Pregnancy - December 2010



  • Mamatoabunch
    Back to exercise. It was hard today, I felt sluggish. I hate that feeling!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I'm gaining weight too fast. I'm not swollen yet, which is good, but I can't stop eating. I eat over my calorie target every day. I am feeling very frustrated. I was hoping to not get so big with this pregancy.


    I can't remember, were you able to exercise? My extra cals SAVE me! Today I get 650 extra! :drinker: (They don't have an "eat up" smiley option, so we'll go with this one!)

    Yep I exercise too, get an extra 400 calories almost every day, but I eat those and more. I am just so hungry. I've been eating lots of veggies too, but I am just hitting the junk food and going out to eat on top of it.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    How often is everyone excercising? I am planning to spend 40 minutes on the treadmil at a moderate pace (enough to break a sweat but not over-do it) 3-4 times per week. More perhaps?
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I exercise every day. Mostly walking, some on the treadmill, but something about the treadmill makes my pelvic area hurt and I have to walk at like 2.8 mph. I also do the elliptical trainer, and I do weights as well. No heavy lifting, no laying on my back and nothing over my head.

    I also make sure my heart rate stays under 140. Exercise was recommended by my doctor, but I don't have any complications.

    I do it, because I can't stop eating and I have to ward the weight off some how. I also do some workout videos, but my tried and true has been walking 2-3 miles most days. About 5 days I would say a week. Usually I am so zapped for energy I can't do those extra 2.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    How often is everyone excercising? I am planning to spend 40 minutes on the treadmil at a moderate pace (enough to break a sweat but not over-do it) 3-4 times per week. More perhaps?

    I do step, cardio weights, and biking/ toning three mornings a week (respectively) at the gym and zumba and swimming on the weekend. So about 4-5 hours a week. Plus mild cardio at home chasing dogs, kid, cleaning, and hauling in firewood, and walking up and down the street if it's nice (in attempt to wear out my son, but it only wears me out! :laugh: )

    I try to keep my HR under about 160 right now, but more 140-150 (about 20 pts lower than "normal" - I came up with this # by what it feels like I can handle right now and what feels too intense). I'm only 13 weeks and change though so that # will probably move as I get further along. I figure since I have been in this routine for well over a year I should have little to no trouble keeping it up the whole time. I am sure I will have to modify some a little eventually.
  • Mamatoabunch
    I exercise 5-6 times a week. I do yoga, cardio dvd's, Jillian Michaels, walking, hauling wood, cleaning vigorously. I don't watch my heart rate, but go by how I feel. I haven't slowed much in intensity, but no longer walk 4-6 miles a day and do cardio dvd's. It works out to about 30-40 minutes per day, sometimes more, rarely less.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I am seeing a regular OB doctor, but am planning on a natural birth and will be doing it in the hospital. I just feel more comfortable with it being my very first child being in the hospital, having that reassurance. I'm sure a midwife would be just the same, but honestly never even looked into it. I have told my doctor my wishes of natural childbirth and she is supportive of it. I plan on taking Bradley childbirth classes in order to help prepare, as well as my own research and reading.
  • Mamatoabunch
    I am seeing a regular OB doctor, but am planning on a natural birth and will be doing it in the hospital. I just feel more comfortable with it being my very first child being in the hospital, having that reassurance. I'm sure a midwife would be just the same, but honestly never even looked into it. I have told my doctor my wishes of natural childbirth and she is supportive of it. I plan on taking Bradley childbirth classes in order to help prepare, as well as my own research and reading.

    Most midwives do not practice similar to OB's and are not the same. Midwives usually spend more time w/ their clients, do not consider them patients, are more likely to promote a natural birth, less episiotomy rate and c/s rate to name a few. Are steeped more in viewing pregnancy and birth as a normal process, are not surgeons trained to cut, more likely to look at alternatives than going for intervention. But some hospital based midwives do practice more like OB's or the more commonly known slang medwives. I suggest anyone planning a hospital birth, especially have a birth plan and be very clear what you want.
  • Mamatoabunch
    OMG...I've totally been missing on this thread! I was actually thinking about positing a thread like this.

    I really need the support and motivation. I currently have a 3 yr old who took me 8 yrs to conceive. Prior to her I went to numerous doctors and tried numerous things to try and get pregnant and nothing workd. Then i tool it upon myself and decided all these meds weren't working and the only thing I didn't try yet was weight loss and being healthy. So I joined WW, lost close to 20lbs and miraculously I got pregnant. Lost some baby weight after my pregnancy and 15 mos later I was preggo again, but this time I lost the baby 3 mos in. Since then I have not been able to get pregnant, and I am trying to get the strength and motivation to lose this weight and give my darling daughter a sibling.

    I just want to cry when I think about how hard it is for me to lose this weight and how I don't have the strength and motivation I once did. I hate myself for it. What are you ladies doing out there? I totally could use the help!

    Are you charting to know your fertility? There are herbs that promote fertility that can help.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    How often is everyone excercising? I am planning to spend 40 minutes on the treadmil at a moderate pace (enough to break a sweat but not over-do it) 3-4 times per week. More perhaps?

    I do step, cardio weights, and biking/ toning three mornings a week (respectively) at the gym and zumba and swimming on the weekend. So about 4-5 hours a week. Plus mild cardio at home chasing dogs, kid, cleaning, and hauling in firewood, and walking up and down the street if it's nice (in attempt to wear out my son, but it only wears me out! :laugh: )

    I try to keep my HR under about 160 right now, but more 140-150 (about 20 pts lower than "normal" - I came up with this # by what it feels like I can handle right now and what feels too intense). I'm only 13 weeks and change though so that # will probably move as I get further along. I figure since I have been in this routine for well over a year I should have little to no trouble keeping it up the whole time. I am sure I will have to modify some a little eventually.
    I exercise 5-6 times a week. I do yoga, cardio dvd's, Jillian Michaels, walking, hauling wood, cleaning vigorously. I don't watch my heart rate, but go by how I feel. I haven't slowed much in intensity, but no longer walk 4-6 miles a day and do cardio dvd's. It works out to about 30-40 minutes per day, sometimes more, rarely less.

    Wow you guys are excercising a lot at a high intensity. Even though I am quite heavy I used to go to step class on Saturday morning (have not been in about 4 weeks). Do you think I could still do that? It is a high intensity class, hence why I am afriad- to go back to it (ie because of my fear of something going wrong)
  • Mamatoabunch

    Wow you guys are excercising a lot at a high intensity. Even though I am quite heavy I used to go to step class on Saturday morning (have not been in about 4 weeks). Do you think I could still do that? It is a high intensity class, hence why I am afriad- to go back to it (ie because of my fear of something going wrong)

    Exercise will not cause harm to your baby. I do not see why you cannot do it. I do jumping jacks, jogging in place, running short bursts outside, jumps, etc. I have been since I became pregnant and before. This is my first pregnancy continuing vigorous exercise, most of mine I walked if that.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member

    Wow you guys are excercising a lot at a high intensity. Even though I am quite heavy I used to go to step class on Saturday morning (have not been in about 4 weeks). Do you think I could still do that? It is a high intensity class, hence why I am afriad- to go back to it (ie because of my fear of something going wrong)

    Exercise will not cause harm to your baby. I do not see why you cannot do it. I do jumping jacks, jogging in place, running short bursts outside, jumps, etc. I have been since I became pregnant and before. This is my first pregnancy continuing vigorous exercise, most of mine I walked if that.

    You will know too what is too much for you. Like I said, I have had to keep my heart rate lower just because I can't keep up the hard intensity. I used to work out at really high intensity about 175 and that's just too much, I lose my breath, but I have no problem at all at the lower rates. i just do what I feel comfortable doing. I know what the #s are just because I am a super nerd and LOVE my heart rate monitor, but I can generally tell you my heart rate w/out looking at my watch anymore since I have become in tune to it and what it feels like at different rates. It's the same as doing a perceived intensity judgement - hard, moderate, easy....

    In step sometimes I have to skip some of the harder things or the spinny jump things just because I've already noticed my balance is a little off compared to what I am used to and I stand up slower so I don't get a head rush. But I get in a good workout and burn a good 400-500 (compared to about 500-600 before). Nothing says you have to keep up with everyone. Just think, if you were overweight too much, or had a knee injury or something, doesn't mean you can't do the class - you just do it to your comfortable intensity level. Don't worry about things like jumping or doing high impact and jarring the baby or anything though. Exercise itself does not increase the risk of miscarriage. Even ab work etc. Ab work is actually especially important during pregnancy, though not all types might be possible (check out bellydancing! It's actually believed to have been a form of muscle prep for childbirth).

    Plus, think of what you are "training" for - especially those who want a natural birth! You need to be in shape! You also may have a lower birth weight baby, which can be healthier and easier to deliver, and a shorter and less painful delivery if you exercise regularly through pregnancy. Remember too - if your doctor throws out numbers like never go above 130 heart rate, blah blah --- it's the same as if he said "gain exactly 23 lbs" - there's no specific # for everyone.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    first day of feeling sick to my stomach... woke up this morning NOT feeling well. I am so HAPPY its friday. I teach high school and there was a big fight in my classroom yesterday. A kid ran into the room and attacked another kid sitting at his desk... luckly I was on the phone with the office so I could tell them they were fighting... and the wrestling and football coaches are right next door to me and they ran it and broke it up. It was stressful though. First fight in my classroom... AND I a happy its friday because we go to the doctor on MONDAY! yea!

    Happy Friday!
  • chazsucks
    Hi everyone! I'm 33 weeks pregnant can I join your thread :D

    I've recently got SPD which kills but it's making me feel SO unhealthy! I really need to do something about my fitness/ healthyness/ weight

    So at the mo I'm just tracking my diet and excercise then i will see where I'm going wrong!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    In terms of exercising, I've been feeling like major crap so I just got back into it this week after about 2-3 weeks off. I've been doing less intensity than before (I was previously training for a half-marathon). I get my heart rate up, but not enough to get myself very out of breath. I keep my breathing at a level that I could comfortably carry on a conversation with someone. This is a heart rate of about 160bpm for me (my normal non-pregnant exercising heart rate was typically 185-190bpm). As others have stressed, the number is very different for everyone. I know plenty of folks who feel like they're going to die when their heart rate gets to 160. :laugh: For me, it's very comfortable.
    I'm doing mostly walking & light jogging because I have a treadmill at home. I've been getting up early to exercise because I'm typically exhausted when I get home from work these days and making it all the way across town to my gym currently seems like an impossible task to me most of the time. When I do make it to the gym, I spend 60-90 minutes on the elliptical and stationary bike.
    Edit: Yay! No more fish baby!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Yesterday I scored some cute maternity clothes!! I got 7 pairs of pants, 8 shirts, and 2 dresses for.... $10!! :bigsmile: Thank you cragislist! I'm not quite ready for maternity yet, but I figured at that price I might as well snatch em up.

    I've been doing really well lately on making good food choices. I haven't had a pop in over a week, and I've been hittin the fruit and veggies pretty hard. I am really REALLY slacking on the exercise. I know I need to, I know I'll feel better and have more energy if I make myself get up and do it, so why can't I??

    My favorite show is on tonight so I suppose I'll only let myself watch it if I ride my stationary bike at the same time, that seems fair :smile:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member

    My first birth I had nothing and it was the best delivery of them all (I still tore even though I was moving around and sitting up most of the time). My second I also went with nothing. She was faster and a little harder. Then came my 9 lb 4 oz baby boy. Fastest labor yet and non stop contractions. I decided for the epidral and he came 20 minutes later. So not having an epidural I still tore (did with every child) and having an edidural for my last labor sure didn't slow it down one bit.

    All in all, EVERY single labor and delivery is different, even of your own. I just read the post from the lady who was induced. I have to say, just because her experience was bad doesn't mean it will be absolutely horrible for everyone. Especially for first time moms, that is not something people need to hear. I remember hearing "horror" stories when I was pregnant with my first and I chose to let them slide off my back. Again, she was the longest but nicest and smoothest of all my deliveries.

    Labor is temporary and if it was so horrific people would stop at one baby. Keep an open mind and do what you feel is best for you and your baby. :wink:

    Some women do just tear, but were you directed in any way to push? Were you told to push at "10" or did you only push when you had desire, even if you were at "10", but did not yet have a desire to push? Were you asked to push w/ each contraction? Any directed pushing leads to a much greater chance of a tear. Birthing in water reduces chances of tearing.

    Nope, no directed pushing. I was at a 10 with each and every one and had the urge to push and I knew it was time. With my first I actually had to wait until the doctor came in (the nurses thought that they were going to have to deliver the baby because my urge was so strong). Doctor came in and I pushed when I felt the need and she came after 3 -4 pushes. He has never directed me to push. All my births were fairly intense and quick and my hypnobirthing techniques went right out the window with them all. I plan on trying it again though.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    How often is everyone excercising? I am planning to spend 40 minutes on the treadmil at a moderate pace (enough to break a sweat but not over-do it) 3-4 times per week. More perhaps?

    I do step, cardio weights, and biking/ toning three mornings a week (respectively) at the gym and zumba and swimming on the weekend. So about 4-5 hours a week. Plus mild cardio at home chasing dogs, kid, cleaning, and hauling in firewood, and walking up and down the street if it's nice (in attempt to wear out my son, but it only wears me out! :laugh: )

    I try to keep my HR under about 160 right now, but more 140-150 (about 20 pts lower than "normal" - I came up with this # by what it feels like I can handle right now and what feels too intense). I'm only 13 weeks and change though so that # will probably move as I get further along. I figure since I have been in this routine for well over a year I should have little to no trouble keeping it up the whole time. I am sure I will have to modify some a little eventually.
    I exercise 5-6 times a week. I do yoga, cardio dvd's, Jillian Michaels, walking, hauling wood, cleaning vigorously. I don't watch my heart rate, but go by how I feel. I haven't slowed much in intensity, but no longer walk 4-6 miles a day and do cardio dvd's. It works out to about 30-40 minutes per day, sometimes more, rarely less.

    Wow you guys are excercising a lot at a high intensity. Even though I am quite heavy I used to go to step class on Saturday morning (have not been in about 4 weeks). Do you think I could still do that? It is a high intensity class, hence why I am afriad- to go back to it (ie because of my fear of something going wrong)

    I was 220 when I got pregnant and am now almost 250. My weight has piled on fast, the exercise makes me feel better. But I don't do anything intense. Stick with what you are used too. You will be surprised how much harder it is to catch your breath. Walking is really a good way to go.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    first day of feeling sick to my stomach... woke up this morning NOT feeling well. I am so HAPPY its friday. I teach high school and there was a big fight in my classroom yesterday. A kid ran into the room and attacked another kid sitting at his desk... luckly I was on the phone with the office so I could tell them they were fighting... and the wrestling and football coaches are right next door to me and they ran it and broke it up. It was stressful though. First fight in my classroom... AND I a happy its friday because we go to the doctor on MONDAY! yea!

    Happy Friday!

    That happened to me about a year ago. the fight was over some skittles. AMAZING. It is at a school for dropouts to get their GED's instead of nothing. Anywho, the welding teachers and principal came down when I pushed the button, they were throwing chairs and anything they could grab. It was a class with 14 boys and 1 girl. Way too much testosterone. Glad you made it out unscathed.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Hi everyone! I'm 33 weeks pregnant can I join your thread :D

    I've recently got SPD which kills but it's making me feel SO unhealthy! I really need to do something about my fitness/ healthyness/ weight

    So at the mo I'm just tracking my diet and excercise then i will see where I'm going wrong!


    WELCOME!!!! I am very new here too but everyone is sooo nice! I just have to ask what SPD is?