Over 200 New Year New me Part 39



  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey ladies,

    I am not weighing in today. I forgot to get on the scale this morning. I think I lost about 3 pounds though. I checked my weight in the evening yesterday and I was down like 2 pounds and it was night time. So I will try again next week.

    Ryan had a GREAT day!!!!! I am so thrilled. Usually a real bad day means there are going to be several in a row. This in itself is an improvement. Only bad in the morning, recovered for the day and left it behind him(wed). Today started off well and ended well. I think this means he is starting to "get it" I felt so sorry for him today though. They were doing assesments on him to see where he is and they asked him to "stand by the chair" He would push the chair under the table then go back to his chair. They would say "No, STAND by the chair" so he stood ON the chair. Broke my heart!! My little guy just could not understand what they wanted of him. This is the "Language" part of his delay. You hate to see your child struggle. He was so proud of himself for standing on the chair he really believed he followed the direction. :cry: But all that aside ♥♥♥♥HE HAD A GREAT DAY♥♥♥♥
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930

    Still holding at -3 this week! Only four to go to make an honest ticker!!!
    Congrats to our losers this week! Yahoo you did it!!!
    And a huge WAY TO GO for our gals who made half-way to their half-way! Did that make sense? :noway: :laugh:
  • Well I'm up a pound from yesterday which is a bummer, but I just now realized that the pretzels I had last night had an INSANE amount of sodium in them so I'm hoping that it's just water weight that goes back down tomorrow.

    I did my first real outdoor run today - it is simply gorgeous here - and did 1.5 miles in about 20 minutes and just really enjoyed running on a nice morning. It really gave me confidence that I can do the full 5K in 2 weeks. :happy:

    Yesterday's check-in:

    Cals: 113 under
    Water: 9+ cups
    Sodium: 693 over (UGH)
    Exercise: none
    Proud: I went out and (other than those damn pretzels) didn't snack on anything, avoided drinking, and still had a good time.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Awesome job running outside Allison!

    Momma -SOOOO happy Ryan had a great day! *happy dance*

    I had a not good day yesterday. I was really tired and I ate way too much crap. I tried to make a healthy lunch, had 2 bites and nearly threw up. It's like the only thing I could stomach was cheese pizza. :embarassed: So, that's what had for breakfast and lunch. For dinner I scoured the pantry for boxed mac & cheese. *sigh* I had none and ended up eating Ramen! :noway: Somehow after all that crap & sodium, I'm down 2 pounds from yesterday morning so I actually feel okay about my weight. I don't really think I've gained much and if I get my sodium back under control I should be back down to 193-194 in no time. I feel better about food today and I'm about to go to the gym (any minute now... really... :tongue: ).
  • Hello everyone, I am ready to go today. Today is day #4 that I have stuck with it and I know that I can do this and this time I will not give up. I hope you all have a great day!!
  • R2L (sorry I can't remember your name) - congrats on sticking with it for the past few days!! Sometimes all it takes to jump start this process is a few days of success and realizing that you CAN do it! :flowerforyou:

    Julie - Sodium is a little b!tch. I'm in a fight with sodium today. :laugh:

    Lunch then off to the library to get some work and studying done.
  • R2L (sorry I can't remember your name) - congrats on sticking with it for the past few days!! Sometimes all it takes to jump start this process is a few days of success and realizing that you CAN do it! :flowerforyou:

    Julie - Sodium is a little b!tch. I'm in a fight with sodium today. :laugh:

    Lunch then off to the library to get some work and studying done.

    It's Okay, thank you. I am glad that I decided to give this another chance. -Laura
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    This phone drives me crazy. If i mess up it messes up everything and i have to start over. Ok here goes attempt no.2.
    laura, great job staying focused! It will get easier.
    Momma, so happy about Ry's good day! One day at a time, girl.
    I am sitting in the parking lot of shop n save waiting for my dad to finish shopping. I had to get on to share my exciting news. Today it is pretty chilly in lou and of course i ran out without a jacket. I was freezing so when my dad and i went into walgreens i saw these sweatshirts for $5. I NEVER buy clothes in a store because they never have my size but i thought what the he'll i'm freezing. So i bought their biggest size,a 3x. IT FITS! I BOUGHT SOMETHING IN A STORE AND IT FITS!. PLIS I PUT IT ON RIGHT THERE IN THE STORE IN FRONT OF GOD AND EVERYONE! !! This is huge for me! I almost started crying in walgreens. I just tried it on like a normal person!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    YAY NANCY!! (there really needs to be a happy dance smiley!)

    I went to the gym! I went to the gym! I burned 647 calories in 65 minutes keeping my heart rate at what I consider to be a safe level for me and the little one. I feel like 160bpm is reasonable and I can still sweat without getting out of breath or being overheated.

    Normally after a visit to the gym I feel PUMPED. But today I totally zonked on the couch the second I got home. Welcome to ridiculous early pregnancy fatigue. And Laila, I don't believe for a second that I've miraculously escaped morning sickness. I definitely think it's yet to come. I have moments of :sick: but nothing really constant. I think in a couple weeks I'll be singing a different tune though.

    Also.... there's a flipping mouse in my house and my cat has proved herself to be far too lazy. :ohwell:
  • Calories- Under
    Water- 64oz+
    Exercise- no day off
    Proud- that this was day 4 and I am pushig forward to lose the weight!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cals: 2031 (616 deficit)
    Exercise: 30 minutes elliptical; 15 minute walk/jog; 20 minutes biking
    Water: Didn't track, but plenty
    Proud: I finally have myself back under control.

    Lowest weight I've seen in a while this morning. I'm sooooo happy to see it go down instead of up! It's enough to motivate me to get back to the gym today. :smile: I really do enjoy the gym I just hate that it's so far from my house. I have an awful craving for banana pudding today so I have to free up some calories! :laugh: I know that's not exactly a healthy goal but honestly, burning some extra calories is my best defense against these cravings, they're nuts!
  • Hello everyone, I am actually back and doing this thing. It just comes second nature now. I am down 5 pound as of this morning!!! I am happy to say that I am in the 280's now instead of 290's!!

    Calories- under
    water- 64oz.+
    Exercise- day off
    Proud- that I did not give up on myself and that I am giving this another try.
  • Had a good day yesterday -

    Cals: 400 under
    Water: 7ish cups
    Sodium: about 900 under
    Exercise: 1.5 mile outdoor run!!
    Proud: I ran that 1.5 miles in 20 min. :-)

    Today's good but busy. Haven't had too much time to eat or eat well. Making dinner now.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Julie - woohoo on getting that control back! WTG!
    Purple - GREAT job on that mile and a half! 20 minutes! You rock!
    Laura - yay for the 280's!!!

    check in:
    cals: 100 cals under
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 minutes elliptical, 50 minute walk
    proud: still beaming at my sweatshirt experience! :bigsmile:
  • Good Morning everyone! Glad today is a new day. I did so good all day yesterday then right before bed time I was so hungry so what do I do but eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and went over on my calories. I am not going to do that today. I will finish today well. I wll just have to stretch out my snacks to where I am not hungry at bedtime. I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Happy Monday morning ladies!! Back to tracking today for me. My trip to Mexico is booked!! I leave January 29th!! So excited! Going to get my passport today. Can't decide if I wanna hit it hard with Insanity again or take it easy going into things again and start slow. Any thoughts?
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Trying to con my motivation into coming around. I think pajama pants have some kind of magnetic property that is attracted to the couch....

    Happy Monday, all!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Nancy: A big congrats on your Walgreens sweatshirt! That's SO freaking awesome!

    Jess: Yay for having your trip booked. I guess I would go with INsanity because I like having a routine to follow rather than just putting something together myself, but that's because I lack discipline. I'll be jumping back into ChaLean where I left off today.

    This weekend, we got our first snow and it was several inches. Snowmobiles have already been out whizzing around and we're starting to plan our first time out with the snowshoes. That being said, I doubt I'll do the 5k this weekend because it's supposed to be freezing (high in the low-mid 30s) and with me not being prepared, I'm not sure I could do it. I may still sign up for one next week, but we'll see how I do with the exercising this week. I hate to disappoint you all, but I just really don't think I'd do well running in the snow, cold and ice! Such is life in Minnesota.

    After slacking off all of last week including the weekend and not logging calories, I'm back on track today. I think I needed a break but I'm ready to go again today. I've got my meals planned for the day and have a goal in sight. The bf and I were looking into planning our Montana vacation for June 2011, and we found the place we want to go to. We have to start saving money, which means we need to stop eating out, which will also help with weight loss.

    We're hoping to book a trip to Bar W Guest Ranch near Whitefish, MT, which is 23 miles from Glacier National Park. It's a total cowboy experience with all-inclusive packages. That being said, I want to be a HOT cowgirl by then! I'm so excited bf said he's always wanted to take such a trip because it's something I've wanted to do since I was little. Now I have a goal to work toward and I really think I can hit my goal weight by June. That's only 5 lbs. per month. So, here we go!

    Alright, I'll wrap this up for now! Have a great day!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok gals I need your help to stay motivated and on the wagon.I cannot fall off again ever.I am up 6 pounds and I am so sick and tired now of seeing 232 when 2 months ago I was 218-220.I want to see those numbers again before the end of the year.So I made a plan for myself.I will continue to count calories,I will not overindulge in sodium as I have been and I will exercise moderately everyday even if it is only for 15-20 minutes daily.I have to lose this weight once and for all.I have been playing around with this for too long and haly way doing it somedays and then other days full force.I need to full force do things again without burning myself out.I am getting serious about this once and for all.I want to be healthy and happy with the way I look and I want a few more children as well and I know to get there I need to work.So please if any of you are having the same issues and not giving it your all lets help each other focus and win this battle once and for all so we can live our lives healthier and happier.I have been at this journey too long and its time to change my lifestyle for good and keep it healthy for good.So who ever wants to join in is welcome and for those of you who are doing fine on your own please continue to support the rest of us who are struggling.I want this so bad and I want to get fit and healthy.Today is a new day and I have already made steps in the right direction today so help me stay on that right path in the weeks to come.Help me reach my goal weight and stay on track I hate this weight I am at.

    End of November_ -5 pounds
    December_ -10 pounds
    Goal for the end of the year -217
    End of February -200
    August-140 Reached my goal!!
  • Ok gals I need your help to stay motivated and on the wagon.I cannot fall off again ever.I am up 6 pounds and I am so sick and tired now of seeing 232 when 2 months ago I was 218-220.I want to see those numbers again before the end of the year.So I made a plan for myself.I will continue to count calories,I will not overindulge in sodium as I have been and I will exercise moderately everyday even if it is only for 15-20 minutes daily.I have to lose this weight once and for all.I have been playing around with this for too long and haly way doing it somedays and then other days full force.I need to full force do things again without burning myself out.I am getting serious about this once and for all.I want to be healthy and happy with the way I look and I want a few more children as well and I know to get there I need to work.So please if any of you are having the same issues and not giving it your all lets help each other focus and win this battle once and for all so we can live our lives healthier and happier.I have been at this journey too long and its time to change my lifestyle for good and keep it healthy for good.So who ever wants to join in is welcome and for those of you who are doing fine on your own please continue to support the rest of us who are struggling.I want this so bad and I want to get fit and healthy.Today is a new day and I have already made steps in the right direction today so help me stay on that right path in the weeks to come.Help me reach my goal weight and stay on track I hate this weight I am at.

    End of November_ -5 pounds
    December_ -10 pounds
    Goal for the end of the year -217
    End of February -200
    August-140 Reached my goal!!

    Ann, I know exactly how you feel. I had ate good all day yesterday only to go over my calories before I went to bed. I have been here for almost 2 years and I am ready to do this dang thing and keep it off. I'm with ya. Let's Rock It!!!!!!!
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