Walking out on a fitness class/instructor???



  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Lols cant believe this is still going. She handled it poorly, but give her a break, she might deal with things differently next time. The instructor didnt sound customer friendly either.

    OP go and focus on your diet and a different class if you are lurking. Lifes too short to bother about nonsense like this.

    See. Everything's a commodity now.

    Now we expect "customer service" from the martial arts? That's too funny...


    not agreeing, Why wouldnt you expect a certain service if you are a paying customer.

    The "certain service" started on time. The OP wasn't there for the services. If you expect a service, be there when it is rendered.
    And part of certain service from the start should have made it clear that the services will cease if cannot make it by a certain time.

    Grown adults actually need someone to specifically point that out to them? That when you sign up for a class, you're expected to show up on time? Let's switch the roles here for a second - if the instructor showed up 15 minutes late on the second day of class, would that be acceptable? Or would you expect a portion of your money back because the full service you paid for was not rendered?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Lols cant believe this is still going. She handled it poorly, but give her a break, she might deal with things differently next time. The instructor didnt sound customer friendly either.

    OP go and focus on your diet and a different class if you are lurking. Lifes too short to bother about nonsense like this.

    See. Everything's a commodity now.

    Now we expect "customer service" from the martial arts? That's too funny...


    not agreeing, Why wouldnt you expect a certain service if you are a paying customer.

    Why wouldn't you expect to show up on time?

    I am a punctual person, but sometimes life happens and you are late. Can this not be explained to people signing up for the class before hand, or is that the punishment of something going wrong for someone one day?

    You need a special set of instructions to tell you that it's bad to be late?

    I don't understand this world anymore.
    have you never ever been late in your life? Looks like lateness seems to be the crime of the season.
    Not everyone takes being late serious do they. The same people who are late to meet their friends would never be late for work, or to catch a flight.

    I have been late for many things.

    And when I am, I'm prepared to face the consequences. Sometimes it's no big deal. Sometimes I miss the movie/flight. Sometimes I get written up/fired. Things have consequences, and sometimes you may not like them. Deal with it.
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member

    I've variously studied Karate (Shotokan and Okinawa-te), TKD (ITF and WTF), Judo, Muay Thai, Kickboxing and Lau Gar Kung Fu.

    Every instructor I've had took a dim view to lateness, and the late student was always secondary to the class in session. If you were acknowledged it would only be when he or she felt there was a natural break in the class that allowed such. If you were allowed to join, you were expected to do so quietly and humbly, to take care of your own warm up, and to cause the least possible disruption to the class. Nine times out of ten you will also be punished for your tardiness in the form of additional exercise (just as you would for any other disrespect, such as talking in class).

    The Master-student relationship is a complex one. Yes, in part it is a business transaction. But it is also much more than that. Martial arts teaches an attitude to life, not just a series of movements. The monthly fee is just the price of admission. Respect, humility, commitment and perseverance are the price of the lessons you'll learn. You must submit to the authority of the Master if you truly wish to excel in the martial arts. It's not for everyone, and that's just fine. But if you find it's not for you, just shut your mouth and walk out. Don't come on a public website and badmouth the instructor.

    Im a Shotokan black belt - I trained with my local instructor who at that time was a 4th dan and sometimes at the club of our chief instructor who was an 8th dan. The bottom line is that they taught the etiquette that they expected us to adhere to. I knew the expectations and parameters of the classes.

    Yes, I showed up late to class before - Id do however many push ups he told me to do and then kneel at the edge of the dojo until he called me into the class. It wasn't ideal that I was late but there was a simple protocol for dealing with such matters.

    Again I'll mention the classes began and ended with bows from both student and sensei - good character from both parties.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Lols cant believe this is still going. She handled it poorly, but give her a break, she might deal with things differently next time. The instructor didnt sound customer friendly either.

    OP go and focus on your diet and a different class if you are lurking. Lifes too short to bother about nonsense like this.

    See. Everything's a commodity now.

    Now we expect "customer service" from the martial arts? That's too funny...


    not agreeing, Why wouldnt you expect a certain service if you are a paying customer.

    Why wouldn't you expect to show up on time?

    I am a punctual person, but sometimes life happens and you are late. Can this not be explained to people signing up for the class before hand, or is that the punishment of something going wrong for someone one day?

    You need a special set of instructions to tell you that it's bad to be late?

    I don't understand this world anymore.
    have you never ever been late in your life? Looks like lateness seems to be the crime of the season.
    Not everyone takes being late serious do they. The same people who are late to meet their friends would never be late for work, or to catch a flight.


    It's not about being late. It's about being late, and then turning it into a complaint about the instructor. OP would not have had this issue had she not been late. This stemmed from her failing not the instructors, so it's disrespectful and out of order to find a reason to b*tch about it. Had OP been on time or early, and the instructor had ignored her, I'd have been on her side.

    I've been late to MA classes. I stand to attention at the edge of the mats and wait to be acknowledged. Sometimes it took a minute, sometimes it took 5 minutes. When acknowledged, I apologize for my lateness and ask respectfully to join the class. I was then persona non-grata for that lesson and perhaps the next one. I put on my big girl panties and sucked it up. I did not go on a public website and have a b*tch about it.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    It's as if people didn't even read the OP. Why anyone would take her word as to the way the events went down is beyond me. A tad bit late is 15 minutes. The instructor was approaching people one by one who were patiently awaiting their turn, yet the OP could not wait for her turn. OP got a bad vibe, whatever that even means. When told her posture was poor, instead of listening to tips for improvement she says it's the kids.

    Why would I believe a single bad thing about the instructor after this unreliable account of events?

    I read it. And the post about the inferiority complex some women have which the instructor must have.

    I'm pretty clear on what to believe...
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Lols cant believe this is still going. She handled it poorly, but give her a break, she might deal with things differently next time. The instructor didnt sound customer friendly either.

    OP go and focus on your diet and a different class if you are lurking. Lifes too short to bother about nonsense like this.

    See. Everything's a commodity now.

    Now we expect "customer service" from the martial arts? That's too funny...


    not agreeing, Why wouldnt you expect a certain service if you are a paying customer.

    The "certain service" started on time. The OP wasn't there for the services. If you expect a service, be there when it is rendered.
    And part of certain service from the start should have made it clear that the services will cease if cannot make it by a certain time.

    Grown adults actually need someone to specifically point that out to them? That when you sign up for a class, you're expected to show up on time? Let's switch the roles here for a second - if the instructor showed up 15 minutes late on the second day of class, would that be acceptable? Or would you expect a portion of your money back because the full service you paid for was not rendered?

    Again, i will repeat people are late, life happens. right or wrong some people think its ok to walk into a class late. newbies wont always know that part of a class has a warmup and if you miss that you can get injured, so should be turned away. Also there are people who do know this and will still just try it on. And yes i have been in a class were the instructor was late but they made up the time afterwards.
  • ocgltd
    wow!! some very hateful and angry remarks on here, maybe everyone needs to take some time out before they attack each other - i thought this forum was for support in a positive way
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    wow!! some very hateful and angry remarks on here, maybe everyone needs to take some time out before they attack each other - i thought this forum was for support in a positive way

    You must be new to the internet.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    wow!! some very hateful and angry remarks on here, maybe everyone needs to take some time out before they attack each other - i thought this forum was for support in a positive way

    You've been here two years without ever posting once and yet you have specific ideas on how the forum is supposed to work?
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member

    I have been late for many things.

    And when I am, I'm prepared to face the consequences. Sometimes it's no big deal. Sometimes I miss the movie/flight. Sometimes I get written up/fired. Things have consequences, and sometimes you may not like them. Deal with it.

    So shouldnt those consequences have some consistency to them based on the parameters of the situation? Or is it OK if you get written up for being late one day but other people are let off for the same thing the next?

    Consequences are fine - I don't think anyone is saying otherwise. They should be explained though.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I'm in a Police Academy. If you're late to a class for ANY reason 3x over the course of a semester, you're immediately booted from the Academy (1 verbal warning, 1 written warning, then you're gone). End of story. Many employers are the same way with people being late to work, eg 3 unexcused tardy punch-ins within a given time frame (6 months was the time frame where I previously worked), you're fired. College professors simply locked the door once the class started; if you're late, too f'n bad.

    LOL My BF's co-worker got canned for being late 9 times in the last year. 5 of those times was less than 10 minutes late. (considering they work in NYC- I'd say that's pretty brutal)
    And breastfeeding as an excuse for bad posture? WTF?
    Yeah- I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one- 7 pages into this.

    Not necessarily breastfeeding. Mothers of young children tend to strain their upper back, particularly the postural chain by doing certain activities repetitiously. Like carrying a toddler on one side, breastfeeding (depending on boob size) using certain baby carriers etc. this can lead to bad posture. It's common for moms who have a number of kids under five to suffer from rounded shoulders and particularly tight chest and over stretched and fatigued rhomboids.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    wow!! some very hateful and angry remarks on here, maybe everyone needs to take some time out before they attack each other - i thought this forum was for support in a positive way

    the site is here for support, sometimes we just dont agree with each other.
  • kessler4130
    kessler4130 Posts: 150 Member
    You were late, I am truly sorry, but it doesn't matter if others were late, doesn't matter how many were late before and or after you. You are not everyone else and should not strive to be, you should strive to be the best you can be and the best you would not be late. She should have thrown you all out for being late.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member

    I have been late for many things.

    And when I am, I'm prepared to face the consequences. Sometimes it's no big deal. Sometimes I miss the movie/flight. Sometimes I get written up/fired. Things have consequences, and sometimes you may not like them. Deal with it.

    So shouldnt those consequences have some consistency to them based on the parameters of the situation? Or is it OK if you get written up for being late one day but other people are let off for the same thing the next?

    Consequences are fine - I don't think anyone is saying otherwise. They should be explained though.

    I don't think it's ever been explained to me precisely what will happen if I'm late in any given situation. I think most people learn in childhood that being late = bad stuff will happen. OP was late, bad stuff happened, OP somehow failed to recognize this as a direct consequence of her own action. Period.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    I have been late for many things.

    And when I am, I'm prepared to face the consequences. Sometimes it's no big deal. Sometimes I miss the movie/flight. Sometimes I get written up/fired. Things have consequences, and sometimes you may not like them. Deal with it.

    So shouldnt those consequences have some consistency to them based on the parameters of the situation? Or is it OK if you get written up for being late one day but other people are let off for the same thing the next?

    Consequences are fine - I don't think anyone is saying otherwise. They should be explained though.


    You know, just like she rage quit this site.

    Even tho she said the instructor was making her way across the room, helping people one on one that were waiting for their turn.

    OP was mad because instructor didn't give her a big smile and "sup". She walked based on that. She didn't bother waiting for her turn because of "bad vibes"

    Where exactly is the immature behavior? The instructor???
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    wow!! some very hateful and angry remarks on here, maybe everyone needs to take some time out before they attack each other - i thought this forum was for support in a positive way

    the site is here for support, sometimes we just dont agree with each other.

    Agreed. I wish everyone on this site the best of luck, and will happily share the benefit of my experiences with anyone it can help, even those who I have had disagreements with. But I won't blow smoke up someone's *kitten* when I think they are flat out wrong either.
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member

    I have been late for many things.

    And when I am, I'm prepared to face the consequences. Sometimes it's no big deal. Sometimes I miss the movie/flight. Sometimes I get written up/fired. Things have consequences, and sometimes you may not like them. Deal with it.

    So shouldnt those consequences have some consistency to them based on the parameters of the situation? Or is it OK if you get written up for being late one day but other people are let off for the same thing the next?

    Consequences are fine - I don't think anyone is saying otherwise. They should be explained though.


    You know, just like she rage quit this site.

    Even tho she said the instructor was making her way across the room, helping people one on one that were waiting for their turn.

    OP was mad because instructor didn't give her a big smile and "sup". She walked based on that. She didn't bother waiting for her turn because of "bad vibes"

    Where exactly is the immature behavior? The instructor???

    Instructor should have stopped what she was doing, done more than make eye contact (thus acknowledging that she saw the OP) and in fact should have paused everything to speak to her, obviously.

    How dare the instructor act as if she intended to finish what she was doing (going to each person who was on time in turn and correcting/aiding them) when the OP was late? Eye contact isn't enough, there must be words! And probably some kind of pat on the back and maybe a cupcake.
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member

    I have been late for many things.

    And when I am, I'm prepared to face the consequences. Sometimes it's no big deal. Sometimes I miss the movie/flight. Sometimes I get written up/fired. Things have consequences, and sometimes you may not like them. Deal with it.

    So shouldnt those consequences have some consistency to them based on the parameters of the situation? Or is it OK if you get written up for being late one day but other people are let off for the same thing the next?

    Consequences are fine - I don't think anyone is saying otherwise. They should be explained though.


    You know, just like she rage quit this site.

    Even tho she said the instructor was making her way across the room, helping people one on one that were waiting for their turn.

    OP was mad because instructor didn't give her a big smile and "sup". She walked based on that. She didn't bother waiting for her turn because of "bad vibes"

    Where exactly is the immature behavior? The instructor???

    Oh, I think the OP realized that she was in an unhelpful thread when you accused her of blaming her kids for her rudeness on page one. She wasn't wrong about that - this thread sucks.

    She did actually acknowledge that she had been rude for being late in her OP......
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