3500+ Calories Burned Challenge 11/29 - 12/5



  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4200
    Mon:1003( 50 min. Cardio Sculpt class(378), 60 min spin class (625))
    Tues: 984 (walk 18 holes golf pulling cart)
    Wed: 521 (spinning)
    Thur:470 (spinning)
    Fri:1070(spinning 90 minutes 920, abs/stretching and weights 150)
    Sat:275 (walk/run intervals)
    Sun:293 (walk/run intervals)

    Remaining: 00000

    whoo-hoo, I did it! Ran around the swim center like a fool for 30 minutes both yesterday and today and hit not only my 4200 calorie goal but went over 4500! Very proud of myself because it was very tempting to sit inside the nice warm pool with all the other parents but I didn't! Great job to all of us, we ROCK!!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    whoo-hoo, I did it! Ran around the swim center like a fool for 30 minutes both yesterday and today and hit not only my 4200 calorie goal but went over 4500! Very proud of myself because it was very tempting to sit inside the nice warm pool with all the other parents but I didn't! Great job to all of us, we ROCK!!

    woohoo great job!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    Thanks Ruth. I'm so glad you organized these challenges-they are very motivating to see how high I can get that number! Are you gonna do one for next week?
  • collettemrk
    Weekly Goal: 9000 calories
    Mon1547calories burned 364 playing softball -1183 riding 21 miles on my road bike
    Tuesday-1579...375 playing softball..1104 riding my bike 20.5 miles
    Wed:727 calories burned (playing 4 hours of softball)
    Thur:3183 calories burned (57.64 mile bike ride)
    Fri: 799calories burned (walking around Disney for 10 hours)
    Sat:364 calories burned (softball)
    Sun:1851calories burned (running & cycling)

    Total:9950 Calories burned

    Left To Go 0 calories
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4000
    Mon: 458 carlories burned (15 minutes bike, 1 hour eliptical)
    Tues: 737carlories burned (1 hour with my trainer 1 hour on bike)
    Wed: 270 carlories burned (30 mins bike)
    Thur:848 carlories burned (30 minutes bike 50 hour elliptical)
    Fri: 235 carlories burned (20 minutes with trainer and 30 mins walking on treadmill, trainer wanted me to do a light work out since I have 5k tomorrow)
    Sat:766 carlories burned (5k 36 mins, 1 hour bike)
    Sun:644 carlories burned (60 mins elliptical)

    Left to go: 42 (ohhhhhh so close!)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'm actually signed up for next week, but I want to add this weeks also!

    Weekly Goal:
    Mon: 839 calories burned (60 mins fitness class, 20 mins elliptical, 35 mins low impact aerobics)
    Tues: 597 calories burned (20 mins bike, 60 mins cardio dvd)
    Wed: 2093 calories burned (2hr zumba, 67 mins elliptical)
    Thur: 0
    Fri: 742 calories burned (55 mins fitness class, 30 mins treadmill )
    Sat: 0
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned) TBA

    TOTAL: 4271

    PS: I'll check back in everyday and follow the format for the next week! thanks, I love the idea of this challenge.
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    weekly goal 3500

    Monday: 513kcal burned through running, calisthenics, and heaving cleaning
    Tuesday: 658kcal burned through running stairs, yoga/pilates, and calisthenics
    Wednesday: 549kcal burned through vigorous calisthenics
    Thursday: 775kcal burned through calisthenics, running, stairs, and cleaning
    Friday: 718kcal burned through running, calisthenics, and sex. (not nearly enough of the third)
    Saturday: 206kcal burned through yoga, cleaning, and "aerobics"
    Sunday: 384kcal burned through playing soccer

    Total: 3803
  • SkierElle
    OK final report!

    Weekly Goal: 4000 calories
    Mon: Insanity pure cardio: 450, bike ride: 72 (made a mistake on recording this lol. now i fixed it!)
    Tues: 400 - Insanity Plyo Circuit, Running: 300
    Weds. Insanity Recovery - 200
    Thurs: Insanity Resistance - 400 Skiing - 800
    Friday: Insanity -Pure Cardio and Cardio abs - 650
    Saturday: Running and elliptical: 800
    Sunday - Insanity fit test - 300

    TOTAL: 4,372 I made it!!
    (note this is all a conservative estimate because I don't have an HRM.)
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4500

    Mon: 829 (60 mins elliptical, 20 mins 30-day shred)
    Tues: 906 (50 mins elliptical, 45 mins aerobic class)
    Wed: Day off
    Thurs: 373 (45 min aerobic class)
    Friday: 639 (60 mins elliptical)
    Saturday: 639 (60 mins elliptical)
    Sunday: 604 (60 mins step aerobics - mix of high step, regular step and high/low impact)

    Total: 3990
    Left to go: 510

    Well, I didn't make it, but I came close. Thursday was my downfall - I only did 1 workout instead of the 2 that I wanted to. I'm still pretty satisfied, I got in 400 minutes, and I'm more than happy with that!! I usually only track minutes, not calories, so this was new to me. Fun way to change it up!
  • collettemrk
    Weekly Goal: 9000 calories
    Mon1547calories burned 364 playing softball -1183 riding 21 miles on my road bike
    Tuesday-1579...375 playing softball..1104 riding my bike 20.5 miles
    Wed:727 calories burned (playing 4 hours of softball)
    Thur:3183 calories burned (57.64 mile bike ride)
    Fri: 799calories burned (walking around Disney for 10 hours)
    Sat:364 calories burned (playing softball))
    Sun:1851 calories burned (running & cycling)

    Total:10050 Calories burned Goal Met!!
  • Jrak1980
    Jrak1980 Posts: 67 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500 calories
    Mon: 33 Min Kick Boxing Video - 25 Mins Aerobic - Total 551
    Tuesday: Was sick, burned 50 calories walking
    Wednesday: Cardio Dance Video 35 Min, Cleaning 37 Min, Aerobics 27 Min - 745 Calories
    Thursday: Videos on Exercise TV - 82 mins - 722 Calories
    Friday - 6 Week 6 Pack Abs 34 mins, Groove n Burn Disco 17 mins, Aerobics 38 mins - 601 Calories
    Saturday - Shoveling Snow 30 mins, Cleaning 60 mins, Zumba 30 mins - 751 Calories
    Sunday - Cleaning/Aerobics - 45 mins - 296 Cal

  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Weekly Goal: 4500 calories

    Mon: 790 (Running/Elliptical)
    Tues: 1204 (Zumba Class/Running/Swimming)
    Wed: 560 (Running)
    Thur: 600 (Kickboxing)
    Fri: 521 (Running)
    Sat: 272 (Swimming Laps)
    Sun: 716 (Zumba)

    Total: 4663

    W0000T! :o)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Everyone did so good this week! If you didn't make it you were darn close.
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member

    If you ever need help with the posting, shoot me a message and I will be more than happy to post the new challenge. :)

    Great job everyone! Now on to this week!!!

    Goal: 4,000

    Mon: 357 - Wii Tennis, baseball and boxing
    Tues: 548 - Wii Tennis, Aerobics
    Wed: 961 - Wii Fit, Aerobics, Walking
    Thur: 604 - Walking - morning, Shopping (and walking really fast because it is an outside mall & I was freezing my tail off!)
    Fri: 523 - Walking
    Sat: 725 - Walking
    Sun: 447 - Heavy cleaning, stair climbing (with a LOT of heavy stuff!)

    Total: 4,165
    Left to go: I made it! Woot!