Over 200 New Year New ME Part 41



  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Julie-Tart, mmmmmmmmm biscuits and gravy sister!!!!!!! My grandma ate biscuits and gravy almost every day. The woman lived to be in her 80's which is not necessarily super long by todays standards but I thought pretty good for a gal who ate biscuits and gravy all of the time. I personally don't get to eat it very often because my family (husband/children) are not big fans. :laugh:

    R2lose, Good job on your sucess today. I am proud that you are here too.

    I am thinking on Monday I am going to back posting my cals, water,exercise, and reason for being proud it is a good motivator!!!

    Let's challenge ourselves to do some strength training this week. I read somewhere that strength should be about 60% of our workout per week if we want to lose weight like a guy. Guess what my hubby is going to get on the wagon and try to lose weight with me. He needs to lose about 30 pounds so at least we can do this together for the first month(yes sarcasm because men lose weight so much easier than us gals)
  • Julie-Tart, mmmmmmmmm biscuits and gravy sister!!!!!!! My grandma ate biscuits and gravy almost every day. The woman lived to be in her 80's which is not necessarily super long by todays standards but I thought pretty good for a gal who ate biscuits and gravy all of the time. I personally don't get to eat it very often because my family (husband/children) are not big fans. :laugh:

    R2lose, Good job on your sucess today. I am proud that you are here too.

    I am thinking on Monday I am going to back posting my cals, water,exercise, and reason for being proud it is a good motivator!!!

    Let's challenge ourselves to do some strength training this week. I read somewhere that strength should be about 60% of our workout per week if we want to lose weight like a guy. Guess what my hubby is going to get on the wagon and try to lose weight with me. He needs to lose about 30 pounds so at least we can do this together for the first month(yes sarcasm because men lose weight so much easier than us gals)

    thank you :)
  • *waves*

    Good luck to everyone in keeping resolutions and staying on track in the New Year. I'm off to India tomorrow and will most likely not be on much (if at all). I'm bringing some healthy prepackaged snacks and my workout gear (and my gym buddy!) and am planning to do my best. But my focus will be having fun, enjoying myself, and enjoying India!

    Hoping I come back to stories of great success. Hoping I don't come back with parasites or disease.

  • Good Morning Ladies!

    R2L - way to go yesterday!! Now you should ask yourself how rewarding yesterday was and try to do it again today. You can do it!!

    Momma - I'll try to join you on the strength training. About the best I can do right now is a couple of 2# hand weights and I have a bum elbow but I'll see if I can squeeze in a few reps here and there. Probably won't amount to anything that is loggable but doing something is better than nothing.

    Allison - Enjoy your trip! I hope it's exciting and everything you imagined it would be. And please don't get any parasites!:noway:

    My weigh in day has always been on Wednesday but this morning I couldn't help myself. I peeked! And I'm still going down which is what I wanted to see. I'm gonna try not to get on the scale again until Wednesday but after being as big as I have been for as long as I have I'm getting a real kick out of seeing that scale move down! I also had DH take my "Before" pics so I'll have a comparison someday. Got my water jug filled and am slowly working on it. I'm off to get something done around the house and get some more menu's planned today. I don't think I'll do much exercise today. I'm feeling it in my body so I think today I will rest and start again tomorrow.

    Hope you all have a great and healthy day. See you later.
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    R2L - way to go yesterday!! Now you should ask yourself how rewarding yesterday was and try to do it again today. You can do it!!

    Momma - I'll try to join you on the strength training. About the best I can do right now is a couple of 2# hand weights and I have a bum elbow but I'll see if I can squeeze in a few reps here and there. Probably won't amount to anything that is loggable but doing something is better than nothing.

    Allison - Enjoy your trip! I hope it's exciting and everything you imagined it would be. And please don't get any parasites!:noway:

    My weigh in day has always been on Wednesday but this morning I couldn't help myself. I peeked! And I'm still going down which is what I wanted to see. I'm gonna try not to get on the scale again until Wednesday but after being as big as I have been for as long as I have I'm getting a real kick out of seeing that scale move down! I also had DH take my "Before" pics so I'll have a comparison someday. Got my water jug filled and am slowly working on it. I'm off to get something done around the house and get some more menu's planned today. I don't think I'll do much exercise today. I'm feeling it in my body so I think today I will rest and start again tomorrow.

    Hope you all have a great and healthy day. See you later.

    Thanks. I really did great yesterday and I will continue to do so today. I am getting ready to go walking when it warms up in the afternoon. I love to go walking. Now only if I can find my pedometer so I can remotely know how much calories I burned. I know that it won't be completely accurate.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    OK...I haven't shown my face in here in almost a year, and I gained back 30 pounds in that year. It sucks that I let that happen, but I am ready to re-focus on my weightloss journey and am hoping you guys can help me with some support and motivation!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    hey Jenn, it is nice to see you back. I too am in your boat I gained back nearly 30 pounds in 2010 when I had lost in 2009!

    Julie-Tart, I will only be using 2 pound weights as well. Also lunges, squats, pushups be they girl or wall are all part of strength training in addition to the weight lifting. Yoga would also include some strength as well as stretching. So there are many options to the strength training. Let's all just start trying to strenthen our bodies.

    Happy Sunday everyone
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Happy New Year!!

    I love seeing everyone on here, all excited about what we are going to accomplish in 2011. The Groupon in NYC today was for 2 months of unlimited Jazzercise (what up 1980s!?!) for $39. A friend and I bought it together. We work together and the location is a 10 min walk from work. Very excited to have someone to keep me accountable and to encourage me to get my money's worth!

    It's a Brew Day here in NYC. Jonathan is brewing a Pilsner in the backyard and I'm playing on the internet inside.

    Eating has been rough these past few weeks. The good news is that all of the cookies are almost out of the house!! The bad news is that I of course helped dispose of them. :laugh:

    I am definitely ready to get back on track. I'm startin the Jazzercise groupon on Tuesday and going back to Jenny Craig. I lost about the first 40 lbs w/Jenny Craig. I know that it's a good jump start for me. I'm sure there are lots of opinions about the program (just like WW). I'm not a 100% believer, but it has worked well for me in the past and I've been able to maintain (barring DECEMBER - THE EVILEST MONTH IN THE YEAR!) when I go off of their food/program.

    I'm off tomorrow, so I may try to go by and check in. See how much weight I've REALLY gained in December. I'll be resetting my ticker and goals after I check in on their scale, so that should be coming no later than Wednesday this week.

    Hope you are all doing well!!
  • Another Great Day today!!!

    Calories- 1490, under my calorie goal of 1600 but over on sodium by 290 so I didn't want to over any more on sodium.
    water- 64oz +
    Exericse- 30 minutes of walking slow pace burning 138 calories!!
    Proud- That I exercised even though Sunday's are my days off from exercising!!!!!!!!!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    checking in:

    calories - under, its my first day back on, so I will have to figure it all out again.
    water - 48 oz
    exercise - 30 mins interval walking/running
    proud - I am not giving up on myself and am getting back on track again.

    Oh, and I thought I should introduce myself to everyone here I don't know yet. My name is Jenn, I am a work at home mom to 2 girls (Ava 4, and Lilly 2) In 2009 I lost 68 pounds using MFP, but struggled through 2010 and gained 34 of it back. I am making the commitment to myself to not give up and just keep trying at this.
  • checking in:

    calories - under, its my first day back on, so I will have to figure it all out again.
    water - 48 oz
    exercise - 30 mins interval walking/running
    proud - I am not giving up on myself and am getting back on track again.

    Oh, and I thought I should introduce myself to everyone here I don't know yet. My name is Jenn, I am a work at home mom to 2 girls (Ava 4, and Lilly 2) In 2009 I lost 68 pounds using MFP, but struggled through 2010 and gained 34 of it back. I am making the commitment to myself to not give up and just keep trying at this.

    Hi Jenn, my name is Laura. I am a Stay At Home Mom to 2 kids: Anna Grace who is 5 years old and in kindergarten, and Jacob who is 3. He will be turning 4 in July and will be going to an all day Pre-K program in August if he gets accepted.That would give me the much needed time I need to focus on my weight loss journey and getting to my goal, but I will cry my eyes out the day he goes b/c both of my babies will be going to school. I joined MFP on January 1, 2009 and lost 52 pounds but let life and stress get in my way and I gained it all back plus 3 pounds. I didn't really do anything to lose the weight in 2010 but I made up my mind that 2011 is going to be my year and that I will lose this weight once and for all if it takes me forever. I also want to have a Tubal Reversal so that I can have another baby and I don't want to have the surgery or get pregnant being obese or overweight. Too hard on my body not to mention the health risks. Anyways,sorry for all the rambling, I just wanted to say Welcome Back!! We can DO this!!!!
  • Good Evening Ladies,

    R2L - Looks like another good day for you. How awesome is that?? Yay!

    Jenn - I'm new to the group but am welcoming you back in. Congratulations for re-committing and your success today!

    Elmo - your very own Brewmeister? How FUN!! I've always wanted to spend a Christmas in New York. If things work out maybe I'll hit you up at the end of the year for some tips on where to stay and what to see!

    Momma - no exercise for me today. My body was telling me it needed a break so I obliged. Will get back on track tomorrow.

    Dinner tonight was an epic failure. I was skeptical of the cooking instructions but thought I'd go with it. Tried a stuffed squash from Cooking Light. The stuffing was awesome but the squash didn't cook. Even after several attempted saves on my part by the time the squash was cooked the stuffing was burnt. Shame too because the stuffing was SOOO good (I taste tested before putting in the squash.) I'll still keep the recipe but I'll cook the squash my way then stuff it. So, I'm not even gonna log my dinner calories. I ate less than half of it, was still hungry so shoved a piece of cheese in my pie-hole then went for a fun-size Kit-Kat that Santa left in my stocking. I'm done now and ready to take my shower and head to bed but am thoroughly disgusted over the whole deal so I'm just gonna leave it all as is and chalk it up to a learning experience.:ohwell:

    Hope you all had a wonderful and healthy day. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the gang showing up tomorrow.:smile:

    Nite All!
  • Another Great Day today!!!

    Calories- 1490, under my calorie goal of 1600 but over on sodium by 290 so I didn't want to over any more on sodium.
    water- 64oz +
    Exericse- 30 minutes of walking slow pace burning 138 calories!!
    Proud- That I exercised even though Sunday's are my days off from exercising!!!!!!!!!


    Calories: 1575, and over on sodium by 620. I need to work on keeping my sodium in check but other than that my day still ended up great. I got a little hungry and decided to have some salad and some dressing. The dressing sent my sodium that was already over way over but I still stayed under my 1600 calorie goal!!!!!!!!
  • Good Evening Ladies,

    R2L - Looks like another good day for you. How awesome is that?? Yay!

    Jenn - I'm new to the group but am welcoming you back in. Congratulations for re-committing and your success today!

    Elmo - your very own Brewmeister? How FUN!! I've always wanted to spend a Christmas in New York. If things work out maybe I'll hit you up at the end of the year for some tips on where to stay and what to see!

    Momma - no exercise for me today. My body was telling me it needed a break so I obliged. Will get back on track tomorrow.

    Dinner tonight was an epic failure. I was skeptical of the cooking instructions but thought I'd go with it. Tried a stuffed squash from Cooking Light. The stuffing was awesome but the squash didn't cook. Even after several attempted saves on my part by the time the squash was cooked the stuffing was burnt. Shame too because the stuffing was SOOO good (I taste tested before putting in the squash.) I'll still keep the recipe but I'll cook the squash my way then stuff it. So, I'm not even gonna log my dinner calories. I ate less than half of it, was still hungry so shoved a piece of cheese in my pie-hole then went for a fun-size Kit-Kat that Santa left in my stocking. I'm done now and ready to take my shower and head to bed but am thoroughly disgusted over the whole deal so I'm just gonna leave it all as is and chalk it up to a learning experience.:ohwell:

    Hope you all had a wonderful and healthy day. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the gang showing up tomorrow.:smile:

    Nite All!

    Yes, I had an awesome day and I am ready for tomorrow as well!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    Happy New Year! Looking forward to staying focused!

    The weekend was pretty good, calorically speaking... and was great in every other aspect! We had the girls with us this weekend and just had a really nice time.

    Lots to do before the puppy gets here on Sunday! I keep walking around trying to figure out what he could possible chew on/get into. haha
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    So, as we are all working hard to make 2011 an exceptional year - how frequently will people be checking in? Is there an official day that we should all try to check in? I have found that having to log my calories, exercise, water consumption is good if I have to do it more publicly. I am pretty sure that there is already a "norm" just cannot remember much as I am just getting back from vacation! :embarassed:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ladeb - What most of us do (or should be doing, i say that cause i have been very bad about it) is check in every day with calories, water, exercise and something we are proud of (and anything else you want to check in on. And then the weighins on friday of course if you see an awesome number before friday we would love to see that too :smile:

    Jenn - Welcome back !! We are glad you are back.

    Hoping to see everyone around. We can do it..2011 will be an awesome year.

    So my 1st two days of 2011 went pretty good so far. I got an hr workout each day burning about 550 each day. Calories on sat went good, yesterday we went to brunch at ihop, yeah my 1200 calorie breakfast...but i logged it !!! Big step for me, usally i just say screw it. With my workout and my huge brunch i was 131 over calories...given the 1200 was two meals made it a little better i guess.

    I have 5 25 min personal trainer sessions I have to schedule them still. I was thinking of getting back full force and maybe trying to start them next week. I really just want to work on strength training...I mean to me i think i can figure cardio out.
  • Good Morning Ladies,

    Looks like we are off to a good start. Got my water jug filled and need to get some breakfast. Once breakfast settles I think I'll try my first attempt at Yoga and try to get my body stretched out a bit. I can't wait for my HRM to get here. Hopefully it will come soon!

    I didn't realize this group had a specific weigh in day on Friday. I always weigh on Wednesday. Is that going to be a problem?

    Have A Great Day Everyone
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Its okay veggie, i think several people weigh in on different days, who ever is the biggest loser on friday picks a challenge for everyone for the following week.

    NOt sure what the other girls do, but i think they just report their wed weight on friday...girls correct me if i am wrong.
  • Good Morning everyone!! I am ready to go this morning. I got my daugther off to school this morning. My 3 year old son Jacob seems so lost without her. He asked me Mama where is Anna at? I told him Anna is at school. Then he asked me Are we going to get Anna in a minute? I said no son it will be awhile before we go and get her, and he gets this pouty look on his face and looks like he is going to cry. Awwww, I think that is sweet considering they fight like cats and dogs when she is home, but they miss each other when she is at school or Jacob has went somewhere. Anyways, I thought that was funny.

    I weigh in on Mondays and I don't participate in the biggest loser contest on here. I just love this group b/c of all the support it brings. I know I will behave b/c I know I have to come on here and report my calories and all of that. I hope everyone has a great day!! Mine is off to a wonderful start.
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