Judging people and their weight



  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    No. I'm not talking about bloat or water retention. I'm talking about the people saying they got "fat" because the medication directly cause then to not be able to burn fat while in a caloric deficit.

    And I'm not asking for a group of stuff like "steroids". Bring actual answers. Please list the medication.
    People gain weight when taking prednisone long-term. It isn't all water weight. They are generally too sick to exercise.

    There are even drugs designed to make people gain weight by actively increasing the appetite. They don't always overcome the inability to eat, but they exist.

    Some drugs cause weight gain in some people and not others.

    If you just want to be right and pass judgment in a mean way, just do that. You don't actually need people to fight with you. Just do it!

    I hope you have a better day.

    I was on a very high daily dose of steroids for the first 9 months I was losing weight. Did my appetite increase YES, did I have to make sure to watch for trends in my weight loss so I could adjust my calorie consumption for this YES. But did this stop me from losing weight no.

    I used the prednisone as an excuse for my weight gain for the previous year - but it was my choice not to control my eating. Yes there was some bloating and water weight but it just meant there were some bigger fluctuations.
    Have you taken all the drugs that cause weight gain? And did you lose while taking all of them?

    Bully for you.

    Not everyone is so lucky.

    People do have experiences that aren't the same as yours because they aren't you.

    People do lose and gain weight due to medications. Be humble enough to admit that you don't know everything and compassionate enough to not beat up on them, even if you couldn't care less about anyone else's problems.

    When I started I was on 14 different prescriptions. I couldn't exercise wasn't allowed to stand for more than 5 minutes at a time. Was I lucky? No I stopped blaming medications, my inability to exercise and whatever else and finally decided that if I monitor my intake and find the calorie deficit that worked for me I could lose weight.

    Now I'm a bully because I shared my experience .. why because it questions your excuses???? Fine then I'm a bully. But don't tell me it's not possible I started losing weight and getting serious about my health the day I got out of the hospital so I understand medical conditions, I have compassion for those that are willing to try. But stop with the excuses
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    No. I'm not talking about bloat or water retention. I'm talking about the people saying they got "fat" because the medication directly cause then to not be able to burn fat while in a caloric deficit.

    And I'm not asking for a group of stuff like "steroids". Bring actual answers. Please list the medication.
    People gain weight when taking prednisone long-term. It isn't all water weight. They are generally too sick to exercise.

    There are even drugs designed to make people gain weight by actively increasing the appetite. They don't always overcome the inability to eat, but they exist.

    Some drugs cause weight gain in some people and not others.

    If you just want to be right and pass judgment in a mean way, just do that. You don't actually need people to fight with you. Just do it!

    I hope you have a better day.

    I was on a very high daily dose of steroids for the first 9 months I was losing weight. Did my appetite increase YES, did I have to make sure to watch for trends in my weight loss so I could adjust my calorie consumption for this YES. But did this stop me from losing weight no.

    I used the prednisone as an excuse for my weight gain for the previous year - but it was my choice not to control my eating. Yes there was some bloating and water weight but it just meant there were some bigger fluctuations.
    Have you taken all the drugs that cause weight gain? And did you lose while taking all of them?

    Bully for you.

    Not everyone is so lucky.

    People do have experiences that aren't the same as yours because they aren't you.

    People do lose and gain weight due to medications. Be humble enough to admit that you don't know everything and compassionate enough to not beat up on them, even if you couldn't care less about anyone else's problems.

    Chemo does not cause weight loss...the lack of appetite and vomitting does...that is why lots of chemo patients are perscribed weed to help with the nausea.

    What made Jen "lucky" was her ability to recognize that she needed to be in a calorie deficit...to lose weight...that's not luck that is listening to those who were successful before her under the same conditions.

    People do not lose and gain because of meds...they gain and lose due to calories.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    No. I'm not talking about bloat or water retention. I'm talking about the people saying they got "fat" because the medication directly cause then to not be able to burn fat while in a caloric deficit.

    And I'm not asking for a group of stuff like "steroids". Bring actual answers. Please list the medication.
    People gain weight when taking prednisone long-term. It isn't all water weight. They are generally too sick to exercise.

    There are even drugs designed to make people gain weight by actively increasing the appetite. They don't always overcome the inability to eat, but they exist.

    Some drugs cause weight gain in some people and not others.

    If you just want to be right and pass judgment in a mean way, just do that. You don't actually need people to fight with you. Just do it!

    I hope you have a better day.

    I was on a very high daily dose of steroids for the first 9 months I was losing weight. Did my appetite increase YES, did I have to make sure to watch for trends in my weight loss so I could adjust my calorie consumption for this YES. But did this stop me from losing weight no.

    I used the prednisone as an excuse for my weight gain for the previous year - but it was my choice not to control my eating. Yes there was some bloating and water weight but it just meant there were some bigger fluctuations.
    Have you taken all the drugs that cause weight gain? And did you lose while taking all of them?

    Bully for you.

    Not everyone is so lucky.

    People do have experiences that aren't the same as yours because they aren't you.

    People do lose and gain weight due to medications. Be humble enough to admit that you don't know everything and compassionate enough to not beat up on them, even if you couldn't care less about anyone else's problems.

    When I started I was on 14 different prescriptions. I couldn't exercise wasn't allowed to stand for more than 5 minutes at a time. Was I lucky? No I stopped blaming medications, my inability to exercise and whatever else and finally decided that if I monitor my intake and find the calorie deficit that worked for me I could lose weight.

    Now I'm a bully because I shared my experience .. why because it questions your excuses???? Fine then I'm a bully. But don't tell me it's not possible I started losing weight and getting serious about my health the day I got out of the hospital so I understand medical conditions, I have compassion for those that are willing to try. But stop with the excuses
    JW, even if you are a bully, you know we have nothing but love for you. We're the swirls in a sundae, we flow together.

    Cmere you are my favorite ego stroking pizza gelato eating friend! Now lets go get a sundae!
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    No. I'm not talking about bloat or water retention. I'm talking about the people saying they got "fat" because the medication directly cause then to not be able to burn fat while in a caloric deficit.

    And I'm not asking for a group of stuff like "steroids". Bring actual answers. Please list the medication.
    People gain weight when taking prednisone long-term. It isn't all water weight. They are generally too sick to exercise.

    There are even drugs designed to make people gain weight by actively increasing the appetite. They don't always overcome the inability to eat, but they exist.

    Some drugs cause weight gain in some people and not others.

    If you just want to be right and pass judgment in a mean way, just do that. You don't actually need people to fight with you. Just do it!

    I hope you have a better day.

    I was on a very high daily dose of steroids for the first 9 months I was losing weight. Did my appetite increase YES, did I have to make sure to watch for trends in my weight loss so I could adjust my calorie consumption for this YES. But did this stop me from losing weight no.

    I used the prednisone as an excuse for my weight gain for the previous year - but it was my choice not to control my eating. Yes there was some bloating and water weight but it just meant there were some bigger fluctuations.
    Have you taken all the drugs that cause weight gain? And did you lose while taking all of them?

    Bully for you.

    Not everyone is so lucky.

    People do have experiences that aren't the same as yours because they aren't you.

    People do lose and gain weight due to medications. Be humble enough to admit that you don't know everything and compassionate enough to not beat up on them, even if you couldn't care less about anyone else's problems.

    So what are the list of medications that cause people to gain actual weight and not just increase appetite? Did someone post that yet?
  • terrilynndoan64
    Unfortunately what the doctor is saying is true. Being overweight or obese is self inflicted. No one is forcing someone to eat more than they should. Food to some is just as addicting as tobacco is to smokers. How many people truly feel sorry for someone who gets lung cancer after smoking for decades? Not many. How many people truly feel sorry for someone who is considered obese that dies, or contracts a related disease associated with their weight. Again not many.

    There are MANY people who truly feel sorry for someone who dies of lung cancer, or from obesity. Obviously, you don't understand "addiction".
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    No. I'm not talking about bloat or water retention. I'm talking about the people saying they got "fat" because the medication directly cause then to not be able to burn fat while in a caloric deficit.

    And I'm not asking for a group of stuff like "steroids". Bring actual answers. Please list the medication.
    People gain weight when taking prednisone long-term. It isn't all water weight. They are generally too sick to exercise.

    There are even drugs designed to make people gain weight by actively increasing the appetite. They don't always overcome the inability to eat, but they exist.

    Some drugs cause weight gain in some people and not others.

    If you just want to be right and pass judgment in a mean way, just do that. You don't actually need people to fight with you. Just do it!

    I hope you have a better day.

    I was on a very high daily dose of steroids for the first 9 months I was losing weight. Did my appetite increase YES, did I have to make sure to watch for trends in my weight loss so I could adjust my calorie consumption for this YES. But did this stop me from losing weight no.

    I used the prednisone as an excuse for my weight gain for the previous year - but it was my choice not to control my eating. Yes there was some bloating and water weight but it just meant there were some bigger fluctuations.
    Have you taken all the drugs that cause weight gain? And did you lose while taking all of them?

    Bully for you.

    Not everyone is so lucky.

    People do have experiences that aren't the same as yours because they aren't you.

    People do lose and gain weight due to medications. Be humble enough to admit that you don't know everything and compassionate enough to not beat up on them, even if you couldn't care less about anyone else's problems.

    When I started I was on 14 different prescriptions. I couldn't exercise wasn't allowed to stand for more than 5 minutes at a time. Was I lucky? No I stopped blaming medications, my inability to exercise and whatever else and finally decided that if I monitor my intake and find the calorie deficit that worked for me I could lose weight.

    Now I'm a bully because I shared my experience .. why because it questions your excuses???? Fine then I'm a bully. But don't tell me it's not possible I started losing weight and getting serious about my health the day I got out of the hospital so I understand medical conditions, I have compassion for those that are willing to try. But stop with the excuses
    I never gained weight due to medications, hon. Never said I did.

    I just know that people gain and lose weight because of drugs they take and I have enough compassion for them to not only NOT be mean (even behind my keyboard, where I can get away with it), but I actually feel badly for them.

    I kind of feel badly for unhappy people like you, but the attempt to spread your misery by spewing cruel things is just a little too much sometimes.

    There is no good reason for being that mean. It won't help them and...it won't help you.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Just watched a show on TV where this "Doctor" is saying that people are fat because they want to be. That is such BS. I don't know one person, including myself, who wakes up every morning and says...."Hey, I want to stuff my face and be fat, so that people can stare at me, and judge me". Some of these doctors are complete idiots. Being fat is NOT the problem with most people. It's just a symptom of the problem. Many people eat excessively because of emotional issues, depression, loneliness, to find comfort etc. It makes me angry that people are so quick to judge others without knowing their story or walking even a block in their shoes. Hate it!

    Curious, what TV show was it?

    Still waiting for this. I'm thinking the doctor didn't actually say this exactly the way the OP is painting it.
    I'm wondering the same thing, especially because the OP put "Doctor" in quotation marks. I'm betting they saw it on an episode of House.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    No. I'm not talking about bloat or water retention. I'm talking about the people saying they got "fat" because the medication directly cause then to not be able to burn fat while in a caloric deficit.

    And I'm not asking for a group of stuff like "steroids". Bring actual answers. Please list the medication.
    People gain weight when taking prednisone long-term. It isn't all water weight. They are generally too sick to exercise.

    There are even drugs designed to make people gain weight by actively increasing the appetite. They don't always overcome the inability to eat, but they exist.

    Some drugs cause weight gain in some people and not others.

    If you just want to be right and pass judgment in a mean way, just do that. You don't actually need people to fight with you. Just do it!

    I hope you have a better day.

    I was on a very high daily dose of steroids for the first 9 months I was losing weight. Did my appetite increase YES, did I have to make sure to watch for trends in my weight loss so I could adjust my calorie consumption for this YES. But did this stop me from losing weight no.

    I used the prednisone as an excuse for my weight gain for the previous year - but it was my choice not to control my eating. Yes there was some bloating and water weight but it just meant there were some bigger fluctuations.
    Have you taken all the drugs that cause weight gain? And did you lose while taking all of them?

    Bully for you.

    Not everyone is so lucky.

    People do have experiences that aren't the same as yours because they aren't you.

    People do lose and gain weight due to medications. Be humble enough to admit that you don't know everything and compassionate enough to not beat up on them, even if you couldn't care less about anyone else's problems.

    So what are the list of medications that cause people to gain actual weight and not just increase appetite? Did someone post that yet?
    One was named. Depakote is another.

    Why not ask about meds that make people lose weight?

    Don't you want to pick on people who are wasting away, too?

    Or do you just want to pick on fat people?
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    The guy who requested to be blocked has been.

    Medications do cause people to lose weight and gain weight.

    It does seem that people who lose weight because of the drugs aren't told, "You're so skinny! You should just eat more! Chemo [or other type of drug] is no excuse! The drugs might take away your appetite, but it's your fault that you don't eat enough! Your skinniness is your fault!"

    If they gained because of drugs, though, it's an easy way for bitter and mean people to name-call and feel oh-so-justified in doing it. Big, fat bullies, sitting behind their key boards. Imagine them going into a bar and saying that stuff to actual tough guys, lol. No chance! They go on the Internet and make fun of sick, recovering or recovered people.

    If you are one of those people, know that others are on to the fact that you're just doing the wimpiest of bullying. And that you are, generally, unhappy and are trying to take out on others (which will never make you feel better.)

    The only name calling I am seeing is from you. And I am actually much nicer online than I am in person only because I have a backspace key.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    No. I'm not talking about bloat or water retention. I'm talking about the people saying they got "fat" because the medication directly cause then to not be able to burn fat while in a caloric deficit.

    And I'm not asking for a group of stuff like "steroids". Bring actual answers. Please list the medication.
    People gain weight when taking prednisone long-term. It isn't all water weight. They are generally too sick to exercise.

    There are even drugs designed to make people gain weight by actively increasing the appetite. They don't always overcome the inability to eat, but they exist.

    Some drugs cause weight gain in some people and not others.

    If you just want to be right and pass judgment in a mean way, just do that. You don't actually need people to fight with you. Just do it!

    I hope you have a better day.

    I was on a very high daily dose of steroids for the first 9 months I was losing weight. Did my appetite increase YES, did I have to make sure to watch for trends in my weight loss so I could adjust my calorie consumption for this YES. But did this stop me from losing weight no.

    I used the prednisone as an excuse for my weight gain for the previous year - but it was my choice not to control my eating. Yes there was some bloating and water weight but it just meant there were some bigger fluctuations.
    Have you taken all the drugs that cause weight gain? And did you lose while taking all of them?

    Bully for you.

    Not everyone is so lucky.

    People do have experiences that aren't the same as yours because they aren't you.

    People do lose and gain weight due to medications. Be humble enough to admit that you don't know everything and compassionate enough to not beat up on them, even if you couldn't care less about anyone else's problems.

    So what are the list of medications that cause people to gain actual weight and not just increase appetite? Did someone post that yet?

    none have been listed yet..except "steroids" and that was shot down as it doesn't cause weight gain but "bloat" and is generic word for a group of meds...nothing specific yet.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Obviously there are people who do choose to be fat. Saying there isn't anyone like that is as ridiculous as saying EVERY fat person is like that. But I think it's an irrelevant point. Even if someone did consciously choose to get fat, they still deserve the same respect, right to be proud of their body, and access to healthcare as anyone else. It makes no difference whatsoever. Someone who gained weight because of comfort eating due to childhood abuse, for example, isn't a "better" fatty than someone who just likes cake too much. They're both people.

    I agree with this, but to go back to the original post, I don't think that's what the topic is about.

    Saying that someone (including yourself) chose to get fat--by which I mean you made and are making the decisions that lead to that person's current weight--which is what I think the doctor "quote" was saying, simply means that one is not helpless or fated to be fat, but could choose not to be, by making other decisions.

    I don't see that as about blaming. I see it as about empowering.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    No. I'm not talking about bloat or water retention. I'm talking about the people saying they got "fat" because the medication directly cause then to not be able to burn fat while in a caloric deficit.

    And I'm not asking for a group of stuff like "steroids". Bring actual answers. Please list the medication.
    People gain weight when taking prednisone long-term. It isn't all water weight. They are generally too sick to exercise.

    There are even drugs designed to make people gain weight by actively increasing the appetite. They don't always overcome the inability to eat, but they exist.

    Some drugs cause weight gain in some people and not others.

    If you just want to be right and pass judgment in a mean way, just do that. You don't actually need people to fight with you. Just do it!

    I hope you have a better day.

    I was on a very high daily dose of steroids for the first 9 months I was losing weight. Did my appetite increase YES, did I have to make sure to watch for trends in my weight loss so I could adjust my calorie consumption for this YES. But did this stop me from losing weight no.

    I used the prednisone as an excuse for my weight gain for the previous year - but it was my choice not to control my eating. Yes there was some bloating and water weight but it just meant there were some bigger fluctuations.
    Have you taken all the drugs that cause weight gain? And did you lose while taking all of them?

    Bully for you.

    Not everyone is so lucky.

    People do have experiences that aren't the same as yours because they aren't you.

    People do lose and gain weight due to medications. Be humble enough to admit that you don't know everything and compassionate enough to not beat up on them, even if you couldn't care less about anyone else's problems.

    So what are the list of medications that cause people to gain actual weight and not just increase appetite? Did someone post that yet?
    One was named. Depakote is another.

    Why not ask about meds that make people lose weight?

    Don't you want to pick on people who are wasting away, too?

    Or do you just want to pick on fat people?

    Acttually Depakote does not cause weight gain itself...it changes appetite.
    Common Depakote side effects may include:

    mild nausea or vomiting, mild stomach pain, diarrhea;

    headache, mild dizziness, weakness, tremors;

    problems with balance or walking;

    blurred vision, double vision; or

    changes in appetite, weight gain.

    ETA: meds don't cause weight loss either...and if someone was in here claiming VLCD are the way to go get told right where to go very quickly...people with ED's are given direction to seek help .
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I don't think it's fair to say people "want" to be fat. No one really "wants" to be fat. People do however "choose" to be fat. I agree with all the issue you stated that can lead to becoming overweight but it is the individual's choice to allow those issues to dictate what they eat. All of those issues can be handled in ways other than eating. It is in our choices that we define ourselves.
    This. I never wanted to be fat, but I was fat due to my choice to eat too much. Food was my medication from childhood well into adulthood. I still don't want to be fat, and I'm not because I decided to stop eating so much.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    No. I'm not talking about bloat or water retention. I'm talking about the people saying they got "fat" because the medication directly cause then to not be able to burn fat while in a caloric deficit.

    And I'm not asking for a group of stuff like "steroids". Bring actual answers. Please list the medication.
    People gain weight when taking prednisone long-term. It isn't all water weight. They are generally too sick to exercise.

    There are even drugs designed to make people gain weight by actively increasing the appetite. They don't always overcome the inability to eat, but they exist.

    Some drugs cause weight gain in some people and not others.

    If you just want to be right and pass judgment in a mean way, just do that. You don't actually need people to fight with you. Just do it!

    I hope you have a better day.

    I was on a very high daily dose of steroids for the first 9 months I was losing weight. Did my appetite increase YES, did I have to make sure to watch for trends in my weight loss so I could adjust my calorie consumption for this YES. But did this stop me from losing weight no.

    I used the prednisone as an excuse for my weight gain for the previous year - but it was my choice not to control my eating. Yes there was some bloating and water weight but it just meant there were some bigger fluctuations.
    Have you taken all the drugs that cause weight gain? And did you lose while taking all of them?

    Bully for you.

    Not everyone is so lucky.

    People do have experiences that aren't the same as yours because they aren't you.

    People do lose and gain weight due to medications. Be humble enough to admit that you don't know everything and compassionate enough to not beat up on them, even if you couldn't care less about anyone else's problems.

    So what are the list of medications that cause people to gain actual weight and not just increase appetite? Did someone post that yet?

    none have been listed yet..except "steroids" and that was shot down as it doesn't cause weight gain but "bloat" and is generic word for a group of meds...nothing specific yet.
    Actually, prednisone was listed.

    And while someone denied that it causes weight gain, that doesn't make it true.

    Still wondering why nobody wants the names of drugs that cause people to lose weight!

    Why not pick on those who went from normal to skinny, too?
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    No. I'm not talking about bloat or water retention. I'm talking about the people saying they got "fat" because the medication directly cause then to not be able to burn fat while in a caloric deficit.

    And I'm not asking for a group of stuff like "steroids". Bring actual answers. Please list the medication.
    People gain weight when taking prednisone long-term. It isn't all water weight. They are generally too sick to exercise.

    There are even drugs designed to make people gain weight by actively increasing the appetite. They don't always overcome the inability to eat, but they exist.

    Some drugs cause weight gain in some people and not others.

    If you just want to be right and pass judgment in a mean way, just do that. You don't actually need people to fight with you. Just do it!

    I hope you have a better day.

    I was on a very high daily dose of steroids for the first 9 months I was losing weight. Did my appetite increase YES, did I have to make sure to watch for trends in my weight loss so I could adjust my calorie consumption for this YES. But did this stop me from losing weight no.

    I used the prednisone as an excuse for my weight gain for the previous year - but it was my choice not to control my eating. Yes there was some bloating and water weight but it just meant there were some bigger fluctuations.
    Have you taken all the drugs that cause weight gain? And did you lose while taking all of them?

    Bully for you.

    Not everyone is so lucky.

    People do have experiences that aren't the same as yours because they aren't you.

    People do lose and gain weight due to medications. Be humble enough to admit that you don't know everything and compassionate enough to not beat up on them, even if you couldn't care less about anyone else's problems.

    When I started I was on 14 different prescriptions. I couldn't exercise wasn't allowed to stand for more than 5 minutes at a time. Was I lucky? No I stopped blaming medications, my inability to exercise and whatever else and finally decided that if I monitor my intake and find the calorie deficit that worked for me I could lose weight.

    Now I'm a bully because I shared my experience .. why because it questions your excuses???? Fine then I'm a bully. But don't tell me it's not possible I started losing weight and getting serious about my health the day I got out of the hospital so I understand medical conditions, I have compassion for those that are willing to try. But stop with the excuses
    I never gained weight due to medications, hon. Never said I did.

    I just know that people gain and lose weight because of drugs they take and I have enough compassion for them to not only NOT be mean (even behind my keyboard, where I can get away with it), but I actually feel badly for them.

    I kind of feel badly for unhappy people like you, but the attempt to spread your misery by spewing cruel things is just a little too much sometimes.

    There is no good reason for being that mean. It won't help them and...it won't help you.

    I'm unhappy?? Really? I might be a little cranky today I'm kind of tired but no other than that I'm pretty happy thanks for the concern.

    How is stating that you can lose weight on prednisone which was the drug you used as your example that is why i quoted your comment. I gave my real life experience because the only luck that I had was finding people that explained to me that it was a calorie deficit required no matter what medicine I was on that would make me lose weight.

    I don't know what weight you've lost, gained or whatever since you have your profile hidden you don't share your experience and I can really care less.

    But I will share what I learned and experienced because there may be someone who was where I was and they can lose weight. So if helping someone else is mean then I'll stick with mean any day.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Unfortunately what the doctor is saying is true. Being overweight or obese is self inflicted. No one is forcing someone to eat more than they should. Food to some is just as addicting as tobacco is to smokers. How many people truly feel sorry for someone who gets lung cancer after smoking for decades? Not many. How many people truly feel sorry for someone who is considered obese that dies, or contracts a related disease associated with their weight. Again not many.

    There are MANY people who truly feel sorry for someone who dies of lung cancer, or from obesity. Obviously, you don't understand "addiction".

    Addiction? okay so that card has been played now..if they are using food as medication for some other issue it is still a choice...they choose to get help for the issues or not...

    Food does not cause a chemical addiction sorry...and unless you have a study that is peer reviewed to back that up...it won't get far
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    No. I'm not talking about bloat or water retention. I'm talking about the people saying they got "fat" because the medication directly cause then to not be able to burn fat while in a caloric deficit.

    And I'm not asking for a group of stuff like "steroids". Bring actual answers. Please list the medication.
    People gain weight when taking prednisone long-term. It isn't all water weight. They are generally too sick to exercise.

    There are even drugs designed to make people gain weight by actively increasing the appetite. They don't always overcome the inability to eat, but they exist.

    Some drugs cause weight gain in some people and not others.

    If you just want to be right and pass judgment in a mean way, just do that. You don't actually need people to fight with you. Just do it!

    I hope you have a better day.

    I was on a very high daily dose of steroids for the first 9 months I was losing weight. Did my appetite increase YES, did I have to make sure to watch for trends in my weight loss so I could adjust my calorie consumption for this YES. But did this stop me from losing weight no.

    I used the prednisone as an excuse for my weight gain for the previous year - but it was my choice not to control my eating. Yes there was some bloating and water weight but it just meant there were some bigger fluctuations.
    Have you taken all the drugs that cause weight gain? And did you lose while taking all of them?

    Bully for you.

    Not everyone is so lucky.

    People do have experiences that aren't the same as yours because they aren't you.

    People do lose and gain weight due to medications. Be humble enough to admit that you don't know everything and compassionate enough to not beat up on them, even if you couldn't care less about anyone else's problems.

    So what are the list of medications that cause people to gain actual weight and not just increase appetite? Did someone post that yet?
    One was named. Depakote is another.

    Why not ask about meds that make people lose weight?

    Don't you want to pick on people who are wasting away, too?

    Or do you just want to pick on fat people?

    Acttually Depakote does not cause weight gain itself...it changes appetite.
    Common Depakote side effects may include:

    mild nausea or vomiting, mild stomach pain, diarrhea;

    headache, mild dizziness, weakness, tremors;

    problems with balance or walking;

    blurred vision, double vision; or

    changes in appetite, weight gain.

    ETA: meds don't cause weight loss either...and if someone was in here claiming VLCD are the way to go get told right where to go very quickly...people with ED's are given direction to seek help .
    Then why not blame the skinny people who really didn't need to lose the weight?

    You can't say you've never heard of people losing weight because of chemo. Why not go tell them it's their fault and they could gain if they stopped with the excuses?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Just watched a show on TV where this "Doctor" is saying that people are fat because they want to be. That is such BS. I don't know one person, including myself, who wakes up every morning and says...."Hey, I want to stuff my face and be fat, so that people can stare at me, and judge me". Some of these doctors are complete idiots. Being fat is NOT the problem with most people. It's just a symptom of the problem. Many people eat excessively because of emotional issues, depression, loneliness, to find comfort etc. It makes me angry that people are so quick to judge others without knowing their story or walking even a block in their shoes. Hate it!
    But, that is not based in reality. I think House said that. His character is meant to be sarcastic and judgmental.