Over 200 New Year New ME Part 41



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    :bigsmile: Julie, I totally had the feeling that's how she would respond.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I kind of figured that's how she'd respond, too. I told her I thought I did want to take the full 12 weeks (under the FMLA) & she said "It's well worth it" & that was it.

    She even mentioned something about the possibility of coming back part-time in order to keep my health insurance in the case that I could be possibly toying with the idea of not coming back at all. I work for state government so I didn't even know that would really be an option since any changes with government positions have to go through such a painstaking bureaucratic process.

    Momma -- What a wondeful story about Ryan! :love:
    Deb -- Of course I have no parenting advice since I'm not a parent. I'm also definitely not a person to be doling out advice on patience.
    Cris -- I've never successfully done the Shred more than 3-4 days in a row. I still like the workout, though & (um... used to) do it occasionally. I think it's beneficial even if you do it that way instead of how it was intended.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh, also, I've got myself an honest ticker.

    Now, no one freak out if I drop some pounds over the next few weeks. I have a feeling I'm carrying about 8 pounds of water weight thanks to my sodium extravaganza over the last few weeks. I feel like I'm back on track with eating healthier foods & moving more so I do expect some of the weight I've gained to come off. But I promise I'm not starving the baby. :tongue: I'm still attempting to eat about 2000 calories/day. :smile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I love that she's so supportive of you and this pregnancy. Hooray boss!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Deb, I have been a parent for 17 years and I still don't have the answers. I always say that I feel sorry for the oldest child because they are the ones who are teaching us how to be parents. Those younger ones are pretty lucky cause you have learned so much from the first. My very best advice as a mother is Consistance with the rules, redirect hyper behavior. So if they are going crazy in the house have them start an activity. For Ryan who becomes extremely hyper to the point that he can't stop running back and forth I grab him up into my arms and hold him close while I rock him. Then I put him back to play and he is calm for awhile. I also will say okay time to do plato at the table cause you have to sit and do it. Those are some things that have worked for me. The park is amazing. Another thing a bad parent could care less. You obviously care/love so deeply. No parent is perfect we are human and humans are by far perfect beings. I think you are a wonderful mother because you always want to do better!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Cris, same to you!!! Toddlers are very challenging. But a good mother always wants to do better . Which you try to do.... I just can't emphasize that enough. As long as we are always working to improve our skills and LOVE LOVE LOVE those little brats to death we are doing good.

    Julie, I am so glad everything went well at work. Take all the nice hand me downs you can get. I think I only bought one bassinet through all 4 babies because of wonderful hand me downs. You are now starting to enter your 2nd trimester am I correct. Be careful. Maintaining your weight is the SAME as losing. I am sure that some water weight won't hurt. I lost 18 pounds with my first baby. I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick. TMI alert........ I vomitted for 5 months straight.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-I'm so glad your boss took the news well! I bet you feel a huge sigh of relief as well! I agree, take all the hand me downs you can get! And thanks for the breakfast suggestion. You definitely got me hooked on the chocolate PB! And now my Mom is hooked on it so it's ALWAYS in the house! YUM-E!!

    I did better at lunch today. Ate my left over taco salad from dinner last night. Delicious!! Went and bought some mini cliff bars for snacks...I think I'm set!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Julie - SO glad to hear (read) your boss' reaction was so supportive!

    My boss has trouble with emotions (as most boys do)... When I told him about Adam driving all the way to Ohio to surprise me on Christmas (did I mention that here? Greatest Christmas present EVER!)... my boss said "oohh... well isn't that sweet" (to be read in the snidest voice possible). It WAS sweet. Jerkface. haha

    Jess - I'm a huge fan of breakfast, but when I'm running late (back when my office was farther from my kitchen haha) I would grab a Balance Bar or hard boil some eggs and have one of those. A girl I used to work with used to stir in protein powder into her coffee.

    The megamillions in the Illinois lottery is 330 million dollars... Adam bought a ticket today. I couldn't even imagine that much money... haha

    Glad to see the message board so active again!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Momma- ur the best...seriously..I really missed your words of wisdom!

    Soooo looks like I will be at work a little later than planned....ugh Im so hungry i need to go home like now!!!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    tstout - LOVE the new profile pic! You are adorable!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I've always wanted to do boxing or kickboxing (real, not cardio kickboxing) classes, but they're a bit pricey. Maybe I'll do it in the next few months.

    Laila: Thanks for the WW calculator link. I have the calculator from WW that I keep in my purse and also have it on my phone, but it would be nice to just download info in.

    Momma: Yay for your awesome girls! I'm so happy Ryan has learned his letters now; Santa brought such a great gift to you AND him!

    Julie: I'm glad your boss was excited about your pregnancy. The office will be buzzing with the news.

    Theresa: Adorable new pic! As far as the Mega Millions go, I'm winning that. I bought three tickets last night!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    lol Heather I love how you so confidently stated you were winning it LMAO

    ok so here I go to try out shred...check in later! bye girls!
  • Wow, glad to see this group so full and so active!! I love this group.

    Calories- 1580
    Water- 64oz. but still drinking it as I type this
    Exercise- no, frankly I was too sore. I think I pushed myself too much yesterday.
    Proud- Today is day 4 for me and for that I am proud that I have stuck with it!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Y'all, this water drinking is getting serious. I'm at 12 cups and peeing like crazy. TMI - it's clear. I know this is good for me, but wow, I'm making all sorts of trips! :blushing: :laugh:

    Did I mention I bought a Groupon for 2 months of unlimited Jazzercise? I'm starting tonight! Ready to get my 80s workout on! :laugh: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Has anybody heard from Ann? She hasn't been around at all this week.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    hello again,

    Cris: I do the Shred about every day or every other day..depending on my mood. take each level at your own pace. some people move on after 10 days on level one and some stay put because level two is a little harder. Based on my own experience, I burn more on level 1 than level 2 and 3..maybe it's because she has me doing jumping jacks ( which I hate), jogging, kickboxing, and butt kicks. And in level 2 there is a lot of planks. I started to get knee pain @ level 2 ( during the 2nd week). Never made it to level 3...he voice got to me...I was annoyed, with her voice, in Level 1 2nd week but I stuck with it. Back to you..sorry..If you are starting out with Shred..do it every other day because beginners tend to be in a lot of pain, the next day. before I forget, STRETCH before and after the workout...she doesn't provide lots of stretching and that is why I was in a lot of pain the next day. Hope that helps.

    Theresa/tstout: love hte new picture...so cute! DH bought a couple of ticket last night..what are the chances of us winning. But that's a lot of money:laugh:

    Momma: yay for Ryan and Santa's special gift. Such an adorable story.

    Litdeb: I have to agree with Momma 100%. It's not easy being a child or parent. No handbook on parenting is going to give you the "right answer"...because every child is so very different..what worked for one may not work for the other. I had my first 2 children (13 months apart) my son(middle child) so quite and daughter(older) was the trouble maker) and then waited 9 years and had my younger son (not intended - gods gift - we stopped at two but he had other plans for us) ......I thought I had my hands full with my duaghter..he is so much of a handfull ( I have to repeat the same thing to him maybe 20 times per day - and he still does what he wants) he is so unbelieveably stubborn ( takes after my dh)..
    It's not easy, but I think you are doing great because you care and take the time to fix the problem. ((hugs))

    I know I am missing someone else..brain fart..
  • Has anybody heard from Ann? She hasn't been around at all this week.

    no, I was wondering where she was myself.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Has anybody heard from Ann? She hasn't been around at all this week.

    i was wondering the same thing. I sent her a message earlier today and have not heard back.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    :blush:: you gals are sweet. That picture was early last year (and an extra 30 pounds ago!)... looks a bit more like me than Rainbow Brite. haha.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    evening all,
    Thanks for all the lovely comments about my wedding photo :blushing:

    Cris - can I just say again, how great it is to have you back - post awaaaaaayyyyyy!! Is Bobby doing OK post surgery? I promise not to get on your case too much about eating too little - you know it's just because I care though :heart:
    I tried dping the shred way back when but in the end, rather than doing 30 days straight I prefer just using it like any other DVD workout, I'll do one when I feel like and pick whatever level I like - that's right - I'm a rule breaker, what of it ??:bigsmile:

    Blue - I need the scoop, send me the PM please!!

    LilDeb - You can def meet that goal before your move, I have faith in you. Get the desire too - I love meeting new people now who never knew me as a larger person.

    Tstout - best of luck with the FA - I hope you get sorted out asap, it's such a pain.

    check in (possibly premature)
    calories - 1350
    water - 90+
    exercise - a little walking
    proud - getting back to it !
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    meokk and tstout You both have very pretty profile pics.

    Check in for today, hopefully it is still only 4:30 and if I stick to dinner plans this is how it is going to be

    Calories:1698 ......98 over but its okay I exercised
    Exercise:310 cals burned
    Water: Not yet but I will get there after dinner

    Proud: I am proud that I exercised, I planned to do a quick burn 100 cals because I was sore but NO I stuck with it and burned 310, loving my wii fit plus. I am sure when I get more physically fit I will have to upgrade to something more difficult but I am working up a sweat and burning cals right now.
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