Pregnancy - December 2010



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I panicked a little bit last night. TMI - I saw a tiny bit of brown blood when I went to the bathroom. At first I was able to rationalize it easily since dh and I dtd for the first time in a few weeks a couple of days ago (sorry tmi again). Right after, I noticed a tiny tiny tiny amount of red/pink and I knew dtd was why so it didn't bother me at all then. But last night I let the brown stuff freak me out (stupid hormones) and I cried & hardly got any sleep at all. This morning I'm too tired to freak out anymore and I'm back to rationalizing it again. I haven't seen anymore brown, red, or pink, and I haven't had any cramps so there's no reason for me to expect the worst. I'm going to try my best to make it 2 more weeks to my OB appointment. As long as I don't bleed anymore I should be fine. I'm pretty sure if I bleed more, I'll be going early so I don't drive myself insane wondering if things are okay. I'm too high-strung for this! :laugh:

    I was so close to making it through 1st tri without any scares or real concerns at all. Oh well. Luckily (haha) I've seen an increase in nausea & sore boobs over the last few days so that makes me feel pretty confident the tiny (and I mean miniscule) amount of blood is from dtd and isn't any forewarning of something horrible to come.

    Oh mama, I still check my toilet paper every time. Pink or reddish after sex is normal. Brown is old blood and nothing to worry about.

    Thanks so much for the reassurance. :flowerforyou:

    Now that I've had a couple of hours to think it over logically, I feel pretty silly for getting so incredibly upset over it last night. My poor husband was trying so hard to talk me down. I'm going to try to take it easy & re-adopt my former "what will be will be" attitude. Stressing out about it is probably the worst thing I can do for myself in this situation anyway.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    So I weighed in this morning..... 190... REALLY!?!?

    I'll be honest, I haven't been working out as much as I know that I should, but....

    I've been staying withing my maintenance calories, I quit drinking pop, I'm low on the sodium, I drink a ton of water, I've been eating more fruits and veggies.... So what gives?

    I know that I'm pregnant and that I'm gonna gain weight, but why am I gaining so quickly? I started out at 182, I was 188 at my OB appointment on the 30th, and now I'm at 190.

    Am I just freaking out? I guess when I step back and look at it, an 8lb gain for being 13 weeks isn't too terrible, is it?

    Ugh, I think I'm having one of those days and I just need some reassurance that I'm doing ok... :ohwell:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Took a few days off there but I am back at it today. I just finished 6 miles and burned 674 calories.

    Tomorrow morning I have my ultrasound and I we are still leaning towards not finding out the sex of the baby. But who knows what we will decided once we are there.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617

    Am I just freaking out? I guess when I step back and look at it, an 8lb gain for being 13 weeks isn't too terrible, is it?

    Ugh, I think I'm having one of those days and I just need some reassurance that I'm doing ok... :ohwell:

    AT least you weighed yourself! I am too afriad to weigh! lol! I know I am probably up, with christmas goodies and what not around.

    I am definately not an expert, but 8lbs in 13 weeks definately sounds reasonable to me!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    I panicked a little bit last night. TMI - I saw a tiny bit of brown blood when I went to the bathroom. At first I was able to rationalize it easily since dh and I dtd for the first time in a few weeks a couple of days ago (sorry tmi again). Right after, I noticed a tiny tiny tiny amount of red/pink and I knew dtd was why so it didn't bother me at all then. But last night I let the brown stuff freak me out (stupid hormones) and I cried & hardly got any sleep at all. This morning I'm too tired to freak out anymore and I'm back to rationalizing it again. I haven't seen anymore brown, red, or pink, and I haven't had any cramps so there's no reason for me to expect the worst. I'm going to try my best to make it 2 more weeks to my OB appointment. As long as I don't bleed anymore I should be fine. I'm pretty sure if I bleed more, I'll be going early so I don't drive myself insane wondering if things are okay. I'm too high-strung for this! :laugh:

    I was so close to making it through 1st tri without any scares or real concerns at all. Oh well. Luckily (haha) I've seen an increase in nausea & sore boobs over the last few days so that makes me feel pretty confident the tiny (and I mean miniscule) amount of blood is from dtd and isn't any forewarning of something horrible to come.

    Sorry you had such a scare! I can imagine how you felt. But like mamatoabunch said, brown is old blood, and if you have not had any severe cramping or any bleeding since then I am sure you are golden!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    What are you guys taking for colds, anything? I want to take some cold FX but cannot find any research about if I can or not. Or eccinacia... which is herbal so should be ok i would think?

    Urghh I feel gross today. Coming down with a cold and a super sore throat, and also i think this is my first bout of nausea today. All of it combined is not fun! I felt fine until I spent about 5 hours cleaning the house vigorously yestrerday (floor, dusting, laundry, bathroom). I must have overdone it.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Took a few days off there but I am back at it today. I just finished 6 miles and burned 674 calories.

    Tomorrow morning I have my ultrasound and I we are still leaning towards not finding out the sex of the baby. But who knows what we will decided once we are there.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Wow you are al allstar!!!! 6 miles!!?? How long does that take you?

    Let us know how the ultrasound goes!
  • Mamatoabunch
    What are you guys taking for colds, anything? I want to take some cold FX but cannot find any research about if I can or not. Or eccinacia... which is herbal so should be ok i would think?

    Urghh I feel gross today. Coming down with a cold and a super sore throat, and also i think this is my first bout of nausea today. All of it combined is not fun! I felt fine until I spent about 5 hours cleaning the house vigorously yestrerday (floor, dusting, laundry, bathroom). I must have overdone it.

    For drugs and pregnancy

    I take elderberry syrup, vit d and vit c.
  • Mamatoabunch
    I did an exercise dvd and it sucked again. Harder, I felt sluggish. I wonder if I am feeling the need to slow down a bit. I have a new intense yoga prenatal dvd I am getting for Christmas, can't wait. I also painted my twins room today. Not sure how to figure that, oh well.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Well it has been a crazy weekend for me. My parents, and my in-laws and brother-in-law all came in for my husbands graduate school graduation. After graduation we went to dinner, and opened the envelope that had the gender written in it. ITS A BOY, and we announced the name we picked out!!!! When we got home, my in-laws started yelling at my husband telling him he is a disgrace to the entire family and is a total failure. This is all because the name we picked out is not a Muslim name (my in-laws are Muslim, but we are Christian). They were screaming at him for over 30 minutes about how ever since he was 16 (when he met me) all he has been is a disappointment to them. Talk about ruining a very very special day. He has worked over 2 1/2 years on his masters, and we have been waiting weeks to find out the gender with them (we thought they would appreciate us waiting and opening it with them). Instead the day ended with him in tears, and me about ready to kick them out of our house.

    Sorry for the vent...but the big news is......ITS A BOY!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Well it has been a crazy weekend for me. My parents, and my in-laws and brother-in-law all came in for my husbands graduate school graduation. After graduation we went to dinner, and opened the envelope that had the gender written in it. ITS A BOY, and we announced the name we picked out!!!! When we got home, my in-laws started yelling at my husband telling him he is a disgrace to the entire family and is a total failure. This is all because the name we picked out is not a Muslim name (my in-laws are Muslim, but we are Christian). They were screaming at him for over 30 minutes about how ever since he was 16 (when he met me) all he has been is a disappointment to them. Talk about ruining a very very special day. He has worked over 2 1/2 years on his masters, and we have been waiting weeks to find out the gender with them (we thought they would appreciate us waiting and opening it with them). Instead the day ended with him in tears, and me about ready to kick them out of our house.

    Sorry for the vent...but the big news is......ITS A BOY!

    Poor Amanda, don't let them get you down. I would tell them that they don't have to have anything to do with your son. Screw them for acting that way. You and the family you make are the most important, don't let anyone try to push their beliefs on you. You and your husband have been given this little miracle and he is yours to raise the way you choose. Congrats on you son, don't let them get the best of you. Just try to give some support to your husband, I am sure that he is hurting from their harsh words. As long as he knows that he will never be a disappointment to you he will be better.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Well it has been a crazy weekend for me. My parents, and my in-laws and brother-in-law all came in for my husbands graduate school graduation. After graduation we went to dinner, and opened the envelope that had the gender written in it. ITS A BOY, and we announced the name we picked out!!!! When we got home, my in-laws started yelling at my husband telling him he is a disgrace to the entire family and is a total failure. This is all because the name we picked out is not a Muslim name (my in-laws are Muslim, but we are Christian). They were screaming at him for over 30 minutes about how ever since he was 16 (when he met me) all he has been is a disappointment to them. Talk about ruining a very very special day. He has worked over 2 1/2 years on his masters, and we have been waiting weeks to find out the gender with them (we thought they would appreciate us waiting and opening it with them). Instead the day ended with him in tears, and me about ready to kick them out of our house.

    Sorry for the vent...but the big news is......ITS A BOY!

    That sucks. My hubby hates my parents (mostly my dad) and they (mostly my dad) hate him and I know hope I will divorce him - so I kinda get the family turmoil thing! ick. (Hubby will not even visit them. I visit them once or twice a year by myself.) (My inlaws LOVE me - maybe more than they like him! :laugh:) It's hard to just forget or ignore what your parents say or thing even when you should.

    Yay for boys though!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    I did an exercise dvd and it sucked again. Harder, I felt sluggish. I wonder if I am feeling the need to slow down a bit. I have a new intense yoga prenatal dvd I am getting for Christmas, can't wait. I also painted my twins room today. Not sure how to figure that, oh well.

    You are a machine! Good job
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Well it has been a crazy weekend for me. My parents, and my in-laws and brother-in-law all came in for my husbands graduate school graduation. After graduation we went to dinner, and opened the envelope that had the gender written in it. ITS A BOY, and we announced the name we picked out!!!! When we got home, my in-laws started yelling at my husband telling him he is a disgrace to the entire family and is a total failure. This is all because the name we picked out is not a Muslim name (my in-laws are Muslim, but we are Christian). They were screaming at him for over 30 minutes about how ever since he was 16 (when he met me) all he has been is a disappointment to them. Talk about ruining a very very special day. He has worked over 2 1/2 years on his masters, and we have been waiting weeks to find out the gender with them (we thought they would appreciate us waiting and opening it with them). Instead the day ended with him in tears, and me about ready to kick them out of our house.

    Sorry for the vent...but the big news is......ITS A BOY!

    Wow... what an AWFUL day. I am sooo sorry to hear about what went on. Where is his family from? I am sure once the baby is born and they see their beautiful grandchild they will come around, regardless of what his name is. What name did you choose?

    Again, I am so sorry. I can only imagine how hard that would be.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    So, just wondering what kind of names people have picked out?

    It may be too early for my husband and I to be picking names, but we already did regardless.

    For a boy we have decided on Easton. For a girl, we are undecided. I like names that are a little differnet, while my husband leans towards the traditional. I have my heart set on Avery. He is dead set against it. We do, however, agree on Kenzie, Lauren and Kaitlyn, and maybe Linnea.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    I havent had a chance to read thru all the posts yet but found just came across this thread. I found out today that I am pregnant with my 2nd child. We have one son who is 16 months old right now and honestly I was just trying to lose to get ready for another. Wasnt expecting it to happen quite yet because I still have about 50 lbs until I hit my goal weight. I havent gone to the doctor yet but will call and scheduel an appointment here in the next few days. Just wondering if anyone can tell me an idea of how many calories I should be eating? I was only eating 1200. Also, what can i be doing still for exercise? I wanted to start Insanity January 1st but gonna hold off. I was doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, can i still do that? I wasnt the healthiest with my first pregnancy and gained quite a bit of weight. This time around I plan for it to be different for sure! Please feel free to send me a friend request! Just let me know your pregnant too so i know who ya'll are!! Thanks!
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    So, just wondering what kind of names people have picked out?

    It may be too early for my husband and I to be picking names, but we already did regardless.

    For a boy we have decided on Easton. For a girl, we are undecided. I like names that are a little differnet, while my husband leans towards the traditional. I have my heart set on Avery. He is dead set against it. We do, however, agree on Kenzie, Lauren and Kaitlyn, and maybe Linnea.

    I like different names too! My sons name is Wyatt and if we have another boy I like Weston and a girl I like Ashlyn :)
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Took a few days off there but I am back at it today. I just finished 6 miles and burned 674 calories.

    Tomorrow morning I have my ultrasound and I we are still leaning towards not finding out the sex of the baby. But who knows what we will decided once we are there.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Wow you are al allstar!!!! 6 miles!!?? How long does that take you?

    Let us know how the ultrasound goes!

    Thank you! Today I completed my 6 miles in 100 minutes exactly. Most of it was done at 3.7 mph.

    Hope you start feeling better soon! Try to take it easy.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Well it has been a crazy weekend for me. My parents, and my in-laws and brother-in-law all came in for my husbands graduate school graduation. After graduation we went to dinner, and opened the envelope that had the gender written in it. ITS A BOY, and we announced the name we picked out!!!! When we got home, my in-laws started yelling at my husband telling him he is a disgrace to the entire family and is a total failure. This is all because the name we picked out is not a Muslim name (my in-laws are Muslim, but we are Christian). They were screaming at him for over 30 minutes about how ever since he was 16 (when he met me) all he has been is a disappointment to them. Talk about ruining a very very special day. He has worked over 2 1/2 years on his masters, and we have been waiting weeks to find out the gender with them (we thought they would appreciate us waiting and opening it with them). Instead the day ended with him in tears, and me about ready to kick them out of our house.

    Sorry for the vent...but the big news is......ITS A BOY!

    Oh my gosh. How selfish of them. CONGRATS TO YOU!!!! Do you want to share your name you have chosen?