Not tonight honey, a Friends re-run is on....



  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    So he seems adaptable... willing to keep trying.

    Perhaps he needs to work a bit harder on the way he is working to convince her. Get her hot by appealing to what is between her EARS instead of just what's between her LEGS!

    I think this request would actually be granted to you. You are freaking gorgeous! That was unrelated, but I just had to say that. Carry on everyone!
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    I smell a BS fake story generated for the sole purpose of "going viral" to generate traffic to various new blurby sites that offer no real content of their own and hook people in with stupid headlines like "You literally won't believe what this husband did and his wife's response was crazier!!!!!."

    Morgan Freeman is eating cotton candy, your response is invalid...
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    I might be the minority here that says sex isn't all the happiness in life. Honestly, there was one year where I could have counted the times we hand sex on my hands. No one ever cheated and this year is our 10th anniversary. We're far happier than most people we know.

    (and yes I have more sex now before you ask -_-)


    also "witholding sex" as if the man is entitled to it? Really? so we are back to woman is propertie of man?
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I always send meeting requests through google calendar to schedule sex with my SO. Then I take meeting notes and email them to her later for review.

    Best response.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I don't like either the wife or the husband. He acted passive-aggressive, whiny and hurtful, and she showed him that he can't trust her to keep their marriage between them when she aired their dirty laundry with the entire world.

    I was going to say I hope they break up, but I don't. I'd hate to wish either of them on someone else.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Here's something to understand.

    Getting turned down for sex because a rerun of Friends is on hurts. Because that show sucks and has been off the air for 10 years.

    Exactly! This is why I thought it was funny that he made a point to write " rerun" next to that excuse. It would hurt even more if they had a DVR that could record shows.

    Tell me no because there's a new episode of Always Sunny! At least have good taste!


    Hundred Dollar Baby is on.
  • iTStaRTsN0W
    iTStaRTsN0W Posts: 106
    I have heard this on the radio several times the last week and it cracks me up. I have to say that he was not wrong, why would she hold back so often? On the radio station I listen to they have a sex therapist and she basically says that when you wed and make your vows, you are also vowing to satisfy the needs of your SO. IDK If I believe that 100% but this story brought that to my mind haha.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I always send meeting requests through google calendar to schedule sex with my SO. Then I take meeting notes and email them to her later for review.

    Best response.

    And FWIW, we schedule it too.

    Life is busy.

    We have very full, packed, crammed days.

    So we make it a priority and schedule it.

    Rarely, usually in the event of a medical condition or extreme pain and exhaustion for the day and workouts, does it get skipped.

    We would never skip it to watch FRIENDS re-runs.

    In fact, that might be grounds for breaking up.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Does anyone else find it funny that he kept a "spread" sheet to track a lack of sex?
  • SomberG
    SomberG Posts: 36
    I smell a BS fake story generated for the sole purpose of "going viral" to generate traffic to various new blurby sites that offer no real content of their own and hook people in with stupid headlines like "You literally won't believe what this husband did and his wife's response was crazier!!!!!."

    user: throwwwwaway29 on Reddit
    That's where it originated. Daily Mail is full of what you are talking about though..
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Just think, this dude asked her for sex every night. EVERY night for a month :laugh:

    I wonder if she was saying NO (just to be a d*ck) cause he kept asking.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    if the husband had tried to talk to the wife and got nuthing..then perhaps the spreadsheet was a way for him to show her, in black and white, exactly the issues..

    I say utter shame on the wife..I couldnt imagine posting something like that online....what a DB.

    unless youve been turned down..I dont think you can realize the hurt it causes..
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Here's something to understand.

    Getting turned down for sex because a rerun of Friends is on hurts. Because that show sucks and has been off the air for 10 years.

    Exactly! This is why I thought it was funny that he made a point to write " rerun" next to that excuse. It would hurt even more if they had a DVR that could record shows.

    Tell me no because there's a new episode of Always Sunny! At least have good taste!


    Hundred Dollar Baby is on.


  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    its funny whenthe guy is passive aggressive and does something it is wrong....

    but when the women does it ...."you deserve to be happy"

    good for the guy ....send her *kitten* packing

    There are definitely plenty of single ladies out who can appreciate a man who can make a spread sheet, and know how to be a good partner!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    From what I saw on the news last night - they are both 25 and have been married for about 2 years. Something seems a bit off. And I think the husband IS trying to communicate that he sees an issue. Maybe it would have been better if there was his side of the data in the spreadsheet... but seriously, her going public with it makes her the jerk in this equation.

    Also, I'm with Brett on this one. SO glad I'm not married.

    Ok... to all the guys out there that are using this as fuel for their "never settle down" fire...

    I swear not all women are like this!

    This woman is a horrible wife, and soon hopefully be a horrible divorcee...
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    This is going to be long winded and angry because quite frankly the responses in this thread have me annoyed as all freaking get out.

    1. Women are NOT always the one who turns the partner down. This is a myth that has to die. NOW. I know plenty of women who happen to feel like the turned down party. Women who are beautiful, women who try things. Women who are HURT by this.
    And what's more hurtful is threads like this where every idiot man and woman is coming to the consensus that it's always this way.
    How do you think the often turned down woman feels when she is told by society that men ALWAYS want it and women ALWAYS turn it down . They wonder why they aren't wanted.

    2. Relationships have ebbs and flows. From what I have gathered in recent experience the more you bring up the fact that it's not happening between the sheets, the more the partner not putting out refuses. Constantly bringing it up doesn't help. Spreadsheets won't help. All it's going to do is make you feel like you are married to an insensitive man/woman.

    3. The man not getting attention = memes about men not getting any and cheating? Let's reverse this. A woman only gets it four times a month makes a spreadsheet then cheats or leaves .Chances are a lot more excuses will be made for the man and a lot of people will call the woman dirty things.

    4. Relationships are supposed to be a good thing. But sex is NOT an obligation. A woman should not feel "lucky" her partner wants her. A m,an should not feel "lucky" that his partner wants him. The two should feel fortunate to have a wonderful partnership that sometimes leads to some hot banging.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    From what I saw on the news last night - they are both 25 and have been married for about 2 years. Something seems a bit off. And I think the husband IS trying to communicate that he sees an issue. Maybe it would have been better if there was his side of the data in the spreadsheet... but seriously, her going public with it makes her the jerk in this equation.

    Also, I'm with Brett on this one. SO glad I'm not married.

    Ok... to all the guys out there that are using this as fuel for their "never settle down" fire...

    I swear not all women are like this!

    This woman is a horrible wife, and soon hopefully be a horrible divorcee...

    That seems like a pretty large leap.

    Sex is important but it's not the only important thing. And not wanting it doesn't make one a horrible person. There could be tons of reasons why she isn't willing more often.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Just remember when he's back on the market that a women he spent 5 years with chooses being too lazy shower and a good Friends marathon to sex with this guy...and this is not even getting into the deeper reasons she does not feel like he is worth her effort to be intimate...

    In all honesty, they're probably both too selfish in their relationship to see past themselves.