Pregnancy - December 2010



  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Yikes 17.3 lbs in 24 weeks! Could be worse but I need to gain less in the weeks to come.

    I'm at 28 for 25 weeks. I'm cutting back to see if it helps. I cut my sodium a little for 2 days and was down 4 lbs in those 2 days.
  • Mamatoabunch
    I gained two pounds, not going to stress about it. I need to eat and I am going to enjoy the pleasures of eating in pregnancy.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Today our Kellen turns 8 years old. Two out of three December birthdays down, LOL. We are having birthday part/Christmas party. Lots to do today. I exercised this morning and hated it. It was harder, I was slower, but I did it. I felt weak afterward. Sometimes that happens, not sure why. Anyway, off to bake cookies! Cake is in the oven.

    Happy birthday to Kellen!!

    Good for you on the excercise too... I haven't gotten on my treadmill in about 4 days now... better get back into it!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    So I was talking to one of my good friends last night about how I cannot wait for our vaction and laying in the hot tub. She is one of the few people I have already told about my pregnancy.

    Anyways, she told me that as a pregnant woman I should not be in a hot tub... so this morning I started looking it up.

    I am kind of worried now! I LOVE taking baths, to be honest- I have baths about 90% of the time and probably only have a shower once per week or less- the rest of the time i take a bath. A hot bath.

    But now I have read that this can be harmful, especially in the first trimester. So I am kind of freaked out.

    Then again, what about the thousands of women who had children before there were showers..... right?

    Anyways... someone please tell me they had lots of hot baths and everything went fine?

    ps- 6 weeks today! Half way done the first trimester! I will feel so happy when I get to week 13.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Today our Kellen turns 8 years old. Two out of three December birthdays down, LOL. We are having birthday part/Christmas party. Lots to do today. I exercised this morning and hated it. It was harder, I was slower, but I did it. I felt weak afterward. Sometimes that happens, not sure why. Anyway, off to bake cookies! Cake is in the oven.

    Happy birthday to Kellen!!

    Good for you on the excercise too... I haven't gotten on my treadmill in about 4 days now... better get back into it!

    Thanks! I do it even if I totally do not want to b/c if I let more than a day go it gets much harder each passing day to do it. You can do it!
  • Mamatoabunch
    So I was talking to one of my good friends last night about how I cannot wait for our vaction and laying in the hot tub. She is one of the few people I have already told about my pregnancy.

    Anyways, she told me that as a pregnant woman I should not be in a hot tub... so this morning I started looking it up.

    I am kind of worried now! I LOVE taking baths, to be honest- I have baths about 90% of the time and probably only have a shower once per week or less- the rest of the time i take a bath. A hot bath.

    But now I have read that this can be harmful, especially in the first trimester. So I am kind of freaked out.

    Then again, what about the thousands of women who had children before there were showers..... right?

    Anyways... someone please tell me they had lots of hot baths and everything went fine?

    ps- 6 weeks today! Half way done the first trimester! I will feel so happy when I get to week 13.

    I have been pregnant almost every other year for 17 years, LOL. Every winter I take a HOT bath every night. I have got into hot tubs pregnant as well. If I feel light headed I get out. Relax mama, use your own common sense. There is nothing wrong w/ a hot bath.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    the problem with hot tubs is that they raise your body temperature. If there is a family friendly one--not hot but bathtub warm you should be fine. I take hot showers and baths--I figure they are fine as long as I am not turning myself into a lobster--If your skin starts going red it may be too hot!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    so the morning sickness is full force now... I am driving from TN to MI tommorow for the holidays... hope we don't need to pull over on the side of the highway!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    so the morning sickness is full force now... I am driving from TN to MI tommorow for the holidays... hope we don't need to pull over on the side of the highway!

    My sister always carried a roll of paper towels, walmart bags or ziploc bags, and a small ice chest with powerade and water...she would need to puke they pulled over she puked, cleaned up, then drank something and kept on going. I'm sure you will be good, maybe get some of those motion sickness bracelets to wear or sleep most of the way.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    So I was talking to one of my good friends last night about how I cannot wait for our vaction and laying in the hot tub. She is one of the few people I have already told about my pregnancy.

    Anyways, she told me that as a pregnant woman I should not be in a hot tub... so this morning I started looking it up.

    I am kind of worried now! I LOVE taking baths, to be honest- I have baths about 90% of the time and probably only have a shower once per week or less- the rest of the time i take a bath. A hot bath.

    But now I have read that this can be harmful, especially in the first trimester. So I am kind of freaked out.

    Then again, what about the thousands of women who had children before there were showers..... right?

    Anyways... someone please tell me they had lots of hot baths and everything went fine?

    ps- 6 weeks today! Half way done the first trimester! I will feel so happy when I get to week 13.

    I take hot baths. But when I feel too hot it makes me nauseated and takes me forever to get cooled down. I wouldn't get in a hot tub though. they are full of bacteria and the water temp could be too hot.

    ON a side note: My husbands granny loved the hot tub, so much she died in one. She had a weak heart beat and was realeased from the doctor to go to the gym, he didn't realize she was using the Hot tub, she went worked out and got in the steam room, then the hot tub. Another lady found her floating there. Not to scare you, but why take the risk.

    If i was concerened about it I wouldn't do it. There is a reason they warn people with heart problems, diabetics, and pregant women not to do it. What may work for one person may not work for you. I personally wouldn't risk it. It isn't worth it too me.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Yikes 17.3 lbs in 24 weeks! Could be worse but I need to gain less in the weeks to come.

    I'm at 28 for 25 weeks. I'm cutting back to see if it helps. I cut my sodium a little for 2 days and was down 4 lbs in those 2 days.

    According to that weight tracker thing it says I am 4 lbs over what I should be which is not that terrible especially since I gained 130lbs (yikes a whole person) with #1 and 43lbs with #2. I have just been super aware of my weight and I am much heavier now than when I got preggo with either of them. The weight always comes off so it should be too big a worry but I was really hoping to only gain 15-20 lbs. I am probably getting too much sodium because I have not been feeling like eating so like my first trimester I have been eating lots of home baked fries. I think it would be much more out of control if I wasn't somewhat careful. Most days I eat between 2000-2200 and others I don't pay much attention. We had unexpected visitors a few times this week so we had to get food from outside to feed everyone.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    So I was talking to one of my good friends last night about how I cannot wait for our vaction and laying in the hot tub. She is one of the few people I have already told about my pregnancy.

    Anyways, she told me that as a pregnant woman I should not be in a hot tub... so this morning I started looking it up.

    I am kind of worried now! I LOVE taking baths, to be honest- I have baths about 90% of the time and probably only have a shower once per week or less- the rest of the time i take a bath. A hot bath.

    But now I have read that this can be harmful, especially in the first trimester. So I am kind of freaked out.

    Then again, what about the thousands of women who had children before there were showers..... right?

    Anyways... someone please tell me they had lots of hot baths and everything went fine?

    ps- 6 weeks today! Half way done the first trimester! I will feel so happy when I get to week 13.

    I take hot showers, not super hot but comfortable. I got one of those sheet from my doctor for 24-28 weeks and it says that you can take a warm bath, not hot. I have NEVER taken any hot baths in my first trimest. I have already had 2 miscarriages and have just refused to do anything that may jeopardize the baby even if I think it should be safe.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Yikes 17.3 lbs in 24 weeks! Could be worse but I need to gain less in the weeks to come.

    I'm at 28 for 25 weeks. I'm cutting back to see if it helps. I cut my sodium a little for 2 days and was down 4 lbs in those 2 days.

    According to that weight tracker thing it says I am 4 lbs over what I should be which is not that terrible especially since I gained 130lbs (yikes a whole person) with #1 and 43lbs with #2. I have just been super aware of my weight and I am much heavier now than when I got preggo with either of them. The weight always comes off so it should be too big a worry but I was really hoping to only gain 15-20 lbs. I am probably getting too much sodium because I have not been feeling like eating so like my first trimester I have been eating lots of home baked fries. I think it would be much more out of control if I wasn't somewhat careful. Most days I eat between 2000-2200 and others I don't pay much attention. We had unexpected visitors a few times this week so we had to get food from outside to feed everyone.

    This is funny, according to my weight chart I am over my maximum gain for 40 weeks. LOL. I can't believe you gained 130 lbs with #1, that must have been hard on you. I gained 50#'s with number 1 and was hoping to keep it around 20-25 this time. But I know my weight gain isn't because of baby, it is because of my food choices. I would be lying if I said otherwise. Now the new thing for obese women is to gain from 15-20 lbs, but I don't see how that is possible when I have 10 lb babies, I mean what about all the other stuff? I am not worry too much about the gain, But now I am really starting to record what I eat and make better choices when eating out.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    This is funny, according to my weight chart I am over my maximum gain for 40 weeks. LOL. I can't believe you gained 130 lbs with #1, that must have been hard on you. I gained 50#'s with number 1 and was hoping to keep it around 20-25 this time. But I know my weight gain isn't because of baby, it is because of my food choices. I would be lying if I said otherwise. Now the new thing for obese women is to gain from 15-20 lbs, but I don't see how that is possible when I have 10 lb babies, I mean what about all the other stuff? I am not worry too much about the gain, But now I am really starting to record what I eat and make better choices when eating out.

    Yeah it was tough and I would never want to do that again. I think there was a lot of gain because of the steroids I was on to stop contractions for 1, complete bedrest for 2 and I was super swollen with toximia gaining about 7-10 lbs a week from around 30 weeks for 3. Most of the weight came off pretty quickly though because a lot of it was water. I weighed in at 317 when I gave birth and was 170 when my son was 9 months old. I actually couldn't wear shoes, I had to get some of those sandals from Rite Aid that have velcrow and they barely fit. You could make huge dents in my body, especially my feet by touching me.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Wow. That is so amazing. Now I know why you take it easy. gaining that much plus fluid would have made me feel aweful. I only lost 10 lbs of the 50 I had gained with my son. My bad eating habits were so ingrained it took me 2 years before I decided to change it. Then it took me another 2 to get 85 lbs off. Then my mom died last year and within 6 months I had gained 20 lbs, then when I got pregnant was up another 10. Now with the pregnancy 30 I'm up 60 lbs for the 2 year period. AGH....I'm hoping to do better with my eating this week.

    I do so well on the weekdays and really struggle on weekends. But I know that is normal.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hey ladies. We made it to Michigan safely yesterday. I didn't throw up the whole trip ( though I had one very close call). As soon as I got to my parents I threw up my who,e dinner... At least it was in a clean bathroom. But my throat and ears are starting to hurt from throwing up everyday. Did anyone else have this problem or have it now?

    This is my first so I don't know too much about weight gain. I gave gained 5 lbs in the first 8 weeks already but I think it's more to do with not running like a mad woman. Plus now I puke everyday so I'm interested to see what happens with my weight.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Wow. That is so amazing. Now I know why you take it easy. gaining that much plus fluid would have made me feel aweful. I only lost 10 lbs of the 50 I had gained with my son. My bad eating habits were so ingrained it took me 2 years before I decided to change it. Then it took me another 2 to get 85 lbs off. Then my mom died last year and within 6 months I had gained 20 lbs, then when I got pregnant was up another 10. Now with the pregnancy 30 I'm up 60 lbs for the 2 year period. AGH....I'm hoping to do better with my eating this week.

    I do so well on the weekdays and really struggle on weekends. But I know that is normal.

    Yeah I think it is normal to slack off on the weekends. I eat super healthy at work and I am home by lunch time so 9 out of 10 times me and hubby eat something good. Sometimes the cravings just take over and I HAVE TO have something specific. Weekends we try to eat out only 1 time but it doesn't always work out that way. I know it is better both health and money wise so I am trying to stick to it more. I was actually up about 30 lbs when I got preggo than I was at 6 weeks postpartum with #2. For some reason I find it really easy to loose weight after having a baby. I think feeling so big for so long just motivates me to get the weight off. I already have my weight goals by month set up for after the baby arrives, lol. My doctor said not to diet but I am not sure if eating just enough calories to maintain my weight is considered dieting. I know it is less than he would like for me to eat but I feel that if I make the right choices I dont need to even eat all of the calories to maintain. It is 1000 more than I was used to before I got preggo
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I panicked a little bit last night. TMI - I saw a tiny bit of brown blood when I went to the bathroom. At first I was able to rationalize it easily since dh and I dtd for the first time in a few weeks a couple of days ago (sorry tmi again). Right after, I noticed a tiny tiny tiny amount of red/pink and I knew dtd was why so it didn't bother me at all then. But last night I let the brown stuff freak me out (stupid hormones) and I cried & hardly got any sleep at all. This morning I'm too tired to freak out anymore and I'm back to rationalizing it again. I haven't seen anymore brown, red, or pink, and I haven't had any cramps so there's no reason for me to expect the worst. I'm going to try my best to make it 2 more weeks to my OB appointment. As long as I don't bleed anymore I should be fine. I'm pretty sure if I bleed more, I'll be going early so I don't drive myself insane wondering if things are okay. I'm too high-strung for this! :laugh:

    I was so close to making it through 1st tri without any scares or real concerns at all. Oh well. Luckily (haha) I've seen an increase in nausea & sore boobs over the last few days so that makes me feel pretty confident the tiny (and I mean miniscule) amount of blood is from dtd and isn't any forewarning of something horrible to come.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I panicked a little bit last night. TMI - I saw a tiny bit of brown blood when I went to the bathroom. At first I was able to rationalize it easily since dh and I dtd for the first time in a few weeks a couple of days ago (sorry tmi again). Right after, I noticed a tiny tiny tiny amount of red/pink and I knew dtd was why so it didn't bother me at all then. But last night I let the brown stuff freak me out (stupid hormones) and I cried & hardly got any sleep at all. This morning I'm too tired to freak out anymore and I'm back to rationalizing it again. I haven't seen anymore brown, red, or pink, and I haven't had any cramps so there's no reason for me to expect the worst. I'm going to try my best to make it 2 more weeks to my OB appointment. As long as I don't bleed anymore I should be fine. I'm pretty sure if I bleed more, I'll be going early so I don't drive myself insane wondering if things are okay. I'm too high-strung for this! :laugh:

    I was so close to making it through 1st tri without any scares or real concerns at all. Oh well. Luckily (haha) I've seen an increase in nausea & sore boobs over the last few days so that makes me feel pretty confident the tiny (and I mean miniscule) amount of blood is from dtd and isn't any forewarning of something horrible to come.

    I know what you mean, at my 1am potty break someone must have gone without flushing and somehow there was a piece of red tape in the potty. How ? I am not sure but I freaked out when I got up and saw red in the toilet. I woke my husband up to investigate while I panicked. Boy I couldn't go to sleep afterwards and 3am came quickly so it was time to go to work. :yawn:
  • Mamatoabunch
    I panicked a little bit last night. TMI - I saw a tiny bit of brown blood when I went to the bathroom. At first I was able to rationalize it easily since dh and I dtd for the first time in a few weeks a couple of days ago (sorry tmi again). Right after, I noticed a tiny tiny tiny amount of red/pink and I knew dtd was why so it didn't bother me at all then. But last night I let the brown stuff freak me out (stupid hormones) and I cried & hardly got any sleep at all. This morning I'm too tired to freak out anymore and I'm back to rationalizing it again. I haven't seen anymore brown, red, or pink, and I haven't had any cramps so there's no reason for me to expect the worst. I'm going to try my best to make it 2 more weeks to my OB appointment. As long as I don't bleed anymore I should be fine. I'm pretty sure if I bleed more, I'll be going early so I don't drive myself insane wondering if things are okay. I'm too high-strung for this! :laugh:

    I was so close to making it through 1st tri without any scares or real concerns at all. Oh well. Luckily (haha) I've seen an increase in nausea & sore boobs over the last few days so that makes me feel pretty confident the tiny (and I mean miniscule) amount of blood is from dtd and isn't any forewarning of something horrible to come.

    Oh mama, I still check my toilet paper every time. Pink or reddish after sex is normal. Brown is old blood and nothing to worry about.