Am I ok to replace food with alchohol for one day?



  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    A bottle of vodka in one sitting is "moderate" for women drinkers in Australia?

    Unfortunately, for a certain classless bogan type, yes. For those of us with a brain, no.

    I'm reasonably certain this is the same OP who had a thread also on cutting out meals every day to fit in beer.

    Sorry to disappoint but I'm not! I don't even like beer, and like I say, I drink only 4 or 5 times a year. There's no hidden agenda, or some awful alcoholism that I'm trying to hide - literally just asking about the calories lol
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    But thanks to all the people who answered and those who didn't judge! I will have a good night, thanks!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You should look into a term called "drunkorexia".

    I don't recommend this at all. It's a vicious cycle, I ended up as an alcoholic anorexic. Not saying it will happen to you but be careful.
    I'm pretty sure one time isn't going to hurt her.

    I AM curious about what drink has 800 calories, though! (Probably asked and answered, but reading takes work.)

    On the rare occasion I drink, I favor sweeter, higher-calorie stuff and I don't think anything I've had was 800 -- even a frozen mudslide is less than that!
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    You should look into a term called "drunkorexia".

    I don't recommend this at all. It's a vicious cycle, I ended up as an alcoholic anorexic. Not saying it will happen to you but be careful.
    I'm pretty sure one time isn't going to hurt her.

    I AM curious about what drink has 800 calories, though! (Probably asked and answered, but reading takes work.)

    On the rare occasion I drink, I favor sweeter, higher-calorie stuff and I don't think anything I've had was 800 -- even a frozen mudslide is less than that!

    Just vodka! I thought it would be reasonably lo cal for some reason - apparently not!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You should look into a term called "drunkorexia".

    I don't recommend this at all. It's a vicious cycle, I ended up as an alcoholic anorexic. Not saying it will happen to you but be careful.
    I'm pretty sure one time isn't going to hurt her.

    I AM curious about what drink has 800 calories, though! (Probably asked and answered, but reading takes work.)

    On the rare occasion I drink, I favor sweeter, higher-calorie stuff and I don't think anything I've had was 800 -- even a frozen mudslide is less than that!

    Just vodka! I thought it would be reasonably lo cal for some reason - apparently not!
    That's a lot of vodka. lol

    Enjoy your night out and don't worry about people giving you a hard time.

    I once posted on a message board that I am not an alcoholic (don't remember the specific reason I said it) and someone came in and said that denying it is the first sign that you are one. Considering that I drink about once every six months and get drunk about once a decade, I found that very funny.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Anyone else think she meant replacing food with alcohol for the entire day? I thought that sounded pretty crazy.

    She's young and planning to have some drinks. Who let the Puritans in here?

    Honey have fun, don't worry about your calories for a day. Eat MORE before you go out, not less. Get some bread in there and plenty of water throughout the night. No drunk driving, keep an eye on your drink, use condoms, be smart.

    But for god's sake ignore this clutch of hysterical virgins and go have some fun for once in this life.


    I have definitely had nights like this in my early 20s, especially if it's a long night out.

    I do recommend eating normally though - it will save you excess calories in the long run between bingeing on bar nuts and hangover cheeseburgers.
  • christullos
    OP go for it. Have fun and enjoy the b-day party, but remember that since you don't drink very often anymore so it is quite likely that your alcohol tolerance has gone down. Five doubles is not excessive but if you drink them on an empty stomach, you will likely "feel" it the next day.

    Personally I don't only keep up with my daily calories here on MFP, I also set up a simple spreadsheet that tracks my weekly and monthly calorie totals.

    I am a drinker and my drink of choice is vodka. Straight never mix it. With a diet coke back. :happy:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Five doubles is not excessive but if you drink them on an empty stomach, you will likely "feel" it the next day.

    And drink lots of water! It will help.

    Last time I was really blotto, I was drinking something that had water in it. Despite the fact that I threw up for three hours that night, I woke up with no hangover. My more experienced friends chalked it up to the water in the drinks so I didn't end up dehydrated.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    Drinking is just like running... just keep at it... add a little more each time and you will see your endurance and stamina build... I used to barely be able to run a mile and have the occasional lite beer... now I run ultras and daily put a serious hurt on my Jameson...
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    I'm so doing this tonight.
  • DarkMoon30
    DarkMoon30 Posts: 63 Member
    Planning on having a drink tomorrow, I can stay within my calories if I have a small lunch as my drink will total to about 800 calories.
    Is it best to eat my calories in food with the drink on top so I'm getting the correct nutrition or will it be ok for a day?

    Wow. Good luck with that. If I drank on just a small lunch I would be on my *kitten* by the end of the night. Literally. Why not just eat properly, have your drinks and be over on your calories for one day? There's nothing wrong with having a day off.
  • DarkMoon30
    DarkMoon30 Posts: 63 Member
    Drinking is just like running... just keep at it... add a little more each time and you will see your endurance and stamina build... I used to barely be able to run a mile and have the occasional lite beer... now I run ultras and daily put a serious hurt on my Jameson...

    What is that? Advice for an alcoholic? Jesus

    This is why I NEVER ask for advice on the forums... I would rather ask a friend... who actually cares about me.

    Drinking is like running... just keep at it... add a little more each time and you will see your endurance build

    Dear Lord.... do you have a licence for your mouth?
  • SofaKingRad_II
    Planning on having a drink tomorrow, I can stay within my calories if I have a small lunch as my drink will total to about 800 calories.
    Is it best to eat my calories in food with the drink on top so I'm getting the correct nutrition or will it be ok for a day?

    Drinking heavily on an empty stomach is awesome! Your friends are going to LOVE you that night! :drinker: :drinker:

    Best part? You'll reverse eat and you can subtract all of your lunch calories and have more calories to drink more then! YOLO!!! HOLLA!!!
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I've done my time working bars (in Australia) and I can honestly say that ten drinks is a moderate night out for most people I have come across. For me personally, I try to limit myself to one night a week, during which I will usually have about a dozen - preferably single malts, neat, if you're buying... So many Judgy McJudgsters on this thread - I'm a little taken aback.

    I usually put in a decent workout, eat a good meal beforehand, and space the odd pint of water in with my drinks. Oh, and I try to have something healthy to stuff in my gob if I arrive home with the drunchies.

    700 calories is nothing when it comes time to celebrate all the accumulated hotness that comes from consistently good choices.
    A bottle of vodka in one sitting is "moderate" for women drinkers in Australia?
    300 or 750ml of vodka in a day is too much, birthday or no. I bartended for years and did alcohol education courses for it. In this country (US), if you served anyone even 5 drinks in a row, you'd be setting yourself and your employer up for getting sued if anything bad happened on account of their drunkenness.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    You should look into a term called "drunkorexia".

    I don't recommend this at all. It's a vicious cycle, I ended up as an alcoholic anorexic. Not saying it will happen to you but be careful.
    I'm pretty sure one time isn't going to hurt her.

    I AM curious about what drink has 800 calories, though! (Probably asked and answered, but reading takes work.)

    On the rare occasion I drink, I favor sweeter, higher-calorie stuff and I don't think anything I've had was 800 -- even a frozen mudslide is less than that!

    i find the sweeter stuff = bigger hangover for me
  • cldmolly
    cldmolly Posts: 66 Member
    didn't read all the responses but I would say you won't ever get to that many shots because you'll be passed out on the floor. Or with your head in the toilet from alcohol poisoning.

    Half that and fun times will be had!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I've done my time working bars (in Australia) and I can honestly say that ten drinks is a moderate night out for most people I have come across. For me personally, I try to limit myself to one night a week, during which I will usually have about a dozen - preferably single malts, neat, if you're buying... So many Judgy McJudgsters on this thread - I'm a little taken aback.

    I usually put in a decent workout, eat a good meal beforehand, and space the odd pint of water in with my drinks. Oh, and I try to have something healthy to stuff in my gob if I arrive home with the drunchies.

    700 calories is nothing when it comes time to celebrate all the accumulated hotness that comes from consistently good choices.
    A bottle of vodka in one sitting is "moderate" for women drinkers in Australia?
    300 or 750ml of vodka in a day is too much, birthday or no. I bartended for years and did alcohol education courses for it. In this country (US), if you served anyone even 5 drinks in a row, you'd be setting yourself and your employer up for getting sued if anything bad happened on account of their drunkenness.
    You've never served anyone a Long Island iced tea or a couple martinis?
  • mag131
    mag131 Posts: 542 Member
    Have a good night! Don't be afraid to have a snack while drinking to help curb the hangover tomorrow and chug that water! And if you've lost weight recently make sure you keep in mind that you might not need as much alcohol to get buzzed/drunk as you used to. I made that mistake last weekend and it hurt.
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    Well, I ended up eating my usual calories in food and then another 3 AND A HALF THOUSAND ON TOP from alcohol. Jeez, I'm so done until Christmas now.
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    But I've just weighed myself and I've lost 2lb since the same time yesterday. When should I expect to see it on the scales?