Beautiful Blues 11/15/10



  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Debnu- Happy 10th anniversary and wish you and your husband continued happiness. I definitely love turkey so I will remember to have it with salad and then some carbs and sweets.

    Tamelab- Awesome way to start your thanksgiving day- You sure are an inspiration. Wish you a safe trip and nice holiday with your family.

    I am thinking of ways to movitate myself and get back in the groove of things and I've been thinking of putting up pics of myself on my home desk when I was smaller. Another thing I thought of was to pay myself like 4 or 5 dollars for each day that I exercise and eat well. Before I was exercising and eating healthy to prove some people wrong about me being able to lose weight, but as I get older, I seem to care less what people think about me. (which I think is a good thing) But, I want to do this for myself, because I'm important. What do you do to motivate yourself?

    Have a happy thanksgiving all and take care!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Happy thanksgiving all!

    I'm back to my old self and feeling in control with my exercising. It was hard and I saw my heart rate going up very easily, but I'm on my way. I did 30 minutes of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred for 242 calorie burn and ran outside for 15 minutes with breaks in between for another 120 calories. When i was running my heart rate easily went up to 170- don't remember that happening before- but I'll go nice and easy on my body as my body gets used to it.

    Off to do some christmas shopping then to my mom's house to enjoy a nice thanksgiving.

    Have an awesome day all!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    tamelab, I know the last time I got flowers I bought them myself--It was a very pleasant surprise.

    I hope you all enjoyed the holiday. We had a great time with family. I made a bunch of pies and am going to eat a piece of berry pie for breakfast. I love berry pie! I figure it is high fiber, not that bad! :bigsmile:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Hey al
    Still stuck in Atlanta waiting on a trainer, but I got to see my hubby for two days and that made my week. He drove to see me on his motorcycle at night while it was sprinkling on him but after I called him crying because I was lonley and sad he jumped on his bike and came to see me.

    I am trying to watch what I eat and keep positive. When the rain stops I am going to bundle up and go for a walk . I am hoping my trainer can give me tips on how to eat healthy and get some exercise in while on the road.

    Hope yall are having a great day
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hey al
    Still stuck in Atlanta waiting on a trainer, but I got to see my hubby for two days and that made my week. He drove to see me on his motorcycle at night while it was sprinkling on him but after I called him crying because I was lonley and sad he jumped on his bike and came to see me.

    I am trying to watch what I eat and keep positive. When the rain stops I am going to bundle up and go for a walk . I am hoping my trainer can give me tips on how to eat healthy and get some exercise in while on the road.

    Hope yall are having a great day

    Sorry you are so sad. Glad you got to visit with your hubby though. I know that lifted your spirits. Prayers for safe travels:smile:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Thanks Tamelab

    It did lift my spirits to see my hubby and now I am trying to get some walks in but it is so cold and I don't really have any were to walk. Maybe I could just do a couple laps around the parking lot of the hotel

    need to get back to my water I have slacked off on it lately so I am going to try to get 3 24 oz bottles a day to get my hydration back up

    hope yall had a great holiday
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Monday...Hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday. I ate "weigh" too much :laugh: but I managed to stay within 0.5 pounds. Off to work now and then back to bootcamp. Talk to ya'll later.

    I have gotta DRINK MORE WATER TODAY!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Good morning all,

    It's back to work for me today. I spent the weekend cleaning at home and doing christmas shopping. I sure am beat and then tonight I'm ironing clothes.

    Have a great day all!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I actually did 20 minutes of exercise today. That was a great thing...I am to the point where I get achy really easily--So I am hoping that exercise will help with that.

    Hope you all had a great holiday. It was just nice to have a vacation/holiday. Even if we stayed home.

    Have a great day!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Good morning all,

    Another day where I'm really tired since I spent so many hours last night doing ironing and laundry- but atleast that means the weekend is now free.

    Have a great day all!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Afternoon all...I went back to bed this morning after the boys went to school and didn't get up until 10:00. Whew, I am just pooped. It is rainy and cold here today so that may be part of it. I also forgot to wear my HRM for a new P90X/Insanity combo class yesterday and I might have overdone it. I was exhausted all day. Exercise should make me feel better, not worse. We are doing P90X Yoga for 1-1/2 hours tomorrow so I'll be sure to wear my HRM. I may take today off from exercise just to recover. I'm thinking about doing a recovery drink from Beach Body or a recovery protein shake after class each morning. Any suggestions on which is better? I have to have something that tastes good or I'll end up not drinking it and wasting my money. Thanks for any input. Hope you all have a great day:smile:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    tamelab: I haven't tried the beachbody recovery drink, but I heard it's yummy. People say a good recovery drink is chocolate milk because it has the right carb to protein ratio. I sometimes made my own drink out of protein shake and chocolate. I think the ratio people aim for carbs to protein is 4:1. Have fun in your yoga class tomorrow.

    Hi all,

    Another crazy day for me, but I'll learn to plan better next time. I'm working today on a research paper due for school and can't wait to finish it.

    Have an awesome day all!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have used carnation instant breakfast as a recovery drink and it works really well.

    Mayra, Best of luck finishing your paper. I always hated writing school papers.... I have my kid's birthdays this weekend. I am thinking the cake may get the best of me. But I need to be more positive. My boy has decided to eat spaghetti o's with his hands and elbows so I believe that I will be giving him a bath really soon.

    Take care and keep on truckin'!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I have used carnation instant breakfast as a recovery drink and it works really well.

    Mayra, Best of luck finishing your paper. I always hated writing school papers.... I have my kid's birthdays this weekend. I am thinking the cake may get the best of me. But I need to be more positive. My boy has decided to eat spaghetti o's with his hands and elbows so I believe that I will be giving him a bath really soon.

    Take care and keep on truckin'!

    Thanks. I miss the days of having little ones. My ten year old is pretty self sufficient. He still needs me occasionally. My almost 17 year old is just about grown though. It is hard to tell if he is at home he spends so much time in his room on his Xbox.

    I was comparing the difference between Nesquick with skim milk as opposed to low fat chocolate milk as a recovery drink. I saw a nutritionist on You Tube today who said that chocolate milk was the perfect carb to protein ratio (thanks for the tip Maylan) for a recovery drink. I have a huge tub of Nesquick thanks to my youngest son who decides he likes something for about 3 minutes :laugh: I was thinking I might finish that up. There are fewer carbs in the Nesquick with skim than in the chocolate milk so that may throw off the balance. It is about 14 less carbs. What do ya'll think?
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    tamelab- I think you should try the nesquick with skim and see how you feel. I guess as you notice a difference in you, you'll get to tell if your body needs more sugar.

    debnu- hehehe, kids are so cute! My 2 year old is the same and of course, pasta is like her favorite dish.

    This sunday is the last day for my classes this semester and then I have a break of about 1 month. I'm so pumped because this is the break I need to get a good schedule in and a great workout. I'm so excited!

    Have a great day all!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Thursday...As of today, I am within 8 pounds of my original goal of 150. Yoo Hoo! Hopefully I can lose a few more during the Christmas holiday, we'll see. My bootcamp officially starts again January 10 so I am going to try to do P90X on my own until then. This is when I usually fail but my only other option is the 5 am Insanity class and I am not an early bird :laugh: I am excited to go to the Biltmore House this coming Saturday with my step-mom and sister. We are having an all girls day. My hubby and oldest son hate going and my youngest already went with his class on a field trip this year. It should be a fun day. Talk to ya'll later.

    Maylan...I hope you enjoy your much needed break:smile: I will try the Nesquick and let ya'll know how it works for me.

    I think I will invite the ladies from my bootcamp class to join our MFP group.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    tamelab: Where is the insanity class you do? At church? Enjoy your girls day out with your loved ones and congrats to you for being so close to your original goal weight. You can do it!

    People have been quiet in is everyone doing?

    I have one weight in so far today, so dont' forget to send me your weigh in by tonight.

    I am feeling pretty good overall and looking forward to the wonderful things the future will bring for me.

    Take care all!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    tamelab: Where is the insanity class you do? At church? Enjoy your girls day out with your loved ones and congrats to you for being so close to your original goal weight. You can do it!

    People have been quiet in is everyone doing?

    I have one weight in so far today, so dont' forget to send me your weigh in by tonight.

    I am feeling pretty good overall and looking forward to the wonderful things the future will bring for me.

    Take care all!

    Thanks for the reminder. I had completely forgotten about weigh in. The class I do is at my church. We are taking a break after next week until January 10. We will do another 12 week bootcamp then. Thanks for the encouragement. Glad you are doing well:smile:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Hey all checking in real quick. I was sent to Florida a couple days ago and now i am headed to meet my trainer and get this thing started. I have been taking the stairs to the 4th floor in the hotel i have been in for the last couple days so I am proud of myself for that but I know I am going to have to find a way to keep upi some physical activity while I am on the road.

    Hope yall are doing good I will check in again when I get a chance.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Smadag, keep it up! Even if you just march in place for a few minutes it is better than nothing! (5 min everytime you go to the bathroom) :bigsmile: It will make a big difference. The little things add up!

    I think I am coming down with a head cold. So not fun! My throat is very scratchy today after not sleeping due to drainage. sorry--probably TMI.

    I got my thyroid meds upped yesterday--which is wonderful because I sure have been down and blah lately. Hopefully I will start feeling like myself again soon...

    Keep up the great work!