360 minute "MOVE-IT" Challenge for December



  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member

    Monday = 60 min of 3.0 walk/run and 25 min of roller skating

    Total so far this week = 85 min

    Tuesday = 65 min of 3.0 walk/run and 31 min of roller skating

    Total so far this week = 181 min

    Wednesday = 65 min of Elliptical

    Total so far this week = 246 min

    Thursday = 35 min of heavy lifting, moving, running up/down stairs

    Total so far this week = 281

    Friday = 65 min of walk/run

    Total so far this week = 346 min
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Monday: 36 minutes of Burn Circuit 1,16 minutes of Ab Ripper & 15 minutes walking in place = 67 total minutes
    Tuesday: 40 minutes Core Cardio & Balance & 30 minutes of Fat Blaster = 70 total minutes
    Wednesday: 40 minutes of Burn Circuit 2 & 20 minutes Fast Abs = 60 total minutes
    Thursday: 47 minutes of Burn Intervals & 20 minutes of Recharge = 67 total minutes
    Friday: 32 minutes of Burn Circuit 3 & 18 minutes Fast Abs = 50 total minutes
    Saturday: 60 minutes of boot camp = 60 total minutes

    Goal: 360 minutes

    Exercise minutes completed: 374
    Exercise minutes remaining: 0

    As of today, this week's challenge has been met. I have exercised a total of 374 minutes and burned almost 2300 calories.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    plan for the week....

    Monday - walk 3.33 miles - 65 mins - 300 cals
    Tuesday - walk 2.52 miles - 43 mins - 230 cals
    walk treadmill watching biggest loser - 110 mins - 514 cals
    Wednesday - walk 2 miles and group power class - 87 mins - 483 cals
    Thursday - walk 3.07 miles - 60 mins - 404 cals
    Friday - Wii EA sports - 67 mins - 304 cals
    Saturday - walk - 48 mins - 362 cals
    Sunday - PLAN - walk/run on treadmill and/or group power class

    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 365 mins
    Remaining - 5 mins over goal

    GOAL - 3500 calories
    Completed - 1931 calories
    Remaining - 1569 calories
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: pilates 30/72, 30 day shredx3 75/576
    tuesday: elliptical 50/432, pilates 25/60
    wednesday: 30 day shred 29/223
    thursday: 30 day shred 22/169, pilates 27/65
    friday: 30 day shred 24/184
    saturday: clean 25/60, elliptical 60/518
    so far: 367minutes/2359 calories
    to go: 141 calories

    one more day and i already made it!!! woohoo :) keep up the good work everyone :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Mon: 20 min walking.........................................340 min to go!!
    Tues: 46 min Leslie Sansone DVD...............294 min to go!!
    Wed: 15 min walking........................................279 min to go!!.
    Thur: 35 min LS DVD.......................................244 min to go!!
    Fri: 50 min LS DVD, 14 min walk..................180 min to go!!
    Sat: 64 min LS DVD.........................................116 mni to go!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Week 3:
    Monday 100 total: 30 minutes of cleaning, 30 of playing in the snow and shoveling out the car (not counted towards calories) 20 minutes of my homemade workout and 20 of walking
    Tuesday: 30 total: walking for 30 minutes
    Wednesday: 50 total (30 walking and 20 of my homemade work out) Not going to count my walking around the mall for 3 hours today lol
    Thursday 20 minutes total...walking
    Friday 0...I was lazy
    Saturday 115 total: 45 cleaning (well really 90 altogether but only counting 45), 55 minutes of walking and 15 of my homemade workout
    45 minutes to go
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    plan for the week....

    Monday - walk 3.33 miles - 65 mins - 300 cals
    Tuesday - walk 2.52 miles - 43 mins - 230 cals
    walk treadmill watching biggest loser - 110 mins - 514 cals
    Wednesday - walk 2 miles and group power class - 87 mins - 483 cals
    Thursday - walk 3.07 miles - 60 mins - 404 cals
    Friday - Wii EA sports - 67 mins - 304 cals
    Saturday - walk - 48 mins - 362 cals
    Sunday - PLAN - walk/run on treadmill and/or group power class

    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 480 mins
    Remaining - 120 mins over goal

    GOAL - 3500 calories
    Completed - 2597 calories
    Remaining - 903 calories
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hey all, just got in from work and that's all I have done today. Long day, nice customers though and a good productive day.
    Maybe I can sneak something in yet tonight.

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Monday: 36 minutes of Burn Circuit 1,16 minutes of Ab Ripper & 15 minutes walking in place = 67 total minutes
    Tuesday: 40 minutes Core Cardio & Balance & 30 minutes of Fat Blaster = 70 total minutes
    Wednesday: 40 minutes of Burn Circuit 2 & 20 minutes Fast Abs = 60 total minutes
    Thursday: 47 minutes of Burn Intervals & 20 minutes of Recharge = 67 total minutes
    Friday: 32 minutes of Burn Circuit 3 & 18 minutes Fast Abs = 50 total minutes
    Saturday: 60 minutes of boot camp = 60 total minutes

    Goal: 360 minutes

    Exercise minutes completed: 374
    Exercise minutes remaining: 0

    As of today, this week's challenge has been met. I have exercised a total of 374 minutes and burned almost 2300 calories.

    Go choco, go choco ! :drinker:

    as for me....

    Monday - 25mins shred level 1/ 250 cals
    Tuesday - had to go xmas shopping, does that count? haha will attempt the shred again today.
    Wed- shred level 1 - 20 mins / 200 als
    Thursday- zumba 60mins / 640cals ........................255 mins / 2510 calories to go!
    Fri - no workout and ate horribly :S
    Sat - turbo jam 45 mins/500 calories..........210mins to go/2010 calories to go.....

  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member

    Monday = 60 min of 3.0 walk/run and 25 min of roller skating

    Total so far this week = 85 min

    Tuesday = 65 min of 3.0 walk/run and 31 min of roller skating

    Total so far this week = 181 min

    Wednesday = 65 min of Elliptical

    Total so far this week = 246 min

    Thursday = 35 min of heavy lifting, moving, running up/down stairs

    Total so far this week = 281

    Friday = 65 min of walk/run

    Total so far this week = 346 min

    Saturday = 45 min of walk/run

    Total so far this week = 391 min
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    ok here are the final results......

    Monday - 25mins shred level 1/ 250 cals
    Tuesday - had to go xmas shopping, does that count? haha will attempt the shred again today.
    Wed- shred level 1 - 20 mins / 200 als
    Thursday- zumba 60mins / 640cals ........................255 mins / 2510 calories to go!
    Fri - no workout and ate horribly :S
    Sat - turbo jam 45 mins/500 calories..........210mins to go/2010 calories to go.....
    Sunday - 20 mins zumba / 200 cals

    TOTAL : 170 mins and 1790 calories burned.

    i knew it wud be hard to meet my goal with doing those short 20mins workouts for the 30 day shred bug geez i didnt even get halfway.

    oh well gotta try again next week.

    CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who completed the challenge!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Week in review:

    Got the tree on Friday, will decorate tonight after work tonight
    Oldest son took cat to vet, $400 later find out bladder infection and bladder blocked with crystals
    Youngest son had to do a swallow study...lots of difficulty swallowing the barium; so, minimal results....labs indicate celiac sprue...looking at an endoscopy to confirm
    Oldest son wreaks car
    Hubs comes home from hospital
    Took MIL out to bank and grocery store
    Finished 85% of shopping for holidays and have meal plan for dinners/breakfast
    Tonight, getting Christmas cards out after work

    Notice that there is no exercise what-so-ever in that list

    Tomorrow is a new week and I plan to make it happen...good job on those staying so focused
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    Week in review:

    Got the tree on Friday, will decorate tonight after work tonight
    Oldest son took cat to vet, $400 later find out bladder infection and bladder blocked with crystals
    Youngest son had to do a swallow study...lots of difficulty swallowing the barium; so, minimal results....labs indicate celiac sprue...looking at an endoscopy to confirm
    Oldest son wreaks car
    Hubs comes home from hospital
    Took MIL out to bank and grocery store
    Finished 85% of shopping for holidays and have meal plan for dinners/breakfast
    Tonight, getting Christmas cards out after work

    Notice that there is no exercise what-so-ever in that list

    Tomorrow is a new week and I plan to make it happen...good job on those staying so focused

    your week sounds mentally exhausting (shoot physically too!!) i hope this week brings you relaxation and some time for yourself!!!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: pilates 30/72, 30 day shredx3 75/576
    tuesday: elliptical 50/432, pilates 25/60
    wednesday: 30 day shred 29/223
    thursday: 30 day shred 22/169, pilates 27/65
    friday: 30 day shred 24/184
    saturday: clean 25/60, elliptical 60/518, 30 day shred level 2 27/207
    sunday: run 22/232, elliptical 50/432
    so far: 466 minutes/3230 calories

    first time i made it in a LONG time :) i still might do the 30 day shred tonight :)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Monday: 36 minutes of Burn Circuit 1,16 minutes of Ab Ripper & 15 minutes walking in place = 67 total minutes
    Tuesday: 40 minutes Core Cardio & Balance & 30 minutes of Fat Blaster = 70 total minutes
    Wednesday: 40 minutes of Burn Circuit 2 & 20 minutes Fast Abs = 60 total minutes
    Thursday: 47 minutes of Burn Intervals & 20 minutes of Recharge = 67 total minutes
    Friday: 32 minutes of Burn Circuit 3 & 18 minutes Fast Abs = 50 total minutes
    Saturday: 60 minutes of boot camp = 60 total minutes
    Sunday: 60 minutes of P90X stretching = 60 total minutes

    Goal: 360 minutes

    Exercise minutes completed: 434
    Exercise minutes remaining: 0

    It's been a great workout week but today my book club members and I had our annual Christmas brunch and I ate everything I desired (including dessert and two mimosas) with no guilty feelings at all.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Week 3:
    Monday 100 total: 30 minutes of cleaning, 30 of playing in the snow and shoveling out the car (not counted towards calories) 20 minutes of my homemade workout and 20 of walking
    Tuesday: 30 total: walking for 30 minutes
    Wednesday: 50 total (30 walking and 20 of my homemade work out) Not going to count my walking around the mall for 3 hours today lol
    Thursday 20 minutes total...walking
    Friday 0...I was lazy
    Saturday 115 total: 45 cleaning (well really 90 altogether but only counting 45), 55 minutes of walking and 15 of my homemade workout
    Sunday: 95 minutes total: 25 of massive cleaning (again) 70 of walking
    -35 minutes to go
    Met my goal for week 3 :)

    Great work everyone!!!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    plan for the week....

    Monday - walk 3.33 miles - 65 mins - 300 cals
    Tuesday - walk 2.52 miles - 43 mins - 230 cals
    walk treadmill watching biggest loser - 110 mins - 514 cals
    Wednesday - walk 2 miles and group power class - 87 mins - 483 cals
    Thursday - walk 3.07 miles - 60 mins - 404 cals
    Friday - Wii EA sports - 67 mins - 304 cals
    Saturday - walk - 48 mins - 362 cals
    Sunday - nothing - well i walked around the mall with the kids for about 35 mins while hubby waited in santa line but i didnt count it....
    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 480 mins
    Remaining - 120 mins over goal

    GOAL - 3500 calories
    Completed - 2597 calories
    Remaining - 903 calories

    think for next week, well this week, i'm going to aim for 400 minutes and 2500 calories...i'm running over on minutes but short on calories...sooooo i'll bump one up and drop the other down....should meet both goals...
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Fri 12/17/10 08:30 AMMonday 74 minutes~739 calories HRM
    38 minutes~205calories
    Tuesday 49 minutes~465 calories
    Wednesday 24minutes~198 calories
    10 minutes~ 72 calories
    Thursday~24 minutes~200 calories
    Friday~90 minutes~901 calories

    Sunday~41 minutes~581 calories

    350 ~ 10 to go
    3361 ~ 139 to go
    OH POOP this is will not go!!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    plan for the week of December 20-26....

    Monday - PLAN walk @ lunch, Wii EA sports or 30 day shred or Treadmill after kids go to bed
    Tuesday - PLAN walk @ lunch, Treadmill after kids go to bed - watch a netflix DVD i have had for way tooo long
    Wednesday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, Wii EA sports or 30 day shred or Treadmill after kids go to bed
    Thursday - PLAN - gym for cardio/weights
    Friday - PLAN - group power @ gym or cardio/wts
    Saturday - PLAN - walk
    Sunday - PLAN - walk or gym

    GOAL - 400 mins
    Completed - 0 mins
    Remaining - 400 mins

    GOAL - 2500 calories
    Completed - 0 calories
    Remaining - 2500 calories
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Summary of last week:

    Monday 12/13: 48 minutes walking/jogging 3.1 miles
    Tuesday 12/14: none
    Wednesday 12/15: none
    Thursday 12/16: 30 min walking/jogging
    Friday 12/17: none
    Saturday 12/18: 60 min walking (alternating between briskly and casually)
    Sunday 12/19: 60 min walking 3 miles, 30 min bowling

    Total for week: 228 minutes, 132 min. short of goal

    Not too horrible, considering I was sick most of the week - it started Monday and then got worse until Friday, when I took the day off work and slept.

    I don't know if I'll make 360 minutes this week, but I'll still keep that as my goal.