Pregnancy - December 2010



  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    I had my second prenatal appointment yesterday. It did not go as well as I wanted it to. First of all, they found a polyp on my cervix at my first visit. They said it was common and something that was not going to effect my pregnancy, but that they would have to monitor it. This visit, the docotor said that it has grown and he no longer wants to wait until after I give birth to remove it. I know it probably isn't a big deal, but I've never had one before and I don't like having to worry about something as stupid as a polyp. When he removes it, my husband is going to have to be there to take me home. It could bleed a lot, which would cause me to worry a lot. I don't know. I just don't like it.

    So then the doctor can't find the baby's heartbeat with his little doppler thing. I know that it's probably too early. I won't even be 10 weeks until tomorrow. But still. He tries to find it, can't, says it's probably too early, then says, "Wait, you're nearly ten weeks... let me try again," and fails to find it again. I just wanted some sort of verification that everything was okay. Hearing the heartbeat would have kept the polyp news from phasing me in the slightest. Instead I just end up leaving all tense and worried. Ugh.

    Sorry, just needed to rant a little.

    Rant all you like, perfectly normal to be upset. Hopefully next time! Sorry, I am sure this is going to cause worry! Try to relax :-)
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Well, today I walked 5 miles and burned 545 calories. I took it much slower and was upset not to get to my "normal" 6 miles. I will try to get back on the treadmill today to walk that one additional mile.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I had my second prenatal appointment yesterday. It did not go as well as I wanted it to. First of all, they found a polyp on my cervix at my first visit. They said it was common and something that was not going to effect my pregnancy, but that they would have to monitor it. This visit, the docotor said that it has grown and he no longer wants to wait until after I give birth to remove it. I know it probably isn't a big deal, but I've never had one before and I don't like having to worry about something as stupid as a polyp. When he removes it, my husband is going to have to be there to take me home. It could bleed a lot, which would cause me to worry a lot. I don't know. I just don't like it.

    So then the doctor can't find the baby's heartbeat with his little doppler thing. I know that it's probably too early. I won't even be 10 weeks until tomorrow. But still. He tries to find it, can't, says it's probably too early, then says, "Wait, you're nearly ten weeks... let me try again," and fails to find it again. I just wanted some sort of verification that everything was okay. Hearing the heartbeat would have kept the polyp news from phasing me in the slightest. Instead I just end up leaving all tense and worried. Ugh.

    Sorry, just needed to rant a little.

    We are here to listen so rant all you like. Sorry to here of your difficulties with the polyp. Just have faith in your doctor and I am sure the heartbeat will be heard loud and clear once you are a little further along.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    hey mamatoabunch - so, I know where you stand on drugs, hospitals etc etc etc.... so, I am expecting a somewhat "biased" (i guess opinionated" is a better word) response BUT...

    (anyone else feel free to weigh in as well)

    I have never had the desire whatsoever for a natural birth. I have a great pain tolerance, but have never seen the need to put myself through that... anyway... now that I'm going for a VBAC.... I know that an epi does not increase risk of a tear or not being able to feel a tear etc, BUT, does it increase risk of having to have a C/S? Are there other things that it does affect that might cause it to heighten probability of a C/S, i know it can slow labor, or you can't get up and move so it might affect being able to deliver...

    I'm not totally keen on the idea, but I would rather do it than have a C/S. I mean, that pain is bad but temporary right? A C/S is months of pain and recovery! Conversely though, I wonder if not having an epi and then needing an E C/S would mean they'd have to use general if I had to be put under quickly. I just know horror story of someone who had to have a C/S with no anesthesia! But of course, I know that an anesthesiologist would have to be on hand already if I was VBACing so I'm really not worried about that.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    hey mamatoabunch - so, I know where you stand on drugs, hospitals etc etc etc.... so, I am expecting a somewhat "biased" (i guess opinionated" is a better word) response BUT...

    (anyone else feel free to weigh in as well)

    I have never had the desire whatsoever for a natural birth. I have a great pain tolerance, but have never seen the need to put myself through that... anyway... now that I'm going for a VBAC.... I know that an epi does not increase risk of a tear or not being able to feel a tear etc, BUT, does it increase risk of having to have a C/S? Are there other things that it does affect that might cause it to heighten probability of a C/S, i know it can slow labor, or you can't get up and move so it might affect being able to deliver...

    I'm not totally keen on the idea, but I would rather do it than have a C/S. I mean, that pain is bad but temporary right? A C/S is months of pain and recovery! Conversely though, I wonder if not having an epi and then needing an E C/S would mean they'd have to use general if I had to be put under quickly. I just know horror story of someone who had to have a C/S with no anesthesia! But of course, I know that an anesthesiologist would have to be on hand already if I was VBACing so I'm really not worried about that.

    I think everyone has a different experience. With my first I had a horrible reaction to the epi and woke up a couple hours after getting it. I passed out. The second time around I had an absolutely perfect experience. I labored and walked about as much as I could handle before getting the epi. I do plan on getting one again this this, I did not have any negative effects from it the last time around. It is scary because of what happened the first time around.... but I am going to make sure they have it ready for me and hold off as long as possible again.
  • BeatnikKeri
    Hey all I am new to MFP!

    I honestly hope and pray that no one has to get induced! I am 17 weeks preggo with my second and my first labour and delivery was horrible. But I have done quite a bit of research on labour and delivery (I am NOT a doc, or a midwife or a doula... this is how I deal with stuff and get prepped) but I have found the BEST learning one can do is talking about it with other women. Because I guarantee you some on has been through what you are going through or will and will now have a bit of background in it.
    I am going to warn you all I am a bit of a ranter!!
    I wish you all happy healthy pregnancies, deliveries and Mommyhood~!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I had my second prenatal appointment yesterday. It did not go as well as I wanted it to. First of all, they found a polyp on my cervix at my first visit. They said it was common and something that was not going to effect my pregnancy, but that they would have to monitor it. This visit, the docotor said that it has grown and he no longer wants to wait until after I give birth to remove it. I know it probably isn't a big deal, but I've never had one before and I don't like having to worry about something as stupid as a polyp. When he removes it, my husband is going to have to be there to take me home. It could bleed a lot, which would cause me to worry a lot. I don't know. I just don't like it.

    So then the doctor can't find the baby's heartbeat with his little doppler thing. I know that it's probably too early. I won't even be 10 weeks until tomorrow. But still. He tries to find it, can't, says it's probably too early, then says, "Wait, you're nearly ten weeks... let me try again," and fails to find it again. I just wanted some sort of verification that everything was okay. Hearing the heartbeat would have kept the polyp news from phasing me in the slightest. Instead I just end up leaving all tense and worried. Ugh.

    Sorry, just needed to rant a little.

    That does sound like a bad appt., usually when they don't hear the HB they send you to U/S but he is right it is early. Sorry about the polyp that is something I would worry about too. Just keep your head up I am sure everything will be fine.
  • Mamatoabunch
    hey mamatoabunch - so, I know where you stand on drugs, hospitals etc etc etc.... so, I am expecting a somewhat "biased" (i guess opinionated" is a better word) response BUT...

    (anyone else feel free to weigh in as well)

    I have never had the desire whatsoever for a natural birth. I have a great pain tolerance, but have never seen the need to put myself through that... anyway... now that I'm going for a VBAC.... I know that an epi does not increase risk of a tear or not being able to feel a tear etc, BUT, does it increase risk of having to have a C/S? Are there other things that it does affect that might cause it to heighten probability of a C/S, i know it can slow labor, or you can't get up and move so it might affect being able to deliver...

    I'm not totally keen on the idea, but I would rather do it than have a C/S. I mean, that pain is bad but temporary right? A C/S is months of pain and recovery! Conversely though, I wonder if not having an epi and then needing an E C/S would mean they'd have to use general if I had to be put under quickly. I just know horror story of someone who had to have a C/S with no anesthesia! But of course, I know that an anesthesiologist would have to be on hand already if I was VBACing so I'm really not worried about that.

    I am not totally against drugs or epidurals in labor, they have their place. I don't want them and birth on my terms at home in water so it makes it an easier choice. No availability of pain management and labor in water is a natural epidural. There is more than ourselves to consider in labor w/ pain management, the consequences to our baby's.

    Epidurals actually have a lot of increased risks, one of which is increased chance tearing, b/c you cannot feel adequately, you will need to deliver in a position that is usually more favorable to tearing. There is a lot more to tearing than just avoiding an epidural. I have never chosen to deliver on my back, in stirrups as many women deliver in America. I have delivered on my knees and also sitting up, putting much less stress on my perineum and also opening my pelvic outlet more. Also, if you cannot move in labor then your baby can be in a position that is not as favorable for birth, moving in labor is very important for baby to settle in an optimal birthing position.

    Epidurals have a good chance of a cascade of interventions, one leading to another, leading to greater chance of a c/s. If a c/s is needed a spinal can be administered quickly for pain relief during the c/s.

    Only in transition is when I experience bad discomfort, contractions come one after the other, but thankfully it is a very short period of time.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    hey mamatoabunch - so, I know where you stand on drugs, hospitals etc etc etc.... so, I am expecting a somewhat "biased" (i guess opinionated" is a better word) response BUT...

    (anyone else feel free to weigh in as well)

    I have never had the desire whatsoever for a natural birth. I have a great pain tolerance, but have never seen the need to put myself through that... anyway... now that I'm going for a VBAC.... I know that an epi does not increase risk of a tear or not being able to feel a tear etc, BUT, does it increase risk of having to have a C/S? Are there other things that it does affect that might cause it to heighten probability of a C/S, i know it can slow labor, or you can't get up and move so it might affect being able to deliver...

    I'm not totally keen on the idea, but I would rather do it than have a C/S. I mean, that pain is bad but temporary right? A C/S is months of pain and recovery! Conversely though, I wonder if not having an epi and then needing an E C/S would mean they'd have to use general if I had to be put under quickly. I just know horror story of someone who had to have a C/S with no anesthesia! But of course, I know that an anesthesiologist would have to be on hand already if I was VBACing so I'm really not worried about that.

    I am not totally against drugs or epidurals in labor, they have their place. I don't want them and birth on my terms at home in water so it makes it an easier choice. No availability of pain management and labor in water is a natural epidural. There is more than ourselves to consider in labor w/ pain management, the consequences to our baby's.

    Epidurals actually have a lot of increased risks, one of which is increased chance tearing, b/c you cannot feel adequately, you will need to deliver in a position that is usually more favorable to tearing. There is a lot more to tearing than just avoiding an epidural. I have never chosen to deliver on my back, in stirrups as many women deliver in America. I have delivered on my knees and also sitting up, putting much less stress on my perineum and also opening my pelvic outlet more. Also, if you cannot move in labor then your baby can be in a position that is not as favorable for birth, moving in labor is very important for baby to settle in an optimal birthing position.

    Epidurals have a good chance of a cascade of interventions, one leading to another, leading to greater chance of a c/s. If a c/s is needed a spinal can be administered quickly for pain relief during the c/s.

    Only in transition is when I experience bad discomfort, contractions come one after the other, but thankfully it is a very short period of time.

    I really really want to have a natural birth and birth in water, the problem is I cannot find a midwife! I would feel much more comfortable with a midwife than a Dr.... but at this point all I can find is a Dr. Where I live midwives recently became a covered expense by universal healthcare, prior to that you had to pay yourself. So now everyone wants one and there is a shortage.

    I am going to think about a doula, but they are not covered by health care and I would have to pay over $1000. With a baby coming we really can't afford that!
  • Mamatoabunch

    I really really want to have a natural birth and birth in water, the problem is I cannot find a midwife! I would feel much more comfortable with a midwife than a Dr.... but at this point all I can find is a Dr. Where I live midwives recently became a covered expense by universal healthcare, prior to that you had to pay yourself. So now everyone wants one and there is a shortage.

    I am going to think about a doula, but they are not covered by health care and I would have to pay over $1000. With a baby coming we really can't afford that!

    Keep calling, keep asking around. Do not give up.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Thanks for all of the reassuring replies. They made me feel better and a little less irrational. I've been trying to get over it and just relax today. Gotta go with the flow!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Epidurals have a good chance of a cascade of interventions, one leading to another, leading to greater chance of a c/s.

    This is kind of what I am thinking. If I were just going back in for another regular Vag delivery, I think I would not think twice about an epidural, but when I'm already so high risk for another C/S (just statistically), I kind of want to avoid anything that would start the snowball down that path. I have lots of time to consider it :) but I think I will have to warm myself up to this one! Where I am delivering though allows water birth, or at least use of the tubs while laboring, if you are using the midwives, which I am.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member

    I really really want to have a natural birth and birth in water, the problem is I cannot find a midwife! I would feel much more comfortable with a midwife than a Dr.... but at this point all I can find is a Dr. Where I live midwives recently became a covered expense by universal healthcare, prior to that you had to pay yourself. So now everyone wants one and there is a shortage.

    I am going to think about a doula, but they are not covered by health care and I would have to pay over $1000. With a baby coming we really can't afford that!

    Keep calling, keep asking around. Do not give up.

    Also, ask around for new doulas or doulas in training. they may be cheaper and more available. Of course, the trade off is they have fewer deliveries under their belt, but if you are going to be with a Dr or in a hospital anyway, they can still offer you that comfort and advocate for you. Or even new midwives, or find if there are any in training now that will be new around your due date. Same pros and cons here.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Epidurals have a good chance of a cascade of interventions, one leading to another, leading to greater chance of a c/s.

    This is kind of what I am thinking. If I were just going back in for another regular Vag delivery, I think I would not think twice about an epidural, but when I'm already so high risk for another C/S (just statistically), I kind of want to avoid anything that would start the snowball down that path. I have lots of time to consider it :) but I think I will have to warm myself up to this one! Where I am delivering though allows water birth, or at least use of the tubs while laboring, if you are using the midwives, which I am.

    That is great. You need to find out the "rules" for using the tub, how many there are, etc. No way would I get out for the birth! Let them try, LOL.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I'm gaining weight too fast. I'm not swollen yet, which is good, but I can't stop eating. I eat over my calorie target every day. I am feeling very frustrated. I was hoping to not get so big with this pregancy.

  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I'm gaining weight too fast. I'm not swollen yet, which is good, but I can't stop eating. I eat over my calorie target every day. I am feeling very frustrated. I was hoping to not get so big with this pregancy.


    I can't remember, were you able to exercise? My extra cals SAVE me! Today I get 650 extra! :drinker: (They don't have an "eat up" smiley option, so we'll go with this one!)
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Epidurals have a good chance of a cascade of interventions, one leading to another, leading to greater chance of a c/s.

    This is kind of what I am thinking. If I were just going back in for another regular Vag delivery, I think I would not think twice about an epidural, but when I'm already so high risk for another C/S (just statistically), I kind of want to avoid anything that would start the snowball down that path. I have lots of time to consider it :) but I think I will have to warm myself up to this one! Where I am delivering though allows water birth, or at least use of the tubs while laboring, if you are using the midwives, which I am.

    My first birth I had nothing and it was the best delivery of them all (I still tore even though I was moving around and sitting up most of the time). My second I also went with nothing. She was faster and a little harder. Then came my 9 lb 4 oz baby boy. Fastest labor yet and non stop contractions. I decided for the epidral and he came 20 minutes later. So not having an epidural I still tore (did with every child) and having an edidural for my last labor sure didn't slow it down one bit.

    All in all, EVERY single labor and delivery is different, even of your own. I just read the post from the lady who was induced. I have to say, just because her experience was bad doesn't mean it will be absolutely horrible for everyone. Especially for first time moms, that is not something people need to hear. I remember hearing "horror" stories when I was pregnant with my first and I chose to let them slide off my back. Again, she was the longest but nicest and smoothest of all my deliveries.

    Labor is temporary and if it was so horrific people would stop at one baby. Keep an open mind and do what you feel is best for you and your baby. :wink:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I'm gaining weight too fast. I'm not swollen yet, which is good, but I can't stop eating. I eat over my calorie target every day. I am feeling very frustrated. I was hoping to not get so big with this pregancy.


    Hang in there, you are doing fine. Just try to enjoy your pregnancy and not be so hard on yourself.
  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63
    OMG...I've totally been missing on this thread! I was actually thinking about positing a thread like this.

    I really need the support and motivation. I currently have a 3 yr old who took me 8 yrs to conceive. Prior to her I went to numerous doctors and tried numerous things to try and get pregnant and nothing workd. Then i tool it upon myself and decided all these meds weren't working and the only thing I didn't try yet was weight loss and being healthy. So I joined WW, lost close to 20lbs and miraculously I got pregnant. Lost some baby weight after my pregnancy and 15 mos later I was preggo again, but this time I lost the baby 3 mos in. Since then I have not been able to get pregnant, and I am trying to get the strength and motivation to lose this weight and give my darling daughter a sibling.

    I just want to cry when I think about how hard it is for me to lose this weight and how I don't have the strength and motivation I once did. I hate myself for it. What are you ladies doing out there? I totally could use the help!
  • Mamatoabunch

    My first birth I had nothing and it was the best delivery of them all (I still tore even though I was moving around and sitting up most of the time). My second I also went with nothing. She was faster and a little harder. Then came my 9 lb 4 oz baby boy. Fastest labor yet and non stop contractions. I decided for the epidral and he came 20 minutes later. So not having an epidural I still tore (did with every child) and having an edidural for my last labor sure didn't slow it down one bit.

    All in all, EVERY single labor and delivery is different, even of your own. I just read the post from the lady who was induced. I have to say, just because her experience was bad doesn't mean it will be absolutely horrible for everyone. Especially for first time moms, that is not something people need to hear. I remember hearing "horror" stories when I was pregnant with my first and I chose to let them slide off my back. Again, she was the longest but nicest and smoothest of all my deliveries.

    Labor is temporary and if it was so horrific people would stop at one baby. Keep an open mind and do what you feel is best for you and your baby. :wink:

    Some women do just tear, but were you directed in any way to push? Were you told to push at "10" or did you only push when you had desire, even if you were at "10", but did not yet have a desire to push? Were you asked to push w/ each contraction? Any directed pushing leads to a much greater chance of a tear. Birthing in water reduces chances of tearing.