not-that-heavy girls trying to lose weight



  • kirotea
    kirotea Posts: 3 Member
    New-ish person here (been logging for a month, but haven't really posted in the forums yet).

    I'm 5'4", currently 155lbs, and would like to get down to a healthy BMI which would be around 145lbs. My ideal weight would be 135lbs (high school weight), but I doubt I can go that low! I'll be happy if I can get down to 145 & maybe a little past that.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    WOW there's a lot of us haha. Good luck to everyone! I'm with you, 5'6 at 150. WOuld love to be 145 and just muscle, but it's been hard to stay below 150 for now. Can we make this a group somehow?

    I am right there with you on the height and weight. I weigh 150 now (although started at 252) ...I was able to get to 142 and then things went screwy and here I am back at 150. I am striving though for 130, we will see. Good luck!

    I am also there with both of you! A year or so ago I was at 160, which at 5'5" was my heaviest. I was able to get down to 142, but then started working out more, and subsequently eating more and pushed up to 148. After letting myself get discouraged and working my way back up to 154 I joined MFP and am now at 151 after 2 weeks. However this is where I get stuck at, I seem to always hover either above or below the 150 mark. I would really love to get down to 140, even see a 1-3 infront would be nice!!

    I would settle for a solid 140 too! Right now i hover at 150-151..drats! So I have decided to start adding more strength training to see if that helps because I run lots so cardio is we will see. I know it is the eating, I tend to snack later at night :( Good luck!!!!!

    Welcome you guys! When I started MFP a month or so ago I weighed 155 @ 5'6". I am currently at 146! Wahoo!! My goal is 140! I am glad to know there are others out there at my height with the same weight goals!
  • srsimon
    srsimon Posts: 60 Member
    New-ish person here (been logging for a month, but haven't really posted in the forums yet).

    I'm 5'4", currently 155lbs, and would like to get down to a healthy BMI which would be around 145lbs. My ideal weight would be 135lbs (high school weight), but I doubt I can go that low! I'll be happy if I can get down to 145 & maybe a little past that.

    if I can do it, so can you. I was at 165 last Christmas, at 5'3". I started working out more spring semester of school, but dorm food does not help you loose weight. By the start of summer I was at 155 and my friends and I decided to do a 2 month weight loss competition. We biked a ton and watched what we ate. I ended up at 137. Once I got back to school I thought it'd be easy to lose more weight since I was living on my own. But, at the start of Christmas break I was fluctuating between 142-145. My goal is to get to 130, but right now I just want to see that 135 and some toning. I want to be solidly below 140 by Jan 10th when school starts back (by solidly I mean fluctuating between 137-139).

    I think that we both have the ability to reach our goals!
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    So I have been sticking to a 1200-1400 cal diet and trying to keep it 45% Carbs 20% fat 35% protein and it's working much better than 40/20/40 was omg lol. I just got done with my TOM and woke up to see a body I haven't seen on myself due to healthy living and exercise ever... I say this because at one time I *did* get to a weight I was happy with but not in a healthy way.

    I'm still going over on sugars almost daily, but they are natural sugars so I am just going to keep trying without getting too worked up. I think I may have the nerve to put some pictures up soon of my body, I just want to tone a little more. I'm going for a 25" waist and slimmer legs. I'm happy with my arms but I do want to tone my back and abs more... I just want to be able to put on any size 2 and be happy :) I'm now an xs shirt and dress though which is pretty exciting :)

    I'm sticking to my guns and staying healthy. My bday is Feb 13 and if I like the way I look by then, I will weigh in and see what my happy weight is... I'm a little excited.

    I also have an appointment with my doctor to be referred to a registered dietitian so that I can see where I stand, what my body fat is, blood tests, everything, you name it I want to know where my body is health wise... the last time I had my body fat tested was my sophomore year in high school when I was running competitively, I was 113 lbs with 13% body fat... and I was not happy with my body... It was an awkward stage, but now I am really starting to like the way I look.

    Can't wait to get to maintenance mode!!
  • muffin111
    I love this group! I'm new here and so glad I found you all! :-D You're all beautiful and together we can bring out the best in each other! So excited to 'bring sexy back' with you all ;)
  • amysambora
    A big hello to all the newbies! *waves*

    And a big congratulations to everyone else for their continued success :) Love what MFP has done for us all!
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    wow ive not posted in this group for aaaages now. i went past my original goal i set myself when i first joined the group. oops! not intentionally though :)

    congrats to all those that have made progress! x
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Have been hanging tough in my maintenance range -- 133-138 -- for several weeks now. Not bad for the Holiday Season. Weighed in at 135 this morning. Could post it and change my Ticker, but prefer to leave that 3 pounds to go goal. If I get down to 133, I will take another look at my goals. Don't think I want to drop any lower than that. But who knows? Depends on how I feel and how I look! Continued success to everyone!
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Sorry, clicked twice!:bigsmile:
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    WOW there's a lot of us haha. Good luck to everyone! I'm with you, 5'6 at 150. WOuld love to be 145 and just muscle, but it's been hard to stay below 150 for now. Can we make this a group somehow?

    I am right there with you on the height and weight. I weigh 150 now (although started at 252) ...I was able to get to 142 and then things went screwy and here I am back at 150. I am striving though for 130, we will see. Good luck!

    I am also there with both of you! A year or so ago I was at 160, which at 5'5" was my heaviest. I was able to get down to 142, but then started working out more, and subsequently eating more and pushed up to 148. After letting myself get discouraged and working my way back up to 154 I joined MFP and am now at 151 after 2 weeks. However this is where I get stuck at, I seem to always hover either above or below the 150 mark. I would really love to get down to 140, even see a 1-3 infront would be nice!!

    I would settle for a solid 140 too! Right now i hover at 150-151..drats! So I have decided to start adding more strength training to see if that helps because I run lots so cardio is we will see. I know it is the eating, I tend to snack later at night :( Good luck!!!!!

    Welcome you guys! When I started MFP a month or so ago I weighed 155 @ 5'6". I am currently at 146! Wahoo!! My goal is 140! I am glad to know there are others out there at my height with the same weight goals!

    Wow, we are all very close to. I would love to see the 140s...Congrats on your success!!!
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    I haven't updated in ages. down to 68.8 kgs now. Not quite going to make my goal of 67 kgs by Xmas, but that is life. At least I'm still loosing :) 4 more kilos to go :)
  • nickeymhughes
    nickeymhughes Posts: 115 Member
    So are you doing some sort of challange.? I would llike to be part of this. I'm 4'11" and 126 lbs now. I would like to get to 110 lbs and stay there.
  • I'm at 55kg and would love to be 50, I'm 5'5 1/2". A lot of people annoy me about wanting to lose those 5kg, but up until I was 17 I was a size 6 (aust) because I was so active, now I'm 19 and inches and weight have just crept on! I do admit, I crashed dieted A LOT when I was younger so it's messed me up a little. At the moment I'm exercising 4 times a week at the minimum, 6 at the most. I just don't know how to get my weight to budge anymore! I've hit a stable weight and it's very frustrating.

    Any ideas?
  • srsimon
    srsimon Posts: 60 Member
    Merry Christmas all!

    I hope you're all able to stay strong these few days, but let yourself enjoy the holidays! I know it's going to be hard to be good tonight with yummy chicken paprikas and sour cream mashed potatoes from my favorite Hungarian restaurant!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ahhh, losing my TOM pounds. As a not-that-heavy-girl, I'm especially not sweating the next 24 hrs. I have an overnight shift tonight that will probably be filled with goodies, and then a Jamaican Xmas dinner. But you know what? That's fine. I'll be good later and enjoy myself for now. Besides, the more I stress, the less I lose!
  • Bexaa
    Bexaa Posts: 19
    I'd love to join, too.

    I'm 5'3'' at 147 pounds and have to lose 20 by the summer are my hopes.

    For now, the focus is to lose 5lbs by the end of January. I'm trying to keep my goal small since once classes are back on, I know I'll be really busy and may not be able to work out as much. I shall do my best though and keep track of my weight!

    Merry Christmas to all and May we all achieve our goals! :)
  • Sparklewolfie
    I am rather glad that we don't really celebrate Christmas here :tongue: because I would have a hard time not indulging in everything!

    Anyway, I know I have been MIA for the past few weeks or so while I was fighting a depression + binge eating, but I think I am better on track now. Unfortunately, I have gained back nearly all the weight I lost, so I am starting back at square 1. Hoping to be able to get back under 60kg by the time my LDR boyfriend comes to visit (Jan. 9)

    :drinker: Here's to a healthy and happy Holiday Season for everybody who celebrates! (My challenge will come in February when New Year happens....) Now go drink a cup of water!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Sparklewolfie, I'm sorry to hear you were having a hard time! Hope things continue to improve for you. You haven't been gone that long, I bet a lot of that weigh gain is water. I was getting depressed over mine but now like half of it has gone away. Just keep drinking up and go a little lower on the carbs/sugar and you will be surprised!
  • mamaisis09
    Christmas Eve Weigh In: 147 lbs!!!

    Lost a pound over the past week!

    Wish me luck for the New Year's Eve Weigh:)
  • moe5474
    moe5474 Posts: 162
    i've been trying so hard to do good this week but i've fallen off the wagon :( with my birthday and christmas being 3 days apart there is always a lot of celebrating this time of year. i think i got scared of seeing my calorie count so i haven't logged on in a few days....ugh. so mad at myself.

    i've also realized that so often i eat out of habit or because it's "what you do at Christmas". when people celebrate we eat, usually whether we're hungry or not. so often these past few days i realized somewhere between bit number 45 and 60 that i was shoving my face without really tasting the food. and then once you get a lot of sugar in your system it feels like it takes weeks to get it all out again and completely recover from the sugar coma :(

    here's to the healthy eating wagon!