EA Sports Active 2 - 9 week Challenge



  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    They never go back down again!! LOL I hope you feel better too. I think you should get insanity and do it with me. :wink:
    But instead of calling Shaun T bad names, it'll be all thrown towards you! :laugh: I'll have to look into the program. It is more cardio-based though, right?

    You can call me all the names you want. I can take it! LOL
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    The secret to these mind-blowing results: MAX Interval Training. Shaun T took traditional interval training and flipped it on its head—you perform long bursts of maximum-intensity exercises with short periods of rest. Each workout keeps you constantly challenged as you alternate between aerobic and anaerobic intervals performed at your MAX. The result: burn up to 1,000 calories in an hour and get the most insane body in 60 days.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    The secret to these mind-blowing results: MAX Interval Training. Shaun T took traditional interval training and flipped it on its head—you perform long bursts of maximum-intensity exercises with short periods of rest. Each workout keeps you constantly challenged as you alternate between aerobic and anaerobic intervals performed at your MAX. The result: burn up to 1,000 calories in an hour and get the most insane body in 60 days.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I'm about to go on Beachbody's site now. Now I have yet another option!
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Workout 31 medium
    45 minutes
    262 calories
    139 Avg HR
    174 Max H$

    So, last night was the six-ab-workout night. My abs actually don't feel that bad, thankfully. At one point I had this sequence: bent sidearm planks, crunches with punches, pushups, mountain climbers. How does anyone think that is remotely fair?? :laugh: I definitely pushed through though I had to stop several times during the mountain climbers. My arms were not happy at all.

    shakemybooty, I hope you feel better soon! I was congested the past few days and now today I'm starting to cough. Still trying to keep whatever is bugging me away. Good luck on Insanity and/or Chalean Extreme (or was it Turbo Fire?). I'll miss your comments in the thread!

    Wocawa, the foot fires will go up and down. Some days they're 240 and others they're 180. Same for skipping (between 55 and 90), mountain climbers (55 to 75) and stride jumps (80 and 110). I'm in my next-to-last week though and I've noticed that ALL reps are at the higher end and haven't gone back down. I guess she's trying to see if she can break me. Not going to happen!

    Oh, my goodness - please tell me it isn't true that Mountain climbers go up to 75! 55 just about kills me! lol
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Oh, my goodness - please tell me it isn't true that Mountain climbers go up to 75! 55 just about kills me! lol
    Unfortunately, it is so get ready for them!! lol
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I'm about to go on Beachbody's site now. Now I have yet another option!

    check out these girl's before/after insanity pics:

    Look at these real results:


    I stole that off another thread but dang! Good results!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Did workout 20 (lots of running!) on medium, and a custom workout.

    Total time 78 minutes, total calories 397.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Workout #35-Hard (ONE MORE TO GO!!)

    45 Minutes
    225 Calories

    The trainer grinned at me at the beginning and pretty much told me he was going to kick my butt today. It was all arms & core (17%!) with a few stride jumps and skips in there.

    One part of it went: boxing, straight arm plank, push ups, and then mountain climbers...in that order. There were two straight arm planks, two sets of pushups, three sets of boxing, and two flutter kicks. It was just the combination of them that made my arms want to fall off.

    I'm ready for him for Monday. Two days to recover/rest and then I'm going to kick his butt. When it's over, he's going to be asking me to train him. Maybe then he'll finally beat me across the finish line.

    (sorry...he & I have these trash talk conversations all the time)
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I forgot--there was also a loud pop and the tv fixed itself. LOL
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Workout 26 - Medium

    42 minutes
    294 calories
    113 AV HR
    157 MX HR

    Ceelovejay, you're right they did increase some of the exercises and then brought them back down. Skipping went up to 90 today out of the blue. My thighs are burning right now with all the running and lunges today.

    Shakemybooty, one more workout, wow you have to be very proud of yourself. Good luck with Insanity. I have not looked into that one yet because it scares me, so please report back as to how it is going.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Workout 18 on easy today. Skipped a set of lunges and a set of mountain climbers when my knee started acting up again.

    First go at drop lunges today too. OMG! :noway:

    Calories: 285.9
    Time: 37:41
    Avg HR: 131
    Max HR: 168
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Glad to see the TV is back in action! :laugh: Thanks also for linking me to those profiles. WOW! That is definitely inspiring. I'm always skeptical when I go on the product websites and see their success stories because you never know how much of that is planted there. Seeing real people do it though it definitely a huge boost! I'm going to get the program. You've convinced me. When were you planning on starting it?

    LOL @ your trash-talking, by the way. And I can't wait to hear about your final workout!

    Wocawa, I forgot about skipping. Those too go up. I didn't mind doing 55 but 90 seems to really aggravate me. It's probably because I don't like how SLOW "I" go on the screen. If I'm jumping as if I'm actually jumping rope, I go so much faster than her speed and I think that pisses me off.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Glad to see the TV is back in action! :laugh: Thanks also for linking me to those profiles. WOW! That is definitely inspiring. I'm always skeptical when I go on the product websites and see their success stories because you never know how much of that is planted there. Seeing real people do it though it definitely a huge boost! I'm going to get the program. You've convinced me. When were you planning on starting it?

    LOL @ your trash-talking, by the way. And I can't wait to hear about your final workout!

    Wocawa, I forgot about skipping. Those too go up. I didn't mind doing 55 but 90 seems to really aggravate me. It's probably because I don't like how SLOW "I" go on the screen. If I'm jumping as if I'm actually jumping rope, I go so much faster than her speed and I think that pisses me off.

    The insanity workout calendar starts on a Monday with a fitness test. I was going to finish up this one and then do the fitness test and get going. If you want me to wait up until you start, I'll do other workouts until you're ready.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Aww, that's so sweet! No, you go ahead and start it. I won't be able to place the order until Monday anyhow so I don't want to hold you back. Just make sure you check to make sure that I actually start. :laugh:
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Wow look at all of you nearly done! I'm not even halfway yet ;). Lots of arm stuff today and 3 sets of core exercises at the end (leg raises-crunches with punches-more leg raises). I couldn't (i.e. didn't want to) breathe at the end! Diaphragm expanding when I inhaled made my abs burn!

    Easy Workout 15

    Calories: 204.0
    Time: 29:14
    Avg HR: 114
    Max HR: 156
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member
    Workout 17 or 18 maybe I can't remember
    237 calories

    Feel like i could have burned more but my phone kept ringing causing me to pause workout and heart rate to drop. Pretty decent workout. 2 sets of mountain boarding which I absolute hate. I do like that it burns a lot of calories, but I really have to exercise a lot of restraint in order to not skip them when I see it coming. :grumble:
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    workout 15 (easy)... wow -- starting to get intense! only 25 exercises, but 178 calories... not shabby!

    I still really hate the core work at the end of the workout (two sets of leg lifts and a set of reverse crunches today -- bleh!), but at least I'm starting to see some improvement -- I'm starting to see a little bit of strength in my ability to do these! (hooray for small victories!)

    a question for you -- I've broken two sets of resistance bands so far, and it's pretty annoying. i was thinking about using weights instead. has anyone tried using weights instead of the bands? did it work out well for you, or did you prefer the bands? what weight corresponds to the resistance bands that came with the EASA2 package?
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Rest day today so did a custom workout.

    Calories: 223
    Time: 25:53
    Avg HR: 122
    Max HR: 159

    I love it that I've only done this custom workout 3 times and already it feels like it's getting a bit too easy. Makes me feel like I'm making progress if I have to make it harder. :happy:

    Fitness test tomorrow. Wonder what that will bring...?
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    a question for you -- I've broken two sets of resistance bands so far, and it's pretty annoying. i was thinking about using weights instead. has anyone tried using weights instead of the bands? did it work out well for you, or did you prefer the bands? what weight corresponds to the resistance bands that came with the EASA2 package?
    I use the resistance band but I know others use free weights. The thing with using free weights is that you use whatever weight you'd like. It seems much easier than having to tighten/loosen the band. I broke my last resistance band (came with the first Sports Active) but it was at the end so I was able to reattach the handle. You must really be pulling to break two! :laugh: