

  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    Hey Sparkles...I agree with you about the frustration. I can't, however, say that I undereat...many of the times I overeat!! I seem to always be hungry. I think that my metabolism is running higher than what the calculators say it is and therefore I am not feeding it enough but I hate to make that jump and then gain weight. You know what I mean?!

    I have started reading a lot about the slow cardio and fat burning zone. There is a lot of information out there that I would say is credible. I usually work out in the 80-90% zone, and even enter the 90 - 100% zone which I know they say is unsafe because you actually burn your muscle but it's where I am physically comfortable. In order to stay in my "fat zone" 50-65%, I have to walk, it's not even a hard walk...quick but I wouldn't say a fast pace. I usually run around 6.5 mph on a treadmill and tend to go faster then that outside for about 3.5 miles. Now, if I want to run 5-6 miles I usually take it down to 5.7 mph to be able to go longer. I definitely have more energy when I drop my zone down, that makes sense and according to many of the JAMA and Runners Magazine articles that I have read I will eventually burn more calories at a slower pace (lower zone) because I won't be burning sugar and muscle, I will actually burn mostly fat.

    My good friend is a cardiologist and he suggested that I try the low-zone burn for at least one month. He told me that this would pay off over the long haul, so I am going to try it. I will let you know what happens with me. I just can't believe that I am going to drop by pace so drastically. Telling a runner to go slowly is so backwards to me!! UGH!!! This is going to be really, really difficult. I start tomorrow!
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    Didn't weigh in today, left my boots at home so I had to drive all the way down there after my run. 40 minutes round trip. Worst part was the hubby was off today but "didn't feel like" bringing them to me. :angry: So instead I got to be 40 minutes late to work! Thank god I have a boss who is cool about that sorta thing occassionally happening. Still got in a 5 mi run. I really should have cut it short so I could get back sooner... but I was already planning on doing 7 so I didn't want to be even lazier! :grumble: Anyhow, enough complaining from me. I think that I might just skip weighing in this week and see if I can be pleasantly surprised next week. I have been sorta stalled the last month so maybe I just need to stop stressing!

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Cp, btw the site says my bmr is 1,464 that is the number that the deficit is applied to right? im still a little confused on this whole bmr thing. :ohwell:
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    Nice to hear I'm not alone in the frustration!!

    I've been doing a lot of reading etc, and it seems that past the 180 mark a lot of ppl have increased difficulties losing and it takes longer, so that's comforting! I was really bad today - waiting to get some things settled must have had me agitated, but no reason for that any more!

    Took puppy for a super logn walk tonight so hopefully that helps! haha

    Sparkles - I second the icing the ankle regularily - I have to do something similar for a soft tissue injury that affects my IT band. The better I treat it, the more I can do (not that I'm always good at sticking to it, but it helps!)

    Buckeye- you know that's a great idea. I tend to go above it too, I have no idea why I do it though. Old habits maybe. I think I'll give it a try too and see if something happens!

    CP- You are really encouraging!! ^_^ Always a pleasure to read!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    well... here we go, its aunt flo again this week...so im going to disregard the scale!!

    went for palates again yesterday. My friend Wendi wasnt able to make it this class so i was kind of :cry: but i went anyway, and my friend Lorraine showed up instead! so i was :happy:

    it made me feel great once again, and the hour goes by so fast! i wish it were a 2 hour class!! ( i guess that means i should start bringing it home and continuing into the evening) im not even that sore this time! I wish i didn't have a thirty minute drive home...i cool down by the time i get there and have trouble re-engaging!

    i took it easy on my ankle all day yesterday (im notorious for sitting with my legs all screwed up beneath me which couldn't have been helping at all!) and it felt a bit better upon waking up this morning. i think all of the leg stretching in pilates might be helping to loosen the front shin area muscle (i dont know many anantomy terms) and is taking some pressure off of the heel/arch connection that seems to be giving me the trouble.

    Anyway, i guess i am rambling by this point, but i just wanted to say that i am excited! I had a meeting on Monday, at the History Society of the county where I live. I put in a bid to design the Bicentennial History of Haywood County book that they are publishing, and they chose me! I can't believe that there will be a historical reference book in the Library and peoples homes all over that has MY sole name as the designer!!! Yay im going down in history! go me!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Anyway, i guess i am rambling by this point, but i just wanted to say that i am excited! I had a meeting on Monday, at the History Society of the county where I live. I put in a bid to design the Bicentennial History of Haywood County book that they are publishing, and they chose me! I can't believe that there will be a historical reference book in the Library and peoples homes all over that has MY sole name as the designer!!! Yay im going down in history! go me!

    Way to go Emily! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Need a co-designer? hahaha! j.k.! That's really cool! All my work gets thrown in the garbage! hahaha!
    That's what I get for working for a direct mail company! (layman's term.... coupons!)
    That's so exciting! You're brave! That'll be a lot of work!

    Keep it easy on the ankle! You do ALOT of different excercises! I'm sure your body is making a lot of changes. The scale might not be moving, but it sounds to me like you are gonna really tone it nicely with all the different things you do.
    That's my problem. I'm not toning enough. My inner thighs are like jello and so is my *kitten*. Gravity is starting to "rear" it's ugly head all over my body! Everything's going South!
    Gotta find something to do to make it go North!

    Have a good day everyone!
    I think by next week I should be in the 50's on the good scale!
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    Hey - that's awesome Sparkles!!!

    I've had to do a *lot* of travelling lately (read in the car all day long) anyone have tips for eating on the road?
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Cp, btw the site says my bmr is 1,464 that is the number that the deficit is applied to right? im still a little confused on this whole bmr thing. :ohwell:

    Your BMR is what you would burn if you were just lying in bed all day and not eating anything. The deficit is generally applied to your daily calorie requirements, which the site estimates by taking your BMR and then adding in additional calories based on your height, weight and activity level. If you go to your home page and click "Goals", it should show you what your calories burned from "normal daily activity" are (this shouldn't include exercise). Then it subtracts from that based on how much you want to lose. For example, it says my normal daily burn is 1930, and I set my goal at 2lb/week. So it subtracts 1000 a day (1000*7 = 7000/3500 cal per pound of fat = 2 lbs/week), but that would put me too low, so it defaults to 1200. As a result, I'm really only creating enough of a deficit to lose 1.5 pounds a week. But that's OK. The site won't put you under 1200, and I wouldn't recommend it either.

    Hope that helps!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Happy Friday everyone. Buckeyebabe hope everything is going well for you have not heard from you. Just checking. :flowerforyou:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    im here! its been a hectic morning at work so far....

    im striving to drink more water this week, and i am on friday of my first full week going to the gym every single day!! MWF is zumba, and then T Th is Pilates. I think ill try to do a little of the pilates on the weekends also..

    how much cardio do you guys get? do you think an hour three times a week is enough?
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    I put in 30 min cardio 5 days a week, but I actually do almost an hour a day 6 or 7 times a week. But I just upped to that the only exercise I get is walking and I do it on my lunch and walk to the station at night . It seams to be working for me. I think if it is working for you then it is enough. When I can afford to do it I will join the Y so I can swim. I have to do very low to no impact exercise bad hips, knees and ankles. You are doing great keep it up. :drinker:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    im really dissapointed :(

    this will be the first zumba class that i have missed...i had an optical migraine today and im afraid to over exert myself based on how i felt earlier, but i am so dissapointed i could cry! This was supposed to be my first full week of going to the gym every single day, and i ruined it :sad: :sad:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    But you also have to look at your health, do you think you are feeling up to that kind of exercise or god forbid you get another one of those migraines. Have you had them checked by a doctor? I know after I have a migrain my body is exhausted. It is totally up to you but I would go with your gut feeling. It is dissappointing but better for your health sorry. :flowerforyou:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    So, I got on the scale this morning (on the good scale) and it was ALMOST touching 159!!! The bad scale said 164 (which is okay) yeah for me!!
    Feeling pretty good!
    Emily, you didn't do it did you????
    Buckeye, how's everything going in your house?
    Sindy, holy cow! you do have a face! ahahaa! Nice to finally SEE you. I was beginning to think you were a cartoon!
  • dskyer
    dskyer Posts: 12

    Is 1,200 calories too low of an amount? I just started with this site and based on the info I gave it told me my goal should be 1,200 calories. By reading other posts, I'm guessing it's best to eat my exercise calories, too? I have about 25 lbs. to lose.

    I am on a 30-day cleansing program and so far (not on my ticker) I've lost 7 lbs. in 7 days. That's what made me aware of counting calories...I'll want to stick with this once my 30 days is up so I'll want to do it right.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hi dskyer,
    No, 1200 is not low. MFP doesn't go lower than that. I eat that too. And when you exercise, you log that in, and it adds to your calories for the day. I burned 486 today, so I got to eat that much more. Log everything as best as you can. The database has A LOT OF FOOD. If it doesn't have something you are having, you can log it in yourself and it asks if you want to share it with the rest of us.
    Try and eat a lot of veggies (they don't have a lot of calories) and they are filling.
    Congrats on becoming an MFP family member! and changing your life!
  • dskyer
    dskyer Posts: 12
    Hi Jenbar,
    Thanks for the invite from the newbie board. This thread is the first place I went after that! I'll be sticking around hopefully longer than my pounds do!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    So, I got on the scale this morning (on the good scale) and it was ALMOST touching 159!!! The bad scale said 164 (which is okay) yeah for me!!
    Feeling pretty good!
    Emily, you didn't do it did you????
    Buckeye, how's everything going in your house?
    Sindy, holy cow! you do have a face! ahahaa! Nice to finally SEE you. I was beginning to think you were a cartoon!

    I did not realize how many pictures I actually ducked out of LOL This one we had to take at work for our welcome packets. I am working on a full body picture. Have no camera. I do have a picture in my photosof me and my two god children. and I am adding a picture of my 17 year old son today. :bigsmile:
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    Hi everyone,
    It has been a while since I checked in so here goes. I am down to 175lbs. and have lost a total of 5 1/4 inches. I have been struggling with what to eat. I have been within my calorie limit but not with the right foods, I really need to work on that.
    I hope everyone is having a great day, it is a gorgeous hot Saturday here.happy0120.gif.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hi everyone,
    It has been a while since I checked in so here goes. I am down to 175lbs. and have lost a total of 5 1/4 inches. I have been struggling with what to eat. I have been within my calorie limit but not with the right foods, I really need to work on that.
    I hope everyone is having a great day, it is a gorgeous hot Saturday here.happy0120.gif.

    Wellllllll, HELLO stranger!!!
    Yes it has been awhile!!! Well, I checked and your last weigh in that I had was 178, so you're still DOWN!!
    welcome back! and try and get in better choices!

    Hello dskyer! welcome, welcome, welcome!!:flowerforyou:
    we'd love for you to stick around!!!
    and for your pounds to GO AWAY!!!!

    Remember everyone! We have this thread so that we can chat or blog on here. Get help and encouragement from others, or to just be able to see your thoughts in black and white. Try and come on at LEAST weekly. Check on everyone, leave your weights, tell us about your days! We're a family here and sometimes it's easier to spill your guts on here than it is with your "actual" family!

    Have a great HOT weekend! (well, at least here in CT!)