Pregnancy - December 2010



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    SO. I can't keep anything down. I threw up 4 times today... all after 5 pm. Mostly I have been getting sick at night. Any take medicine for morning sickness? My doctor told me they could call some in but I am unsure about it.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    So, just wondering what kind of names people have picked out?

    It may be too early for my husband and I to be picking names, but we already did regardless.

    For a boy we have decided on Easton. For a girl, we are undecided. I like names that are a little differnet, while my husband leans towards the traditional. I have my heart set on Avery. He is dead set against it. We do, however, agree on Kenzie, Lauren and Kaitlyn, and maybe Linnea.

    We have 3 for each right now.


    (I LOVED Ansley but he hated it :C) We havn't picked a middle name.

    Carter Moore
    Calvin Moore
    Mason Moore

    Moore is decided as the middle name (special name meaning for my husbands grandfather)...
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Well it has been a crazy weekend for me. My parents, and my in-laws and brother-in-law all came in for my husbands graduate school graduation. After graduation we went to dinner, and opened the envelope that had the gender written in it. ITS A BOY, and we announced the name we picked out!!!! When we got home, my in-laws started yelling at my husband telling him he is a disgrace to the entire family and is a total failure. This is all because the name we picked out is not a Muslim name (my in-laws are Muslim, but we are Christian). They were screaming at him for over 30 minutes about how ever since he was 16 (when he met me) all he has been is a disappointment to them. Talk about ruining a very very special day. He has worked over 2 1/2 years on his masters, and we have been waiting weeks to find out the gender with them (we thought they would appreciate us waiting and opening it with them). Instead the day ended with him in tears, and me about ready to kick them out of our house.

    Sorry for the vent...but the big news is......ITS A BOY!

    Congratulations on your baby boy and your husband's achievements! Completing a Master's program is a huge accomplishment, and I'm sure he put a lot of hard work and effort into it.

    I'm so sorry that his parents chose to ruin such a special day for your family.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    I havent had a chance to read thru all the posts yet but found just came across this thread. I found out today that I am pregnant with my 2nd child. We have one son who is 16 months old right now and honestly I was just trying to lose to get ready for another. Wasnt expecting it to happen quite yet because I still have about 50 lbs until I hit my goal weight. I havent gone to the doctor yet but will call and scheduel an appointment here in the next few days. Just wondering if anyone can tell me an idea of how many calories I should be eating? I was only eating 1200. Also, what can i be doing still for exercise? I wanted to start Insanity January 1st but gonna hold off. I was doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, can i still do that? I wasnt the healthiest with my first pregnancy and gained quite a bit of weight. This time around I plan for it to be different for sure! Please feel free to send me a friend request! Just let me know your pregnant too so i know who ya'll are!! Thanks!

    Congratulations on your 2nd pregnancy! How far along are you? I know how you feel about it coming quickly- I was trying to lose weight as well, and we weren't going to really start trying until after our vacation in January... but it came sooner than expected!

    In terms of calories, my dr told me that if you are overweight going into it, the most important thing is to not try to lose weight. So I set my calories to maintenance as soon as I found out... but I have not been tracking! i have to start again!

    As for the excercise- Jillian Michaels (I have the DVD too) would be too intense for me- but that is because I have gained so much weight and its not really a pregnancy thing, just an ability thing for me. So if you can do it and you have been doing it- then why not? If it's something new you were starting, I probably wouldn't. It depends how fit you are I guess, but the dr has stressed to me low impact.

    Best of luck!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    SO. I can't keep anything down. I threw up 4 times today... all after 5 pm. Mostly I have been getting sick at night. Any take medicine for morning sickness? My doctor told me they could call some in but I am unsure about it.

    Urghh that sucks! It is making me really nervous because you are about a week ahead of me and having such a hard time with morning sickness. We leave for Hawaii in 2 weeks and the last thing I want is our trip to be ruined by me puking all the time! I sure hope I don't get it!
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    SO. I can't keep anything down. I threw up 4 times today... all after 5 pm. Mostly I have been getting sick at night. Any take medicine for morning sickness? My doctor told me they could call some in but I am unsure about it.

    I was like that all last week untill my father in law came up to visit over the weekend. He brought me some Pure Peppermint Oil and it has been AMAZING!!! You can go to your health food store and pick up a small bottle and put in 4 or 5 drops of it into a 1 liter water bottle. I carry that water bottle around with me all day and have not been sick since then. I have it sitting by my bed and as soon as I get up, I drink a little bit, and am ready to start my day! I actually was nervous today that maybe somethings wrong because I haven't been sick in 3 days! :laugh:
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    So I weighed in this morning..... 190... REALLY!?!?

    I'll be honest, I haven't been working out as much as I know that I should, but....

    I've been staying withing my maintenance calories, I quit drinking pop, I'm low on the sodium, I drink a ton of water, I've been eating more fruits and veggies.... So what gives?

    I know that I'm pregnant and that I'm gonna gain weight, but why am I gaining so quickly? I started out at 182, I was 188 at my OB appointment on the 30th, and now I'm at 190.

    Am I just freaking out? I guess when I step back and look at it, an 8lb gain for being 13 weeks isn't too terrible, is it?

    Ugh, I think I'm having one of those days and I just need some reassurance that I'm doing ok... :ohwell:

    I gained the same exact amount...I go to the Dr tom. Hope I didnt gain more!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    So, just wondering what kind of names people have picked out?

    It may be too early for my husband and I to be picking names, but we already did regardless.

    For a boy we have decided on Easton. For a girl, we are undecided. I like names that are a little differnet, while my husband leans towards the traditional. I have my heart set on Avery. He is dead set against it. We do, however, agree on Kenzie, Lauren and Kaitlyn, and maybe Linnea.

    We have decided to name our daughter Brooklynn Alicia. We have been set on Alicia since we had #2 (my husbands grandmas name) and we choose Brooklynn this time around because I thought it was not so common and liked the sound of it. My husband actually refused to come up with a boys name this time around, he said it was bad luck since we were hoping for a girl. I guess his superstition worked :laugh:
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    I havent had a chance to read thru all the posts yet but found just came across this thread. I found out today that I am pregnant with my 2nd child. We have one son who is 16 months old right now and honestly I was just trying to lose to get ready for another. Wasnt expecting it to happen quite yet because I still have about 50 lbs until I hit my goal weight. I havent gone to the doctor yet but will call and scheduel an appointment here in the next few days. Just wondering if anyone can tell me an idea of how many calories I should be eating? I was only eating 1200. Also, what can i be doing still for exercise? I wanted to start Insanity January 1st but gonna hold off. I was doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, can i still do that? I wasnt the healthiest with my first pregnancy and gained quite a bit of weight. This time around I plan for it to be different for sure! Please feel free to send me a friend request! Just let me know your pregnant too so i know who ya'll are!! Thanks!

    Congratulations on your 2nd pregnancy! How far along are you? I know how you feel about it coming quickly- I was trying to lose weight as well, and we weren't going to really start trying until after our vacation in January... but it came sooner than expected!

    In terms of calories, my dr told me that if you are overweight going into it, the most important thing is to not try to lose weight. So I set my calories to maintenance as soon as I found out... but I have not been tracking! i have to start again!

    As for the excercise- Jillian Michaels (I have the DVD too) would be too intense for me- but that is because I have gained so much weight and its not really a pregnancy thing, just an ability thing for me. So if you can do it and you have been doing it- then why not? If it's something new you were starting, I probably wouldn't. It depends how fit you are I guess, but the dr has stressed to me low impact.

    Best of luck!

    Wont know for sure how far along until I go to the doctor. I am thinking about 9 weeks because my last period was Oct 18 but my first missed period I tested and it was negative. Only did one test. Contributed the missed period to weight loss. Then missed another period but didnt really think much of it until I started getting nausea this weekend and finally threw up yesterday. I tested yesterday twice and got both positive. They say morning sickness starts around 8 or so weeks so the 9 weeks along would make sense. We will see once I get to the doctor and they can do an ultrasound and measure. Good luck to everyone!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    AnneElise -- Sorry you're having such a rough go of it with the m/s. I here a lot of people praising Zofran (I think it's called) as an anti-sickness medication that can be prescribed by your doctor. I have no personal experience with it though since I'm not a puker.

    Amanda -- I'm so sorry what should have been such special day was ruined by your in-laws. :frown: Congratulations on the boy! :smile:

    joonz -- We're having a terrible time with names. Dh and I have been pretty set on Isaac for a boy since way before we were even ttc but we're not having much luck with a middle name. Girls names are pretty much an impossibility for us. :laugh: Dh now refuses to even think about names until we know the sex because he's too overwhelmed. :laugh:

    No more brown stuff! Not even a hint of it since Sunday night. Yay! :happy: So, my logical explanation for it must have been the actual explanation. Whew. Poor husband. He's won't be getting any for a while. That tiny scare was absolutely too much for me.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    SO. I can't keep anything down. I threw up 4 times today... all after 5 pm. Mostly I have been getting sick at night. Any take medicine for morning sickness? My doctor told me they could call some in but I am unsure about it.

    Urghh that sucks! It is making me really nervous because you are about a week ahead of me and having such a hard time with morning sickness. We leave for Hawaii in 2 weeks and the last thing I want is our trip to be ruined by me puking all the time! I sure hope I don't get it!

    Everyone is different. Mine started at 6 weeks and 5 days... thrown up every day now...

    I am going to try some of the things you guys suggested. I may have them call in something like Zofran but I am in Michigan visiting my family and I don't have my perscription insurance info with me. I think that since I have it in the Walgreens system I could have it sent to walgreens though up here.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Well it has been a crazy weekend for me. My parents, and my in-laws and brother-in-law all came in for my husbands graduate school graduation. After graduation we went to dinner, and opened the envelope that had the gender written in it. ITS A BOY, and we announced the name we picked out!!!! When we got home, my in-laws started yelling at my husband telling him he is a disgrace to the entire family and is a total failure. This is all because the name we picked out is not a Muslim name (my in-laws are Muslim, but we are Christian). They were screaming at him for over 30 minutes about how ever since he was 16 (when he met me) all he has been is a disappointment to them. Talk about ruining a very very special day. He has worked over 2 1/2 years on his masters, and we have been waiting weeks to find out the gender with them (we thought they would appreciate us waiting and opening it with them). Instead the day ended with him in tears, and me about ready to kick them out of our house.

    Sorry for the vent...but the big news is......ITS A BOY!

    THat is just ashame. I don't get people they are so clueless. This life is so short. Well I am so happy you now know what you are having and have a name. I'm glad your husband has finished school before the baby comes. Don't let them get you down. There is nothing you can do to change people or what they think, you can only continue down the path that is right for you.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    So, just wondering what kind of names people have picked out?

    It may be too early for my husband and I to be picking names, but we already did regardless.

    For a boy we have decided on Easton. For a girl, we are undecided. I like names that are a little differnet, while my husband leans towards the traditional. I have my heart set on Avery. He is dead set against it. We do, however, agree on Kenzie, Lauren and Kaitlyn, and maybe Linnea.

    We have decided to name our daughter Brooklynn Alicia. We have been set on Alicia since we had #2 (my husbands grandmas name) and we choose Brooklynn this time around because I thought it was not so common and liked the sound of it. My husband actually refused to come up with a boys name this time around, he said it was bad luck since we were hoping for a girl. I guess his superstition worked :laugh:

    Alesha is my sister's name but as you can see spelled different. I like that name.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    SO. I can't keep anything down. I threw up 4 times today... all after 5 pm. Mostly I have been getting sick at night. Any take medicine for morning sickness? My doctor told me they could call some in but I am unsure about it.

    Urghh that sucks! It is making me really nervous because you are about a week ahead of me and having such a hard time with morning sickness. We leave for Hawaii in 2 weeks and the last thing I want is our trip to be ruined by me puking all the time! I sure hope I don't get it!

    Everyone is different. Mine started at 6 weeks and 5 days... thrown up every day now...

    I am going to try some of the things you guys suggested. I may have them call in something like Zofran but I am in Michigan visiting my family and I don't have my perscription insurance info with me. I think that since I have it in the Walgreens system I could have it sent to walgreens though up here.

    My SIL had to go the Zofran route. It is super expensive so wait till you get your insurance. And yes Walgreens will share your info with other walgreens. I had to do it in florida once for my son and it worked.

    Morning sickness usually goes away around 11-12 weeks. I think you said that was how far along you would be on your honeymoon. Sometimes it goes away around 8-9 weeks, then comes back in week 10. I was luck and just had severe nausea, boat floating syndrome, lol. No actual vomitting. I have a very strong tolerance for nausea.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I will try to answer a few of the questions: My in-laws are from Pakistan. They moved to the US when my husband was 4, and have been here for 23 years. They seem to forget they live here sometimes.

    The name we picked is Ethan. We aren't sure of the middle name as we were going to use my Husband's brothers name, as his brother died when he was 18, but now we aren't so sure.

    As for M/S my doctor gave me two natural ideas. She said to try sucking on the lemon drop candies, or to slice a lemon in half, and put it in a ziploc bag. She said every time you feel sick, just smell the lemons in the bag. I haven't tried it, but thats what she suggested. She also offered to write me a prescription for something...said they have "lots of good stuff".
  • Mamatoabunch
    SO. I can't keep anything down. I threw up 4 times today... all after 5 pm. Mostly I have been getting sick at night. Any take medicine for morning sickness? My doctor told me they could call some in but I am unsure about it.

    I take unisom and b-6. It is the name formulation that is under the name diclectin in Canada. You can buy it at any store, under the name doxylamine succinate, either unisom brand or store brand.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Just to 2nd what Amanda said -- I have a bin of lemondrop candies in my desk drawer. They really did seem to help my nausea when it was at it's worst.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Well, we had our ultrasound this morning and we decided to find out the sex of the baby. We are having a boy! So this little one will even up our household. So the one chinese chart that was right with my previous three was right with this one too! And my girls' heart rates were always in the mid to upper 160s and the boys' heart rates have always been in the low 150s.

    Time to go get some exercise in. Hope you all have a great day!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Well, we had our ultrasound this morning and we decided to find out the sex of the baby. We are having a boy! So this little one will even up our household. So the one chinese chart that was right with my previous three was right with this one too! And my girls' heart rates were always in the mid to upper 160s and the boys' heart rates have always been in the low 150s.

    Time to go get some exercise in. Hope you all have a great day!

    YAY!!! Congrats on your boy!!!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Well, we had our ultrasound this morning and we decided to find out the sex of the baby. We are having a boy! So this little one will even up our household. So the one chinese chart that was right with my previous three was right with this one too! And my girls' heart rates were always in the mid to upper 160s and the boys' heart rates have always been in the low 150s.

    Time to go get some exercise in. Hope you all have a great day!

    YAY!!! Congrats on your boy!!!

    Thank you!