Over 200 New Year New ME Part 41



  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Oh how I wish I could maintain a temperature!! hot-cold-hot-cold-hot-cold-hot-cold AAHHH!!!

    I finally have a bit of an appetite. Thank goodness for that!

    I'm just really sleepy, here's hoping I can stay awake for 3 more hours haha.

    Hope everyone is having a good day!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    quiet here this week ..

    I am freaking freezing...I am sitting here, with a jacket on and under my new heated blanket hubby got me for christmas and still shivvering.

    I just turned on my space heater....it's so rainy outside it's making me sleepy! It's not helping me not wanting to eat everything in sight. I feel like I have started all over again. :frown:

    I sat on the couch for a few minutes under my heated blanket and i could just curl up there all day...that is when i decied i guess i needed to bring it into my office or i wouldn't get anything done.

    I hear ya on the eating everyhing...i think i was soooo used to eating evertything in sight my body is freaking out on this restricted calories.

    Guess good news is that i had an ok workout not super great but not crappy like yesterday, burned like 388 , so yay i get to eat dinner !!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Oh how I wish I could maintain a temperature!! hot-cold-hot-cold-hot-cold-hot-cold AAHHH!!!

    I finally have a bit of an appetite. Thank goodness for that!

    I'm just really sleepy, here's hoping I can stay awake for 3 more hours haha.

    Hope everyone is having a good day!!

    I hope you feel better soon!!!!!!
  • Good Evening Ladies!

    Laila - I feel like such a Wienie for whining about a layer of frost on the ground! I can't imagine 15' of snow! Yikes!

    Heather - It looks like you are doing well. You mentioned a meeting tonight. I think I read back somewhere that it might be WW (still learning and trying to remember everyone). I hope everything goes well for you!

    Lildebbie - Excellent job on the loss!! Great job on the workout today!

    Tstout - Newbie here but it sounds as though you haven't been feeling well. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Momma - I've been seeing all the rain in CA on the news! I hope you dry out soon! I'm not a *true* native. I'm originally from Michigan but after living here for over 30 years (almost due East of Orlando on the coast) that sort of qualifies me as a Quasi-Native and definitely gives me "Wienie Status" :tongue: My blood is as thin as water and like you, if it gets below 60 I'm digging out the sweatpants and long sleeve shirts! We've got one more night of freeze coming in and we won't know how the Tomatoes held up for another couple of days to a week. We had some small Chile's as well but they didn't have lights for warmth so they are probably goners. My Parsley was shriveled and frozen this morning but appears to have bounced back once the sun came out and thawed the leaves, not sure if it withstand another night of these temps though. The rest of the veggies are winter varieties and root type crops so they should hold up fine.

    I had a very productive day. Got in all my water plus some. I forgot how much I *go* when I'm drinking water the way I'm supposed to. I think I wore a path down the hall to the toilet! I did break down around 2pm and grabbed a Pepsi. I just needed something *different* in my mouth. It kind of caught me off guard so tomorrow I will make a pitcher of Iced Tea and be ready for it. I got all my dinner menu's done for the remainder of the week and into next week until the next sales flyer comes out. I'm not focusing on calories just yet. My main goal for the first few weeks is to make sure we eat balanced meals, Protein, Grains, Veggies and Fruits. Once I get the balance part down then I will start focusing on portions and calories. May sound kind of back-azzward to some but it works for me, when I work it. I still need to work on some lunch options for myself (breakfasts are easy for me) but for now I can make do with what I have available. Since we don't get a TV Guide I went on line to my cable provider and found a couple of exercise shows I wanted to DVR and had DH set them all up for taping (I have quite the aversion to most things electronic :ohwell: ) I went for a series on Yoga, thought it would be good for stretching out my poor lazy muscles and a series on Belly Dancing...just for something different and fun. I can also still access a couple of Leslie Sansone videos for free but not sure if they will change them out after the first of the year. Hopefully not.

    That's it for me. Hope you all had a great (warm and dry) day! See you tomorrow!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good morning, sisters!

    Feeling like a human today :) Thank you for all of the well-wishes! Did I see that Debbie is sick, too? I hope you feel better!!

    Still waiting for things to settle down, I'm desperately waiting to find out about this assitantship for school. Class starts in 10 days! AAHHH!!! So many different things are riding on this... and if it doesn't happen, I need to change directions and get some other things moving super fast. Crazy, crazy, crazy!

    I mentioned a few weeks ago that working from home was starting to drive me a little batty, so I decided to clear off the desk and sit at it like a normal human. It seems to be working! I've been using the exercise ball as a chair. Water bottle within reach. I think I may invest in a natural light lamp for the desk. I don't officially suffer from S.A.D., but I can definitely tell a difference during winter.

    OH! And did I mention we're getting a puppy???!! Next weekend! The boyfriend and I are going to pick him up :) His sister's friend's dog had a litter of TEN Australian Shepherds. Soo adorable :) I'll be sure to post pictures (with my new camera!) when we get him. If we end up with the puppy we think we're getting, his name is Gunner.

    (At least I'll have company during the day! haha AND and excuse to go outside and walk/run)

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: None... one more day of trying to get better, hopefully I'll get something in today :)
    Water: Does tons of theraflu and nyquil count?
    Proud: I'm an official Illinois resident! And I got a 100% on the drivers' test :) Had a great night with Adam and the girls :) Looking forward to this weekend!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning girls

    Well yesterday i did pretty good, better workout, 8 cups of water and ate fairly good, I did go over all my cals by like 60.

    Was hoping to see more lbs dropped today but noooo, only 1...oh well it is better than + 1.
  • Good Morning!

    T - sounds like you are feeling much better! Congrats on the puppy. Hope you have lots of energy for the little fella, he's bound to keep you on your toes!:bigsmile:

    LilD - Sounds like you got the scale moving in the right direction. Keep it up!

    I've got my water jug filled, a couple of cups of coffee brewed and some tea brewed for later this afternoon. Got some errands to run in a little bit and will take my water with me. Need to pick up a few things from the grocery store and start getting this show on the road. Tonight we are having Fish Tacos made with Tilapia and a Cilantro Coleslaw. It's one of our favorites so I think I'll run it through my recipe software along with some of the other things I have planned out and see what the nutritional breakdowns are. I read an interesting post last night where someone runs their meals through the calculator first before they actually eat them so they know how to plan their calories for the day. Seems like a good plan so I think I'll try it.

    Have a healthy day everyone. See ya later!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie-Tart: It sounds like you have a good plan in place on how you're going to attack your journey. No failing to plan on your part, which will make you super successful!

    Theresa: Glad you're feeling better. Congrats on passing your driver's test and on the puppy who will be joining your family soon. I love Aussies! I can't wait to see pictures.

    Deb: It sounds like you're getting back on track, which is awesome. Congrats!

    Last night I rejoined Weight Watchers and I'm excited about it. Even though I ate most of my food for the day before the meeting, I went back and tracked everything for the day to make myself more committed to doing a good job with this. The meeting was a little quieter than the ones I used to go to, but I think people are still worn out from Christmas. Since I did the unlimited pass, I may go to another meeting this week to see if I like different group leaders better. I need to find the meeting group that really gives me what I need. I do think this will be a good thing, since they've added a lot of great things to the online companion, such as tracking items. I've changed my ticker to reflect yesterday's WW weigh in and I am going to try super hard to only change my ticker based on official WW weights. Of course, this means that I won't be weighing in on Fridays, since my day for meetings will most likely remain on Tuesdays.

    Hope you're all having a good morning. I don't know about you, but I'm having a serious lack of motivation to work!! I'd rather play on this website and the WW website!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    julie (T): It sounds like you have a plan in action. Always remember that this is a journey ( to be a healthier person) not a diet. Diet always leads to failures but a journey is a lifestyle change to being healthy. wishing you best of luck on your journey!

    before I forget, I ment to say 15" not 15' I can't imagine that much snow..especially this early in the winter season..lol

    Theresa (Tstout): I am glad you are feeling better. And I hope things settle down quick for you (with schooling and work). I hate to wait for answers...

    Deb: glad the scale is moving towards the right direction...keep it up girl!

    Heatlher: hope you find the motivation you need in the WW meetings. Good Luck!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ok so I have reset my ticker to drop 50 pounds and then once I have tackled this 50 I will tackle the other 50.I think its easier for me to set small goals than large ones because looking at my ticker now saying I need to lose 50 pounds to get to 186 doesn't seems as bad as 100 pounds to get to 136.I don't know call me crazy but it has helped.I also love the new game Just Dance 2 for the Wii I have been doing it non stop all day today so I think I may have found my newest source of exercise that may just keep me interested in doing exercise.I also got Zumba Fitness for the Wii and am going to try it out later.I have sweated all day so far.I am back baby !! Heres to a great new year!! Happy New Years everyone lets bring it in with a bang
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Yay!!! I got the Christmas tree down and all of the ornaments put away. Dusted everything up down and behind. vaccummed everything including under the couch cushions. Oh my the things you find in the couch when you have 4 children running around. Not a pretty sight. But oh so nice and clean. We actually have a break in the rain for today. It rained all night and into the early morning but this afternoon is turning out sunny but very windy. I opened all of the windows while I cleaned and aired this house out. It took me a couple of hours to get it all done but it looks so nice and clean. Got the house cooled down into the 60's by opening all the windows (50's outside) So now I have all the blindes open and the heater on to warm her back up. Very pleaed with myself.

    My eating not so good. I had biscuits and gravy for breakfast I was so craving it. I figured I needed to get it out of my system. My peppermint mocha cream is almost gone and the stores said no more until next Christmas so I went out and purchased my fat free vanilla. So back to that next week. Ham is all ate up so now we are starting to clean out the bad foods in preparation for getting on track. I know excuses but this is how I am doing it. 2011 is going to be way better. Still hanging in there. Still trying to grasp the fact that I am offically the parent of a child touched by Autism. I am reading a book called "Not my Boy" written by Rodney Peete the football player. It is more written for a fathers perspective of the whole thing but still helpful to a mother realizing that we as humans have such simular emotions when it comes to our children. So much hope in this book. I personally have a ton of hope just because of my faith in God!!! So things are looking brighter for me and to me.

    Sorry my message was so self focused but I needed to just get that all out. Thanks for listening and I appreciate you all

    Good Luck on your journey to health one day at a time.

    Tstout, so glad you are feeling better:flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ok so I have reset my ticker to drop 50 pounds and then once I have tackled this 50 I will tackle the other 50.I think its easier for me to set small goals than large ones because looking at my ticker now saying I need to lose 50 pounds to get to 186 doesn't seems as bad as 100 pounds to get to 136.I don't know call me crazy but it has helped.I also love the new game Just Dance 2 for the Wii I have been doing it non stop all day today so I think I may have found my newest source of exercise that may just keep me interested in doing exercise.I also got Zumba Fitness for the Wii and am going to try it out later.I have sweated all day so far.I am back baby !! Heres to a great new year!! Happy New Years everyone lets bring it in with a bang

    That is great idea, i am probably going to do that once i make my ticker real on friday. It is about 12 lbs off right now, but figure waiting till friday. I am going to keep my starting weight as i have to admint i like seeing the big # loss, but i think i may do some smaller goal, as of even right now i have over 75 lbs down to my 1st goal (168). SO think i am going back to smaller goals.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Lots
    Water: 100+ oz
    Proud: Two days back on track & have maintained weight.
  • Good Evening All.

    To those who mentioned it, I am also a "smaller goal" person. I would lose all motivation if I kept looking at a huge number that I wanted to lose. In fact, I really haven't even set my mind to what I want my goal weight to be. So many factors. I'm not 20 anymore so getting back down to 110#'s is out of the question. I am also going through surgically induced menopause due to a hysterectomy a few years ago. While my hormones are stable (for the most part), I know they play a big factor in weight loss. I think over all I'd probably be pretty comfortable around the 130 - 140 range but I'm just gonna take it as it comes, do my best to promote some loss and let my body dictate where it wants to eventually settle.:glasses:

    Momma - bless your heart. Keep the faith and all will be as it should be!:flowerforyou: And there aint nothing wrong with a little Biscuits and Gravy every now and then. That's health food for the soul!!

    I got my shopping done and got some good healthy things in the fridge. I also found a Leslie Sansone DVD so I picked it up just in case they change the programming on the Free channel. I need to rearrange the deep freeze and the regular freezer tomorrow and I need to get all this Christmas stuff out of here. This is the first year, ever, since moving out on my own that I've had my Christmas stuff up after the 26th. And this is the first year we've decorated in a few years because we usually go on vacation so I'm really anxious to be done with it. I love it but when it's over, it's over and I like going in to the New Year all clean and fresh.

    That's it for me. I'm off to read some more posts to see if there's any tips, tricks or hints I've forgotten or didn't know about then I'm gonna play with the Exercise Calculator and see how many calories I can burn with some of the exercise I have planned. Hope you all had a great day and a good evening. See you in the morning.:smile:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Julie-Tart, I :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Leslie Sansone because you can actually workout with the dvd and sweat. I have tried other dvds and have a hard time following along. Not Leslie and she is so irritatingly supportive and pushing you to the end:laugh: :laugh: I go one mile and think wow I think I'll go 2 next thing I know I have gone 4. I read a post yesterday from a girl who everyone on mfp knows cause she has lost like 135 pounds and has kept it off for almost 2 years. She posted a link to a very interesting article yesterday. Here it is

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hello ladies!
    Welcome Julie! Like Momma, I really like the Leslie Sansone videos, too. I can get my heart rate up surprisingly high with them considering my fitness level (err... what my fitness level was a few months ago, that is. Now it seems I can get my heart rate up just by shuffling from the couch to the refrigerator. :laugh: I've let myself go a little over the last 2 months. :embarassed: ).

    I'm here, but I'm on vacation from work so I haven't been around on MFP much.
    We had a white Christmas in South Carolina! :noway: It was kind of awesome -- first one I've ever had. :smile: We even still have a little snow left on the ground which is absolutely insane.

    I haven't weighed myself since Christmas Eve but I know it's not good. In better news, I've started feeling quite a bit better the last few days nausea/fatigue-wise so I think I'll be able to actually commit to exercising a lot more than I have been. In not better news, I officially don't fit in any of my size 12 pants anymore without a Bella Band and my 14s are getting uncomfortably tight, too. :ohwell: At least it seems like it's just my waistline that's growing. I kind of panicked about it yesterday. My husband, bless him, doesn't comment on my pants not fitting other than trying to make me feel better by saying "Julie, stop. You've got a baby in there!" :laugh: I have to admit, I'm a little upset & depressed about the pants I was so excited to fit into just a few months ago not fitting anymore.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    JUlie - he is Right !! You got a baby in there it is goig to keep growing...go get some maternity clothes..i absolutely loved going shopping for maternity clothes of course i was super fat and the selection was limited...THey are soo comfy....

    So i have something going on with my eye, there is a samll bump on the inside of my eyelid, this morning i woke up and undereneath my eye is all swollen like 2x that it was yesterday.

    I have been searching online and they said it could be a stye or a clogged duct..most said to use compress but depending some may need antibotics.

    I am on the fence, i started doing comprress this morning, but today is the last day before a long holiday, i am concerened if i don't go to the doctor and it is swollen any m ore or swollen shut i would have to go to a urgent care which i HATE 1, befcause they aren't real doctors, well they are but not like md doctors and 2 it will cost 2x as much.
  • Rise and Shine Ladies!

    Momma - thanks so much for the link! I saw a post somewhere that probably references the same person/article and thought I'd get back to it then I couldn't remember where I found it! One of the girls from my old MFP group back in the day was using Leslie's video's and lost a TON of weight. It was warmer at the time so I was swimming and never got around to getting the video but I'm happy to have at least one now and am looking forward to using it. I got NO rythym and have even been known to trip over my own feet when walking but I got to start somewhere, lol.

    Julie - I got a chuckle about raising your heart rate from going from the couch to the fridge. I feel the same way and I'm not even making a new human. I'm just fat and totally out of shape, lol!

    I'm having a hard time getting motivated this morning. DH was home all day yesterday due to a bad back and the house is a mess. I've still got some stuff to put away from the grocery store but late yesterday afternoon he noticed water dripping from under the sink cabinet. Turns out it's been leaking for who knows how long so everything is pulled out and in the middle of the kitchen floor while the cabinet dries out. It's making navigating from the dining/kitchen area to the pantry a pain. We have a bowl under the sink to catch any more drips but his back prevented him from getting him under there and finding the problem. Hopefully he'll feel good enough when he gets home to find and fix the problem. I just need to get up and get on it so I can take care of the freezers and start on these decorations.

    **Question** Last night I was playing with the Exercise Calculator. I plan on doing a little bit of Yoga and some Bellydancing that we are DVRing (30 minute shows including commercials). I don't remember the exact numbers off the top of my head but 30 minutes of Bellydancing was something like 240 calories burned. I'm sure they mean full-on dancing. Since I don't have a clue as to what I'm doing and will spend most of my time fumbling around would you think it would be safe to input maybe just 10 or 15 minutes in to the calculator? And the same with the Yoga. To start I'll be spending half my time looking up at the televisions trying to figure out what they are doing. I'm just trying to be realistic and was wondering what your thoughts are.

    Water jug is filled. Time to get up and start getting some things done around here. I hope you all have a fantastic and healthy day!

    Hey LilD - you and I were posting at the same time. I would suggest getting in to see a doctor before the long weekend. It's your eye...not something you should take a chance with. JMO though and hope it heals fast.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    I quick check in..waiting for my older son to wake up so we can do Shred - Day 3. I have already uploaded my food and so far so good. I just hope I stick with it.

    off to clean my home, wash the laundry, and steam DH button shirts, for work.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Deb -- sorry about your eye. I've never had a sty, but a friend of mine in high school used to get them constantly. Must be so annoying. I agree with Julie -- go ahead go to the doc so you don't have to worry about it over the holiday.

    Julie -- When I first started, I tried to underestimate my calories burned. I do recommend a heart rate monitor. It turns out I was burning WAY more than I thought. I didn't believe the first HRM I got (it was a cheaper one I bought on sale), so I bought another a few months later (a Polar F6 on sale... by the way, I'm cheap :wink:) and it gives me the same crazy numbers.

    In awesome news, I HEARD THE BABY'S HEARTBEAT THIS MORNING!!! I bought an Angelsounds fetal monitor on Amazon a couple weeks ago & haven't been able to find the heartbeat. I knew that was okay because it's still early (the monitor instructions say use from 14 weeks) but it wasn't very reassuring for someone so pessimistic. I had seriously nearly convinced myself I had a MMC. I decided to try again this morning after not trying for a few days & there it was, chugging along at about 171bmp! :love: I'm so relieved. Now we can announce the news to our friends tomorrow night & not have to worry so much about finding out horrible news at the OB on Monday. :happy:
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