hours. :indifferent:

    Also, it's a nasty rainy day today and I'm working 13 hours. Did I let that stop me from exercising? Nope. I just walked 2 miles inside, including 8 flights of stairs. :drinker: Of course, I was heavily motivated by the crazy craving of the day (pepperoni pizza). :tongue: The deal with myself is if I exercise, I get to indulge (moderately!) in whatever stupid pregnancy-related craving (at least that's what I'm telling myself these are) I'm having that day. :wink: Sunday was banana pudding, Monday was Doritos, today is apparently pepperoni pizza (and how convenient that I work my part-time job tonight).
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Julie, way to get in the exercise!

    I've been craving thai red curry so in an attempt to be both thrify and calorie happy, I ordered one today w/extra rice. I should be able to stretch this out to make 3 meals. I smartly portioned out my rice and then added the curry into a separate container. I will be good to go for lunch tomorrow and Thursday for a total of $3/day. I wish calories were a little more friendly - my lunches are about 435 cals, which is more than I usually like to eat. Oh well, I'll need less snacks since it's so filling. Right?!?

    Heather, I'm bummed you won't be able to do the 5K this weekend. We'll miss your support. I wonder if Cris is still planning for it? I've come to terms w/the fact that I won't be able to run the whole thing. However, I'm going to run with a friend and her dad (she says he sets a really good friendly pace), so I'll have some encouragement along the way to run as long as I can. No matter what, I know I'll hit a new "record" for longest distance ran. And I'll take that!
  • Calories- Way over unfortunatly. So, not going to stress about it though. Tomorrow is another day
    Water- 64oz.
    Exercise- no, had a crazy horrible headache all day long and I feel horrible
    Proud- That I drank my water.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi guys!

    Sorry for dropping off- just BUSY and out of internet range! I sure wish there was a Blackberry application for this site!

    OK I'm doing badly but hemmm I'm here and I'm going to keep at it.

    Yesterday I stopped on my way to the gym (first time in forever) and picked up a pair of those five fingered running shoes. The only ones they had in my size were ugly and not the style I wanted but they'll work for running and I bought them NO MORE EXCUSES! Then I called Ken and Meghan to remind them that they were meeting me at the gym. OK maybe ONE more excuse. Meghan went to a friends house, then she and the friend were going to meet us at Ray's Place (my favorite little restaurant in Kent!) Sooooo... two Christmas Ales, some deep fried appitizers and 1/4 reuben later I was over calories.

    Today is going to be better. I'm heading home to my PC to edit photos, and I'm hoping to enjoy a little fire time. Maybe I'll get some exercise in tomorrow AM?

    Love you all!
    (sorry I didn't spell check)

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I weighed myself today and I am only two pounds from an honest ticker! I am so happy!

    check in:
    cals: wowsa - ate out for lunch and it took all of my calories! Won't be eating that again!
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 minute walk
    proud: I am getting a grip!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok so I have an honest ticker this morning and I messed up big time yesterday but I am determined not to blow it today.With that said I am going to go exercise now be back later.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    20 minutes on the elliptical done WOOO HOOO!!
  • Good Morning Everyone, I am SICK, SICK, SICK this morning. I still have a horrible headache, and now I am coughing and sneezing like crazy. I am not going to exercise today but I have no excuse today not to eat well and I will do it. I have made up my mind that no matter if I feel bad or not I am going to eat well. Yesterday I used it as an excuse to eat junk (my hubby brings the crap in the house and I have told him to stop it) and I will not do that today, there is no junk food in the house. I have to be honest with my ticker too, this weight was from the other day but I wasn't going to change it but oh well it will be coming right back off.

    Ann- congrats on the exercise!!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    hello gals!!

    Sorry i have been mia for a while..work is just crazy busy...We had a big release go in yesterday and it was just crazy worked 5:45 - 5:45 yeah...fun...not to mention i didn't sleep hardly the night before , betweek worring about this thing yesterday and abby waking up at 2, yes 2...and mee feeling cruddy...

    yeah on the me feeling cruddy...started friday with sore throat, then more sore throat on sat turning it to some head conjestion on sunday to chest and head congestion now...fun fun..i got some meds at cvs last night hopefully i will feel better soon , i seem to when i get a head junk it turns into bronchitis, so if it doesn't get better by the end of the week i may head to the doctor.

    This much was at work pretty much no body off , no body leave early so we will have to see..

    I still haven't been tracking or really working out...work just draining everything out of me (probably why i am sick). I am hoping to feel better this weekend so i can work out finally. Our gym had a programmer for new enrolees for 6 months, they tracked how many times you went, you answered questions of the day. YOu could get a total of 24 points, and i got 21 (the other ones were like referriung members and buying PT sessions) so now i can redeem them. ...I had enought to redeem 5 - 25 minute sessions. I know they will probably want to sell me more at the end, but oh well i got no $, but will take these 5 sessions...i seriosly need help in strength training... hubby got his too but he didn't get as much since he doesn't work out at lunch like i do, but he still got 2 - 50 minute sessions so that is really good too.

    was suprised at the scale this morning , since i haven't really done much (and ate way more stuff than i should), i am holding around 245 , which was my last weigh in like 2-3 weeks ago...i am good with that.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I did SO well yesterday. Until 9pm rolled around. And then I lost my mind. Pizza and ice cream binge. Amazingly, I was only about 150 calories over "maintenance" which is nothing a short little walk won't take care of today. :smile: If I had only had a *reasonable* amount of pizza OR a *reasonable* amount of ice cream, I wouldn't have been over maintenance at all. Hard to believe after 14 months of conscious effort those "I don't even give a f***" binges still happen.

    I'm over it. I didn't weigh this morning because I figured the sodium in the pizza needs a few days to wash out of my system. I won't weigh myself again until Friday. And it WILL be lower than yesterday. :smile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hello hello!

    Yesterday was a pretty good day. I'm happy with my check-in.

    Cals - 1350, over by 150 (yup, I'll take it!)
    Water - 72 oz
    Exercise - None
    Proud - I was baptized yesterday! I was dedicated as a child, but never baptized as an adult. So last night I did the full-on immersion baptism and got dunked. It was a very emotional experience - I cried a lot, happy tears!

    I've got exercise planned for today and tomorrow. Gym with friend today and hot yoga tomorrow. I'm so NOT ready for the 5K this Sunday, but I'm going to do my best.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hello hello!

    Yesterday was a pretty good day. I'm happy with my check-in.

    Cals - 1350, over by 150 (yup, I'll take it!)
    Water - 72 oz
    Exercise - None
    Proud - I was baptized yesterday! I was dedicated as a child, but never baptized as an adult. So last night I did the full-on immersion baptism and got dunked. It was a very emotional experience - I cried a lot, happy tears!

    I've got exercise planned for today and tomorrow. Gym with friend today and hot yoga tomorrow. I'm so NOT ready for the 5K this Sunday, but I'm going to do my best.
    That is wonderful news to hear of your baptism!! God bless!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good... almost afternoon! haha :)

    Two days in a row of eating well! I even got my friend from class to join MFP :)

    The girls (8 and 3 years old) don't have school today, so they're hanging out with me! (Any suggestions on how to log that? haha)

    Lauren - Congratulations on your baptism!!! :)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Theresa: You sound like you have a fun day ahead of you. I'd rather hang out with 8 & 3 year olds than work!

    Lauren: If nothing else, I'll do a 5k on the treadmill in support of you gals. I may still register for the 5k, who knows. Sometimes I surprise myself. Congrats on the baptism!

    Melinda: I'm with you on wishing for a Blackberry app for this site. They keep saying it's coming but I'm getting impatient!

    Nancy: Congrats on being back on track and being close to having an honest ticker again.

    Laura: Feel better soon!

    Ann: Great job on the exercise.

    Deb: Yay on being able to take some PT sessions. I highly recommend having the trainer work with you on free weights for strength rather than machines because you're more likely to be able to continue them at home without a large investment should you not have access to a gym sometime in the future. Plus, using free weights works the "functionality" of your muscles (meaning the angles in which you use them in your daily life) rather than just the position set my the machine. Just my opinion!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 74
    Sodium: Over by 2175 (chicken patties for dinner)
    Water: 64.9 oz.
    Exercise: ChaLean Push Circuit 1
    Proud: That I exercised at 5am.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Can you eat too much fiber? Especially if you are eating well as far as calories, etc go.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    ladeb, I think anyone can eat too much of anything. But I would say that you need to listen to your tummy. Mine gets bothered by too much. As for a number that says this is too much I am not sure.

    Deb, glad to see you here!!! I think Heather had some real good advice about the PT

    Good Job Nancy!!!!

    Lauren congrats on being baptized.

    Ann keep up the good work!!!!

    Julie, even though you still have those occasional binges it is amazing how you are aware of it and do damage control the next day. That is what is different. Even "thin" people have those binges what keeps them thin is doing what you are doing. Taking care of it today!!!!!!

    Okay, I am here to share my "Journey with RyRy" I have requested a "one on one" aide for him. I am doing that job now. Monday while I was at home and on my way back to school he took off running from the teacher and slid and hit the paper towel dispenser in the face. So he needs constant supervision. He has climbed up on cabinets and done things like that. I leave for an hour in the morning then I return. In the midst of me asking for all of this the school Psychologist e-mails me and here it is.... I copied and pasted

    "Sherry: One more thing. I am working on writing Ryan’s evaluation report and have been reviewing the data we are collecting on his behavior. The graphs really show terrific improvement. They make me excited just looking at them! Ryan has exceeded the behavior goals that we have set for him into December. So, it is probably time to adjust the behavior plan."

    I was so happy. Sometimes when you are dealing with something daily it is hard to see the improvements but wow he has SURPASSED his Dec. goal and we are still in NOv. I am so proud of my little guy!!!!!
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