Over 200 New Year New ME Part 41



  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning, ladies!


    Feeling pretty good this morning. Just a tiny bit sniffle-y, so I'll take it.

    I got a lovely email from one of my (20) supervisors telling me that she really appreciates me. Made me feel pretty good. No one ever seems to take the time to tell people they're appreciated. (Sounds like a good New Year's Resolution to me!)

    My sister and her fiancée set a date (October 22nd of this year)... and instead of freaking out, I've decided since I have 10 months I would like to lose 40 pounds by then. Nice and easy... no pressure... healthy goal. So I think I'll be changing my ticker to count down the 40 :)

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories - under! (including the snacking I did after dinner - yay for portion control!)
    Water - OVER! YAYYY! First time in a long time... and (TMI) I only peed twice.... not good, Teresa, not good
    Exercise - None... last day of that. Now that I'm feeling better (and it's warm outside), it's time to get moving!
    Proud - Feeling good
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - That is awesome you heard the HB. I know your ob appt next week is going to get great.

    well i guess i am going to the doctor . My normal doctor is out (she seems to always be out when i need to go ...uggg.) but seeing one of the others...i am trying to talk myself out of going but hubby keeps telling me i need to go...guess worst case he will tell me to do what i have been reading online with the compresss, or maybe there are some drops. I jsut really really hope they don't try to drain it. I had one when i was pregant with abby and they stuck a needle in my eye and hurt like horrible...I DON'T WANT THAT...I just don't want if there is infection to get worse over the long weekend...

    oh yeah i almost forgot , my poor baby (but of course everytime i tell her that she says "NO I AM A BIG GIRL").She got up from nap yesterday and fell down and busted her lip/chin on a book shelf. THey said she stood up and just fell (she is very clumsy she falls down a lot ).

    Her chin is all brused up and she has split her lip open and it is all puffy...poor baby just says "my lip hurts" I got her some tynol last night , i gave her some again this morning...Hope it gets better soon.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm a bad weight loss sister. I'm nowhere near caught up on posts. I'm feeling lazy. I only caught 2 things really quick.

    Julie-Congrats on the heartbeat

    Deb-I use to get sty's all the time! They suck! They have an ointment and drops you can put on it. With the ointment I am usually able to see relief in a couple of hours. Hope the dr doesn't stick you with a needle in the eye.

    I worked out once this week. My plan was for more but I've been too social. Going out and seeing people. And I've been stuffing my face like a pig. I'm back up to 215. :embarassed: :grumble: Trying to get back to doing this. Just wanted to let you all know Cris is diong well and she plans on being back in January and giving it her 100% again. She has given me a challenge to not drink from January 2nd-January 29th...It's not a whole month because lets face it. All inclusive resort in Mexico I WILL be drinking!! I promise to get caught up on posts!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess - thanks !! I hope i don't get stuck either...i can deal with some cream and drops.

    Well i have to admit my strong start this week went to the crapper.

    I took abby out to dinner at this little diner i had a cheeseburger (they are the best) and we split a fry , and then i had a choc dipped cone..yeah so lets say i went over my calories...probably close to maint yesterday.

    THis morning i just want to eat everything in sight but i know that won't help anything...I think TMI is coming next week so that may be some of it.

    Was tipping the scale at 256 this morning ...uggg...i soo wanted to get out of these 250's this week...but doesn't seem like it will happen...
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Deb, go to the doctor this is your EYE do not mess around with the EYE!!!! Hugs to little Abby hate to see the little ones get hurt.

    Julie, Congrats on the heartbeat. Now listen sister just wanted to let you know that they say the faster the heartbeat the more likley that it is a girl. Now in my own experience with 3 girls and 1 boy the girls all out beat him in the beating heart section. My girls just had really fast heart beats. The first time I heard Ryans I commented on how slow he sounded. Everyone said then it is a boy. But alas can we truly trust old wives tales? I am excited for you though.

    Jess, you are a good weight loss sister. We have our busy days. Looking forward to your vacation I am excited about mine as well. I am leaving the day before you but I am headed to Disneyland!

    Remember that I said it was not cold here. Well, the weather has decided to make a shift into cold territory. OUr high is only going to be 50 today. BRRRRRRRRR too cold for me. It got down into the 30's last night, I hope my plants survived the cold last night.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    hahaha Momma - I was just excited that it's supposed to be 50 here tomorrow and how WARM that is! hahahhaa

    Just got done with the circuit I found on womenshealthmag.com... MUCH easier this time around. hahah Super fun!

    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    tstout, what can I say I am a California girl and highs in the 50's is cold in these parts. haha!! My husband says we have 2 seasons Sunny/dry and Cold/wet. It is the cold/wet season right now. My daughters prefer to wear sweatshirt typ jackets in the winter. So when they have to pull out a coat it is cold!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Deb: Hope your eye feels better soon. I've had several stys and they're irritating but usually go away on their own; at least mine always have. They just hurt like heck for a few days first.

    Julie: I'm so excited for you hearing the baby's heartbeat! I don't know much about babies, but it is true that a female's heart rate is higher than a male's on average. Best of luck on finding pants that fit your little growing human.

    Julie-Tart: Having small goals is a much easier way to go about things and it does keep the motivation. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at setting small goals. As far as exercise goes, I agree with Julie that underestimating exercise is the way to go. I also recommend a heart rate monitor; I love my Polar F6 and I found I burned more calories than I thought as well. What's even more interesting is how many fewer calories I burn doing the same exercises before, now that I've lost some weight and improved my fitness level (well, up until a month ago anyway!)

    Laila: Great job on your 30 Day Shred!

    Jess: Thanks for the update on Cris. I'm excited about her re-joining us. Best of luck on your no-alcohol challenge!

    Nothing new here, just tracking my WW points. Right now I'm still tracking calories here on MFP just to see. Yesterday, I was at 1700 calories, which is just about perfect! I did well on the points, too, so that's good.

    Have a great day!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay I'm all caught up!!

    Heather-I'm glad your sticking with us even on weight watchers! We would miss you too much! You WILL get through this. I just know it!

    Momma-I'm with you. I'm not a big fan of the cold weather. It hasn't been bad here in Texas this year. I've only worn light weight jackets. Good thing since that's all I have! How's your lil man doing!?

    Deb-Did you go to the doctor? Hope they gave you some relief? If it was a sty and you wear any type of eye make up, make sure and clean brushes really good or throw it away. I always throw my eye liners and mascara away if I've had one.

    Today has been I'm a stupid moron customer at the bank day. I swear. Is it a full moon or something? My day started off with this guy barking at me shoving his cell phone in my face as I un locked the doors telling me I was late opening the bank. Sorry man. The time is 9 on the bank computer. Not sure what's going on with your cell phone. We've been so slow all week until this morning and then BAM crazy busy! Then my Dad wants to go and push my buttons. Nonetheless it's been a fun day around here! But at least it's payday and tomorrow is New Year's Eve!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Jess, thanks for asking about Ry. He is doing pretty good. I sometimes feel like people are tired of hearing about it (the diagnosis). It is just that it is my daily life now. I just read that book "Not my Boy" it was very touching. Ryan is very high functioning so he seems to be doing a lot better than other children I have seen with the same issues. He loves this new movie santa brought him called the "letter factory" he is naming all the letters and telling us what sound they make. So I found one made by the samecompany for numbers it should be here any day and I am excited.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hi friends!

    Oh boy - I have been going crazy with food - especially cookies! YIKES! I'm loving this vacation, but feeling like I'm ready to get back to it next week...yes I said next week. Ugh. I may try to get in the Shred today and hopefully will be able to get to the gym sometime this weekend.

    Julie-tart (it makes me smile that we're calling you that!) - Welcome to the group!
    Julie - Congrats on hearing the heartbeat! How exciting!!
    Heather - glad you're making WW work for you!
    Momma - Love that you're reading up for Ryan.
    Jess - Sorry you're dealing w/idiots today!

    OK, I'm curling back up under my blanket and nursing this sneezy and headache thing...
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks everyone for concern over my eye.

    I went to the doctor, it wasn't a stye , it was a blocked duck, of course he used some long word.

    he gave me some drops and said to do a warm compress 4x a day and to wash my eylid with tear free shampoo like 2x a day.

    if it doesn't get better (or more like does get worse) then i will have to go to an eye doctor and have it drained.
  • Quick check in...

    Laila - way to go on the Shred. I have no idea what that is but it sounds WAY above my level at this point and almost scary, lol!

    Julie - How sweet to hear the baby's heartbeat!! :love:

    T - Here's to breathing again!:drinker: And congrats on the nice note from your supervisor (1 of 20??? Wow!!)

    LilD - a needle in the eye? Good Grief! I think I'd rather have bamboo shoved up my fingernails! The thought of it makes me shudder. I sure hope they find something a little less invasive this time. **We cross posted again...glad it worked out this way and hope it heals soon with the drops!

    Elmo - I like the Julie-Tart as well! It's cute and kind of fits me. Sounds like you have had the crud as well. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

    I just finished my first real go round with exercise in a *long* time!! I got in two miles with the Leslie video. I never got out of breath but what kept me from going further was my hips. OUCH!! I stretched a little beforehand but I'm obviously gonna have to stretch a little more.

    **OK...tell me about your Polar F6's. I researched HRM's a couple years ago but the biggest thing I wanted in one was that it be waterproof so I can use it in the pool. I just looked at the F6 and it says it's waterproof but has anyone tested it? Maybe even worn it in the shower or done dishes with it? Does it look like it would be waterproof? And I'm a little confused by something I read on the website. I'm not sure if this is an extra purchase add-on or what but is it just a wristwatch type thing or is there something that attaches to your chest that transmits to the watch? I read something about something attaching to your chest. If there is a chest thingy how comfortable is it and would it be a pain to swim with? I need to go back and re-read and figure out what I'm talking about.:ohwell:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    julie-tarT _ I have a polar f6 i have worn it i in the pool . It works , you just need to makre sure you wash it after you use it in the pool. The only problem i have is like when you jump in mine will loose hr i have to adjust to get it going. ANd don'g touch the side buttons under water (it says that in the book i think) as water can get in the watch.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Julie-tart, I have the F6 and it's great. I have swam with it and everything! It's a watch that comes with a chest strap. The strap goes around your chest (usually right at the bottom of my sports bra) and "talks" to the watch. You are able to put in your age, weight, etc into the watch. Then the watch lets you keep track of your heartbeat and calories burned. Love it!
  • Awesome! Thanks so much for the info. Looks like I'll be ordering soon!

    One more question...is the strap big/long enough to fit us *heavier* girls?:wink:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Deb: Glad you went to the doctor for your eye. Hopefully the treatment prescribed will work without having to get anything drained.

    Julie Tart: I've worn my Polar F6 in the shower, in the pool...pretty much everywhere. I've never worn the chest strap in the pool, though, but I don't swim for exercise. And Deb's right; it does say not to touch any of the buttons when in water. If this helps, the watch part of it is water resistant to 50m.

    Thanks to all of your support on the WW thing. I know a lot of people have their opinions about WW and such. I love that you're all so supportive even though I'm trying something a little different. Fingers crossed that it will work!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Awesome! Thanks so much for the info. Looks like I'll be ordering soon!

    One more question...is the strap big/long enough to fit us *heavier* girls?:wink:

    Julie-Tart - I forgot how much you are starting out. WHen i first got mine i was abou 285. I had gotten the xxxl strap, it soon became to big and in june when i got my hubby one i took that strap (which is the m-xxl one ) and it fit , that is the one i am still using and p robably the one i will use, doubt i will go beyond that.
  • Awesome! Thanks so much for the info. Looks like I'll be ordering soon!

    One more question...is the strap big/long enough to fit us *heavier* girls?:wink:

    Julie-Tart - I forgot how much you are starting out. WHen i first got mine i was abou 285. I had gotten the xxxl strap, it soon became to big and in june when i got my hubby one i took that strap (which is the m-xxl one ) and it fit , that is the one i am still using and p robably the one i will use, doubt i will go beyond that.

    Exactly the kind of info I needed. I've got a call in to them now and am waiting for a call back. Hopefully I can catch somebody before they leave for the long weekend!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    hi girls!!! see u monday!!!!!!!!!!!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!
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