Over 200 New Year New ME Part 41



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Happy 2011my weight loss sisters!

    Got on the dreaded scale this morning and lo and behold I'm up to 216.2 YIKES!!! Almost a 10 pound gain from my lowest. I'm not gonna get on the scale again till Friday morning. I wont I wont I wont I wont!! I have reflected my ticker even though I'm sure SOME of it is water retention. Will update again on Friday with a loss I hope!

    We all know I had some drinkies on New Year's. I'm not drinking again until Mexico so I went out with a bang to say the least. But no hangover. WOOT WOOT!

    I'm having a brain fart Monday. Got to work and realized I have no wallet. Good thing I work at a bank in case I need some money. Here's to hoping I don't get pulled over!

    blue-So glad your back!!!! And congrats on getting your elliptical. You know you will build up your stamina in no time. Way to look at the positive side! Rest up and take care of yourself. (HUGS)

    cogirl-Yay for being back as well! Missed you!!

    Deb-Great job on the workout yesterday!

    Momma-I love how you say you and the hubby will do it together for a month. So true. Men lose so much faster. I'm jealous! I love your challenge. I'm definitely trying to incorporate more strength training into my workouts. I think I'm at that point where my body is telling me I must do that!

    Purple-Have a safe trip to India! Can't wait to hear about it.

    Jenn-Welcome back!

    Lauren-If Jenny worked for you in the passed I say it's not a bad idea to use that as a jump start to the new year at all.

    Veggie-I would just use your Wednesday weigh in number for our Friday weigh in's. I don't see a problem with that.

    I'm sure I missed a few but I gotta get things ready to open up around here. Will be back later!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - I am there with ya, but I am 12 lbs up from my lowest (that was as of friday) as of this morning i am up 14 ..yay me !! I am sure alot of this is water weight, the end of last week i had lots of sodium and TMI is coming any day , i am hoping once i get this out i will be back closer to my lowest weight. My goal is to be 3lbs past my lowest weight by v-day, its a little agressive but i have to be since i have been such a slacker.

    Momma - It is great to have hubby do it with you. I really don't know i could have done as much as i did if it wasn't for my DH doing it with me.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Good Morning Beautiful ladies!

    Yesterday went quite well again :smile:
    I am finding my will power has been renewed. Just this morning my husband wanted me to eat eggs and hash browns and just could not understand why I would not have that with him. It's oatmeal for me today!

    My son and I are back at work today, tomorrow school is back in session for the kids and Wednesday my husband is back to work. So, we are all almost back on schedule.

    I am baking a turkey today since we did not have any turkey or ham over the holiday! Love having a little turkey breast to add to my salad!

    I need to go get on the bike (still babying the plantar facities) but, going to go at it slowly. I think part of what caused my problem is I switched to "running" shoes and the support they give you is different than the walking shoes I was wearing. I am back to new walking shoes and my feet are improving! :happy:

    I hope you all have an extraordinary Monday!

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    Glad to see you all back and ready to start 2011 right!

    Jenn: Long time no see. So happy you're back.

    Lauren: Best of luck with Jenny Craig! I've never done their program, but I can definitely see how it would work.

    As for me, I got sick on New Year's Eve with the flu! Luckily, it only last 12 hours, but we had to leave in the middle of a fancy dinner because I got sick and felt like I was going to pass out. Needless to say, I was sound asleep with midnight struck. When I woke up at 3:45am, I had to get bf off the couch, where he fell asleep watching the ball drop. So sad! We had big plans for the evening and my illness ruined it. Boo! I don't really feel like it's a new year because it's been YEARS since I've missed the countdown.

    The plus side is that I was down some weight...at least until yesterday when I blew and entire week's worth of weekly bonus Points on pizza yesterday. Argh! If I can stay in the daily points, it will be okay but otherwise I've blown the week already. I'm a bit frustrated, but there is nothing left to do but move forward. I plan on incorporating some exercise again starting this week, but not sure if I'm ready for ChaLean Extreme again yet. I might do Shred for a few days and perhaps some running. So much to do, so little time!

    Anyway, here's to looking forward!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Happy new year everyone !!!!

    Welcome to julie tart and welcome back jenn !

    I'm back from my trip but still off work until tOmorrow - yay

    Lovely to see cogirl and bluenote around too. I just read the last few pages so tstout - glade ur feeling better and exciting that ur getting a puppy. Purple - wishing you all the best for your Indian adventure. Elmox, heather - whatever works right, doesn't matter if it's ww or jc or anything else as long as it's healthy !

    Cris - we are waiting !! <3

    So I ate like an unrestrained warthog over the holidays. Being back home with delicious home cooked meals and treats made it especially difficult to hold back. I did log on the old iPhone and basically ate 2500 cals or a bit more every day. Well the scale showed me who's boss this morning and I'm up about 7.5lbs as of this morning.
    So in my weaning off the goodies plan I ate about 1600 cals yesterday and will do about the same today then back down to 1200 fir the rest of the week.

    Julie - soooooo excited for you that it might be a girl.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Girls, I am off to a good start. Although I was a bit sad my wii fit plus said I have gained 10 pounds since before Christmas. I know some is water but not all 10 pounds so I have changed my ticker to my new starting weight and I am on my way to dropping that 10. I need to take my own advice and start my strength training today. Hubby is all ready for a walk with me tonight. No offense to him cause I love em but I HATE HATE HATE his walks he is like nearly 10 inches taller than I and walks over 4mph and I have to jog practically the whole walk. Here is to getting back to hating the man I love.

    Lauren, I think weight loss is a personal journey that we have chosen to share with each other and if Jenny is what works for you then good job sister!!!!!!! I think JC and WW both encourage healthy eating. So that is great!!!!

    Julie-Tart, if you weigh in on wed that is no problem you could if you would like record your weight on Friday.

    Now Jess, I am a bit concerned about one of your comments. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You forgot your wallet, so good thing you work at a bank? Are you planning on robbing it today?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Do we need to have an intervention?:laugh: I know my kids always say that I only crack myself up no one else. Teenagers, if you ever want to live humbly have one!!!

    Co-girl I am so happy to see you today.

    Ladeb, what ever works for you. Most of us check in daily as Debi said.

    Debi, it is great to have the hubby help. I just dread his walks
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-hahahahaha :laugh: No, no robbing a bank for me! I mean luckily I work at the bank that I bank at so I can withdraw money out of my account for today and wont have to show an ID.

    Glad to see everybody back! :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Momma, I was half expecting to see Jess on the news tonight, too! :wink:

    Where, oh where, is Cris? I've been waiting to see her back!

    Can anyone tell I have about no motivation today even though I have a lot to do for payroll? Ugh, I hate coming back to work after a holiday. I think they should bring us back slowly, like a half day the first day since that's about the equivalent of how much work I get done!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    heather - I hear ya on the 1/2 day back to work....I also think they really need a holiday sometime between january - may...really that is too long not to have an offical holiday (ok for us that don't work for the goverment or banks).
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Jess - if you're willing to share your 'earnings', I'll SWEAR you were in Chicago the whole time. hahahah KIDDING OF COURSE :)

    Here is my first (and second) attempt at posting a picture... it's of our puppy (his name is Gunner) :)

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    heather - I hear ya on the 1/2 day back to work....I also think they really need a holiday sometime between january - may...really that is too long not to have an offical holiday (ok for us that don't work for the goverment or banks).

    haha...I was gonna say. I have one in January and February at least! Pros and cons to any job of course.

    tstout-You made me bust out laughing sitting in my little corner!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    I have missed you all oh so much! I tried to read back all the posts starting with page one for this thread and it was a lot so I wont comment on everything but I cant wait to be all caght up with your lives again!

    Momma- Im sorry I missed Ryan's diagnosis. It seems like you are handling it well like always! I love the puzzle idea for the girls..Ill have to use that someday!

    Heather- I missed you! Hope you are all better now! Hows that stud muffin of yours?

    Pos me- where are uuuu? still udner snow?

    Allison- have a safe trip! What are you going to India for?!

    Blue- so happy to see you!

    Tstout- OMG holy cuteness!

    Julie (preggo)- I was addicted to cereal while pregnant...I ate a lot (and I mean A LOT) of honecombs!!! Cant wait to hear about your appointments!

    Cogirl- Good to see ya!

    lildeb- hope the girls are doing well and you eye is healed up!

    Jess- Heeeeey! I thought u were gonna rob the bank too hahaha I was concerned!


    Oh- Jenn, Veggietard, and anyone else...welcome (back)!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess - yeah i know you and julie get more holidays :smile: My sister works for Bank of america so she gets alot of random holiday's off :smile: of course there are some they don't like day after thansgiving and new years eve.

    Tsout - I love that little dog he is soo cute.
  • Jess - if you're willing to share your 'earnings', I'll SWEAR you were in Chicago the whole time. hahahah KIDDING OF COURSE :)

    Here is my first (and second) attempt at posting a picture... it's of our puppy (his name is Gunner) :)


    AWWWW, he is so CUTE!!!!!!!!! I love puppies!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    So here is a quickie catch up for you guys:
    I got down to 191 on 2010...am restarting at 225lbs...yup a whopping 35lbs up! Crazy but I def know HOW it happened. I was drinking soda and eating fried food like it was going out of style. Im so bloated! I am not even sure what my goals are for the year yet...except that I want to be 160 by my wedding in September....I can do it I can do it! Its going to take a lot of motivation.

    I have been super buys with my fiance being home recouping from a shoulder surgery, tkaign care of the house and baby (hes 2!) alone has been tough. We chose the holiday season to do his surgery thinking it would be good since i get more time off but I neglected to think about planning and putting together the bday parties for our 2 boys, christmas shopping and ecorating..etc..it was super hectic and i am near meltdown point. I hope things slow down some now.

    I lost my grandfather this past month too. It was his time but I just kind of still feel a little empty.

    Besdies that jsut a lot of running around, holiay celebrations, work, etc...oh and my sister got engaged too! so now we are both planning our weddings together!!!

    hey speaking of which- meeeeoooook!? where are the pics!? did i miss it again?!

    Be back later to check in and chat!

    Game plan is 1200 calories and start off slow with excercise...**sigh**
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm so happy to see so many people back here! :flowerforyou:

    I'm up 10 pounds (actually, 15 pounds from lowest -- OMG, I can't even blame baby for that one... stupid holidays).
    I have a different kind of progress pic to share. :bigsmile:


    Baby was wiggling around like a crazy person this morning. So fun to see. :love: Heartbeat was 164bpm today so still pointing toward girl according to that old wives' tale. :wink: But from what I read, research shows there's actually no correlation between heart rate and gender. :tongue:

    Anyway, since I waited so long to have my first OB appointment, I have another one this Thursday! I also found out my OB offers sexing scans at 15 weeks for just $75 so I'm going to try to schedule one of those asap. I can't believe I may know the baby's sex in just 3 weeks! :happy:

    I'm ready to get back to eating healthy & exercising. I haven't been too out of control with my eating but the no exercise thing really seems to be taking it's toll now.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Cris, I am so sorry that you lost your grandpa.

    Gunner is adorable.

    Just popping in to log something I ate and thought I would peek in on you all. Just dropped the hubby's car at the dealership because the check engine light is on and we need it to pass a smog before Saturday. Okay I am all for being kind to the enviroment but some of the laws in CA are extreme and they cost us little folks a ton of money. C'mon there has got to be a way to save the enviroment without costing me all of our wages. (exaggeration but it feels like it) Save a tree starve a child should be CA motto.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Julie, we posted at the same time ........................AWE what a pretty baby already!!!!:flowerforyou: I could see her(his) head and everything so clearly. I am a bit experienced though at looking at those things ha!! One of my ultrasounds (Sara) my mother points and says look I see a penis I said mom that is her brain and they already said it was a girl:laugh: :laugh: The last baby my boy finally you could actually see his little male part.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I cant see the pictures at work but I can't wait to see them tonight!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    SO EXCITED FOR YOU, JULIE!!! (And baby!!) :):flowerforyou:
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