EA Sports Active 2 - 9 week Challenge



  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    Silly me decided yesterday after work I would do work 18 on hard because I did my missed work out in the morning and it stormed here yesterday so couldn't do the work out I wanted to do outside.

    40 min
    220 cal burned

    and ouch this morning haha

    This morning I did my custom step aerobics and core work out
    30 min
    180 calories burned.

    the Wii step isn't high enough for me so i put phone books under neath it to lift it off the floor. somehow i think i may regret that later :noway: :laugh:

    I'm at a weight loss stand still atm these last 8 lbs just don't want to shift at the moment. :grumble:
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I took yesterday (my rest day) off and didn't do a custom workout because I felt all stiff and painful. Well, today I felt even worse! Of course, now that I've worked out I feel perfectly fine... I've learned my lesson. Even when I want to take a day off I think I'm going to go through the 10-minute limber up preset workout just to stretch out all my muscles.

    9 Week Program Easy Workout 17

    Calories: 261.6
    Time: 34:22
    Avg HR: 125
    Max HR: 162

    Sprint switched from Medium to Long today and I still managed to pace myself and come first. I also noticed that the 'activity' running got longer but I didn't really have a problem with it. Good burn all 'round.
  • amohon
    amohon Posts: 39 Member
    Wii step isn't high enough for me so i put phone books under neath it to lift it off the floor. somehow i think i may regret that later :noway: :laugh:

    I'm at a weight loss stand still atm these last 8 lbs just don't want to shift at the moment. :grumble:

    I Bought the Gold Gym Aerobic Step and It has three different settings. It has the low, high and a rocker to help with balance. I love it it was just over $38. I love it
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    9 Week Program Easy Workout 17

    Yup, me too! I was really excited about the fitness test today -- although my heart rate only went down by 1 point, my recovery time went down from 1:31 to 1:00 !!!! That C25K jogging I'm doing is *really* paying off!!!! :bigsmile:
    Sprint switched from Medium to Long today and I still managed to pace myself and come first. I also noticed that the 'activity' running got longer but I didn't really have a problem with it.

    Yup -- when I first saw "(Long)", I groaned... but it wasn't too bad! Of course, I did the same thing you did -- although I had been going out in a full sprint, back in "short" and "medium", today I ran right behind one of the characters, and then put it into high gear at about the halfway point. Felt just like my old 1/2-miler days back in high school! :glasses:

    Of course, when Ms B threw those initial foot fires on me, right in the beginning -- having just taken the fitness test! -- I think I said a mean thing or two...! And those two sets of flutters? Ugh -- I had to cheat part way through the second set... :frown:
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Workout 27 Medium

    41 minutes
    241 calories
    118 AV HR
    156 MX HR
  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    I love my EA sports active 2. I have been trying to do it at least 4 times a week. I get a nice sweat everytime!:smile:
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    Oh -- I *knew* I forgot to mention something!

    I got the update today when I turned on my PS3. My custom playlists were still intact, though! And, I noticed that one of the bug fixes was to allow the playlists to randomly choose tracks. Although my workout had the same songs out of my "workout" playlist as always, I noticed that there were two "new" songs that got played out of my "cooldown" playlist. Woot!

    On the other hand, it seemed like the fix to make the sensors pick up motions that they had been having problems with, wasn't as successful. In fact, although the reverse flies (is that the correct name(?)) were just fine, it seemed like other exercises had problems -- my squats with calf raises seemed to have a problem detecting that I was in a squat, and my on-screen avatar stopped running a couple of times (although I was still going at it). Weird...
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Workout 33 medium (only 3 more left!)
    42 minutes
    277 calories
    140 Avg HR
    169 Max HR

    I don't remember much about last night's workout except that there were two long sprints and about 4 other running segments. I'll take those over mountain climbers - but, wait, I had two sets of those too! :laugh:

    Re: using the Wii balance board for step - they actually sell risers that the balance board fits into. Maybe you can get those?
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member
    Workout 20 Medium
    39 minutes
    224 Calories

    I really didn't feel like working out today, but as usual I'm glad I did. I had to skip one follow leader exercise because it never registers fast kickups and I was about 5 second from throwing my wii off the balcony. Once that crisis was avoided, everything else went pretty smoothly :blushing:
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Silly me decided yesterday after work I would do work 18 on hard because I did my missed work out in the morning and it stormed here yesterday so couldn't do the work out I wanted to do outside.

    40 min
    220 cal burned

    and ouch this morning haha

    This morning I did my custom step aerobics and core work out
    30 min
    180 calories burned.

    the Wii step isn't high enough for me so i put phone books under neath it to lift it off the floor. somehow i think i may regret that later :noway: :laugh:

    I'm at a weight loss stand still atm these last 8 lbs just don't want to shift at the moment. :grumble:

    I have 8 pounds left also and it has been slow going! Trying not to give up, which is what I have always done in the past and then I gain the weight I have lost right back....sigh
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    My heart was not in this today, but I guess at least I did it.

    workout 7 - hard
    time 31.22
    av hr 107
    max hr 180
    calories 141.9

    When do they introduce the fitness test?
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Workout 20 Medium
    39 minutes
    224 Calories

    I really didn't feel like working out today, but as usual I'm glad I did. I had to skip one follow leader exercise because it never registers fast kickups and I was about 5 second from throwing my wii off the balcony. Once that crisis was avoided, everything else went pretty smoothly :blushing:

    Next time try really kicking yourself in the butt while you're doing the kickups. Mine seems to find me better when I do that.

    Cee-I'm starting insanity on Monday now. I was dead to the world yesterday afternoon so I pushed it off.. I'm just filling in with other workouts. Maybe you'll have yours by then!!

    Hint HInt--I think all the EA graduates should follow us on to Insanity. We'll be like our own little fitness posse (or however the heck you spell that!)!
  • sdornbush
    sdornbush Posts: 25
    I have the Wii version of Active 2 and I have almost completed the 9 week challenge. I love it, it really helped me start my weight loss journey! Because I started noticing that I wasn't loosing any more inches at about week 8 I have kind of cut back using it and have been doing some circuit training with my elliptical and home gym. I will still use the Sports Active though to keep things different and exciting! Great program....let me just say it does get harder and it will bring on the sweat!
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    Did Workout 19 (hard) this morning

    Calories 200
    Heart rate- i gave up with that. never registers correctly at the moment lol :frown:

    The mountain climbers kill my back so I have been doing stride jumps instead...yeah guess what. Today 4 sets of mountain climbers and stride jumps straight afterward :noway: :laugh: that will teach me.

    My abs are a bit sore today. Throwing in the extra ab work outs in the middle seem to be helping a bit.

    I use the phone books because I'm a bit low on cash at the moment because the wedding is 4 weeks away and there is still so much to buy :tongue: I will look into getting the actual lifts for the Wii board once we get back from our honey moon.
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Workout 20 Medium
    39 minutes
    224 Calories

    I really didn't feel like working out today, but as usual I'm glad I did. I had to skip one follow leader exercise because it never registers fast kickups and I was about 5 second from throwing my wii off the balcony. Once that crisis was avoided, everything else went pretty smoothly :blushing:

    Next time try really kicking yourself in the butt while you're doing the kickups. Mine seems to find me better when I do that.

    Cee-I'm starting insanity on Monday now. I was dead to the world yesterday afternoon so I pushed it off.. I'm just filling in with other workouts. Maybe you'll have yours by then!!

    Hint HInt--I think all the EA graduates should follow us on to Insanity. We'll be like our own little fitness posse (or however the heck you spell that!)!

    what is insanity? Is that a Wii game also?
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    Workout 18 Easy
    11 + 38 minutes
    64 + 256 calories

    I wasn't able to finish my workout the first time I tried it today (too many interruptions, plus my right arm sensor's battery went dead, plus it seemed not to pick up my movements all that well). So, I changed both arms' batteries, and went at it again another hour or so later.

    Definitely seeing the reps increase, today!

    Got a new exercise the first time around -- pivot lunges -- but it didn't show up again, the second time.
    The second time, I got jump lunges for the first time (and really, they hurt, toward the end -- I mean, c'mon! the first time I'm seeing these, and I get 20 of them? I mean, really? Really?) And, of course, those were followed up immediately by my 2nd set of mountain climbers.

    EASA2 and me == S. and. M. (OUCH!)

    Well, it's time to go jog... talk to yinz later!
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Workout 28 - Medium

    43 minutes
    316 calories
    124 AV HR
    165 MX HR
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    March 1st came and went but I am not going to let that deter me!

    My GOAL: March 2 - May 3 - 9 Week Challenge Restarted for the LAST time! I set it to easy this time. Ease into it..lol

    So I thought for some reason today was Tuesday and I would workout M,T,T,F however once I started the challenge it gave me a rest day..LOL. So I woke up 1 hour early hoping to start my challenge! Rather then skip today I did a custom and will do Day 1 of the 9 week challenge tomorrow! So my 9 week 1 day challenge started today.

    I weighed in this morning with another gain (145.1) ...I think I basically gained back what I lost this whole year :sad:

    BUT my Mother's Day goal stands and I am going to try harder, get up earlier and seek more motivation. I CAN DO THIS!!

    So todays stats:

    Custom since Day 1 was a rest day :laugh:

    Time - 0:14:33
    Cal. Burned - 61.4
    Avg HR -99
    Max HR - 130

    Now my remotes for the the Wii reminded me much too frequently the batteries were low and I noticed at time when my heartrate was up over 120 it was reading 90-100 so I am guessing that is the reason for the low calories. Glad I had my HRM though at is says 23 mins and 102 calories :smile:

    So here it to my first day....getting up early (6am!) and getting my butt in gear!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member

    Incidentally -- you can modify the days on which you exercise! Offhand, I don't recall which screen it is, but you can definitely customize your workout schedule; as long as you pick four days a week, it allows you that flexibility!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member

    Incidentally -- you can modify the days on which you exercise! Offhand, I don't recall which screen it is, but you can definitely customize your workout schedule; as long as you pick four days a week, it allows you that flexibility!

    Thanks. I like the days I have my only issue was today is Wednesday and in sticking to the schedule I want it is a rest day..lol. I am just messed up because I thought it was Tuesday. I guess it is ok...Day 1 was easier :wink: