360 minute "MOVE-IT" Challenge for December



  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Monday - Lazy, 0 minutes......................................................................................... 360 to go! :noway:
    Tuesday - Walking Cardio Shape Up, 45 minutes...............................................315 to go! :drinker:
    Wednesday - Pilates, 25 minutes; Just Dance 2, 45 minutes.......................... 245 to go! :drinker:
    Thursday - Lifting heavy elliptical pieces to assemble, 45 minutes................ 200 to go!
    Friday - Finished assembling elliptical................................................................. 200 to go!
    Saturday - Elliptical Trainer Program 1, 30 minutes.......................................... 170 to go! :drinker:
    Sunday - Window shopping/walking, 120 minutes ........................................... 50 to go!

    So close. Now that I have the elliptical assembled, I plan to actually hit the goal this next week. But after a flu shot and shopping all day, I'm wiped out.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Wed 30 minutes walked
    Thursday walked 40 minutes played follow the leader with kiddos 20 minutes + 60 minutes moved
    Friday walked 20 minutes and 30 minutes of the 30 day shred = 50 minutes moved
    Saturday 20 minutes cleaning, 30 minutes walking and 35 minutes of my own circuit workout = 85 moved
    Sunday 20 minutes of my own workout and 40 minutes of walking = 60 minutes

    Didn't make the goal this week, but still think I did good (only 75 away)considering I started it late...Will make it this coming week.....
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member

    Friday 12/3=45 mins kickboxing, 365 cals burned
    Total to date for the week: 332 mins, 2288 cals burned
    Saturday rest day
    Sunday 40 mins walking, 183 cals

    Totals: 372 mins, 2471 ( I shopped for hours today but not counting that)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    GOAL 360 min this week:

    Mon: 43 min Leslie Sasone DVD (530 cal burned) ...................................317 min to go!
    Tues: 52 min LS DVD (724 cal burned) ...................................................... 265 min to go!
    Wed: 40 min LS DVD (500 cal burned) .................. .....................................225 min to go!
    Thur: 75 min - 30 min bike, 30 weights, 15 elliptical (788 cal)................150 min to go!
    Fri: 80 min - 30 bike, 30 weight, 20 Elliptical (863 cal)................................70 min to go!
    Sat: 45 min LS DVD (668 cal)..................................................................25 min to go!
    Sun: 45 min LS DVD (608 cal)...................................................................0 min to go! GOAL REACHED

    Total calories burned: 4,681 = 380 min:heart::heart:

    Have a good week everyone!!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday~did 1500 calories burned HRM~Agricise
    Tuesday~645 calories HRM~45 mins boosted walking weights&intervals
    Wednesday~501 calories HRM~38 minutes elliptical cardio program
    Thursday~225 calories HRM~28 minutes boosted walking~not as boosted as it should have been! TSK
    Friday~515 calories HRM~37 minutes boosted walking with lunges etc.
    Saturday~483 calories~50 minutes agricise
    Sunday~Day of rest!

    Week totals calories 3869~438 minutes

    I counted Mondays outing with the shovel, garden cart, and wood chips as 4 hours, which I am sure it was. I just noticed I had not listed any time for this on Monday.

    What a great motivation this thread and you all are. Thank you, Alice
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    So proud of you!
    Monday = rest day
    Tuesday = 65 min of 3.0 walk/ run and 23 min of roller skating = 88 minutes
    Wednesday = 120 min of 3.0 walk/run

    Total so far this week = 208

    Thursday = 120 min of 3.0 walk/run

    Total so far this week = 328

    Friday = 75 min of 3.0 walk/run

    Total so far this week = 403 min

    Saturday = 70 min of 3.0 walk/run

    Total so far this week = 473 min (113 min over :happy: )

    Sunday = 60 min of 3.0 walk/run

    Total for the week = 533 min and 3413 calories burned, per my HRM
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Happy Monday!

    40 minutes~ 53l calories HRM
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    360 MInutes or 3500 calories burned - HRM

    Monday - run/walk - 57 mins/426 cals
    Tuesday - walk - 29 mins/153 cals
    treadmill (walk/run) - 66 mins/322 cals
    Wednesday - walk - 55 mins/313 cals
    Thursday - walk - 62 mins/389 cals
    Friday - nothing today - 0 mins/0 cals
    Saturday - walk, group step & group power classes - 144 mins/940 cals
    Sunday - christmas shopping, grocery shopping, making dinner, putting christmas lights on the tree - only counted 133 mins but it was much more/277cals...

    Total completed - 546 minutes/ 3114 calories
    Remaining - over 186 minutes/386 calories short of 3500
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    are we doing a new thread or just reporting here for the whole month of december...i'm in for the long haul so i'm gonna either post here or find the "new" thread....
    good job everyone....keep on moving....
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Monday 11/29: 45 min elliptical, 15 min treadmill jogging/fast walking - total 60 min
    Tuesday 11/30: 20 min elliptical, 30 min treadmill jogging/walking - total 50 min
    Wednesday 12/1: 30 min elliptical
    Thursday 12/2: NONE
    Friday 12/3: NONE
    Saturday 12/4: NONE
    Sunday 12/5: 60 min elliptical, 60 min treadmill walking, 30 min bowling - total 150 min

    Total for the week: 290 min
    Remaining: 70 min

    Oops - Didn't do so well Thurs/Fri/Sat last week - but that's okay, I'm going to push to step it up this week and meet the 360 goal!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, elliptical 33 mins...238 cals
    Tuesday, elliptical 68 mins...537 cals
    Wednesday, elliptical, circuit and abs...66 mins...523
    Thursday, elliptical, 23 min...211 cals
    Friday, nada, 12 hour work day
    Saturday, 112 min...798 cals

    58 min remaining....

    Wow, some stellar work done here...gotta start all over
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    are we doing a new thread or just reporting here for the whole month of december...i'm in for the long haul so i'm gonna either post here or find the "new" thread....
    good job everyone....keep on moving....

    We stay here the whole month...good job on staying committed
  • FlynSunshine
    Week 1 Down!

    Monday- 40 min. = 3.5 mile run
    Tuesday-45 min= cross-trainer
    Wednesday- Lazy Panda! 0 minutes
    Thursday- 60 min = 4.25 mile run + 15 mins aerobic dance
    Friday- 70 minutes = 45 cross training + 25 (JM 30 Day Shred)
    Saturday- 95 minutes= 6.5 mile run + 25 (JM 30 Day)
    Sunday- 50 mins= 2.5 mi run + 2 mi. of walking with dogs/volunteering
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member

    Monday = 30 min on the Eliptical and 60 min of 3.0 walk/run

    Total so far this week = 90 min
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all! I hope everyone's week has gotten off to a great start. Here's today's check-in:

    Monday: 36 minutes of Burn Circuit 1(Chalean Xtreme) & 15 minutes of Ab Ripper................309 minutes to go!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Plan for Week Two

    Monday - Moving Furniture, 30 minutes; Elliptical, 30 minutes......................... 300 to go!
    Tuesday - Walking Cardio Shape Up, 45 minutes...............................................255 to go!
    Wednesday - Pilates, 45 minutes; Elliptical, 30 minutes................................... 180 to go!
    Thursday - Walking Cardio Shape Up, 45 minutes............................................. 135 to go!
    Friday - Elliptical, 30 minutes................................................................................... 105 to go!
    Saturday - Pilates 45 minutes; Elliptical, 30 minutes............................................ 30 to go!
    Sunday - Just Dance 2, 30 minutes............................. ............................................. 0 to go!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    are we doing a new thread or just reporting here for the whole month of december...i'm in for the long haul so i'm gonna either post here or find the "new" thread....
    good job everyone....keep on moving....

    We stay here the whole month...good job on staying committed

    If we keep up at this pace, this thread will go to 500 posts for sure! Which is very good!!

    You absolutely Rock babe!!! I am in awe of 546 min!! Keep up the good work!
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    OK! I'm jumping back in!

    Monday; 15 min on elliptical
    25 min on treadmill

    I'm starting slow, because it's been a while! lol
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Monday 20 minutes walking

    340 to go
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    Monday 57 minutes 399 cals