EA Sports Active 2 - 9 week Challenge



  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Drodgers, I would definitely stick with the 9-week challenge. There are tons of cardio exercises that you do with each workout - I actually find it more cardio than any strength training. I've only been watching my calories and doing the 9-week challenge and have lost 14 pounds so far and 10.75 inches.

    shakemybooty, haha @ you being faked out but boo to everything trying to keep you from continuing! I'm happy that you were determined enough to continue on - bad TV and all. But woohoo for the opportunity to now buy a nifty sweet HDTV! I just bought one a few months ago and I am SO spoiled by it. The images are amazing on my TV. :laugh: I'm envious that you're almost done! Have you figured out what you're going to do next? I'm still torn between doing both C25K and 30 Day Shred together or just doing C25K. But, man, the spring is fastly approaching. I want to look cute in my dresses! (yeah, still vain :laugh:)
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    . That was to distract me so I wouldn't catch on that there were THREE sets of reverse lunges with high knees.

    This sounds painful -- I haven't gotten there yet... what are these? Do you come out of your lunge and immediately kick into a high knee? do you do some reverse lunges and then immediately "jog" a few high knees?
  • amohon
    amohon Posts: 39 Member
    I am going to start Phase 2 tomorrow. I have it set on easy and I have already lost 1842 calories and can't wait. I have had soooo much energy. If you want I have started a group is you are not is one yet. I LOVE IT!!!!:love:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    . That was to distract me so I wouldn't catch on that there were THREE sets of reverse lunges with high knees.

    This sounds painful -- I haven't gotten there yet... what are these? Do you come out of your lunge and immediately kick into a high knee? do you do some reverse lunges and then immediately "jog" a few high knees?
    You do a reverse lunge and immediately jump into a high knee. They're torture. I am not a fan of any plyometric-type exercises though. I do much better when I have a running start.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I am going to start Phase 2 tomorrow. I have it set on easy and I have already lost 1842 calories and can't wait. I have had soooo much energy. If you want I have started a group is you are not is one yet. I LOVE IT!!!!:love:
    Great work!!!

    I *think* I recently passed the 9000 calorie threshold. I have to say that I was really quite impressed with myself. I don't usually stick with anything this long. This really tells me that I've got the right mindset now. I hope your journey is as wonderful as mine has been!!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Drodgers, I would definitely stick with the 9-week challenge. There are tons of cardio exercises that you do with each workout - I actually find it more cardio than any strength training. I've only been watching my calories and doing the 9-week challenge and have lost 14 pounds so far and 10.75 inches.

    shakemybooty, haha @ you being faked out but boo to everything trying to keep you from continuing! I'm happy that you were determined enough to continue on - bad TV and all. But woohoo for the opportunity to now buy a nifty sweet HDTV! I just bought one a few months ago and I am SO spoiled by it. The images are amazing on my TV. :laugh: I'm envious that you're almost done! Have you figured out what you're going to do next? I'm still torn between doing both C25K and 30 Day Shred together or just doing C25K. But, man, the spring is fastly approaching. I want to look cute in my dresses! (yeah, still vain :laugh:)

    I have the Insanity program here already from years past when I was up late at night with a small child and got hooked in by an infomerical and promises of a hot body. Then I got pregnant about 12 seconds after I started it. LOL

    So it's between Insanity and Chalean Extreme...which I ordered but don't have yet. I bought a Bob Harper kettlebell dvd at target the other day. I just ordered Amy Dixon's Super Fit Bod which is a step aerobic workout. I love my step. There's another one called aerobarre from aerospacenyc.com that's focused on boxing (which I love) but it had $9 shipping charges which annoyed me. I'll buy it if I can find it some where else. I need to keep moving!
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Rest day today so I just did a 25 min custom workout to keep the activity level up.

    Avg HR 121
    Max HR 160
    Calories 223
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Not quite back but did a custom today :happy:

    EA Sprorts says:

    Time - 0:30:39
    Cals. - 110.7
    Avg HR - 108
    Max HR - 159

    HRM says: 37 mins and 174 calories burned. Now it is still a new HRM and I am already not loving that when I do leg overs or anything where I need to reach to one side it flashes 00! I have no idea unless I am watching, there should be a beep or something when it stops detecting. I didn't have this issue until the final weeks of my last one and this one is brand new!! I have it on as tight as possible too and even stopped to wet it more and it still did it.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I have done Workout 27 phase 3 (hard) only 9 to go :)

    Time 42.12

    Cals 226.9

    AHR 119

    MHR 168 (Kept saying batteries are dying though, must remember to change them)
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Workout 4 hard
    time 35.18
    avhr 113
    max hr 178
    calories 157

    Lots of people posting today - good job everyone!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I have formed a new plan...lol...another!

    After many failed attempts I am going to recommit!

    I am going to do custom workouts for the next few days and try to get into my routine. I normally get up at 7am so from tomorrow on I am going to get up at 6am and workout then be ready to go for my normal 7am routine. If I can stick to that I will restart my 9 week challenge on March 1st! YAY!

    I have already gained some weight back :sad: I will officially weigh in and start my new challenge March 1st.
    Glad this group is growing...it is totally motivating!:flowerforyou:
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    Did my custom step/core workout this morning. Time 32 min Calories 183

    Still playing around with the HRM thinking I'm half dead most of the time. Did a search and that seems to happen quite a bit if you don't have it in the right spot or tight enough LOL I just ignore it now. It doesn't effect your calorie thing on the game. might have to go out and buy one...
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    I have formed a new plan...lol...another!

    After many failed attempts I am going to recommit!

    I am going to do custom workouts for the next few days and try to get into my routine. I normally get up at 7am so from tomorrow on I am going to get up at 6am and workout then be ready to go for my normal 7am routine. If I can stick to that I will restart my 9 week challenge on March 1st! YAY!

    I have already gained some weight back :sad: I will officially weigh in and start my new challenge March 1st.
    Glad this group is growing...it is totally motivating!:flowerforyou:

    Don't give up! You can do it! I really appreciate you starting this challenge because it has helped to motivate me to be faithful at exercising. Also - I really like the custom and/or trainer generated workout options that you can choose from. The custom is nice because you can pick what you want to do and not have to be dreading what might be coming up next...like those crazy mountain climbers!

    My kneecaps are really sore from today's workout. Not sure what that's all about. Do you guys wear sneakers when you work out, or just socks? I am wondering if I should be wearing shoes...
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Did a trainer generated workout today minus split squats and mountain climbers... I punished my legs yesterday and wanted to give them a little bit of a break today.

    My Trainer Workout

    Calories: 238.8
    Time: 32:32
    Avg HR: 124
    Max HR: 157

    I can definitely see my endurance improving. While I pushed during today's workout, it felt just right in terms of intensity. 6 weeks ago I would have been dying.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    Workout # I forget (too tired to check) ~ Medium
    Time: 35 min
    Cal: 305
    MHR: 176
    AHR: 135

    I didn't want to work out at all today but I trudged thru. I'm sure I could have burned more calories if I wasn't so BLAH.
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Yesterday's workout:

    Workout 24 - Medium, last one in Phase 2

    39 minutes
    265 calories
    118 AV HR
    178 MX HR

    Today's workout:

    Workout 25 - Medium

    38 minutes
    265 calories
    119 AV HR
    185 MX HR

    Looks like everything was increased a little, foot fires are now 240!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Did a trainer generated workout today minus split squats and mountain climbers... I punished my legs yesterday and wanted to give them a little bit of a break today.

    My Trainer Workout

    Calories: 238.8
    Time: 32:32
    Avg HR: 124
    Max HR: 157

    I can definitely see my endurance improving. While I pushed during today's workout, it felt just right in terms of intensity. 6 weeks ago I would have been dying.

    Good for you!! I feel the same way.

    Chest cold is winning the war. Waiting for meds to kick in so I can do my second to last workout later today.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Workout 31 medium
    45 minutes
    262 calories
    139 Avg HR
    174 Max H$

    So, last night was the six-ab-workout night. My abs actually don't feel that bad, thankfully. At one point I had this sequence: bent sidearm planks, crunches with punches, pushups, mountain climbers. How does anyone think that is remotely fair?? :laugh: I definitely pushed through though I had to stop several times during the mountain climbers. My arms were not happy at all.

    shakemybooty, I hope you feel better soon! I was congested the past few days and now today I'm starting to cough. Still trying to keep whatever is bugging me away. Good luck on Insanity and/or Chalean Extreme (or was it Turbo Fire?). I'll miss your comments in the thread!

    Wocawa, the foot fires will go up and down. Some days they're 240 and others they're 180. Same for skipping (between 55 and 90), mountain climbers (55 to 75) and stride jumps (80 and 110). I'm in my next-to-last week though and I've noticed that ALL reps are at the higher end and haven't gone back down. I guess she's trying to see if she can break me. Not going to happen!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Workout 31 medium
    45 minutes
    262 calories
    139 Avg HR
    174 Max H$

    So, last night was the six-ab-workout night. My abs actually don't feel that bad, thankfully. At one point I had this sequence: bent sidearm planks, crunches with punches, pushups, mountain climbers. How does anyone think that is remotely fair?? :laugh: I definitely pushed through though I had to stop several times during the mountain climbers. My arms were not happy at all.

    shakemybooty, I hope you feel better soon! I was congested the past few days and now today I'm starting to cough. Still trying to keep whatever is bugging me away. Good luck on Insanity and/or Chalean Extreme (or was it Turbo Fire?). I'll miss your comments in the thread!

    Wocawa, the foot fires will go up and down. Some days they're 240 and others they're 180. Same for skipping (between 55 and 90), mountain climbers (55 to 75) and stride jumps (80 and 110). I'm in my next-to-last week though and I've noticed that ALL reps are at the higher end and haven't gone back down. I guess she's trying to see if she can break me. Not going to happen!

    They never go back down again!! LOL I hope you feel better too. I think you should get insanity and do it with me. :wink:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    They never go back down again!! LOL I hope you feel better too. I think you should get insanity and do it with me. :wink:
    But instead of calling Shaun T bad names, it'll be all thrown towards you! :laugh: I'll have to look into the program. It is more cardio-based though, right?