Not tonight honey, a Friends re-run is on....



  • NinstonBiller
    NinstonBiller Posts: 69 Member
    Also he should have let her watch the whole episode and THEN asked her b/c


    My girlfriend loves Friends. I hit her with this line every now and again and i swear it immediately leads to some form of playful flirting or intimate actions.
  • Aero1dynamic
    Aero1dynamic Posts: 702 Member
    I always send meeting requests through google calendar to schedule sex with my SO. Then I take meeting notes and email them to her later for review.

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Just remember when he's back on the market that a women he spent 5 years with chooses being too lazy shower and a good Friends marathon to sex with this guy...and this is not even getting into the deeper reasons she does not feel like he is worth her effort to be intimate...

    In all honesty, they're probably both too selfish in their relationship to see past themselves.

    Well the sad thing, John, is that he chose to be with a woman that is too lazy to shower and would prefer a Friends marathon to having sex with him. Oh, and that she would rather publicize their problems in an attempt to garner support than address the fact that there are serious problems in their relationship that need actual effort.

    Odds are, he will attract another woman just like her because he also would rather lay blame than put in any actual effort in their relationship.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    I think he was right for recording it. It could have been used to help shed light on something she may not have fully realized. She was completely wrong for making it public. How would that help their marriage? They need to make physical validation a priority in their marriage.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    This is going to be long winded and angry because quite frankly the responses in this thread have me annoyed as all freaking get out.

    1. Women are NOT always the one who turns the partner down. This is a myth that has to die. NOW. I know plenty of women who happen to feel like the turned down party. Women who are beautiful, women who try things. Women who are HURT by this.
    And what's more hurtful is threads like this where every idiot man and woman is coming to the consensus that it's always this way.
    How do you think the often turned down woman feels when she is told by society that men ALWAYS want it and women ALWAYS turn it down . They wonder why they aren't wanted.

    2. Relationships have ebbs and flows. From what I have gathered in recent experience the more you bring up the fact that it's not happening between the sheets, the more the partner not putting out refuses. Constantly bringing it up doesn't help. Spreadsheets won't help. All it's going to do is make you feel like you are married to an insensitive man/woman.

    3. The man not getting attention = memes about men not getting any and cheating? Let's reverse this. A woman only gets it four times a month makes a spreadsheet then cheats or leaves .Chances are a lot more excuses will be made for the man and a lot of people will call the woman dirty things.

    4. Relationships are supposed to be a good thing. But sex is NOT an obligation. A woman should not feel "lucky" her partner wants her. A m,an should not feel "lucky" that his partner wants him. The two should feel fortunate to have a wonderful partnership that sometimes leads to some hot banging.

  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Sad. I try to do whatever I can to make my man feel like a man. If I don't, someone else will.

    Very true.

    Deny sex on a regular basis and you are forcing your partner to live an unfulfilled life. That's mean and cruel.

    Sex is a base need to some people, just like eating and drinking. If you don't want to look after me than I'm going to go elsewhere. However, I don't agree with cheating. Dump the person.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Some things you said are valid. But...
    2. Relationships have ebbs and flows. From what I have gathered in recent experience the more you bring up the fact that it's not happening between the sheets, the more the partner not putting out refuses. Constantly bringing it up doesn't help. Spreadsheets won't help. All it's going to do is make you feel like you are married to an insensitive man/woman.

    That's a load of crap. If it is a big enough issue to be brought up that often, then being more inclined to refuse BECUASE of it being brought up is simply being immature and spiteful.
    3. The man not getting attention = memes about men not getting any and cheating? Let's reverse this. A woman only gets it four times a month makes a spreadsheet then cheats or leaves .Chances are a lot more excuses will be made for the man and a lot of people will call the woman dirty things.

    From my experience with threads on here, that is not the case. If the womans needs aren't being met in any way for any reason, the guy is an incensitive jerk who doesn't deserve her. Here is a case where they mans needs were not being met. He communicated that fact using emperical data to prove his case, and that it is not an exageration. And there are plenty of women in this very thread delusional enough to say that is insensitive. Bull. Crap. At least he is communicating. Let the roles be reversed, and these same women would be jumping on the bandwagon about how insensitive he is for making her feel unwanted and not meeting her needs.
    4. Relationships are supposed to be a good thing. But sex is NOT an obligation. A woman should not feel "lucky" her partner wants her. A m,an should not feel "lucky" that his partner wants him. The two should feel fortunate to have a wonderful partnership that sometimes leads to some hot banging.

    Sex IS an obligation in marriage. Period. Yes, there are going to be times when either partner is not in the mood for whatever reason. But when that is the norm rather than the exception, that partner is not upholding part of their end of the relationship. And if that partner is going to continue to withold, they should feel damn lucky their spouse continues to show interest in it.

    As commedian once said: "I married you. You are it. It's not like I can run down the street and say 'Ms. Johnson, I'm not getting any p***y. Can I have some of yours?' "
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    Just think, this dude asked her for sex every night. EVERY night for a month :laugh:

    I wonder if she was saying NO (just to be a d*ck) cause he kept asking.

    That seems very healthy to me. If she would have accepted most of the time, they would probably be much more happily married.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Just remember when he's back on the market that a women he spent 5 years with chooses being too lazy shower and a good Friends marathon to sex with this guy...and this is not even getting into the deeper reasons she does not feel like he is worth her effort to be intimate...

    In all honesty, they're probably both too selfish in their relationship to see past themselves.

    Well the sad thing, John, is that he chose to be with a woman that is too lazy to shower and would prefer a Friends marathon to having sex with him. Oh, and that she would rather publicize their problems in an attempt to garner support than address the fact that there are serious problems in their relationship that need actual effort.

    Odds are, he will attract another woman just like her because he also would rather lay blame than put in any actual effort in their relationship.

    So this..
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    From what I saw on the news last night - they are both 25 and have been married for about 2 years. Something seems a bit off. And I think the husband IS trying to communicate that he sees an issue. Maybe it would have been better if there was his side of the data in the spreadsheet... but seriously, her going public with it makes her the jerk in this equation.

    Also, I'm with Brett on this one. SO glad I'm not married.

    Ok... to all the guys out there that are using this as fuel for their "never settle down" fire...

    I swear not all women are like this!

    This woman is a horrible wife, and soon hopefully be a horrible divorcee...

    That seems like a pretty large leap.

    Sex is important but it's not the only important thing. And not wanting it doesn't make one a horrible person. There could be tons of reasons why she isn't willing more often.

    Possibly, but now that I'm 30 and single, I've got a pool of single 30-something's to chose from %99.9 of whom refuse to ever re-marry because either

    A) Their previous marriage was just like this or worse


    B) All their buddies marriages (or previous marriages) are just like this or worse

    None of them believe me that not all women are like this, they've been burned too hard in the past.

    In the event that the list is real, and that she had a serious medical issue every single night, but he recorded it as re-runs, than yes, that is a stretch.

    If she's is truly saying no for these silly excuses, than I do believe she is a horrible wife.

    I mean, if it was really sore, she could do it another way FFS

    She seems to be completely neglecting his needs, to me.

    So selfish.

    And he'll be in my 30's single's pool again going "Nope, never, ever, ever, ever again."
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    I think there is definitely fault on both sides. I do have to say that I do not see anything wrong with the spreadsheet. From the looks of it he needed data to back up his claim, it was how he presented said data that was wrong. Also, in all fairness... he DID communicate with her by sharing that with her. It was the wrong approach but that is still communication. She also needed to communicate with him that she just isn't feeling sexy or is too tired and come up with ways to fix it. It is her body to use as she pleases but that is also what causes husbands to stray. There are compromises. Feel tired well come up with date nights with your husband. Feel like there is not enough sex? Discuss it with your wife and see what the underlying problem is and what you can do to remedy it.

    Seriously though... i kind of dig the spreadsheet...I should use that for dating or for fun... I can list age, weight, height, background, length, width, and a rating. Also have a seperate section for notes of special abilities.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    The only thing we know this guy did wrong (any speculation about what caused her to turn him down is just that, speculation) is to try to hurt her with the way he delivered the spreadsheet. The "I won't miss you" and refusing to speak to her was petty and simply an attempt to hurt her. But the spreadsheet was a perfectly valid way to prove his claim had merit.

    Hell, when I was married and fought about money constantly, my ex would ALWAY claim I was exagerating and she didn't spend that much. Until I provided her with evidince (bank statements with all her spendings highlighted and added up). Of course, the argument then changed from "that is so much money, there is no way I spent that much" to "that's a perfectly acceptable amount of money to spend." But I digress. Providing proof of your claims is not insensitive, even though it may be seen that way to the person being proven wrong.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    He communicated that fact using emperical data to prove his case, and that it is not an exageration. And there are plenty of women in this very thread delusional enough to say that is insensitive. Bull. Crap. At least he is communicating.

    Here is the thing about how he chose to communicate his concern. He emailed it to her while she was on a business trip, and added a very spiteful comment.

    The spreadsheet is not the issue. He could have shown her the spreadsheet in person and opened up a conversation about it. Instead, he chose to show it by email, where she could not instantly communicate a response, and while she was away from home, and made a point to say that she would not be missed, leaving an open-ended indication that he MIGHT cheat while she is away.

    It was disrespectful to say the least, and intended to inspire feelings of suspicion and mistrust. Not exactly the most productive way to seduce your wife.

    Of course, I don't condone her behavior either. Strangers should not even have the opportunity to discuss their marriage on the internet... but here it is anyway, and that is her fault!
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    He communicated that fact using emperical data to prove his case, and that it is not an exageration. And there are plenty of women in this very thread delusional enough to say that is insensitive. Bull. Crap. At least he is communicating.

    Here is the thing about how he chose to communicate his concern. He emailed it to her while she was on a business trip, and added a very spiteful comment.

    The spreadsheet is not the issue. He could have shown her the spreadsheet in person and opened up a conversation about it. Instead, he chose to show it by email, where she could not instantly communicate a response, and while she was away from home, and made a point to say that she would not be missed, leaving an open-ended indication that he MIGHT cheat while she is away.

    It was disrespectful to say the least, and intended to inspire feelings of suspicion and mistrust. Not exactly the most productive way to seduce your wife.

    Of course, I don't condone her behavior either. Strangers should not even have the opportunity to discuss their marriage on the internet... but here it is anyway, and that is her fault!

    Look up one post from yours.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    He communicated that fact using emperical data to prove his case, and that it is not an exageration. And there are plenty of women in this very thread delusional enough to say that is insensitive. Bull. Crap. At least he is communicating.

    Here is the thing about how he chose to communicate his concern. He emailed it to her while she was on a business trip, and added a very spiteful comment.

    The spreadsheet is not the issue. He could have shown her the spreadsheet in person and opened up a conversation about it. Instead, he chose to show it by email, where she could not instantly communicate a response, and while she was away from home, and made a point to say that she would not be missed, leaving an open-ended indication that he MIGHT cheat while she is away.

    It was disrespectful to say the least, and intended to inspire feelings of suspicion and mistrust. Not exactly the most productive way to seduce your wife.

    Of course, I don't condone her behavior either. Strangers should not even have the opportunity to discuss their marriage on the internet... but here it is anyway, and that is her fault!

    But since it's only one side of the story, we don't know if he tried to talk to her about it before and she shut him down.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    My real question to everyone is why does a woman owe her husband sex? Not being in the mood is reason enough to not have sex.
    Isn't the goal to have a happy marriage??? That means keepin each other happy.

    never been married, but I have been in a couple of LTRs and I have (more often than not) acquiesced to sex when I wasn't really feeling it, to no great detriment to either myself or my partner. suppose I ask my bf to do the dishes and he doesn't really feel like it but does it anyway because he loves and respects me and wants me to be happy--it's like that. let me be clear: i'm not advocating anyone submit to sex against their wishes. i'm just pointing out that 'the mood' does not have to be perfect for the job to get done...
  • Aero1dynamic
    Aero1dynamic Posts: 702 Member
    Whether he was wrong or not is purely a matter of opinion.

    Let's say he TRIED to talk to her about it and she said " You're exaggerating. I don't say no THAT often."

    He proceeds to make spreadsheet.

    While I can make no excuse for her posting it publicly to gain support and prove "she's the one who's right" here, if she has indeed had her life kicked into ludicrous speed, then maybe just relaxing in front of the tv with Friends is all she really wanted to do.

    We've all had our days we just didn't want to be touched ( and if not, you're lucky *kitten*) but to judge either of them without knowing the facts seems a bit harsh to me. All we have is HER side of the story and if her hectic life is legit, I can understand some of it.

    The only "wrong" I see here is the public posting. Your bedroom affairs should stay in the bedroom, not be posted online to be flounced about for likes and upvotes.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    He communicated that fact using emperical data to prove his case, and that it is not an exageration. And there are plenty of women in this very thread delusional enough to say that is insensitive. Bull. Crap. At least he is communicating.

    Here is the thing about how he chose to communicate his concern. He emailed it to her while she was on a business trip, and added a very spiteful comment.

    The spreadsheet is not the issue. He could have shown her the spreadsheet in person and opened up a conversation about it. Instead, he chose to show it by email, where she could not instantly communicate a response, and while she was away from home, and made a point to say that she would not be missed, leaving an open-ended indication that he MIGHT cheat while she is away.

    It was disrespectful to say the least, and intended to inspire feelings of suspicion and mistrust. Not exactly the most productive way to seduce your wife.

    Of course, I don't condone her behavior either. Strangers should not even have the opportunity to discuss their marriage on the internet... but here it is anyway, and that is her fault!

    Look up one post from yours.

    Yeah, I saw it. But you still didn't address the fact that he emailed her the spreadsheet while she was out of town as opposed to showing it to her in person.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Typical woman.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Whether he was wrong or not is purely a matter of opinion.

    Let's say he TRIED to talk to her about it and she said " You're exaggerating. I don't say no THAT often."

    He proceeds to make spreadsheet.

    While I can make no excuse for her posting it publicly to gain support and prove "she's the one who's right" here, if she has indeed had her life kicked into ludicrous speed, then maybe just relaxing in front of the tv with Friends is all she really wanted to do.

    We've all had our days we just didn't want to be touched ( and if not, you're lucky *kitten*) but to judge either of them without knowing the facts seems a bit harsh to me. All we have is HER side of the story and if her hectic life is legit, I can understand some of it.

    The only "wrong" I see here is the public posting. Your bedroom affairs should stay in the bedroom, not be posted online to be flounced about for likes and upvotes.

    The fact that we ONLY have HER side of the story and she still looks like the wrong party speaks volumes.