Over 200 New Year New ME Part 41



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    hi girls!!! see u monday!!!!!!!!!!!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!

  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey Cris look forward to seeing you Monday.

    Okay my 2 younger girls keep fighting. NONSTOP! So their punishment was that they are grounded today from everything. But they have to put a 300 pc puzzle together and get a long during the whole process in order to not be grounded tomorrow. So let us see how it goes. Probably will take 1-2 hours to put together.............. wonder if they can get through it with out fighting. It would be amazing. It is actually so quiet in my house right now I am in heaven.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma -- what a good idea to have your daughters put the puzzle together! I had heard the wives' tale about the heartbeats before & it occurred to me as soon as I multiplied 57 (# of beats in 20 sec) by 3. :laugh: When I told my mom the bpm she screamed "IT'S A GIRL!" :laugh: But really, over the past couple of weeks I've really warmed up to the idea of a girl. And today, when I was looking at baby clothes (yeah, way premature but my mom simply can *not* seem to help herself. :laugh: Yes, she bought the baby some jammies, a robe, a toy, and a blanket today.), I kept feeling really drawn to all the girly stuff. :smile: So, maybe having a girl wouldn't be so bad afterall. :tongue: I honestly don't even have a preference anymore which is crazy.

    I'm caught in a love triangle with cereal & milk. I can't get enough. Cheerios, Honey Bunches of Oats (Strawberry - omg, so good), Frosted Mini Wheats, Raisin Bran. All my new best friends.
  • HOLY COW!!!

    Talk about customer service!!!

    I went to heartratemonitor.com to order the Polar F6. Got a message machine and left a message (an older guys voice and I thought that was quite strange...not some cookie-cutter electronic message machine that you normally hear nowadays). I really wasn't expecting a call back until after the first of the year but at 6:30 my phone rang. It was Allen, the owner of the business. I just spent the last 30 minutes on the phone with him. He's 70 years old and I know his *complete* life story and now he knows parts of mine, lol! Anyway, my new HRM will go out in the mail tomorrow if the mail is running (he wasn't sure if the Post Office was open tomorrow or not) and if not, on Monday and will be here by early next week. I gave him my chest measurement (under the bra, thanks Elmo!!) and he figured the Medium band would fit me but will double check his chart just to make sure and confirmed it's all waterproof (not that I doubted you guys, it just came up in conversation that I'm a swimmer.) WOW!! What a terrific guy!!

    Thank you all for the input!! I'm so excited to finally get one!!

    Heather - I did WW for a period of time about 6 years ago and had some success with it. I started off with the meetings but I didn't care for them (just couldn't find the right group or leader that motivated me) so I switched to the online thing. I was doing the Points plan. Even though there is a calculation of Points to Calories (I think I have it in a computer file somewhere) I found I could eat a whole lot more on WW as opposed to just counting calories, at least that's the way it seemed to me. And because of that I was able to eat much more balanced, which is really what I want to do in the first place. But over time I got lazy and started filling my Points with junk food and eventually stopped. As a comparison, I can remember eating Egg Beaters and a fruit for breakfast, a salad or a simple sandwich along with some FF Pringles or a serving of Triscuits and some carrots and celery for lunch then I would have a snack at 2pm of more Triscuits and a Baby Belle or Laughing Cow Cheese with another small fruit and a sensible dinner. Last night I entered my food for today to see how it would play out in the Calculator. I had a Poached Egg, 2 Slices of Toast, Butter (the real deal) and a glass of milk. Lunch was a Chicken sandwich with 1 T Mayo (I don't do anything but *real* mayonnaise) and Spicy Mustard. Dinner is set at 2 Chicken Thighs (yes, they were marinated and that added to the calories but I also calculated one with no skin so I could save a few calories), a salad, 2 T dressing and a small Sweet Potato with 2 T Butter. There's really nothing wrong with what I've eaten today but I don't have any leftover calories for any fruit and would have liked to have gotten in another glass of milk for my potential of Osteoporosis due to my Hysterectomy. Now, having said that, yes, I should exercise more, and I plan to, slowly but surely. And I should find a lower calorie bread and start using I Can't Believe It's Not Butter again but I was trying to get away from that stuff because it's just not healthy. And I'm trying not to purchase all those low-cal, low-fat versions of food because they are much more expensive and we are running lean and mean on money right now (and I just spent the money on a HRM :ohwell: ) This is one of the reasons why I hesitate to log my food everyday on this site. It discourages me from eating balanced in the way I want to. I *know* it's all about calories in and calories out but eating healthy and balanced is more important to me than just counting the numbers. When I couple that with portion control and a little bit of exercise I seem to do just fine. On the flip side...I enjoy these forums more compared to the WW site. I think people are more goal oriented here as to all the cliquey, whiney, b*tchey, snarky chit-chat over there. So, MFP is where I choose to be and I will play by the rules as best I can. What I'm getting at is, if WW works for you then YOU GO GIRL. Your goal is not about anybody but YOU and how YOU choose to get there and I will support you all the way!! :flowerforyou:

    (Brother, did I just rant or what? So sorry but it came from the heart!)

    Looking forward to meeting Cris on Monday!

    Hope you all had a great day and see you tomorrow.

    **ETA - I was so long winded that I cross posted with Momma and Julie...Momma, I LOVE the idea of the puzzle. How creative!! Enjoy your peace! Giggling at Julie with her new found love of milk and cereal...love it when we find new things we enjoy so much!!
  • Hey everyone -

    Sorry I've been so MIA lately...getting online just wasn't a priority over the holiday as I so rarely get to spend time with my grandma and brother. I logged pretty much everything I ate, excepting Christmas Day. Mom made a wonderful prime rib and some lighter hors d'oeuvres for me, but it was still a fairly heavy meal and I majorly felt the fat content the next day. It was unpleasant, to say the least. :noway: I won't say any more than that!!

    Shockingly, I lost nearly 3 pounds over the last two weeks, and I was completely not expecting that as I've indulged in holiday treats and not-so-great foods. So I'll have a nice final loss before I depart on Sunday.

    I hope that y'all had a wonderful holiday with your families.

    I'm back at home now, and gearing up for India! I've gone shopping yesterday and today for some stuff (I realized that it will be in the 80s in Bombay and I have NO summer clothes that fit!!!!) and it's been so awesome to fit into clothes in multiple stores in regular sizes with minimal problems, ESPECIALLY since the sales are so awesome right now. I got $160 worth of Banana Republic clothes for $35 and $120 worth of exercise clothes/loungewear at lucy for $28. And today, I bought myself a 50-pound reward present: two pairs of darling sunglasses to celebrate my amazing achievement.

    India in 3 days!!!! OMG. I still can't believe I'm going.

    Wishing everyone a great New Year - and that everyone achieves her goals. :heart: You all have been so supportive and wonderful and I just want the best for all of you.

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Oh my goodness I am finally back. Again! LOL I had computer problems and no one including myself seemed to know how to fix them. But lo and behold my computer geek genius brother from Massachusetts came in to visit and, voila, everything is fixed! He is the best!

    I got my new elliptical that holds my weight! That was so darn exciting! I had trouble connecting the ifit stuff because of my computer problems, so it is just getting set up tonight (takes about two hours to load it into the console the first time you do it). I have been exercising on it, but I must admit it seems to be HARDER than the machines at the gym and I only make it through about fifteen minutes before I feel like I am gonna fall over. But I just do as much as I can and get off and say to myself that I remember when I couldn't even do five minutes on that little pedal pusher about 14 mos. ago and look where I am now!

    I also went back to PT. That has been incredibly difficult to get back into once I have had a month off! I am sweating like a steer in there! LOL But I am not giving up.

    I am also very sick at the moment - flu with 102 temp. Bleh. So my workouts have not been consistent, but I wanted you all to know that I am thinking of you and now that my internet is back up I plan to come every day even if I can't get much exercise in! I know once I feel better things will get better for me.

    I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Thanks for seeking me out and checking up on me, Jess! Welcome to the new faces! I hope you are settling in just fine here. Off I go to blow my nose and drink more Theraflu (that stuff rocks!).

    :heart: :heart: :heart: I love you and miss you, weight loss sisters!!! I am back for good, I promise!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Here's a thought for today's weigh-in as it's the last of 2010...let's do a final weigh-in for the year, chronicling how much you've lost in 2010. Does that sound good?


    Holy crap. That's major motivation to stay focusing in 2011.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Glad to see you around Cris!! see you on MONDAY..if you don't show up I will hunt your *kitten*..lol

    CONGRATS ALLISON on your weight loss!!!!!!!! AND have fun on your trip!

    Hope you get better soon Nancy...we missed you around... I LOVE the elliptical too. I felt the same way..the elliptical I have at home is much harder than the couple I used at the hotels we (family) stay in...not sure why

    Laila..............-40...........16.33% (It was 45 lbs lost but I gain 10 over the holiday then lost 5 of those. I am still happy with what I have achieved.)

    Have a happy New Year!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I don't know where I stand today so I'm just going to use 215

    Laila..............-40...........16.33% (It was 45 lbs lost but I gain 10 over the holiday then lost 5 of those. I am still happy with what I have achieved.)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Laila..............-40...........16.33% (It was 45 lbs lost but I gain 10 over the holiday then lost 5 of those. I am still happy with what I have achieved.)

    Julie-Tart: Thanks for your support with the WW thing. I agree that it feels like I can eat more, but probably because it is more balanced. Yesterday, my 33 WW points was only 1400 calories! Normally I'd eat closer to 2000 calories if left to my own devices. Congrats on your HRM purchase!

    Allison: Safe travels to India! Have fun. Hopefully you'll be able to check in let us know how it's going. I've never been outside the US, so I'm always intrigued to hear about others travels.

    Nancy: Glad you're back. Congrats on getting your very own elliptical. You'll work your way back up to more time, just do what you can. Look how far you've come!!

    Cris: Can't wait to have you back with us on Monday! I've missed you!

    Tonight, bf and I are going to dinner with a group of friends for New Year's. I've calculated my food and should do okay. I'd really love to see even a little loss on the scale at WW on Tuesday, even with the holiday.

    Happy New Year's! See you all in 2011!
  • Good Afternoon Ladies!

    Had a crazy night last night and early morning but looks like things are settling down a bit so I snuck in 2 miles with Leslie. :smile:

    Looking forward to meeting all the gals who have been MIA sinced I joined.

    Is it tomorrow morning yet? I'm ready to weigh, measure and get this show one the road!!!:bigsmile:

    Hope everyone rings in 2011 in a fantastic and safe way!

    See you all NEXT YEAR!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Happy New Year!!

    I am all weighed, measured, ticker is updated and I am ready to go! The only thing I forgot was a picture but I can get that tomorrow morning. Right now we are headed down to my parents to visit with my brother and his family for a family breakfast before they head back north tomorrow.

    Nurse your hangovers (we didn't drink last night so I'm feeling good this morning), eat healthy and drink lots of water today!

    And don't forget your Black Eyed Peas today for Good Luck this year! I cooked mine yesterday but they need to be reheated and have the ham thrown in.

    See you all later!
  • Happy New Year Everyone! I have been here on this site for 2 years today. I am not going to sit here and rehash the past though. I am taking this (I am starting over as of today) as a new start like I have never tried to lose weight before. I can't change the past b/c I can't go back and I am certainly not going to dwell on it. I can however do something about today and the future and this is going to be the year that I finally drop this weight once and for all. I know that I can do it and I will be on here doing it if it takes me forever. I hope everyone has a great day!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy New Year!!!!!!:flowerforyou: Hope everyone had a safe and nice New Years. I will see you all Monday.

    Well, I am feeling good today. I only drink Sparkling Apple Cider so no hangovers. I have not had one drink since 1999 the year I became a Christian.

    Looking forward to Shrinking in 2011!!!!!

    R2lose, I know you can do this. You are right put the past behind you and move forward. Today is your day.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Happy New Year Girls! I am ready to start the year off right! 2011 here I come!
  • :flowerforyou: Happy New Year!!!!!!:flowerforyou: Hope everyone had a safe and nice New Years. I will see you all Monday.

    Well, I am feeling good today. I only drink Sparkling Apple Cider so no hangovers. I have not had one drink since 1999 the year I became a Christian.

    Looking forward to Shrinking in 2011!!!!!

    R2lose, I know you can do this. You are right put the past behind you and move forward. Today is your day.

    thanks Momma!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Happy New year everyone.

    I didn't check in yesterday but no big loss for me...but i actually changed my ticker to be true...sad...but true. I am updated to 254.9 :sad: but nothing but to move on.

    Yes it is about 13 lbs up from my lowest...but it is also 30 lbs down from where i was 1 year ago..and i will take that.

    I didn't loose as much as i wanted in 2010 but to say i lost 30 lbs is a good thing.

    I started out right today had an awesome workout went to the gym and worked out for an hr burning 565 calories !! I am ready for 2011 and all it will bring.

    Hope everyone is having a great new year day.
  • Good Evening Ladies!

    R2L - this Newbie welcomes you back to the group. You're right...no sense looking back. Today is the day to start fresh and make a whole new commitment to yourself.

    Momma - if it makes you feel better...my step-brother also enjoys cooking about as much as I do so he was the cook for breakfast this morning. What a SPREAD he did!! You would have thought you were eating at a breakfast buffet. And guess what I went for...come on...guess. Yep...Biscuits and Gravy. Health Food for the Soul, I tell ya!

    LilD - excellent workout!! I'm gonna stick to my measly 25 minutes of walking with Leslie for this months cardio. I'm so out of shape it's all I can do right now, semi-comfortably, without hurting myself or passing out. I get in 2 quick miles of walking with that so I'm OK with it for now. I'm really looking forward to the day when I can say I did a full hour of...well...ANYTHING, lol!!

    I had a good day today. Didn't over-do it at breakfast and met with some family this morning that I don't see very often. I went in to this old Excel file I've kept through the years where I keep track of my weight (in graph form) and exercise (in data form.) It goes all the way back to 2007. It's strange to look back that far. I have been all over the place. Up, down, up down. I got it updated with all my current info and am ready to finally see this thing through and put it to bed once and for all. I also put reminders in my Outlook Calendar for the days I need to measure (the first day of every-other month.)

    I did lose weight the last week of December. When I rejoined this site (12/26??) I ran in to weigh myself but it was at night after a full day of eating. I came in at 218.3 so that's what I set my ticker at. When I weighed this morning I came in at 211.8 so I definitely lost a few pounds in the past couple of days. I wouldn't exactly call it 7 pounds (I never weigh myself at night) but it was most definitely a few. I give credit to all the water I've been drinking. I've also been thinking about some Mini-Goals for myself and the first one I've settled on is to be in Onderland by my birthday, February 16th. That's roughly 1 1/2# per week. I think I can do that.

    That's it for me. I hope you all had a GREAT start to 2011!!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Happy New Years!

    Updated my goals through the end of March. 2011 is going to rock!
  • Thank you Tart and welcome to the group. Check in for today goes as follows:

    Calories- 1530, so under my calorie goal of 1600
    Water- 96 oz.
    Exercise- 30 minutes on my Stationary Bike burning 471 Calories!!!!!!!!
    Proud- that I am back and that I haven't given up!!!
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