Over 200 New Year New ME Part 41



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Yay Julie!!! Sooo cute! Im super excited for you!

    As for the test...its really hard to "see" gender before 20 weeks...so to do it at 15 weeks sounds exciting but, I dont know how accurate it will be. It could look like a girl but really just be a boy that hasnt fully developed his boy part yet at that point..I dont want to burst your bubble...Im sorry! I know most Drs in our area refuse to predict the gender prior to 20weeks and some will do it at the earliest 16 weeks..with a clause of no guarantee. I was soo excited to find out the sex I could barely wait so I can imagine u feel the same...jsut do your research on the gender prediction through ultrasound before paying the $75...my 2 cents

    I just got on to log my lunch- so far so good. Havent cheated and am doing well with water...really dreading the gym tonight though. I was so hungry come lunch time that I burned my mouth on my food because I couldnt wait for it to cool odwn...oops!

    sorry for the typos im in a hurry! bbl!

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Okay, I'm a dork. I got a little teary-eyed at your pics. So super awesome!

    Cris: So, so happy you're back!! Sorry about your grandpa. Over Christmas, I went to visit my grandpa and it was the first time I was at his house since grandma passed in '07. I about lost it when I went to the bathroom because some of her decor wasn't there anymore. I hope Bobby is having a good recovery and I'm sure things will be more manageable soon. Stick with us this time and we'll help you through it! Oh, I'm feeling better and bf is doing well.

    Actually, Cris, you'll like this: Bf woke up this morning and said I was mean because in his dream, I broke up with him to date one of our friends. I snuggled up to him and told him that wouldn't happen because he's stuck with me. He asked, "Are you sure?" I said, "Yeah, cuz I love my Nate" and he said, "I love my Heather, too." So, there's the closest thing we've had to an official "I love you."

    Theresa: Gunner is SO adorable. When I told my bf and one of my MFP friends was getting an Aussie, he said he was jealous. We love the breed.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member

    As for the test...its really hard to "see" gender before 20 weeks...so to do it at 15 weeks sounds exciting but, I dont know how accurate it will be. It could look like a girl but really just be a boy that hasnt fully developed his boy part yet at that point..I dont want to burst your bubble...Im sorry! I know most Drs in our area refuse to predict the gender prior to 20weeks and some will do it at the earliest 16 weeks..with a clause of no guarantee. I was soo excited to find out the sex I could barely wait so I can imagine u feel the same...jsut do your research on the gender prediction through ultrasound before paying the $75...my 2 cents

    Cris is right . I would check this out too. I was always told the same thing.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Heather - the breeder (friends of Adam's sister) has a few puppies left over, if your boyfriend is interested :) OR! We think we might be um.... lending Gunner out for breeding (I called it "wh*ring him out... apparently that's wrong hahaha) So if he ever makes puppies, we'll save one for you :)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Theresa: I'll mention that to the bf. He wants one, but we just travel too much right now to have a dog. Someday he'd like to have on again, though.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Heather -- congratulations on the "love!" :heart:

    I've definitely read up on the gender stuff. We know they could make a mistake. I mean, they could be wrong at any time, but especially so early. From what I've seen, it seems the mistake is usually they say boy & it's really a girl. I asked the doc office about it & they reassured me they wouldn't offer it at 15 weeks unless they were confident they could give it a good shot. And if they can't see the sex, they'll reschedule me for another ultrasound a couple weeks later for free. The ultrasound tech I had today really seemed to know what she was doing & that office has such a huge number of patients, there were 4 other women with me today for their first appointments -- we even had a little class session. So, they see lots of baby bits. Anyway, that's why I made the decision to go ahead & schedule it. 3 weeks from today! I almost hope it's very obviously a girl so I won't keep wondering until my u/s at 21 weeks. :laugh:

    I figure worst case scenario is they tell us one thing & then we find out it's the opposite at my 20 week appointment (which is really almost at 21 weeks). A lot of it is for my mom because she & my step-dad are going on a road trip for a couple of months in March/April & she's DYING to buy as much baby crap as possible. :laugh: So, if she buys & it ends up being all wrong, then we'll just go have fun exchanging. No big deal! Not like I'm going to paint the nursery or anything. I guess it's almost more for entertainment purposes.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - congrats on a healthy little guy/girl. GOod luck with your u/s . I had both of mine at 20 weeks. I had them like at 7/10 weeks then 20 so not sure . Awesome if they can't tell they will give you another one in a few weeks.

    Had a good work out at lunch ...i am feeling good getting back into this !! My sister got me some healthy (low-fat low - cal ) cookbooks for christmas (at my request :smile: ) we tried two so far and they were yummy...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So I've heard that lunch should be your biggest meal of the day. I'm giving that a shot. I went to On the Border for lunch. I think I behaved for the most part. Looking forward to the gym tonight. Not looking forward to it being packed like it normally is in January!

    Heather-Congrats on the "love" talk. :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - good job on behaving at OTB i don't think i could :smile: HOpe you find a spot at the gym tonight, i know ours is always crowded and being the 1st week in january i am sure it will be even more...
  • So another great day for me:

    Calories: 1540
    Water: 64oz.+
    Exercise: 40 minutes on Exercise Bike burning 601 calories!!!!!!
    Proud: that I did my exercise!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    hey everyone :)

    My computer is up and finally running. I will get to reading all the post tomorrow. Just wanted to pop in and say hi!

    gonna go chill with the family.

    Have a great night!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Julie!! I love seeing the ultrasound pics!! How extremely exciting for you.

    Did an hour of hot yoga today - hooray! But dang, it for sure kicked my butt! The instructor was tough and it didn't help that I haven't been to class in about a month! Oh well...good to be back.

    Jonathan is brewing (yup, again...but it 's a small batch....) so I don't have access to the kitchen for awhile, but I think it's going to be a left-over night. I'll check in at the end of the day when I'm all logged in.

    Hooray for those of you that ventured out to the gym and fought the masses!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    checking in :)

    calories - about 100 under
    water - 64 oz
    exercise - 25 min Slim in 6 video, and then 30 mins of cleaning the house well my heartrate was still up
    proud - got an exercise video done even with my girls both home today. I had them doing it with me for the first little bit. LOL
  • I'm so happy to see so many people back here! :flowerforyou:

    I'm up 10 pounds (actually, 15 pounds from lowest -- OMG, I can't even blame baby for that one... stupid holidays).
    I have a different kind of progress pic to share. :bigsmile:


    Baby was wiggling around like a crazy person this morning. So fun to see. :love: Heartbeat was 164bpm today so still pointing toward girl according to that old wives' tale. :wink: But from what I read, research shows there's actually no correlation between heart rate and gender. :tongue:

    Anyway, since I waited so long to have my first OB appointment, I have another one this Thursday! I also found out my OB offers sexing scans at 15 weeks for just $75 so I'm going to try to schedule one of those asap. I can't believe I may know the baby's sex in just 3 weeks! :happy:

    I'm ready to get back to eating healthy & exercising. I haven't been too out of control with my eating but the no exercise thing really seems to be taking it's toll now.

    Julie, I love seeing the ulrasound pics. Can't wait till you find out what it's going to be!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    So Today was quite trying. The car ended up costing us over 700 to get fixed. :sad: :frown: :sad: :mad: :explode: :sick: :cry: :sad: :huh: :indifferent: :indifferent: :frown: :explode: :mad: Need I say more?

    Check in for today

    Calories 1592 (under by 8)
    water: 86 ounces (once I finish my glass)
    Exercise: Yes, burned 241, planned to do more but the whole car situation got in the way.

    Proud: that even though I got bad news I did not use it as an excuse to EAT! Cause believe me I wanted some pizza. I know I have said this before but wow I never thought I was an emotional eater and I am starting to realize that I have been in denial.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Check in:
    Well I blew it......
    Calories - 2164
    exercise - none
    water - near 100oz
    proud that I didn't eat more than I did because there is so much food in the house today.
    Can;t wait to get back to work and away from temptation. We had 2 birthday parties this past weekend and I made red velvet cupcakes, white chocolate lime cake and chocolate chip cookies. Damn the leftovers tasted soooo good.

    Julie - LOVE the images, how surreal it must be to see all of that going on inside you.
    T stout - LOVE Aussies, I grew up with Border Collies and they are quite alike. Your beautiful Aussie puppy will make a great exercise buddy once he grows up a bit!!
    Cris - you made it back to us !!!! yay !!!!! I put a pic up in my profile photos after the wedding but still cannot seem to allow everyone to see the others on facebook. So pleased to have you back with us
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Calories: under by about 50
    Water: 80oz
    Exercise: Warm up on treadmill, circuit training with PT, Cool down on elliptical
    Proud: That lost weight over the holidays - I think this is a first. Probably have never even just maintained before.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Check-in for today:
    Cals - 1548, 68 under with exercise
    Water - 120 oz
    Exercise - 60 min of hot yoga
    Proud - Got back to eating right and exercising!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    CONGRATS to everyone who lost over the holidays! That is fantastic! I remember last year I won the biggest loser that week of Christmas here because I had lost. NOT THIS TIME! :noway: I have not weighed myself yet, but let's just say I look like a stuffed sausage in my new 3x's!!! :grumble: Ah well, life goes on. I did pretty good today and that's all that counts. Onward and upward!!! :drinker:

    Teresa - congrats on the adorable puppy! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!
    Julie - congrats on Skeletor! Ooop I mean the little babykins! :laugh:
    :heart: I am so glad to be back and super happy to see the old gang back again plus our new members of our weight loss pants sisterhood!!! :heart:

    I got nominated for T of the Year today.

    Okie dokie I am not into the mainstream kind of awards, so, um, yeah. Whoever wants the PRIVATE version of my story, PM me - not goin' public with this one!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:

    cals: close to the edge and over in sodium - not bad for a first day back methinks
    water: forced in 90
    exercise: forced myself to go to PT - it was brutal but I did it
    proud: I made it through the day even with the mainstream pressure!
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