Best Thing Ever Said to You By a Stranger



  • greeneyes972
    Not a stranger but my mother who has dementia. One night she was telling me all about this amazing person who was smart, funny, courageous, a total bad *kitten*. I asked her who this person was because they sounded awesome. She told me she was talking about her wonderful daughter, and wished that I could meet her someday.

    ok this made me cry! thank you for sharing :)
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    I had someone at the gym say they're seeing my muscles starting to take shape. BONUS!!

    Had another person say to me that they couldn't believe I was 43 and had kids, they though I was in my late 20s early 30s...BIGGER BONUS!!

    Had a guy just hit on me this weekend asking me if I was single!! WHOOT WHOOT JACKPOT!!

    Just small moments I smiled that just makes me feel good!! :o)
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Some random guy on the bus sat next to me and said "I just had to come tell you how beautiful your eyes are!"
    Also a friend's son sat on my lap one day and said "You're prettier than green legos." (green was his favorite color)
  • greeneyes972
    We live in a smaller town and my husband and I were out for dinner. My ex husband and wife walked by our table as we were leaving and just openly stared at me... My husband looked at him and said "big mistake" took my arm and left. First husband always making horrible comments about my weight when we were married.... I felt like I could float out the door..

    This made me smile so big!!! Sounds like you traded a major toad for Prince Charming :) So happy for you!!!
  • eventerchick80
    eventerchick80 Posts: 98 Member
    I was on a road trip back from Kentucky and was somewhere in Tennessee when I stopped to fill up and stretch my legs. This guy walked over to me, said he just wanted to tell me that I was the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen then hopped back on his motorcycle and that was it. It still brings a smile to my face every time I think about it.
  • amandagorder
    amandagorder Posts: 36 Member
    1) ive always tied to dress girly on my days off unless my family is doing some thing , one day in the grocery store I was buying fruit and I saw this little girl get all big eyed. she ran from her mom and came and tugged on the bottom of my dress. "ARE YOU A PRINCESS?!!!??? "
    2) after 3 weeks of camping WITH OUT a shower we came back into town. Again to the grocery store. and my whole family is gross im still wearing camo and I have blood on me. and were walking around the grocery store caring rifles. I HAd some man pass me and give me a funny look but I didn't think about it... prob. the guns lol . he comes back like 5 min. later telling me he wished I wasent married... (WHHHHHAAAA????)
    small towns =every thing happens at the grocery store
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    One morning I heard the garbage truck coming down the street and suddenly remembered that I had forgotten to take the garbage to the curb. I threw on some shoes and ran across the front yard and waved the garbage man down. He stopped and waited for me to drag the garbage to the side of the road. When I thanked him for stopping, he said he would stop for me any time because I smelled so good...LOL. Yes, I get the fact that he is a garbage man and he literally smells garbage and crap all day long but a compliment is a compliment. It still made my day.

    I had to pee super bad and when I finally made it to a public bathroom, I sat down and peed for what felt like 5 minutes. When I walked out of the stall to wash my hands, the lady at the sink told me she wished she had my bladder.

    I love both of these.

    A few months ago I was at work and noticed a guy wandering the hallway. I asked him if he needed help finding anything and he said no but then went on to introduce himself to me. He asked me my birthday and I told him the date (not sure why I volunteered that info) and he asked me if I would be turning 20. I laughed and said no but thank you for the compliment. The key to this conversation was that he was blind--using a cane and wearing dark glasses. I'm fairly certain he couldn't see me or at least not enough to actually think I was 20 but the whole interaction made my day.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    I was driving in my car down our main highway. All of a sudden a trucker honks at me. I had a skirt on. At first I thought to myself what a pervert but then it hit me...I got honked made my day.

    Hahaha!! I love your train of thought :flowerforyou:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I was on a 7 hr flight with my first daughter, can't remember exactly how old she was probably somewhere between a year and 18 months. She was breastfed, and was a lifelong refuser of bottles and dummies (pacifiers) or any kind of artificial nipple, so public breastfeeding was my only option with her. She howled through the whole of take off, wouldn't be soothed by anything. It was hard to keep her entertained as she was a bit young for the in-flight entertainment. So as you can imagine I was pretty exhausted and bedraggled by the time the plane finally landed........ anyway, as I was preparing to leave the plane, another woman caught my eye, smiled, gave me double thumbs up and mouthed "you're a great mum!" to me. That meant so much to me! The random kindness of strangers is not to be underestimated, even if it's just a smile or some encouraging words.
  • yesterdayusaid2morrow
    "You have a big heart. Thank you." - From a random old Japanese grandma (when I was in Japan volunteering to rebuild towns after the 2011 earthquake/tsunami)
    "You're such an inspiration; you make me want to do so much more. Watching you and seeing you act, I am so much braver myself." - Not exactly a stranger but from my host mom in Japan (for same reason above)
    "Like royalty." And I asked him, what do you mean? "Just the way you walk; your manners." - Random flirty guy at Starbucks
    "Excuse me! I just gotta say, you're one fine, sophisticated lady. Have a good evening!" - Random kind man in a wheelchair at a grocery parking lot.

    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :bigsmile:

    Oh yea, I forgot about this one!
    "Thank you. It's cute." *teary eyes* "No one has ever done this. I love it." - A homeless woman, who was begging for money. I gave her a ten dollar bill folded up into a heart. Jeez, I almost cried myself just from that look in her eyes.


    I loved reading through these! This was my fav. :) Never underestimate the power of a kind word. Two things I remember like yesterday...The first was near my highest weight, I had just joined a gym and had only been going maybe a month. I was giving it 110% in a challenging class, though still pretty self conscious about being as big as I was, a very fit looking woman maybe in her 40s came over to be and said I was putting in a great effort and spoke to me a few minutes about my loss so far, encouraging me to stick around and keep at it. I thought it was so kind of her and it helped me to feel welcome in an unfamiliar environment. :) My future father in law had not seen me since losing 90lbs and when he saw me he gasped, gave me a big hug and congratulated me on my hard work. I try to pay it forward by including and encouraging friends and family in healthy activities, and strangers too!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,841 Member
    Not a stranger but my mother who has dementia. One night she was telling me all about this amazing person who was smart, funny, courageous, a total bad *kitten*. I asked her who this person was because they sounded awesome. She told me she was talking about her wonderful daughter, and wished that I could meet her someday.

    Dang. I think you just won the Internet.

  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Does this have to be fitness or health or appearance related?

    Because the best thing I've ever had a stranger say to me was a few years ago, outside of the Cornell campus in Ithaca, NY. A guy on a bicycle rode past me with one of my dogs. It was October, and cold. My dog is a pit bull with very short hair, so I had a little coat on her because it was windy and she doesn't like the cold. He rides by us a few times throughout the afternoon and finally says "sweet pupperoni with the vest again", and nods his head in approval at her.

    I think he was high, but it's the best/funniest thing a stranger has ever said to me. I still quote that phrase and crack my fiance and I up.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    An older lady in another department at the hospital told me I had gorgeous skin. I've known her for a while, so it surprised me. She said she'd always wanted to tell me but didn't want to make me feel uncomfortable.
  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    Ooh I like this idea! Usually the threads about stranger's comments are so sad!

    I can think of a few:

    One time in high school I was at a softball training clinic, and some lady came up to my mom while they were waiting for us to finish and said, is that your daughter? she has beautiful skin, she looks like a porcelain doll! That was great to hear, as I was all sweaty and had pretty low self-confidence at that time.

    Another more recent one was coming back from the gym a few weeks ago. I was walking towards the bus station to go home, powerwalking with my head down and dodging tourists in NYC, not paying attention to anyone around me. All the sudden I noticed two guys speeding up to walk next to me, and one guy goes to the other one, what are you doing? and the other one goes, I need to talk to her! I think she's my future wife! and then proceeds to walk his friend into a fire hydrant because he was too busy looking at me to see where he was going. Really funny-gave me a good laugh and a confidence boost!
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    A guy at the gym who is more a body builder n a lot at the same tme came over and said one day I make him not want to quit by watching my dedication and how happy and smiling i always am. We don't workout at the same time now but occasionally when I am struggling I go in when he does it just makes me feel better.

    Other one was from a state inspector evaluating my facility during inspection said you are so happy and you passion is effecting your clients keep up the work. Was cool to hear when he wasn't responsible for my department and everyone seemed afraid of him saying he is so negative.
  • potatogirl741
    potatogirl741 Posts: 64 Member
    Not a stranger but I was just back to work from 2 months maternity leave and a former boss saw me walk by and said to another co-worker 'Doesn't she look great for just having a baby?' Made my day.

    Recently, my mom had dinner with an old friend of hers and was showing her some recent photos. I guess her friend looked at one of me and just said, 'Well you can tell she is a runner.' I can't always see the progress I have made but I am glad others do!
  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    Haha these are awesome, thank you for sharing! I can recall many times being complimented on my smile by strangers. One of them also said I have "nice, big teeth" which I found weird, but hey I'm still proud of my smile.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    People randomly walk up to me quiet a bit and compliment my hair- and my tattoo.

    I get compimented a bit- few stick out to me- once when we were at a zombie crawl type thing (we'll- we were there for the Rocky Horror show- waiting for it to open) and "Jesus- the original zombie" went running by- back tracked and said- dude (to my BF) please don't be mad- your GF's seriously hot.

    mostly amusing because he was Jesus.

    The other one happened a few months ago early spring/late winter- so definitely still cold- but not freezing- I was wearing a black cable sweater dress- and plain black wedge booties... and I had stopped to get something to help make dinner- and a guy caught my eye a handful of times- he was a little older- but he made it a point when we crossed paths in an asile and said- I just wanted to let you know- you made my night to night. There was little sexual about the comment- I think it had to do with over all well dressed- good posture and just over all well polished type deal. (having come from work I was still "well put together and all")

    another guy at work is ALWAYS going on about my eyes- to be fair- I do wicked make up- even at work- so I have some looks that REALLY make my eyes pop- add the setting sun and it's something to really stare at even I get distracted with them- (and usually our paths cross around that time due to the hour of our departures) but he's so cute the way he goes on about how lucky my man is and what a great weekend we have and how jealous he is.

    Those type of comments leave a much bigger impression than the "hey mamma- you work out don't you- or damn- look at that"
    those just don't do it for me. so tacky.
  • Craigtp91
    Craigtp91 Posts: 15 Member
    recently been told by quite a few people i have nice muscles, would be nicer if some of the people to say it were women, but no all have been random men out about and on nights out.

    still nice to receive a complement though, shows you all the exercise and dieting are working.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I posted a couple of times on one of the "guess the person above's age" and both times got taken for mid-40s. I'mm 67!