Nagging about saving money for IVF



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Does your fertility clinic offer payment plans? Many of them do. They typically use a third party to manage these. I haven't read most suggestions but agree with pps that setting up an automatic deduction would be useful, or simply putting it on a credit card and paying it off over time. Explore cheaper options such as going abroad (seriously, many find it's worth it to go to Czechoslovakia--still cheaper even with plane tickets and hotels) or even moving to a state and/or job that covers it, even partially, through insurance.

    We did IVF and I'm typing this while my baby daughter naps. It was worth every penny. We were lucky in that my insurance covered part of it and we had savings already to cover the rest. But it's a difficult financial burden nonetheless and I wish you all the luck in the world!
    Our insurance will pay a one time $5,000.00 towards IVF. They do offer a third party loan. We dont really want to go that route as there will be interest (probably high) To be honest, I dont really want to go abroad for IVF though it may be cheaper. Congrats on your daughter! Babies truly are miracles! Thanks!

    You know what is lucky? Being able to have a baby when you want one. Best of luck to you and your husband!
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    If he is always over spending then his pocket money isn't sufficient or they aren't doing a budget together.

    I skipped most of the thread but it sounds like she deals with the finances.
    He is the one that asked for 100.00 a week which should be plenty as that doesn't include gas. He is over spending and its not on anything that is necessary. His pocket money should be more than sufficient
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    OP: If you don't want to nag, don't. Sit him down and talk to him about it. Maybe try $150 instead. Ask him to recommit to it. Then just sit back. You aren't his mother. He's an adult. If he won't do it, he won't do it. Yes, this might delay your IVF but that's on him.
    I think I am going to sit down with him and ask him if he needs 150 instead and NO going over unless we both find it necessary to
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    Is $100 per week what is really holding you back from IVF? When you have a child, you can be sure you will be spending that much on diapers, babyfood, extra health insurance, and everything else a baby needs. If you work outside the home you can expect to pay essentially another mortgage payment for daycare.

    You said earlier that you wanted to save the $21K in one year - that's $1,750 per month. Allowing your husband to spend his $100 per week only adds adds about 3 months to your goal. It doesn't seem like the $100 per month really the issue.

    Believe me, I know that dealing with infertility is horrible. Is it possible that you BOTH need more time to cope with the idea of moving on to the next step? I'm sure you came here knowing that you could set up a separate savings account for it, or you've discussed financing with your clinic - but your post places the blame for not moving forward squarely on your husband. Just saying that you might need to think about what's really going on here more.

    I've been there myself and my story is VERY similar to yours. PM me if you ever want to talk about it - I know how shi**y this ride is.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Why is this so hard for people?

    Sit down a draft a budget for the month. Decide how much you will fund each category, including pocket money for the both of you. Keep the first three to four months fairly loose until you get things dialed in and know how much you typically spend in each category

    Include an emergency fund for incidentals.

    Review the budget weekly to make sure you are on target and update and adjust as needed.

    Some people prefer to spend more freely than others. This can be planned for.


    I think they did that and he's not living up to his end of the agreement.
    This is correct. I have a spreadsheet that includes when each bill is due and what we'd like to put in savings with a little left over just in case. Still not working.!

    PM me for budget help. I am like Yoda here.
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    Why not adopt some of the millions of babies out there that need you instead of making more mouths to feed?

    Sadly, in many situations adoption is even more expensive than ivf, if you are looking to adopt an infant or toddler.

    add: Have you had genetic counseling to know the reasons for your infertility issues?

    if the infertility is due to you having antibodies that could cause spontaneous abortions so you are unlikely to carry to term, or if your issue is hereditary rather than acquired (acquired eg: tube-scarring caused by a past bacterial infection (some STD's can do this to women and to men)), then you may want to look into adopting even if it is more expensive.

    The reasons are, if you have antibody problems, then every pregnancy, even ivf, is a risk to both your life and the baby's. And if you have a hereditary fertility problem, then you are just passing your fertility problem on to the next generation (because we don't yet have a way to 'discriminate' between genes to make sure the bad gene isn't hiding in the egg or sperm used in the ivf).
    Thank you for this. He has had genetic testing. He has a micro deletion in his Y Chromosome which they are assuming is the cause for the low sperm count / motility. As far as we know, nothing wrong with me. I ovulate, grow follicles, ect. I haven't done an HSG or anything yet. THat will be required prior to IVF.

    How in the world have you gone through 4.5 years of IF without an HSG?? Get your tubes blown out!

    Are they sure the chromosome issue is causing the low count AND the motility? Could there be another cause for the poor motility?
    We've been trying for 4.5 years. meds/shots 6 months, IUI 3 months. Yeah, I am suprised they never did a HSG.? Its not 100% that his chromosome deletion is causing the sperm count/ motility. They can't find a for sure definate reason for the poor quality of sperm. They are "guessing" its the chromosome issue
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    Why not put hubby on the comp, let him read this thread, and get his side of the story?
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    Make a thing on, if you have enough exposure I am sure it will help. There has to be a few people out there who are sympathetic towards your situation. Best of luck.

    Thanks, but I dont think I could do that. Seriously, thank you though :)
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    $5000 is going to get you far as long as they are paying their negotiated rate up to $5000. I'm totally serious that my insurance company covered 100% except the drugs which my prescription plan subsidized some of and the total my insurance company paid was just under 10K. So you likely will get about half of the expense covered and cross your fingers that they will bill the rest through the insurance company so you can pay THEIR negotiated rate. Call the insurance company and ask if this is how anything above the initial 5K they pay out is handled. The number I'm giving you includes all of my initial lab work, everything involved with IUI's (6), everything, then the one round of IVF and everything related to that. Stand your ground and don't let them charge you more than their negotiated rate with your insurance company.

    $5200 = 52 weeks x $100 dollars. It's a lot of money when you look at it as an annual total. Maybe he needs to see it as a big number with respect to your savings goals. That literally could be the other 1/2 of your IVF money...
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    Seriously, you have bigger problems than money.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    OP: If you don't want to nag, don't. Sit him down and talk to him about it. Maybe try $150 instead. Ask him to recommit to it. Then just sit back. You aren't his mother. He's an adult. If he won't do it, he won't do it. Yes, this might delay your IVF but that's on him.
    I think I am going to sit down with him and ask him if he needs 150 instead and NO going over unless we both find it necessary to

    NO NO NO NO Melinda. Don't offer to give him $150 a week. He doesn't need $100 a week to begin with! The stuff he is buying is NOT essential.

    What you should do is cut back his allowance to $50 a week and put the other $50, into savings.

    When a couple wants a child and isn't able to conceive naturally, they have to sacrifice things like golfing, alcohol, and chewing tobacco in order to pay for IVF or AI.

    What it comes down to is if your husband wants this child, he needs to make sacrifices.
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    Why not put hubby on the comp, let him read this thread, and get his side of the story?

    He would agree with everything I said. Honestly. Why lie?
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    OP: If you don't want to nag, don't. Sit him down and talk to him about it. Maybe try $150 instead. Ask him to recommit to it. Then just sit back. You aren't his mother. He's an adult. If he won't do it, he won't do it. Yes, this might delay your IVF but that's on him.
    I think I am going to sit down with him and ask him if he needs 150 instead and NO going over unless we both find it necessary to

    NO NO NO NO Melinda. Don't offer to give him $150 a week. He doesn't need $100 a week to begin with! The stuff he is buying is NOT essential.

    What you should do is cut back his allowance to $50 a week and put the other $50, into savings.

    When a couple wants a child and isn't able to conceive naturally, they have to sacrifice things like golfing, alcohol, and chewing tobacco in order to pay for IVF or AI.

    What it comes down to is if your husband wants this child, he needs to make sacrifices.
    Ahhh!!! Thanks! I know, I can't give in, i can't give in!!!! :)
  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    Why not put hubby on the comp, let him read this thread, and get his side of the story?

    He would agree with everything I said. Honestly. Why lie?

    What, you mean he's not intentionally sabotaging your goals like people here seem to think? Weird...
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    $5000 is going to get you far as long as they are paying their negotiated rate up to $5000. I'm totally serious that my insurance company covered 100% except the drugs which my prescription plan subsidized some of and the total my insurance company paid was just under 10K. So you likely will get about half of the expense covered and cross your fingers that they will bill the rest through the insurance company so you can pay THEIR negotiated rate. Call the insurance company and ask if this is how anything above the initial 5K they pay out is handled. The number I'm giving you includes all of my initial lab work, everything involved with IUI's (6), everything, then the one round of IVF and everything related to that. Stand your ground and don't let them charge you more than their negotiated rate with your insurance company.

    $5200 = 52 weeks x $100 dollars. It's a lot of money when you look at it as an annual total. Maybe he needs to see it as a big number with respect to your savings goals. That literally could be the other 1/2 of your IVF money...
    I will have to look into that. Very helpful information! Thank You
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Dafuq happened in here?

    Op, I really know nothing about these types of things. I know one way that keeps me from spending money is to leave all cards at home and carry cash. If I can't pay cash for it, I don't get it. It keeps me from using my debit and credit cards. My biggest issue was fast food and restaurant foods. Maybe try to determine where he spends the most and maybe you two can come up with a limit of how much you both can spend on whatever it is.

    You sound really sweet, good luck to you both :)
  • Sirinya55
    Sirinya55 Posts: 79 Member
    I had IVF so let me put in my two cents. Don't stress, it's not gonna help. Put it on a credit card, once you give birth, you can claim your child tax credit then pay off your CC. That's what we did. My son is almost 2 and he's paid off Yaay! :drinker:

    Oh and my husband only gets $20/week and no gas money :glasses:

    $20 / week? That's like what? 1 lapdance?

    What ever gets him out of the house is fine by me!
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    Why not put hubby on the comp, let him read this thread, and get his side of the story?

    He would agree with everything I said. Honestly. Why lie?

    But if he were truly 100% on board with saving for the procedure he wouldn't be spending more than his "allowance" and he would be on board with saving every penny.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I'm starting to feel really guilty about my spending habits after seeing everyone question where $100/week goes...


    The important thing is that you understand budgets are this tight for a great many people in the US--and even tighter in some other parts of the world.

    If you can spend more freely, by all means enjoy your good fortune (pun intended)--but keep compassion for those who can't.

    There has been a social tendency in the US lately to "blame" people for their lack of "success" financially, attributing moral faults like "lazyness" etc. which really are not true. Whatever your situation, keep in mind that success means hard work and preparedness, but *also* requires luck.

    As an explicit example of luck being required for "success", I once had opportunity to talk with a physician/professor who was on the admissions board of a major medical school. She told me that there are 5 times the number of qualified applicants each year than slots in US medical schools. This means that after they have winnowed down the pool to the group of all people who would be equally good doctors after training, they must still reject 4 out of 5 of them, and that sometimes it felt like their decisions were like throwing darts at a board or picking cards from a pile at random. This means, from the applicant's standpoint, that the applicant could do everything "right" in their academic career--and still have a 4 out of 5 chance of failing to get into any med school at all. These are certainly not lazy or stupid people, and their "failure" to enter that career boils down to sheer unfavorable luck.

    So--if you have $100 to spend on a day at the spa, please enjoy the hell out of it for yourself and for all those who can't afford it. And be kind to those who can't afford it.

    And if you are ever in a position to give a deserving person the luck element they need, I hope you will jump at the chance to empower them.

    Um, no. Success does not require a bit of "luck". People are successful because they work HARD at it. They work 10-12 hours a day, 7 days a week. They put all their time, effort and energy into making whatever it is they are doing work.

    So much this. I hate it when people say "oh you're so lucky to have a good job"

    What the hell ever. It came after working my *kitten* off for years, and I never, EVER have time to do anything, becuase I'm always at work. That's not luck. People that think it's luck are the people that think if they wait around, a good job will just come to them.

    I feel lucky to have a good job.

    Yes, I work hard at it, but there was a time when I was an over-qualified Wal-mart employee because good jobs are hard to get now-a-days.

    Now I have my good job back, and I count my luck and blessings almost daily for it.

    I've had rather large sums of money dropped in my lap because I was at the right place at the right time, and I've lost positions because of economic circumstances well beyond my control. I did very well in school because I worked my *kitten* off and continued to work my *kitten* off during my career so I have made plenty of my own luck, but I also think that luck is one of those things that is easy to overstate on either side of this argument. In short, I work hard but I do not pretend to be above being thankful for what I have. I also know it could all be taken away with an accident, a diagnosis, a false accusation, etc. I'm too old to act like I'm bullet proof.

    I :heart: you
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    OP: If you don't want to nag, don't. Sit him down and talk to him about it. Maybe try $150 instead. Ask him to recommit to it. Then just sit back. You aren't his mother. He's an adult. If he won't do it, he won't do it. Yes, this might delay your IVF but that's on him.
    I think I am going to sit down with him and ask him if he needs 150 instead and NO going over unless we both find it necessary to

    NO NO NO NO Melinda. Don't offer to give him $150 a week. He doesn't need $100 a week to begin with! The stuff he is buying is NOT essential.

    What you should do is cut back his allowance to $50 a week and put the other $50, into savings.

    When a couple wants a child and isn't able to conceive naturally, they have to sacrifice things like golfing, alcohol, and chewing tobacco in order to pay for IVF or AI.

    What it comes down to is if your husband wants this child, he needs to make sacrifices.

    This is awful advice.