Pregnancy - December 2010



  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Well, we had our ultrasound this morning and we decided to find out the sex of the baby. We are having a boy! So this little one will even up our household. So the one chinese chart that was right with my previous three was right with this one too! And my girls' heart rates were always in the mid to upper 160s and the boys' heart rates have always been in the low 150s.

    Time to go get some exercise in. Hope you all have a great day!

    Congratulations, how exciting! Have you picked out a name yet?

    The chinese chart said that we are having a boy too, but I've got a little while before we find out.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    SO. I can't keep anything down. I threw up 4 times today... all after 5 pm. Mostly I have been getting sick at night. Any take medicine for morning sickness? My doctor told me they could call some in but I am unsure about it.

    Urghh that sucks! It is making me really nervous because you are about a week ahead of me and having such a hard time with morning sickness. We leave for Hawaii in 2 weeks and the last thing I want is our trip to be ruined by me puking all the time! I sure hope I don't get it!

    Everyone is different. Mine started at 6 weeks and 5 days... thrown up every day now...

    I am going to try some of the things you guys suggested. I may have them call in something like Zofran but I am in Michigan visiting my family and I don't have my perscription insurance info with me. I think that since I have it in the Walgreens system I could have it sent to walgreens though up here.

    My friend SWORE by the seasickness wristbands. I would have tried them if I had any real nausea this time round, but compared to last time this was so mild it did not bother me. Last time it was nearly 3 months of 24/7. Not a lot of actual puking, but I always felt about 5 seconds from it.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Whenever I had a sour stomache, I had a snack. It actually helped to have food in there. Things like cheerios and crackers did the trick. I also had ginger ale on hand. Oh and I also had mini candy canes to suck on. The peppermint works wonders. Luckily I never actually threw up, so I can't really help anyone in that arena. I'm only 11.5 weeks, but I feel like I've already passed that stage. Haven't had a sour stomache in a couple of weeks.

    As far as names go, I'm not sure. I like the name Jackson (Jack) Everette for a boy. For a girl I like the names Avery, Eleanore, and Lillian (Lily). My husband and I are no where near deciding. We 're just playing around with ideas until we find out the sex. Then we'll be more serious about it.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Well, we had our ultrasound this morning and we decided to find out the sex of the baby. We are having a boy! So this little one will even up our household. So the one chinese chart that was right with my previous three was right with this one too! And my girls' heart rates were always in the mid to upper 160s and the boys' heart rates have always been in the low 150s.

    Time to go get some exercise in. Hope you all have a great day!

    Congrats!! That is so exciting. According to the Chinese chart I'm having a boy, but according to the heart rate theory I'm having a girl. We shall see!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I use the hard candy method too, I feel like it helps alot. My co worker is in week 13 now and she was so sick they gave her some medication that they give to chemo patients. I would be too scared to take any of that stuff. Everyone is definately different, I got sick later this time around with my girl while with my boys it set it early I would say week 7-8 compared to week 5-6. Seems like everyone is having a boy, I think only me and MWilson are having girls and due the same day :laugh:

    Amanda I think Ethan is such a cute name, it was definately on my short list of boys names along with Mason, Jayden and Aiden. Dragonfly, is that a 2-2 tie now since this is #4? I am closing shop after Brooklynn is born, anyone else done ? I know this is the first for many of you. I just think with all the complications I go through during pregnancy and the miscarriages plus the cost of raising children 3 is plenty for us.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I use the hard candy method too, I feel like it helps alot. My co worker is in week 13 now and she was so sick they gave her some medication that they give to chemo patients. I would be too scared to take any of that stuff. Everyone is definately different, I got sick later this time around with my girl while with my boys it set it early I would say week 7-8 compared to week 5-6. Seems like everyone is having a boy, I think only me and MWilson are having girls and due the same day :laugh:

    Amanda I think Ethan is such a cute name, it was definately on my short list of boys names along with Mason, Jayden and Aiden. Dragonfly, is that a 2-2 tie now since this is #4? I am closing shop after Brooklynn is born, anyone else done ? I know this is the first for many of you. I just think with all the complications I go through during pregnancy and the miscarriages plus the cost of raising children 3 is plenty for us.

    Yes, this is a tie now. Our two oldest are girls (8 & 6) and our two youngest will be boys. My son just turned two. I kind of had to talk my husband into this one so we are definitely done. He always has said if it wasn't for the cost of raising the children he would be happy with more. So between wanting to provide the best we can financially for them and me being 36 we are now done. I have always been blessed with smooth pregnancies and just love being pregnant so I am trying to enjoy every moment. I also love babies (everything but the sleep deprivation that is). I know you are pregnant with a girl now. Do you have two boys?

    Some of you have mentioned the Chinese gender chart and there are MANY of them out there. This is the one and only that predicted all four of my kids' genders correctly. Don't get me wrong, I don't put my faith in these things I just think they are fun and it was neat seeing that one was completely correct.

    We are leaning towards the name Daniel Wade and calling him Wade. We had no girl name picked out. We have always had trouble with girl names.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I like Jacob because I like "Jake" but hubby says it's a wussy name to him so I think it's out. Plus, we have a David so why not another of the top like 5 names ever? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Irony though is, he's 3 and I have yet to come across another David. There are always tons of Aidens, Conners, Logans, (I even know 2 Rylans), and all the unusual names in childwatch and his preschool - but he's so far the lone David anywhere!

    I also liked Elizabeth for a girl, but hubby nixed that, which is odd, because i thought it was on top his list before we knew the first was a boy.

    I have no ideas or preferences at all outside of that. We might end up with a hat draw. My sister's name was drawn out of a hat!

    I'm always on the lookout for names I like, but not going down the "if it's a girl: NAME; if it's a boy: NAME" because that's twice the work I need to do rather than just waiting and only having to figure out one. Only about a month or so till we find out. My next apt is at 18 weeks so not sure if they will do it then, have me back early to do 20 or 21 wks, or just wait til 22 weeks. Either way, it's only a month and a 1/2. Two weeks is not long extra to wait.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    I just had an ultrasound done today. I measured @ 9 weeks 3 days, which is a week behind what I thought I was. Due date is July 23rd now, but since I had 2 emergency c-sections, I'll be having a planned c-section 2 weeks before due date.

    I've been spotting brown for about a week now. just a little smear on my underpants, (TMI) sorry. and it never happens when I put a stupid liner on. :grumble:

    I know brown is ok, but I never spotted for either of my first two. I'm a little worried, but at least I got to hear the heart beat today! I know baby's still growing. :happy:
    I love listening to the heartbeat. wish I could have heard it longer. :D technician said baby was VERY active. :laugh:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I just had an ultrasound done today. I measured @ 9 weeks 3 days, which is a week behind what I thought I was. Due date is July 23rd now, but since I had 2 emergency c-sections, I'll be having a planned c-section 2 weeks before due date.

    Even with 2 C/S you can find a provider (Well, depending on your local hospitals "laws") that will let you try a VBAC (also depending on reason for your first 2). It'd take a lot of looking, but, for me it'd be worth it to avoid a C/S. I'm currently driving about an hour to a VBAC supportive office vs the one right down the road from me that's a slice and dice. If I had to schedule another C/S too I would refuse it 2 weeks before my due date. There's a reason babies are born when they are born. Even 2 weeks early, they might not be ready. A lady here (locally, not on these boards) had a scheduled C/S 2 weeks out from her D/D and the baby ended up in the NICU with undeveloped lungs. Needless NICU stay since that baby would not have come yet on his own if they had not decided to cut it out. I have my fingers crossed for a VBA1C here. Just my opinion :smile:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I use the hard candy method too, I feel like it helps alot. My co worker is in week 13 now and she was so sick they gave her some medication that they give to chemo patients. I would be too scared to take any of that stuff. Everyone is definately different, I got sick later this time around with my girl while with my boys it set it early I would say week 7-8 compared to week 5-6. Seems like everyone is having a boy, I think only me and MWilson are having girls and due the same day :laugh:

    Amanda I think Ethan is such a cute name, it was definately on my short list of boys names along with Mason, Jayden and Aiden. Dragonfly, is that a 2-2 tie now since this is #4? I am closing shop after Brooklynn is born, anyone else done ? I know this is the first for many of you. I just think with all the complications I go through during pregnancy and the miscarriages plus the cost of raising children 3 is plenty for us.

    Yes, this is a tie now. Our two oldest are girls (8 & 6) and our two youngest will be boys. My son just turned two. I kind of had to talk my husband into this one so we are definitely done. He always has said if it wasn't for the cost of raising the children he would be happy with more. So between wanting to provide the best we can financially for them and me being 36 we are now done. I have always been blessed with smooth pregnancies and just love being pregnant so I am trying to enjoy every moment. I also love babies (everything but the sleep deprivation that is). I know you are pregnant with a girl now. Do you have two boys?

    Some of you have mentioned the Chinese gender chart and there are MANY of them out there. This is the one and only that predicted all four of my kids' genders correctly. Don't get me wrong, I don't put my faith in these things I just think they are fun and it was neat seeing that one was completely correct.

    We are leaning towards the name Daniel Wade and calling him Wade. We had no girl name picked out. We have always had trouble with girl names.

    Yes, we have 2 boys 6 and 3. I live in California so the cost of living is really high, I worry that if we have more kids we wouldn't be able to put them through the college of their choice and give them the very best. We are still pretty young so I wouldn't rule out more kids, I would just adopt if we were able to afford more down the line. I feel like there are many babies out there who need a loving family and I would definately love to provide one to them. I actually told hubby that if I had another miscarriage this year we would have to look into adoption because I just mentally couldn't handle loosing any more babies.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Even with 2 C/S you can find a provider (Well, depending on your local hospitals "laws") that will let you try a VBAC (also depending on reason for your first 2). It'd take a lot of looking, but, for me it'd be worth it to avoid a C/S. I'm currently driving about an hour to a VBAC supportive office vs the one right down the road from me that's a slice and dice. If I had to schedule another C/S too I would refuse it 2 weeks before my due date. There's a reason babies are born when they are born. Even 2 weeks early, they might not be ready. A lady here (locally, not on these boards) had a scheduled C/S 2 weeks out from her D/D and the baby ended up in the NICU with undeveloped lungs. Needless NICU stay since that baby would not have come yet on his own if they had not decided to cut it out. I have my fingers crossed for a VBA1C here. Just my opinion :smile:
    I chose to see a midwife for my first pgcy but I failed to progress with first baby, heart rate decel'd dangerously low and i had to have emerg c-sect.
    I tried vbac with second baby failed to progress again and ruptured my uterus. spoke with midwife from first pgncy and she said it's highly unlikely they'll take me. not enough midwives in our community. they don't want to "waste" their time on someone who's probably going to need a c-sect.
    I did ask my ob if he'd consider doing a vba2c and he said "No freaking way!" lol. I totally agree with you tho. i did try.

    i'm lucky he's taking the baby at 38 weeks b/c the ob who repaired the rupture didn't even want me having another baby. when I said I had wanted more she said I "had" to have it via c-sect at 36 weeks! I told my current ob what she said and how I thought that was excessive, considering I carried my babies to 41+1 and 39+6. he agreed and settled on 38 weeks. we'll see when he goes to book a date, if I can convince him to push it closer to 39. lol!

    good luck on your vbac. *hugs*
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Man I have been STARVING the last couple days! I went over maintenance 900 yesterday and only about 350 of those were something I probably really should not have eaten (toaster strudel). The rest was oatmeal, cheese, triscuits, WW egg noodles with veggies and chicken... then I had 5 biscuits with gravy for dinner (all the cals were in the biscuits! lots of flour! but at least homemade so no crap and preservatives!). I ate them just one at a time and only til I was full (not stuffed) but kept feeling like i just had not eaten all day! I'm on 99% good calories today and on the same track! Feeling like I have not eaten anything! I have been not quite making my maintenance calories for the last week or so, not to mention not eating 300 extra, so I think someone is demanding some growth spurt fuel! I have done really well on resisting crap, but need to get some more healthy snacks on hand if this is going to keep up!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    That is where I got super hungry too. Try your best cause I gained 5 lbs between 15 and 20 weeks.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I have a chest cold. My chest is killing me when I cough. I checked safe fetus for meds, but couldn't find anything that was listed at B cat. Plus I just don't like taking anything when I'm pregnant. Warm salt water has helped my throat and cough drops keep some of the coughing down. Ugh, I havent' had a cold in many many years. I'm one of those people who never gets sick. Yuck.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    I have a chest cold. My chest is killing me when I cough. I checked safe fetus for meds, but couldn't find anything that was listed at B cat. Plus I just don't like taking anything when I'm pregnant. Warm salt water has helped my throat and cough drops keep some of the coughing down. Ugh, I havent' had a cold in many many years. I'm one of those people who never gets sick. Yuck.

    I'm one of those people who never gets sick too! When I do, it's always a doosie, like it's making up for all of the colds I had missed. I hope you feel better!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    That is where I got super hungry too. Try your best cause I gained 5 lbs between 15 and 20 weeks.

    That's not bad. Only 1 "too many" so to speak. I stocked up on yogurt, veggies, and cheese this morning so I can hopefully avoid the strudels :wink: I'm only up about 1, maybe 2, so far though so I luckily have some wiggle room here and there.

    The other "nice" thing is we have no family or anything in the area, so no other than anything they mail to me there is no holiday junk food temptation here or big meals etc.
  • Mamatoabunch
    That is where I got super hungry too. Try your best cause I gained 5 lbs between 15 and 20 weeks.

    That is 1.25lbs a week and not shabby at all. Please stop being so hard on yourself.
  • Mamatoabunch
    I did not exercise yesterday, but stood on my feet from 3:30-8pm last night packing food boxes and steering carts so I guess I made up for it. I did the Shred this morning. I could not do the supermans in level 3 for strength so I replaced it w/ another strength move. I have reached the point where laying on my stomach feels weird, I could actually roll from side to side on my baby bump belly, LOL.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    I have a chest cold. My chest is killing me when I cough. I checked safe fetus for meds, but couldn't find anything that was listed at B cat. Plus I just don't like taking anything when I'm pregnant. Warm salt water has helped my throat and cough drops keep some of the coughing down. Ugh, I havent' had a cold in many many years. I'm one of those people who never gets sick. Yuck.

    I am sick right now too! It sucks. I have not taken anything yet and I can detinately feel the difference. Usually I take cold fx (I think thats just a canadian med) and eccinacea, neither of which are safe in pregnancy... so I am just going to suffer through it. This is my 3rd day off work, I really need to go back tomorrow!

    Hope you feel better soon!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Hi all! i've been MIA a few days.
    Its been a crazy work week.
    I can totally relate to those of
    you who are hungry all the time
    I am the same way i'm so tired
    of being hungry but i'm doing my
    best to make sure i eat enough
    of the good stuff and not so much

    I'm getting a little nervous and
    excited about telling the family.
    I guess it's just cause this is our
    first. We're going to tell my family
    Christmas Eve and the his on
    Christmas Day. :) Still not sure
    how we are going to give the news.