3500+ Calories Burned Challenge 11/29 - 12/5



  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4000
    Mon: 811 calories burned (37 minutes c25k, 35 hour weights)
    Tues: 1517 calories burned (133 minutes of volleyball)
    Wed: 633 calories burned (27min strength training 35 elliptical)
    Thur:691 calories burned (61 min strength training 33 min elliptical)
    Fri: calories burned 668 (52 min c25k 120@3.5mph 90@7mph)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 4320
    Goal met!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4000
    Mon: 458 carlories burned (15 minutes bike, 1 hour eliptical)
    Tues: 737carlories burned (1 hour with my trainer 1 hour on bike)
    Wed: 270 carlories burned (30 mins bike)
    Thur:848 carlories burned (30 minutes bike 50 hour elliptical)
    Fri: 235 carlories burned (20 minutes with trainer and 30 mins walking on treadmill, trainer wanted me to do a light work out since I have 5k tomorrow)
    Sat:carlories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:carlories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2548
    Left to go: 1452
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4000
    Mon: 458 carlories burned (15 minutes bike, 1 hour eliptical)
    Tues: 737carlories burned (1 hour with my trainer 1 hour on bike)
    Wed: 270 carlories burned (30 mins bike)
    Thur:848 carlories burned (30 minutes bike 50 hour elliptical)
    Fri: 235 carlories burned (20 minutes with trainer and 30 mins walking on treadmill, trainer wanted me to do a light work out since I have 5k tomorrow)
    Sat:carlories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:carlories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2548
    Left to go: 1452

    Have a great race tomorrow.
  • collettemrk
    Weekly Goal: 9000 calories
    Mon1547calories burned 364 playing softball -1183 riding 21 miles on my road bike
    Tuesday-1579...375 playing softball..1104 riding my bike 20.5 miles
    Wed:727 calories burned (playing 4 hours of softball)
    Thur:3183 calories burned (57.64 mile bike ride)
    Fri: 799calories burned (walking around Disney for 10 hours)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total:7835 Calories burned

    Left To Go1165 calories
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Weekly Goal: 3500 calories
    Mon: 615 (Turbo Fire & BL Last Chance)
    Tues: 755 (TF)
    Wed: 746 (TF)
    Thur: 683 (Jillian Michaels DVDs)
    Fri: 701 (TF)
    Sat: 566 (TF)
    Sun: Rest Day

    Total: 4066
    Left to go: Goal Achieved! WHOO HOO!!!
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 720( Elliptical 35 min treadmill 35 min bike 7 min) 
    Tues: 712 ( elliptical 35 min treadmill 35 min ) 
    Wed: 714 ( elliptical 35 min treadmill 35 min ) 
    Thur: 711 ( elliptical 35 min treadmill 35 min ) 
    Fri: 750 ( elliptical 45 min tread mill 28 min) 
    Sat: 795 ( elliptical 55 min tread mill 30)

    Total: 4402

    Well I made it 902 calories over. I can't believe it. It would be nice to do this group all the way thru this holiday season. 
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4000
    Mon: 458 carlories burned (15 minutes bike, 1 hour eliptical)
    Tues: 737carlories burned (1 hour with my trainer 1 hour on bike)
    Wed: 270 carlories burned (30 mins bike)
    Thur:848 carlories burned (30 minutes bike 50 hour elliptical)
    Fri: 235 carlories burned (20 minutes with trainer and 30 mins walking on treadmill, trainer wanted me to do a light work out since I have 5k tomorrow)
    Sat:413 carlories burned (5k) (I will probably get some more exercise in today. I cut 2 minutes off my 5k time with my shin splint not fully healed probably could have cut 3 minute off if I didn't stop to walk it out)
    Sun:carlories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2961
    Left to go: 1039
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Great job on your 5K and shaving down your time.

    Weekly Goal: 3,500 calories burned

    Monday: 801 (P90X chest & back and lunch hour run)
    Tuesday: 1146 (P90X plyometrics and lunch hour run)
    Wednesday: 266 (P90X shoulders & arms)
    Thursday: 1034 (Insanity Max Recovery 50 minutes/5 miles bike/1mile jog/10 minute rowing)
    Friday: 649 (60 minutes of Insanity Max interval Circuit)
    Saturday: 768 calories (Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning)
    Sunday: rest day

    Total: 4,664 calories burned
    Past my goal.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Oops! Forgot to post last night! Bust decorating the tree! I wonder if I can post that for burning calories! :wink:

    Weekly Goal: 4500 calories

    Mon: 790 (Running/Elliptical)
    Tues: 1204 (Zumba Class/Running/Swimming)
    Wed: 560 (Running)
    Thur: 600 (Kickboxing)
    Fri: 521 (Running)

    Total: 3675
    Left to go: 825
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500 calories

    Monday 549 caloires- bike 50 minutes
    Tuesday 356 calories - yoga class 90 minutes
    Wednesday 995 calories- 10m eliptical, 35 weights, 30m bike, 90m yoga class
    Thursday 759 calories - 30 m eliptical, 30 bike
    Friday: 639 calories- 10m eliptical, 35m weights, 30m bike,
    Saturday: 549 calories- bike, 50 minutes

    Total: 3747 calories
    Made it!!!
  • collettemrk
    Weekly Goal: 9000 calories
    Mon1547calories burned 364 playing softball -1183 riding 21 miles on my road bike
    Tuesday-1579...375 playing softball..1104 riding my bike 20.5 miles
    Wed:727 calories burned (playing 4 hours of softball)
    Thur:3183 calories burned (57.64 mile bike ride)
    Fri: 799calories burned (walking around Disney for 10 hours)
    Sat:364 calories burned (softball)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total:8199 Calories burned

    Left To Go :801 calories

    O.K. so i thought today I'd be back on track after a day @ Disney yesterday.Guess what? I was wrong.It didn't help that I had to get up @ 5 a.m. to drive my niece to the airport but I'm beat.Hopefully I'll be back on my bike tomorrow!!

    Keep burning people!!
  • Jrak1980
    Jrak1980 Posts: 67 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500 calories
    Mon: 33 Min Kick Boxing Video - 25 Mins Aerobic - Total 551
    Tuesday: Was sick, burned 50 calories walking
    Wednesday: Cardio Dance Video 35 Min, Cleaning 37 Min, Aerobics 27 Min - 745 Calories
    Thursday: Videos on Exercise TV - 82 mins - 722 Calories
    Friday - 6 Week 6 Pack Abs 34 mins, Groove n Burn Disco 17 mins, Aerobics 38 mins - 601 Calories
    Saturday - Shoveling Snow 30 mins, Cleaning 60 mins, Zumba 30 mins - 751 Calories

    Left to go:80 Calories (I spent 3 hours walking around and shopping, I'm sure I burned those 80 calories :). At least I will be over after tomorrow)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4000
    Mon: 458 carlories burned (15 minutes bike, 1 hour eliptical)
    Tues: 737carlories burned (1 hour with my trainer 1 hour on bike)
    Wed: 270 carlories burned (30 mins bike)
    Thur:848 carlories burned (30 minutes bike 50 hour elliptical)
    Fri: 235 carlories burned (20 minutes with trainer and 30 mins walking on treadmill, trainer wanted me to do a light work out since I have 5k tomorrow)
    Sat:766 carlories burned (5k 36 mins, 1 hour bike)
    Sun:carlories burned (how they were burned)

    Left to go: 686

    I don't know if I will get any exercise in tomorrow as my friends want to come down and go to our towns christmas festival and I don't think they will let me jump in the moon bounce.
  • meeshers
    meeshers Posts: 73 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500

    Mon: 442 (30 day shred, bellydancing)
    Tues: 514 (3o day shred, zumba)
    Wed: day off
    Thur: 400 (30 day shred, bellydancing)
    Fri: lazy day :blushing:
    Sat: 910 (elliptical, zumba)

    Total: 2266
    Left to go: 1244

    I don't think i'm gonna make it, but i'm gonna do my darndest to be close! Great job everybody else!! You've all worked really really hard :)
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    Goal: 4,000

    Mon: 357 - Wii Tennis, baseball and boxing
    Tues: 548 - Wii Tennis, Aerobics
    Wed: 961 - Wii Fit, Aerobics, Walking
    Thur: 604 - Walking - morning, Shopping (and walking really fast because it is an outside mall & I was freezing my tail off!)
    Fri: 523 - Walking
    Sat: 725 - Walking

    Total: 3,718
    Left to go: 282

    Wasn't sure if I was going to make it or not! It has been a CRAZY week. I'm so glad tomorrow will be a light exercise day because I want to spend some time with my family and not do much of anything except put the tree up.

    Everyone is doing so great and even those who may not make it, remember that failure isn't when you fall down...it is when you refuse to get up! And judging by your numbers...you got up!! :) So that is a WIN!

    We are doing this next week.....right???? :) I NEED the motivation!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4500

    Mon: 829 (60 mins elliptical, 20 mins 30-day shred)
    Tues: 906 (50 mins elliptical, 45 mins aerobic class)
    Wed: Day off
    Thurs: 373 (45 min aerobic class)
    Friday: 639 (60 mins elliptical)
    Saturday: 639 (60 mins elliptical)
    Sunday: TBD

    Total: 3386
    Left to go: 1114

    I have a lot of work to finish this today!! I didn't get to do everything I wanted this week, but I'm going to try my best to make it up today!!
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    weekly goal 3500

    Monday: 513kcal burned through running, calisthenics, and heaving cleaning
    Tuesday: 658kcal burned through running stairs, yoga/pilates, and calisthenics
    Wednesday: 549kcal burned through vigorous calisthenics
    Thursday: 775kcal burned through calisthenics, running, stairs, and cleaning
    Friday: 718kcal burned through running, calisthenics, and sex. (not nearly enough of the third)
    Saturday: 206kcal burned through yoga, cleaning, and "aerobics"

    Total: 3419
    Left to go: 81
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Yes we can do this next week. I am going to try and keep it going as long as people are interested. If for some reason I can't post the next week on a sunday I will ask someone to do it for me.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Yes we can do this next week. I am going to try and keep it going as long as people are interested. If for some reason I can't post the next week on a sunday I will ask someone to do it for me.

    I'm down. I think I'll increase my goal to 3,800.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Weekly Goal: 4500 calories

    Mon: 790 (Running/Elliptical)
    Tues: 1204 (Zumba Class/Running/Swimming)
    Wed: 560 (Running)
    Thur: 600 (Kickboxing)
    Fri: 521 (Running)
    Sat: 272 (Swimming Laps)

    Total: 3675
    Left to go: 553