Hugh Jackman Deadlifts 400 pounds



  • _errata_
    _errata_ Posts: 1,653 Member
    To those of you calling my comments absurd... try getting huge and maintaining a six pack and see how it works out for you. There is a reason why powerlifters and strongmen aren't cut and bodybuilders are shredded. When you cut, you lose muscle mass. Period. The only way to get HUGE (not natty huge) and be shredded is to use steroids.


    **Edit**: Also, Hugh Jackman isn't that big.
    Lol, one doesn't have to be huge if taking steroids. Stallone and others have taken them for years and aren't HUGE. And if you don't think competitive power lifters or Olympic lifters don't juice just because they don't display 6 pack abs.......
    Competitive bodybuilders don't ONLY use steroids too. There's a myriad of drugs besides them that they take which I won't mention on here, but take a ride over to any bodybuilding site and PED's a regular conversation.
    Shredded abs comes down to one thing..........low body fat and that has more to do with intake/output of calories than anything else.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I think several people are misunderstanding me. It boils down to simple logic. There are two components to my statement that can have true/false values: 1) Body Fat percentage 2) Muscle Mass.

    My claim is effectively that you can tell when someone is on roids when two criteria have been met: 1) Low Body fat % and 2) A lot of muscle mass. In logic, it is as follows:

    If a person has low body fat % and high muscle mass, then person is on roids (If p AND q, then r). The contrapositive, or logically equivalent statement to that is "If a person is not on roids, they either do not have a low body fat% or do not have a lot of muscle mass (or both) (If not r, then not p or not q). Translation, my comment didn't preclude the possibility of someone being fat or not having muscle and being on roids.

    The only way to know for sure if someone is on roids is if they are HUGE and CUT. Obviously you can pump roids all day and be a fat blob, but since we are talking about Hugh Jackman, I figured that was basically irrelevant. Given that, it is possible to criticize my comments since technically it is still possible for him to be on roids given the logic I outlined. I guess the larger point I am trying to make is that his physique is something that is definitely attainable WITHOUT roids. Does that technically mean he is not on roids? Nope.

    My bad.

    Also, let me qualify my statements regarding "huge". When I am talking about HUGE, I am talking like Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler huge... where you are over 250+ lbs with a 3% body fat percentage at the time of your contest. That kind of physique is hard to obtain without roids. You can definitely get shredded at 220 lbs as a natty ( See Tom Venuto). It's hard to do, but it is definitely possible.

    For most people though, the general rule of if huge and cut then roids is absolutely true. Obviously there are exceptions, but that rule is true more often than not.

    You can also be much smaller and still be on roids. Christian Bale is (or at least was) totally on juice. That is the only explanation for his remarkable transformation from The Machinist to The Dark Knight.

    Also, a ton of powerlifters are on juice. They might have a lot of fat mass, but they also have a lot of muscle mass. That's actually how they get so big. The guy who plays The Mountain is on a ton of gear, and he has a lot of fat mass. Your statement (If p AND q, then r) is just false. You are starting with the r, and trying to find cases of it fitting both p and q, while ignoring figures that don't fit those three.

    Read my post again. I am not disagreeing with you. :wink:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    the actual numbers are besides the point.

    I just wanted to defend the guy who really stated something thats basically common sense and everyone bashed him for.

    There is a genetic limit, most of us fall in the average range (obviously)... so if your 5'8'', 300 lbs (total exaggeration obviouly) and are at 8% bf... then i'm not suprised if people point fingers at said person.

    Just don't post bro-studies.

    I didn't see any bashing, but of course we all have different thresholds, some of us have thicker skins.

    My question though,, while they are PEDs, are HGH and related treatments something that would really make someone ridic huge? Doubtful. It will help recovery, but still limited by testosterone, unless you're getting trt.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    I've been to many natural bodybuilding contests and have rarely seen a "shredded" bodybuilder over 180lbs.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    think my friend ticked in around 200 natural- and he took home 5th for his first comp. but he's tall- pushing 6 something. I'm pretty sure it can happen- but it's the exception not the rule.
    Given that lots of competitive guys are under 6 ft, it's tough for a natural to be 200lbs ripped. I've seen in a couple of times apparently (Mike Ashley and Dave Goodin) but most came in ripped between 165lbs-185lbs.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    the actual numbers are besides the point.

    I just wanted to defend the guy who really stated something thats basically common sense and everyone bashed him for.

    There is a genetic limit, most of us fall in the average range (obviously)... so if your 5'8'', 300 lbs (total exaggeration obviouly) and are at 8% bf... then i'm not suprised if people point fingers at said person.

    Just don't post bro-studies.

    I didn't see any bashing, but of course we all have different thresholds, some of us have thicker skins.

    My question though,, while they are PEDs, are HGH and related treatments something that would really make someone ridic huge? Doubtful. It will help recovery, but still limited by testosterone, unless you're getting trt.
    Gh makes a big difference especially for older guys. It can absolutely make a visible difference in an otherwise natty lifter. But basically you're right, it won't dramatically push someone past genetic limits without anabolics or at least some well dosed test replacement therapy.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    the actual numbers are besides the point.

    I just wanted to defend the guy who really stated something thats basically common sense and everyone bashed him for.

    There is a genetic limit, most of us fall in the average range (obviously)... so if your 5'8'', 300 lbs (total exaggeration obviouly) and are at 8% bf... then i'm not suprised if people point fingers at said person.

    Just don't post bro-studies.

    I didn't see any bashing, but of course we all have different thresholds, some of us have thicker skins.

    My question though,, while they are PEDs, are HGH and related treatments something that would really make someone ridic huge? Doubtful. It will help recovery, but still limited by testosterone, unless you're getting trt.

    HGH is really expensive and from what i hear not nearly as effective in the short term as test.

    someone called his statement retarded. i think its fair to say thats bashing.

    i'll post what i feel is useful
  • ShinjiruGhetto
    He's absolutely natty. The guy doesn't have a six pack. You know a guy is using roids when he is massive AND he is shredded (i.e. body builders). That's a great accomplishment for any age and it is very attainable for people who don't use steroids.
    Not sure if srs
    How many nattys do you know to maintain at 7% BF while staying shredded?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I was also struck by one of the comments on the Yahoo article. The comment was that only 1% of the people in the world can deadlift 400 pounds. I would think the number is higher than 1% but maybe I'm wrong.

    BTW, I use straps. Deadlifts rip the heck out of my hands.

    That yahoo poster was probably someone who has never seeing a gym. I have deadlift 405 a few months ago.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    He's absolutely natty. The guy doesn't have a six pack. You know a guy is using roids when he is massive AND he is shredded (i.e. body builders). That's a great accomplishment for any age and it is very attainable for people who don't use steroids.
    Not sure if srs
    How many nattys do you know to maintain at 7% BF while staying shredded?

    is it just me, or could this post also have been written as 'how many nattys do you know to stay shredded while staying shredded?
  • ShinjiruGhetto
    It's just you, natties can cut to 7% BF but they won't be able to maintian.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I've been to many natural bodybuilding contests and have rarely seen a "shredded" bodybuilder over 180lbs.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    think my friend ticked in around 200 natural- and he took home 5th for his first comp. but he's tall- pushing 6 something. I'm pretty sure it can happen- but it's the exception not the rule.
    Given that lots of competitive guys are under 6 ft, it's tough for a natural to be 200lbs ripped. I've seen in a couple of times apparently (Mike Ashley and Dave Goodin) but most came in ripped between 165lbs-185lbs.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    indeed- which is why I added the addendum about him being tall- I've been to a few shows- I think most of them competing are in the 5'8-5'10 range.

    I see a lot more guys competing in physique or whatever the men's version is- we have 3 at our gym- not a single ACTUAL body builder. Which makes me a little sad- they wear those stupid board shorts which is silly to me- because well- legs. and *kitten*.

    And I know most people don't want to be THAT big- but the shorts are just a cop out.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Meh, a lot of people are on the gear. So what. As long as it is taken safely, no issue with me.

    It's funny....we give steroids to kids, and to old people, but the second a man/woman wants to take them to become optimum, they become illegal and unsafe.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I work my legs, trust me.
    Just don't show. :cry: :cry:

    pisses me off, cause it is a lot of pain, for nothing to show up
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Thanks for the info, "Natty" now makes sense.
    I don't understand why straps would be an issue but I'm sure I'll learn more as I progress, like what "bench shirts" are. LoL

    Some people think that you shouldn't use straps because you should have a strong enough grip instead. I don't know about anyone else but I don't use the deadlift to train my grip, and why should I let my grip strength dictate how much I can deadlift?

    That's fine as long as you don't claim that you can lift x amount based on your strapped pull. Because realistically you can't.

    exactly. If you can't grip the weight then you cannot deadlift it and call it a personal record. I do not use straps to deadlift. Do I call it cheating well I would say lets do deadlift without straps and see where your true deadlift is at. LOL
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Thanks for the info, "Natty" now makes sense.
    I don't understand why straps would be an issue but I'm sure I'll learn more as I progress, like what "bench shirts" are. LoL

    Some people think that you shouldn't use straps because you should have a strong enough grip instead. I don't know about anyone else but I don't use the deadlift to train my grip, and why should I let my grip strength dictate how much I can deadlift?

    That's fine as long as you don't claim that you can lift x amount based on your strapped pull. Because realistically you can't.

    exactly. If you can't grip the weight then you cannot deadlift it and call it a personal record. I do not use straps to deadlift. Do I call it cheating well I would say lets do deadlift without straps and see where your true deadlift is at. LOL

    Then I cheat.

    Gonna continue to use my straps.


    I also do straps when I do weighted chinups.....
    body weight + 100 lbs

    That cheating also?
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Thanks for the info, "Natty" now makes sense.
    I don't understand why straps would be an issue but I'm sure I'll learn more as I progress, like what "bench shirts" are. LoL

    Some people think that you shouldn't use straps because you should have a strong enough grip instead. I don't know about anyone else but I don't use the deadlift to train my grip, and why should I let my grip strength dictate how much I can deadlift?

    I personally prefer to not use them and improve my grip. Already noticing mega benefits in real life applications. I was helping a buddy move last weekend and I've noticed improvement in my grip strength and my hands don't hurt as much carrying things.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Thanks for the info, "Natty" now makes sense.
    I don't understand why straps would be an issue but I'm sure I'll learn more as I progress, like what "bench shirts" are. LoL

    Some people think that you shouldn't use straps because you should have a strong enough grip instead. I don't know about anyone else but I don't use the deadlift to train my grip, and why should I let my grip strength dictate how much I can deadlift?

    That's fine as long as you don't claim that you can lift x amount based on your strapped pull. Because realistically you can't.

    exactly. If you can't grip the weight then you cannot deadlift it and call it a personal record. I do not use straps to deadlift. Do I call it cheating well I would say lets do deadlift without straps and see where your true deadlift is at. LOL

    Then I cheat.

    Gonna continue to use my straps.


    I also do straps when I do weighted chinups.....
    body weight + 100 lbs

    That cheating also?

    like I said if someone is using straps trys to tell me I am this much stronger than youin deadlifts I would say ok deadlift competition with no straps. Lets see that grip strength and laugh when that weight falls out of those hands.

    Congrats on the chinups though. It is unheard of that I seeing someone use more than two 45 plats in chinups. The guy also does not use straps though that I have seeing use 2 45s.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    like I said if someone is using straps trys to tell me I am this much stronger than youin deadlifts I would say ok deadlift competition with no straps. Lets see that grip strength and laugh when that weight falls out of those hands.

    Very well....

    I disagree, and I ain't competing....

    I will stick with my straps....

    And further note, I ain't saying I am stronger than you....
    I am saying where I am as far as the weight I use.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member

    like I said if someone is using straps trys to tell me I am this much stronger than youin deadlifts I would say ok deadlift competition with no straps. Lets see that grip strength and laugh when that weight falls out of those hands.

    Very well....

    I disagree, and I ain't competing....

    I will stick with my straps....

    And further note, I ain't saying I am stronger than you....
    I am saying where I am as far as the weight I use.

    I said if someone claims to be stronger than me. I get a lot of folks who think there stronger than me so if I know them well enough I throw do some bets.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Thanks for the info, "Natty" now makes sense.
    I don't understand why straps would be an issue but I'm sure I'll learn more as I progress, like what "bench shirts" are. LoL

    Some people think that you shouldn't use straps because you should have a strong enough grip instead. I don't know about anyone else but I don't use the deadlift to train my grip, and why should I let my grip strength dictate how much I can deadlift?

    I personally prefer to not use them and improve my grip. Already noticing mega benefits in real life applications. I was helping a buddy move last weekend and I've noticed improvement in my grip strength and my hands don't hurt as much carrying things.

    Man I can't lift that couch because my straps don't fit. That bring up another point. Why deadlift into the heavy weights if your grip won't help you in the real world. I know my reason I want to be stronger than my friend. I got a ways to go on deadlift since his personal record in 500 at weigh in 180.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Thanks for the info, "Natty" now makes sense.
    I don't understand why straps would be an issue but I'm sure I'll learn more as I progress, like what "bench shirts" are. LoL

    Some people think that you shouldn't use straps because you should have a strong enough grip instead. I don't know about anyone else but I don't use the deadlift to train my grip, and why should I let my grip strength dictate how much I can deadlift?

    That's fine as long as you don't claim that you can lift x amount based on your strapped pull. Because realistically you can't.

    exactly. If you can't grip the weight then you cannot deadlift it and call it a personal record. I do not use straps to deadlift. Do I call it cheating well I would say lets do deadlift without straps and see where your true deadlift is at. LOL

    When did that become a thing?