Over 200 New Year New ME Part 41



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess and julie - I am with you with the planning. My sister got me these cookbooks for christmas and so far 3 out of 3 dishes we made are awesome, Penne turkey sausage bake was yummy, light cordon blue (made with corn flakes ) was great, and hawiaan chicken last night...i can't wait to try more of them.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb those sound fab!! I'll take any recipes off your hands that your willing to dish out! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :blushing:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Meokk: I was finally able to see the pic of you in your wedding dress and I have to agree with the other ladies....you're gorgeous!

    Cris: I figure if one isn't confident, they'll never get what they want. I've actually listed "Win $10 million in the lottery" as a goal this year. They say if you write it down, tell people and it's specific you can make it come true. So, there it is. My horoscope says I come into a fortune in June; fingers crossed!

    Lauren: The Jazzercise sounds like so much fun! Unfortunately all of the exercise Groupons for MN are always in downtown Minneapolis, which I hate. If they ever have any in the eastern Twin Cities suburbs, I'll be all over it. I love your lunch packing for the hubby. Too funny.

    Nancy: Thanks again for sending me the rest of your story. I just love your delivery. As far as the journaling, I tend to do a recap of the entire day. The specific food stuff I leave for my online logging at WW.com, but I will write about exercise, how I felt, etc. However, I forgot to journal last night, so I need to make it a habit again. Baby steps.

    Theresa: Bummer that neither one of us won the lottery. We haven't had Mega Millions in Minnesota very long, so I doubt there's been a MN winner, either. I've been playing numbers that popped up in a dream I had during Thanksgiving in hopes that I was psychic, but so far that hasn't been working out. Great job on avoiding the ice cream; I didn't avoid mine, but it worked into my daily allowance so it's completely okay.

    Laila: Your son sounds absolutely adorable! Isn't it funny what parts of school they choose to love? My bf's son likes math more than recess!

    Last night was my first weigh-in after starting WW and I was down 2.2 lbs, but it's all stuff that was re-gained over the holidays. I'm optimistic, though, since that was after I ate a huge hamburger with fries and ice cream on Monday night AND went over my weekly points having pizza on Sunday. If I stay within my allowances this week, I could be back to my lowest in a week or two.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Deb - Good luck with the PT! I really liked it when I did it. (Although, I'm a little masochistic and enjoy the torture haha)

    Lauren - I will try to find a new picture that's good. I've been shying away from the camera lately. There are some on facebook if anyone wants to find me! (email is stout.111@osu.edu)

    Julie - I am now cleaning up the house and enjoying Queen's Greatest Hits! Thank you! :) haha

    Jess - Good luck with the swim suit shopping... Some how I've ended up with three different ones over the last coupe summers: Laying around and feeling skinny suit, Chasing kids tankini, Chasing kids and feeling skinny suit. haha

    Heather - Better luck (to us :) ) next time! I'd even volunteer to split it with you if they'd let us win! haha
  • jess and julie - I am with you with the planning. My sister got me these cookbooks for christmas and so far 3 out of 3 dishes we made are awesome, Penne turkey sausage bake was yummy, light cordon blue (made with corn flakes ) was great, and hawiaan chicken last night...i can't wait to try more of them.

    Deb what are the names of the cookbooks? I am looking for some new ones to use some new recipes.
  • Julie-I'm completely with you on planning. If I don't plan I eat bad. If I plan and keep looking for new ideas then I do better. Someone posted a thread last week about spinach stuff chicken...I can't wait to try it! Enjoy your bacon! :bigsmile:

    R2L-Great job on getting on the bike and working out!

    Lauren-I love your story about your hubby! I'd be doing the same thing in your situation. That's a lot for lunch.

    I have started the dreaded swimsuit shopping for Mexico. I did NOT want to do this with a weight GAIN! My clothes pretty much fit the same as they did before so I'm not too too worried. I will be checking Landend Heather. I want a variety for Mexico. But I don't want to spend too much since I may never wear them again. I goto ne from fashion bug online for $20 and had it shipped to a store for free shipping! YAY! I'm feeling ambitious and ordered a 16. A size smaller then I was wearing last summer. I'm most concerned about my boobs and tummy fitting into it. Here's to hoping! Motivation right!? :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Thanks Jess :)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I'd definitely share the lotto with lots of people if I won $330 million!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Deb, can't wait to hear how the PT went today. I am going to get a few sessions when I hit my first plateau...
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Oh, and does any one have any good Thai or Indian recipes? I find that those kinds of foods have a lot of favor with out the calories. I am still looking for some good easy recipes to make at home.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    well i survived my 1st session !!!

    It went pretty good. did like 5 min on the treadmill to warm up while she was talking to me.

    So we started with some core stablization stuff. Crunches on like a 1/2 ball thing and like these plank things (yah those about killed me).

    THen we went to 4 things, chest,back, shoulders and legs. Since i have issues with my knees she had me do this thing called hexsquats, it is a machine that you add the big weights or can leave them off (as the machine is heavY) and you squat , it is supposed to be less impact than like lunges or squats, my knee was still a little bothered by it but not as much as usual.

    THen we did bicep curls with resistance bands and pushup things up against a bar (really glad she didn't think that i could actually do a pushup) but these were really hard ..ugg i am weak.

    SO I go for my 2nd one on monday, we will work with free weights and cable stuff then. I would love to have a few more just not in the budget right now...I am quitting the gym come may just want as much info as possible.

    well i didn't burn as much as i usual do, but still did like 186 calories so figure that was pretty good.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Phew....been trying to log in all day but work is super busy 'read-stressful" and I finally just got a break now!

    Anywho, checking in for 1/4: (Im commited to checking in!)
    calories- 1295
    water- not as good as usual but prob near 100
    sodium- 2200
    excercise- 30 day shred level 1
    proud- Uhm shred! I am so freaking sore!!

    So I did the shred and I cant imagine myself getting better at it...but I only plan on doing it Tuesday and the occasional Saturday so we will see if by improving my overall health I do better,

    Lauren- our lasagna story made me laugh, I would have stayed in bed..Im also running ot the bathroom every few mins, its good to be back!
    Pos me- thanks for sharing your shred info and experience ur the shred queen!
    Cogirl- I used the HRM yesterday for the first time but it was something I never done before so I cant compare. Today Im doing c25k so Ill get a better gauge on the difference! thanks for asking!
    Heather- LMAO! Im gonna start writing lots of stuff down and telling people..
    Blue- your story cracked me up! only you would do such a thing!

    hopefull i get back on later! gotta get back to work! ugh
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jenn -- all the Thai/Indian recipes I've ever made are "curries" and all contain coconut milk, so not low calorie (IMO, light coconut millk is a total waste of money -- I swear it's just watered down). But they're still pretty good for you! There's one in particular I love but I don't have a specific recipe anymore. It involves chopping up carrots, onions, a sweet potato, and a white potato or 2 into bite sized pieces. The original recipe I had called for tofu, but I usually use chicken (err, about a pound of boneless/skinless breast), also cut into bite sized pieces. Cook the chicken first in some olive oil (I usually just cook it in the bottom of a good sized pot so I don't have to transfer it later) & then add the veggies & a can of chickpeas (or a couple cups of reconstituted dry chick peas) & cook on mediumish heat until everything starts to soften. I like to crumble a veggie bouillon cube on top of the veggies as they cook. Then, I pour a can of coconut milk on top of everything and mix it all together. Then I add lots of spices (to taste) like curry powder, cumin, turmeric, garlic, ginger, and cardamom to the pot, stir it all really well, reduce the heat & simmer for 15-20 minutes or so. Right at the end, I usually add a tablespoon or so of brown sugar & maybe a little salt. I love this served over basmati rice, sprinkled with fresh cilantro.

    Sorry my "recipe" sucks as far as measurements. I don't really do much measuring when I'm cooking. :embarassed:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    That sounds yummy Julie. I think I going to do Thai Shrimp Curry with Coconut Milk tonight. Yummy! I am going to loosely follow this recipe - http://www.thaifoodrecipesite.com/thairecipedetailthaishrimpcurrycoconutmilk.aspx Using whatever I have on hand.

    Here is an interesting coconut milk fact - The saturated fat in coconut is made up of short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids the body quickly turns into energy instead of storing as fat. Therefore, even though it's high in saturated fat, coconut can aid in weight loss.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    :blushing: Why has soup suddenly become my comfort food? Weird! Thought I would share my random thought. :bigsmile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Jess, probably because it's winter (even in Texas) and it makes you feel all warm and loved?

    After all this curry talk, I'm totally craving!!
  • You guys are making me hungry with all this talk about Curry. I have done well today. My hubby brought home a tin of nuts yesterday and it has cashews in it and I absoultly love cashews so I knew I had better not touch them or I would eat them all. I was going to have some till I saw how much sodium was in them. I am already over on sodium for the day by 300. I actually entered them on my food diary and saw that I would be over on my calories so I took them off and put them back and did not eat them. This is big for me!! I am proud of myself for not eating the cashews!1

    I have done great with my food and exercise even though we will not go grocery shopping until Friday so I am having to find things to eat that are healthy and not too bad in sodium or anything else. I would say that I have the hang of this thing.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    I second Jess' soup comment!

    Although - I have new evidence of my changing eating habits: Usually, I eat a whole can of Campbell's Select Harvest [insert soup flavor]. Today I got through half of the bowl and was totally full.

    Side note: The boyfriend bought me the BEST book for Christmas, I highly recommend it to everyone. Even if you already know how to do all of the things in the book, it's a hilarious read!

    How to Sew a Button: And other nifty things your grandmother knew

    It has everything from gardening to making an apron, to unclogging a drain, to how to wear red lipstick! Very entertaining. I can see this turning into a check list once I'm done reading it.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I actually entered them on my food diary and saw that I would be over on my calories so I took them off and put them back and did not eat them. This is big for me!! I am proud of myself for not eating the cashews!1

    This is AMAZING!! Good job of thinking it through before you ate. One of the reasons I love MFP is it helps me to make good decisions...whether or not to eat, or even how much. YEAH YOU!!

    btw - can you all tell I'm totally avoiding work today w/all the stalking/posting??
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I second Jess' soup comment!

    Although - I have new evidence of my changing eating habits: Usually, I eat a whole can of Campbell's Select Harvest [insert soup flavor]. Today I got through half of the bowl and was totally full.

    Side note: The boyfriend bought me the BEST book for Christmas, I highly recommend it to everyone. Even if you already know how to do all of the things in the book, it's a hilarious read!

    How to Sew a Button: And other nifty things your grandmother knew

    It has everything from gardening to making an apron, to unclogging a drain, to how to wear red lipstick! Very entertaining. I can see this turning into a check list once I'm done reading it.

    This sounds like my kinda book!!

    Lauren I think you are right it is because it's cold outside. I love soups and stews during winter. Makes me feel wam and LOVED! Haha..I love it!

    Laura-Way to go on not eating the peanuts!! That right there shows progress! Very proud of you!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hi Girls,

    Just here recording some food. Thought I would pop in and say hi. Hope all is well. It is my lunch time and you all are making me hungry. I am going to have a chicken sandwich with some very thinnly sliced breast. mmm I am so hungry I had a very light breakfast because I kinda slept in. My kids are out of school until next week so was kinda lazy today. This afternoon I will get some exercise in . Probably won't be checking in for today because I teach a class tonight at church. First and second graders I loveem. So hope you all have a great day and I will see you tomorrow
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