Over 200 New Year New me Part 39



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hi girls,

    Just went back and read the last 4 pages of post...well skimmed most of it. Im just to that point again where I am miserable. Im completely drained of energy, small tasks are becoming difficult, and my eating is absolutely out of control. I feel 100% like crap.

    I dont know what to do right now...I feel overwhelmed with personal matters, restarting the journey during the holidays seems daunting...just wanted to let you all know I am here and will be trying to at least keep up with the posts.

    Missed u all


    ps- I dont even recall when my last visit to the gym was

    Cris -- I'd like to invite you to take the approach I'm taking right now which is focusing on exercise. I enjoy exercising but I'm exhausted all the time right now so it is something I have to force myself to do. I feel better aferwards, I have a little more energy, and I don't feel so much like crap.

    I've exercised the last 6 days in a row. I went to the gym Saturday & Sunday but I really haven't had the energy to go this week but I've committed to walking 30-40 minutes every day at lunch and it really does help A LOT. :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I have to agree with Julie. I'm trying to re-focus on the exercise as well, with less emphasis on what I eat. One thing at a time. I've missed you and hope you'll at least chat with us if nothing else. I just wish there were something I could do for you to help so you don't feel so miserable. Just know you're loved!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris: I have to agree with Julie. I'm trying to re-focus on the exercise as well, with less emphasis on what I eat. One thing at a time. I've missed you and hope you'll at least chat with us if nothing else. I just wish there were something I could do for you to help so you don't feel so miserable. Just know you're loved!

    I think I might have to join in on the Julie approach. I haven't been posting but I've been hanging around reading. Everybody has been doing so well and I"ve been struggling hardcore and just haven't had much to write. I got in the habit of going out to eat everyday again. So this week I'm trying to break that habit and break food for lunch everyday and drinking water. I'm back to where I hate drinking water. So I'm drinking it with these sugar free hawaiian punch packets. I'm holding a strong 209 right now. I'd really love to see 199 before the end of the year and possibly 195 before my trip. I need to start working out again. Need to do it for me and make the time and stop making excuses.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    This exercise thing might be a good one!

    Chris- I've slid backwards and I'm also thinking WTF about all of this... but really... what are our options? We only have one option and that is to keep working to make smart choices that we can be proud of rather than short term choices we feel horrid about.

    Speaking of which... I just got back from lunch at PF Changs. Once again I "got my money's worth" from the vendor who picked up the tab. oops. (yummy lamb!) What do we think the chance is that I'll skip the popcorn tonight?

    I'm here at work, where all the guys wear dark suits and ties, wearing a black pleated skirt, black tights, a white shirt and a grey Hogwarts school sweater. Yep - I'M GOING TO HOGWARTS! (as a 43 yr old senior?) Cougar classes?

    Anyway - I love you guys and I'm going to stick to this even if it is my just admitting failures for awhile because sooner or later I'll get myself straightened out and I'll be going back down again!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    As for all of us lets all jump back on the exercise wagon.WE ARE SLACKING AND WE NEED TO REGROUP OUR FOCUS PEOPLE!!! Ok I am going to challenge each of us to exercise at least 30 minutes everyday with one day to recover and we are to report here daily.Sound good? Let go!!!
  • As for all of us lets all jump back on the exercise wagon.WE ARE SLACKING AND WE NEED TO REGROUP OUR FOCUS PEOPLE!!! Ok I am going to challenge each of us to exercise at least 30 minutes everyday with one day to recover and we are to report here daily.Sound good? Let go!!!

    Ann, I'm in!!!!! I think this is exactly what I need. I have been totally slacking. I had said that I was going to take a few days off and come back on Monday but I will not do that and delay my weight loss. The truth is I have been totally slack when it comes to eating and exercising and I needed this kick in the butt!! Thanks Ann!!!
  • Calories- Way over, this is the last day I hope that I have to say that.
    Water- 64 oz.
    Exercise- nope
    Proud- that I am not going to take a few days off and come back on Monday.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    As for all of us lets all jump back on the exercise wagon.WE ARE SLACKING AND WE NEED TO REGROUP OUR FOCUS PEOPLE!!! Ok I am going to challenge each of us to exercise at least 30 minutes everyday with one day to recover and we are to report here daily.Sound good? Let go!!!

    Ann, I'm in!!!!! I think this is exactly what I need. I have been totally slacking. I had said that I was going to take a few days off and come back on Monday but I will not do that and delay my weight loss. The truth is I have been totally slack when it comes to eating and exercising and I needed this kick in the butt!! Thanks Ann!!!
    Your welcome now tomorrow 30 minutes of any kind of exercise but you have to do it.Watch your calories and drink your water!! Let do this girls NO MORE SLACKING AND NO MORE EXCUSES!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Cris - I miss you so much. TRUST me, there are very few of us who are doing well right now. I know I have had a horrible last two months with a ten pound gain. But I refuse to give up. I am in for committing to a 30-min. daily exercise plan with one free day. I think ANY kind of exercise is better than none, so I commit to posting every day with something. It may not be 30 minutes, but darn it I will do something! I think forcing ourselves to fake it til we make it is crucial right now before the holidays.


    Come on, sisters! We've been through worse together! We must pick each other up NOW.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    I'm all for jumping in with the exercise focus!! Too many times I opt out of working out with the excuse of "I'll just eat less today"... sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Either way it's stupid.

    Cris! Keep your head up, dear :) We're not racing to lose weight, you've been so successful there's no reason to beat yourself up. :)
  • Good Morning Everyone!!!!! I am up and ready to get this party started this morning. I don't feel that great but I will do my 30 minutes of exercise if is nothing but walking at a slow pace through my house. I will do this and I know that I can. Heck, I lost 52 pounds before I know that I can do it again. I just have to find that determination to do it again. I know that I can do it. I changed my ticker to have my goal for 200 then when I reach that I will reset it to do the rest. I think with such a big goal I was overwhelmed, but now I look at it and it's not.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am so glad everyone is on this exercise goal kick!! So everyone remember 30 minutes of any kind of exercise and if you can't do 30 do at least 15 minutes of concentrated exercise give it your all.We have been through so much together ladies and we have been doing this .I know with the holidays coming up everyone wants to slack including me but we have to do something to fight our way through and continue to lose weight.PICK IT UP GALS NO SLACKING THROUGH THE HOLIDAYS WE GOT THIS!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    BUT! I said on Wednesday that I would weigh less today than I did on Tuesday AND I DO! 0.2 pounds less. That may not seem like much, but it's a rate of 0.5 pounds/week and I'd be THRILLED with that for the next 10 weeks!

    I am retaining water like no one's business and my boobs have now grown from my wonderful new 36C bras to busting out of all my D cup bras. :noway: Holy crap! :laugh: So even though I weigh 7 pounds more than my lowest weight ever, I'm still sitting here in my size 14 no-stretch jeans, damn it!

    Edit: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I just saw what my baby ticker says today after I posted this. So true!

    2nd Edit: I'm going to make myself an honest ticker. :wink:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member

    While I haven't lost any weight compared to my ticker, I have lost 2 pounds compared to my Monday weight and 4 pounds since my last Wednesday weight!

    I'll take it.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Well I'm down 3 pounds from what I was on Monday and only 1 pound up from my ticker. That's progress!! My goal this week was to get my eating under control. Haven't gone out to eat for dinner at all this week. I went out to lunch a twice, I think. But I'm making progress! Didn't eat breakfast out at all! Ate cereal everyday. Feel like I'm getting some mojo back. Glad to see everybody is on board with trying to take baby steps to get going again. We all have been through so much together and we will continue to push each other. I start Insanity again on Monday and have commited to working out twice a week at night with my best friend as well. 15 pounds by my trip is my goal! Let's see if I can do it!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Girls, sorry I did not weigh in today. I have been staying away from the scale. Tom has arrived! I too am going to commit to exercise. 30 minutes a day. I think that is a great idea.

    Jess, I know you can lose 15 by your trip.

    Cris, you are not alone.

    We can do this. 30 minutes. 30 minutes........I can do it.

    Ryan has had yet again another wonderful day. Sometimes I feel sad because he seems so different than his classmates but he is so precious. My youngest daughter and her friends have been trying to help Ryan make friends on the playground. It has been really neat to see him try to make friends. I think I am starting to come to grips with the fact that my little guy is different. It doesn't make the sadness stop when I see him struggle but it sure makes me appreciate simple things like making friends.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning sisters,

    I was all gungho about re-starting in the new year...but hoenstly I am so miserable that I cant wait that long!!! I decided to re-start on Monday. Why Monday and not today? I need time to re-group, clear out the house of the junk, formulate a plan, and get my self mentally prepared. Im going grocery shopping for the things I need so that come monday I dont slip into the "oh wedont have healthy food" Ill start tomorrow crap...

    Major points to focus on the first week (bad habits that came back)
    - no more soda
    - portion control, stop when satisfied
    - 30 mins of excercise
    - plan meals ahead

    Ok so thats my focus for the first week.

    Thanks for the warm welcome back! I missed you guys a lot but I couldnt bear to be on the boards with the way I was feeling, I just felt like a big dissapointment.

    Back later to chat

  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Cris - The no more soda is a toughy, but you can do it.

    Weight - down 1+ lbs
    Calories - under
    H2O: 80 oz
    Exercise: none (but I am gong tonight)
    Proud that I have not had a caffeinated drink if 15 days (my bad habit was diet dr. pepper by the liter!)
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member

    Hello Sisters!!!!
    I've been very absent but doing OK and miss y'all.

    Cris - I probably would not have bothered to post today had I not seen your face show up on my home page and I though, if Cris is back and at it then I'm in too!! Can I tell you that the only thing that keeps me at this day in and day out is constantly focusing on separating the emotional from the physical. I need to constantly remind myself that food is simply a tool to keep my body running and my emotions cannot be fixed with food. Even with that, I'm no saint but without it Id be a mess. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I have not read posts properly for weeks now but I hope everyone is well
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Cris - The no more soda is a toughy, but you can do it.

    Weight - down 1+ lbs
    Calories - under
    H2O: 80 oz
    Exercise: none (but I am gong tonight)
    Proud that I have not had a caffeinated drink if 15 days (my bad habit was diet dr. pepper by the liter!)

    THanks ladeb- the problem is that I am drinking REGULAR soda by the bucket full...daily! I used to consume at least a 2l of coke a day before I started on this journey, and now Im almost back to that point! OMG holy sugar intake! I dropped soda all together when I started in January 2010 because I knew switching to diet would just make me want regular..I was ok without soda but once I stopped drinking water I just picked the bad habit of carrying a soda with me at all times...ugh I suck
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