Pregnancy - December 2010



  • Mamatoabunch
    Hi everyone! I'm 33 weeks pregnant can I join your thread :D

    I've recently got SPD which kills but it's making me feel SO unhealthy! I really need to do something about my fitness/ healthyness/ weight

    So at the mo I'm just tracking my diet and excercise then i will see where I'm going wrong!


    There is an exercise in Essential Exercises for the Childbearing Year that can successfully treat PSD. I can e-mail the page if you'd like.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    WELCOME!!!! I am very new here too but everyone is sooo nice! I just have to ask what SPD is?

    Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)

    What exactly is Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction?

    During pregnancy or birth, about one in 35 women will experience intense pelvic pain and may find it difficult to walk, climb stairs, and other movements that involve the pelvic bones. This pain is a result of separation of the symphysis pubis which is a joint in the very front part of the pelvic bone structure. There is cartilage that fills the gap in the bones. During pregnancy, hormones such as relaxin soften this cartilage allowing the pelvic bones to be more flexible for delivery. Some women, however, have too much play in the pelvis causing a large gap between the bones. This makes the symphysis pubis area extremely sensitive to touch.

    More info is available at:

    I just learned something too!
  • Mamatoabunch

    Nope, no directed pushing. I was at a 10 with each and every one and had the urge to push and I knew it was time. With my first I actually had to wait until the doctor came in (the nurses thought that they were going to have to deliver the baby because my urge was so strong). Doctor came in and I pushed when I felt the need and she came after 3 -4 pushes. He has never directed me to push. All my births were fairly intense and quick and my hypnobirthing techniques went right out the window with them all. I plan on trying it again though.

    Good! That is definitely not the norm, but any of us can advocate for anything we desire, only if we know though.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies! So I have a
    question. Do you guys think eating
    raw shrimp is okay? Reason i'm
    asking is I went to a viet restaurant
    for lunch today and my friend and I
    ordered spring rolls this place usually
    makes their spring rolls w tofu but
    turns out this time it was shrimp. Well
    I had one and when I was about finished
    I noticed a raw fishy smell and snapped
    that the shrimp might not be cooked. So
    now i'm freaking out cause I know you're
    not supposed to eat raw meats/seafood
    while PG. I think I had like 3 whole shrimps.

    I just hope i didn't cause any harm :frown:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies! So I have a
    question. Do you guys think eating
    raw shrimp is okay? Reason i'm
    asking is I went to a viet restaurant
    for lunch today and my friend and I
    ordered spring rolls this place usually
    makes their spring rolls w tofu but
    turns out this time it was shrimp. Well
    I had one and when I was about finished
    I noticed a raw fishy smell and snapped
    that the shrimp might not be cooked. So
    now i'm freaking out cause I know you're
    not supposed to eat raw meats/seafood
    while PG. I think I had like 3 whole shrimps.

    I just hope i didn't cause any harm :frown:

    i believe you will be just fine. Don't stress out about something you cannot change.
  • chazsucks
    Hi everyone! I'm 33 weeks pregnant can I join your thread :D

    I've recently got SPD which kills but it's making me feel SO unhealthy! I really need to do something about my fitness/ healthyness/ weight

    So at the mo I'm just tracking my diet and excercise then i will see where I'm going wrong!


    There is an exercise in Essential Exercises for the Childbearing Year that can successfully treat PSD. I can e-mail the page if you'd like.

    That would be excellent! thank you! xxx
  • Mamatoabunch
    Happy Friday Ladies! So I have a
    question. Do you guys think eating
    raw shrimp is okay? Reason i'm
    asking is I went to a viet restaurant
    for lunch today and my friend and I
    ordered spring rolls this place usually
    makes their spring rolls w tofu but
    turns out this time it was shrimp. Well
    I had one and when I was about finished
    I noticed a raw fishy smell and snapped
    that the shrimp might not be cooked. So
    now i'm freaking out cause I know you're
    not supposed to eat raw meats/seafood
    while PG. I think I had like 3 whole shrimps.

    I just hope i didn't cause any harm :frown:

    Don't worry at all. I eat sushi in pregnancy and drink raw milk, LOL. You will be fine!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies! So I have a
    question. Do you guys think eating
    raw shrimp is okay? Reason i'm
    asking is I went to a viet restaurant
    for lunch today and my friend and I
    ordered spring rolls this place usually
    makes their spring rolls w tofu but
    turns out this time it was shrimp. Well
    I had one and when I was about finished
    I noticed a raw fishy smell and snapped
    that the shrimp might not be cooked. So
    now i'm freaking out cause I know you're
    not supposed to eat raw meats/seafood
    while PG. I think I had like 3 whole shrimps.

    I just hope i didn't cause any harm :frown:

    Don't worry at all. I eat sushi in pregnancy and drink raw milk, LOL. You will be fine!

    Thanks guys you have eased my mind.
    That's why i love this group. :)
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Good! That is definitely not the norm, but any of us can advocate for anything we desire, only if we know though.

    So true! I knew NOTHING last time. I did not even read the C/S chapter of the book because I was SO low risk for one! This time I am trying to know more than I could ever need to know so I can tell them what I want! :happy:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    I had my first drs appointment today... what a waste of time!! I felt like it was so rushed and like he couldn't wait to get into his next appt. He was not offereing any recommendations at all, I had to specially ask anything I wanted to know, and I forgot to ask him about coffee and deli meats.

    He did not send me for any blood work or do any tests. It is because he does not deliver babies- so he wants to try and get me a dr (I told him I would prefer female) that does. That sucks because I leave for Hawaii on January 3rd and won't be back until I am about 10 weeks pregnant. Isn't that a little late for my pap and blood work?

    Urghh all I know is that I DEFINATELY don't even want him as my family dr anymore. I just felt like this was the most important drs appt I have ever been to but also the least informative.

    I am sad now, and just wish I could have a midwife!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Also wanted to mention- he wants me to aim for 1800 calories per day, while when I select maintenance on my fitness pal it puts me at 2300!! Thats quite a difference eh?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I had my first drs appointment today... what a waste of time!! I felt like it was so rushed and like he couldn't wait to get into his next appt. He was not offereing any recommendations at all, I had to specially ask anything I wanted to know, and I forgot to ask him about coffee and deli meats.

    He did not send me for any blood work or do any tests. It is because he does not deliver babies- so he wants to try and get me a dr (I told him I would prefer female) that does. That sucks because I leave for Hawaii on January 3rd and won't be back until I am about 10 weeks pregnant. Isn't that a little late for my pap and blood work?

    Urghh all I know is that I DEFINATELY don't even want him as my family dr anymore. I just felt like this was the most important drs appt I have ever been to but also the least informative.

    I am sad now, and just wish I could have a midwife!

    Also wanted to mention- he wants me to aim for 1800 calories per day, while when I select maintenance on my fitness pal it puts me at 2300!! Thats quite a difference eh?

    Don't let it discourage you too much. I know you were looking forward to this appointment, but a family doctor is much different from an OB. BUT, if you meet your OB and are uncomfortable with him or her (note, I know you prefer a female, but honestly ALL modesty goes out the window pretty fast in pregnancy, and though a woman might be able to relate more gal to gal don't let it be your only deciding factor), anyway if you are uncomfortable with them don't be afraid to shop around. I learned the hard way that you need an OB that will listen to you and involve you in the decision making. Male or female, whoever clicks best - go for it, even if you have to see a couple Drs to find that person.

    And don't worry about the timing. It is not too late for any of that. Unless you are high risk (unlikely being your first since you have no risky past established unless have have other medical conditions) there is very little need for those first early appointments. I think they are mostly for the woman's peace of mind - early sonograms or finding the heartbeat. Actually 10 weeks is a perfect time to be very likely to get a heartbeat where before you might not hear it yet. I had my first apt this time at 13.3. In the mean time, I know I was eating decently and taking a multivitamin daily and had no concerns that made me worry that I had to see the Dr earlier, though I was extremely frustrated with my health coverage taking so long, considering I applied for preg coverage the day I found out at 5 weeks!

    Regarding the cals - your doctor likely threw out a general # but not a calculated one. I say, eat when you are hungry, keep it healthy as you can (i totally splurge, but in moderation!), keep exercising to earn more calories (and, you know! to stay healthy and fit!) and see what the scale does. You can always adjust if you think you are gaining too quickly or realize that you are overeating. You can also, if you are neurotic like me, invest in a BodyBugg or a BodyMedia fit which super accurately tracks your daily calorie burn, or even see a nutritionist who will give you a better breakdown if it worries you too much.

    Basically - sorry you were expecting more from your fam dr. Find an OB you like, or goodluck with the midwives. Make sure you find someone you feel listens to you. and if you have to "settle" be SURE you have someone with you to advocate for what you want when the time comes (a mom, spouse, doula...) and, I have read, some people write a birth plan in advance and have their dr sign it before their due date and bring it with them to the delivery. Just a way to say - hey, this is what I want and this is what I am going to get, and you are going to agree to it!

    And of course - come see us when you get frustrated! I am learning tons from all you ladies already!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    So... Fridays are not exercise days for me, so I just spent 1/2 hour running up and down my tiny hallway to earn myself some homemade baked potato fries! Yum. I feel so less guilty about eating them (even though they are somewhat healthy) knowing I am only 150 over my goal not 390 over! (Plus, I feel that 150 over is an acceptable overage for 14 weeks anyway so I consider today hitting my target - and enjoying super tasty crispy rough-cut fries.)
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    So... Fridays are not exercise days for me, so I just spent 1/2 hour running up and down my tiny hallway to earn myself some homemade baked potato fries! Yum. I feel so less guilty about eating them (even though they are somewhat healthy) knowing I am only 150 over my goal not 390 over! (Plus, I feel that 150 over is an acceptable overage for 14 weeks anyway so I consider today hitting my target - and enjoying super tasty crispy rough-cut fries.)

    Good for you! I am feeling quilty because I haven't gotten on the treadmil since Wednesday! First thing tomorrow morning...
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Hope everyone has a great weekend! My husband and I will be starting next month! We'll have one good shot to get it right before he deplos for 7months :-(
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Well, I thought I would post to introduce myself. My hubby and I are expecting #3 in July. I wasn't really trying very hard to loose weight, but I was able to loose 15 lbs since September. :D

    I like this thread and hope to visit here more.
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    The Ultrasound went awesome today!!! We saw a heartbeat! (and surprisingly even heard it during the ultrasound) I'm soooo relieved. My husband was actually the first one to point it out which was rather impressive since he has never sat in at an ultrasound untill a week ago when we had our first one. I got a wee bit emotional considering how hard it has been for us to get to this point. It still seems so surreal though!
    When I talked to the doc about my eating though and what he recommended, He told me to eat 2000-2500 calories... WHAT! If I up my calories that much, I'll be gaining 3 pounds a week for sure. My husband says I'm very stubborn if I don't listen to him, but that is A LOT of food for me right now. I thought I was okay with just adding 100 extra calories (or a little more if I'm hungry) and of course all excercise calories for now and slowly adding more as my pregnancy progresses......... So now I'm going to talk to a nutrionist. :smile:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    The Ultrasound went awesome today!!! We saw a heartbeat! (and surprisingly even heard it during the ultrasound) I'm soooo relieved. My husband was actually the first one to point it out which was rather impressive since he has never sat in at an ultrasound untill a week ago when we had our first one. I got a wee bit emotional considering how hard it has been for us to get to this point. It still seems so surreal though!
    When I talked to the doc about my eating though and what he recommended, He told me to eat 2000-2500 calories... WHAT! If I up my calories that much, I'll be gaining 3 pounds a week for sure. My husband says I'm very stubborn if I don't listen to him, but that is A LOT of food for me right now. I thought I was okay with just adding 100 extra calories (or a little more if I'm hungry) and of course all excercise calories for now and slowly adding more as my pregnancy progresses......... So now I'm going to talk to a nutrionist. :smile:

    FUN! I go Monday for my first and I will be 6 weeks and 3 days. So hoping to hear or see a heartbeat at my ultrasound!

    That does sound like a lot of calories...
  • Mamatoabunch
    I had my first drs appointment today... what a waste of time!! I felt like it was so rushed and like he couldn't wait to get into his next appt. He was not offereing any recommendations at all, I had to specially ask anything I wanted to know, and I forgot to ask him about coffee and deli meats.

    He did not send me for any blood work or do any tests. It is because he does not deliver babies- so he wants to try and get me a dr (I told him I would prefer female) that does. That sucks because I leave for Hawaii on January 3rd and won't be back until I am about 10 weeks pregnant. Isn't that a little late for my pap and blood work?

    Urghh all I know is that I DEFINATELY don't even want him as my family dr anymore. I just felt like this was the most important drs appt I have ever been to but also the least informative.

    I am sad now, and just wish I could have a midwife!

    First off I am sorry you were disappointed. In terms of an important appt, a first prenatal isn't really all that monumental. Your dr, OB, or even midwife is NOT the be all end all for information. They get very little nutritional training in school. You are a smart, intelligent women, you didn't stop once you became pregnant. You will likely get different opinions and much *is* opinion on calories, exercise, weight gain, deli meats, raw foods, diet, anything. You have all you need yourself to figure out and decide what you need, what you want to eat, how many calories, etc. You can drink coffee if you desire, there have been studies that caffeine use slightly raised miscarriage. Skip it or drink decaffeinated. Deli meats, eat them if you want, honestly IMO, again an opinion, they are not the best choice irregardless of the listeria risk. I eat them maybe once every two or three months. The recommendation is if you do, heat it first. You can also just roast a chicken and tear it apart for a sandwich, which is what we do.

    When was your last pap? If it was in the year you do not even need one for sure. I do not allow anyone messing w/ my cervix in pregnancy, just seems prudent to me. Also, ambiguous paps are common in pregnancy. You can skip the pap until after birth if you choose, it is your choice. I have never seen a pregnancy care provider before 10-12 weeks, so 10 weeks is perfectly fine, most HB midwives do not do first appts until 12 weeks and most certainly do not do paps, no pelvic stuff at all.

    Calories, he threw out a number as another mama said. What do YOU think? How many are you eating now? Are you hungry? If maintenance seems too much try a number a hundred or two below, see where that leads you in a week. There is no perfect number.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Well, I thought I would post to introduce myself. My hubby and I are expecting #3 in July. I wasn't really trying very hard to loose weight, but I was able to loose 15 lbs since September. :D

    I like this thread and hope to visit here more.
