Beautiful Blues 11/15/10



  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Today is my last day before I leave for Atlanta then 6 weeks gone. I have a ton to do today, I will try to get some kind of workout in, but I am still feeling sick on top of all the crap I have to do today.

    I will keep in touch the best I can and I am try to think of ways to workout while driving down the road, maybe soem Zumba dancing in the drivers seat just to get myself moving.

    I wish you the best of luck on your new job. Maybe you could take breaks every so often and get in some quick zumba or stretches. Every little bit helps. Safe travels:smile:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Today is my last day before I leave for Atlanta then 6 weeks gone. I have a ton to do today, I will try to get some kind of workout in, but I am still feeling sick on top of all the crap I have to do today.

    I will keep in touch the best I can and I am try to think of ways to workout while driving down the road, maybe soem Zumba dancing in the drivers seat just to get myself moving.

    I wish you the best of luck on your new job. Maybe you could take breaks every so often and get in some quick zumba or stretches. Every little bit helps. Safe travels:smile:

    Thank you so much, I am going to do everything I can not to gain too much. I know gaining is in my future but I am hoping it will not be too much
  • tigermom79
    YEAY!!!! 2 days in a row I have logged everything that has gone in my mouth!!!! :) If I can do it for 2 days I can do it all week! Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.

    Talk to you tomorrow!
    Happy Logging!!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    YEAY!!!! 2 days in a row I have logged everything that has gone in my mouth!!!! :) If I can do it for 2 days I can do it all week! Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.

    Talk to you tomorrow!
    Happy Logging!!!!

    You can do it Ann!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Debnu- It happens to all of us- so you're not alone. Have you tried incorporating a fun activity where you could get a good workout- like maybe wii or trying a new pregnancy dvd?

    I have decided I just need to do it later in the day. I am trying to force myself to get up earlier and that is not going to happen. So, I am just going to see if I can get in a few minutes during the day and work up from there.

    I have felt really good the last couple of days. I actually have done some housework...:noway: And have been making dinner everynight, I think it makes a big difference to actually make the meal you are going to eat. Having fruit and vegies everyday helps too....:bigsmile: Keep up the logging you guys are awesome!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi all,

    Debnu- I'm on the same boat right now- cooking my meals for my family and planning ahead. I'm moving towards working on my schedule so I can accomplish all the things I want like working out.

    Ann- Congrats on your accomplishment.

    Have a great day all!
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    My weigh in is the same
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    HI all,

    What a crazy week, but here we are. Here are our weigh ins guys- I hope you are all having an awesome day and a great weekend.


    What are your plans this week guys?
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hi all...Congrats on a good week. My plans are to get my shutters painted tomorrow or at least more than one, which is all I got painted last Saturday lol. I am doing the Insanity videos at 5:00 a.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with the early group of ladies. My class is not meeting next week. I hope to do the Turkey Trot 5 mile walk/run on Thanksgiving morning. The ladies from my group are participating. Then we will have a big Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday. I will start putting up Christmas decorations on Friday. I decorate a themed tree for each room. A trip to Charleston on Sunday to see the Christmas lights will finish up our holiday week. I'll check in when I can. Hope you all have a great week:smile:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    HI all i just finished my orientation now I am just waiting for a trainer to come get me, not sure how long I am going to have to wait for one.

    I am going to get a run in tomorrow and see what other kind of exetcise I can do since I have nothing to do all day.

    Please keep in touch with me I am getting lonley and homesick since the first night I got here
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    HI all i just finished my orientation now I am just waiting for a trainer to come get me, not sure how long I am going to have to wait for one.

    I am going to get a run in tomorrow and see what other kind of exetcise I can do since I have nothing to do all day.

    Please keep in touch with me I am getting lonley and homesick since the first night I got here

    Hey there. Hope you got a good run in. Hopefully the trainer won't be long. Have a good trip:smile:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Woo Hoo...Got all my shutters painted today, now just the doors tomorrow and I'm done. Yeah!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Tammy- Great plans for this week. Insanity sure is a great workout. Wish you a great workout and a nice time!

    Smadag- Sorry you are alone, but I wish you accomplish all that you plan to do.

    Just came back from another volleyball game at church. I'm really excited about tomorrow to watch a christmas show downtown and I plan on getting a workout in. I also have school h.w. and just working on getting everything in.

    Have a great night all!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Good morning all,

    How is everybody doing?

    I'm super excited about a short week and getting to catch up on house chores and of course getting together with family for thanksgiving. I'm also excited about christmas shopping and the holidays approaching. We watched a christmas show in downtown and had a nice time with the family.

    Have a great day all and take care!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Sitting in my motel room waiting for a tainer. I am going to be sitting here until I get one or I don't get my bonus so my hubby is going to come see me this week since he is off all week. He said he will come Wednesday and stay until Sunday So part of me hopes I don't get a trainer until next Monday :wink:
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Hey All,

    Sorry I've been so silent. I've been following the forums but haven't had the time to sit and really add anything... until now!

    Maylan - Which Xmas show did you see? We just saw Wintuk and have tickets to the Rockets. Also saw Elf last weekend. I love the city at this time of year. It's probably my favorite - still fall enough to walk around central park and see the leaves change and close enough to the holidays to see all the lights go up around midtown and all the festivities get into gear.

    smadag - I'm sorry that you've been so lonely but excited that you'll get to see the Hubby soon. That should make everything feel a lot better.

    tamelab- yeay for shutters! Your house will be all pretti-fied for the holidays :-)

    Anywho, I missed the weigh in (sorry!) but I did lose almost a full pound this week which is kind of a big deal as it puts me 3 away from my goal. I'm in the final and most intense section of the slim in six program now so hopefully it'll help me burn those suckers away. Ahh to be at a goal weight. How exciting!

    My dad is so excited to run with me when I go home for Thanksgiving break that he has ordered me new gear and new shoes for the occasion. Which takes care of half my holiday gift list. My list is so funny and MFP inspired. An HRM is at the top, then a food scale, then running gear (under armor, new shoes, the works) and then some 8 or 10 lb weights because my 5s are too light for most of what I want to do now. Which is crazy too! I tried to find a Turkey trot by my home town to do with my dad using the site I believe Maylan linked me at one point but no luck. Either they are too far away or too long for my dad. I forget that when you leave the city, things get less walkable. But I do plan on running in something soon!

    Hope you all are doing well as the holiday approaches. What are the Thanksgiving plans?
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Morning all...I went to the 5 am Insanity class at my church today. Oh my! It is the hardest thing I have ever done. I thought P90X was hard :laugh: I burned 630 calories in 35 minutes! We go again tomorrow and then off two days for Thanksgiving. I'm not sure I can hang with Shawn T, we'll see. I have just a little bit of work this morning and I definitely see a nap in my future. Hope everybody has a good day.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    MTDork- Happy Slimming in Six- that sounds so fun! I saw the Rockettes show and loved it. I'm looking forward to seeing other shows in the future. Wish you a nice time on your trip home and how wonderful to be running with your dad. Here's information about running in america: and
    I also love love love your christmas list and the HRM is just awesome to see those calories burned. Happy thanksgiving and wish you well as you approach your goal weight!

    smadag- Wish you a nice workout with your trainer. I'm also happy your husband is coming to see you and you guys will spend a nice time together!

    Tamelab: Hooray for Insanity- Shawn T can sure kick some butt. And to get up at 5:00am to do it- I admire you. Those are also a nice number of calories- 630- wohooo!!! Happy thanksgiving and have a great day!

    I have thursday and friday off from work and I'm looking forward to it so I can slow down my life and get it together. I had been out of work for 18 months, before I started working 4 months ago, and I feel a little bit crazy juggling everything right now. I have a need to work on my scheduling and my going to bed timing. I also need to do this for myself and not to prove anything for anyone. My mom gave me a suit of pants and a jacket which is a few sizes smaller and I'm hanging it on my closet for inspiration. It's time to put myself first and find motivation.

    Happy thanks giving all and have a great day!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hi all, keep up the great work! I have been around just don't have much to say as I have not been very good lately...It was my hubbies and my 10th anniversary on Monday--we didn't do anything exciting. He took most of the day off and brought me roses--that is as exciting as it got. We had thought about going out of town but never could figure out where. We are glad though as temps dropped and we had a blizzard last night--although it really didn't drop much snow. I was glad to be home and safe and warm with the family. I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. Don't eat too much, but enjoy it all!:bigsmile:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I am wishing everybody a Happy Thanksgiving today because I won't be on here tomorrow. I am doing an 8K Turkey Trot in the morning and then off to North Carolina for dinner. We will go to the Grove Park Inn to see the gingerbread house and Christmas tree display tomorrow night. I'll post some pics for ya'll. Have a safe and fun holiday!


    Debnu...Happy Anniversary. I can't remember the last time I got roses. I think I bought them for myself:laugh:

    Maylan...I always keep a goal dress or pants in my closet. It helps to have something to shoot for. Enjoy your time off.

    MTDork...Enjoy your holiday run with your dad. That sounds great!