EA Sports Active 2 - 9 week Challenge



  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    9 Wk Program ~ Medium #4
    Cal: 318
    Min: 35
    AHR: 140
    MHR: Can't tell because it miss-read me at 211 lol

    All legs today!! GRRR thighs are ON FIRE!!
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    Just finished workout 13 (easy). Not too bad, although the fitness test kinda ticked me off -- no improvement in my heart rate (in fact, through six weeks (3 wk cardio + phase 1), there hasn't been *any* change to my heart rate! Plus, my recovery time went down a bunch last week, but went back up 10 seconds tonight... grr!

    Anyway, lunges *stink*, but I can see the difference in my legs already, so that's positive!

    (I've also started the C25K jogging program, so between this and jogging, my fitness should be well on the increase!)

    I'm about 800 calories short on my total today, so in addition to my normal post-workout banana, maybe I'll have some popcorn, too...!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I've also started the C25K jogging program
    You'll have to tell me how it is doing both at the same time. I'm a little scared of trying to do both programs at once.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Workout #33-Hard (almost done!!)

    284 Calories
    47 MIn
    115 Avg BPM

    Today was definitely easier. I think yesterday's hallucinations were from the chest cold I'm coming down with today. More arms and some running. I did notice that I haven't done foot fires for a few workouts now. Maybe those are gone for good. One can hope!
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    I've also started the C25K jogging program
    You'll have to tell me how it is doing both at the same time. I'm a little scared of trying to do both programs at once.

    well, I waited until last week -- so that I'd have the benefit of six weeks of EA SA2 behind me, and would feel a little more confident about being a little in shape). I also wanted to make sure that i kept one day completely free for rest, and minimized overlap between the two. So, the way it shapes up is Sun-Tues-Thurs for C25K and Mon-Tues-Fri-Sat for EA SA2. That means Tuesdays are my only day that I have both on the same day (so I try to do my exercise in the morning and my jog in the evening), and it still keeps Wednesday as a rest day!

    No problems yet, but like I said, it's only week 2 of C25K -- I'll let you know if it seems I have a problem with trying to do too much, too soon...!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Workout #33-Hard (almost done!!)

    284 Calories
    47 MIn
    115 Avg BPM

    Today was definitely easier. I think yesterday's hallucinations were from the chest cold I'm coming down with today. More arms and some running. I did notice that I haven't done foot fires for a few workouts now. Maybe those are gone for good. One can hope!
    Chest colds are awful & if you don't catch it early it may form into pneumonia which I wouldn't wish on my enemies! Hopefully you can finish up before it sets in. And just because of Murphy's Law, you're going to have five sets of foot fires tomorrow at 240 apiece. :laugh:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I've also started the C25K jogging program
    You'll have to tell me how it is doing both at the same time. I'm a little scared of trying to do both programs at once.

    well, I waited until last week -- so that I'd have the benefit of six weeks of EA SA2 behind me, and would feel a little more confident about being a little in shape). I also wanted to make sure that i kept one day completely free for rest, and minimized overlap between the two. So, the way it shapes up is Sun-Tues-Thurs for C25K and Mon-Tues-Fri-Sat for EA SA2. That means Tuesdays are my only day that I have both on the same day (so I try to do my exercise in the morning and my jog in the evening), and it still keeps Wednesday as a rest day!

    No problems yet, but like I said, it's only week 2 of C25K -- I'll let you know if it seems I have a problem with trying to do too much, too soon...!
    Thanks! C25K is only 3 days a week so maybe I can just change my EASA2 schedule to fit around the C25K. I have to think about this. I'm really trying to achieve some goals by the time it's totally warm here (I'm in MD) and we get to shed heavy coats and wear cute sundresses and the like. I'm so vain. :laugh:
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I turned off the wii halfway through and it was all the exercises I hate, the question is do I have the motivation to start again :(
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Eurgh I did it again

    Time 43.36

    Cals 271.3

    AHR 126 (defo not working right, the last ten mins it didnt get over 80 and I have a heart condition that makes it go way higher than that even when resting)

    MHR 172

    Plus 30 cals for the 10 mins I had already done :(
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    I turned off the wii halfway through and it was all the exercises I hate, the question is do I have the motivation to start again :(

    You can do it! I know how you feel about the hated exercises...but I know for me that the reason why they are so hard is because they work my "problem areas." Just think of how awesome you will look and feel once you get through those exercises and begin to build strength to be able to do them better and easier! Kathy
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member
    Workout 16 (medium)

    38:06 min
    193.8 Calories

    I never really felt the burn with hip bridges until today when I had to do 20 one leg hip bridges. Thighs on fire!
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Workout 3 (Hard)
    Time: 28.36
    Av HR 105
    Max HR 154
    Calories 122.9

    This one was pretty easy, but I am hoping from what others have posted that the intensity will pick up. No mountain climbers in this one!

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Eurgh I did it again

    Time 43.36

    Cals 271.3

    AHR 126 (defo not working right, the last ten mins it didnt get over 80 and I have a heart condition that makes it go way higher than that even when resting)

    MHR 172

    Plus 30 cals for the 10 mins I had already done :(
    Yay!! I'm glad you pushed through! :happy: :drinker: Just think about it: it'll all be worth it in the end!!!
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    Workout 14 -- easy
    196 calories
    pretty low on the heart zones -- stayed down in the 2-3 range.

    broke my resistance band (again) -- first one side, then when I tried to grip it by the band on the side that broke, the other handle gave way, too. *sigh*

    ok ... big formal dinner tonight (and I have about 900 calories at my disposal -- yay!), then w2 d2 of my C25K jogging...!
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    Workout # 3 this morning :)

    22 Minutes (approx.)
    220.1 cals

    Im doing all my workouts on easy since im just starting out...

    Also... my goal thing says i have done 4 workouts, but I HAVENT everything is right, but just not number of workouts... ive ONLY done 3 lol

    Anyone else have that issue
  • SamWTFx3
    I wish I could find a (blank)week workout challenge or something like that.. I just have some DVDs but I don't have anything for the Wii. I should check prices!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Workout # 3 this morning :)

    22 Minutes (approx.)
    220.1 cals

    Im doing all my workouts on easy since im just starting out...

    Also... my goal thing says i have done 4 workouts, but I HAVENT everything is right, but just not number of workouts... ive ONLY done 3 lol

    Anyone else have that issue
    Have you done a fitness test? If so, that's why. They count that as a workout.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Workout 30 medium
    323.5 calories
    140 Avg HR
    175 Max HR

    Guess who had two sets of 240 foot fires tonight? :laugh: Serves me right.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    Workout #5 ~ medium (personal HRM)
    Cal: 366
    Time: 43 min (35min for the game)
    MHR: 181
    AHR: 138

    All running today. Evil evil evil running. My thighs and butt are on fire tonight. I wish I could just go straight to bed...but noooooo. I have to shower first. lol
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Custom workout today since it was a rest day. I did mostly cardio with a couple lower/upper/core exercises just to mix things up a little. I wanted to take it easy because my knees have been bothering me ever since Saturday when I had the 3 sets of Mountain Climbers.

    Calories: 154 + ~30 (guesstimate) because I repeated one of my skipping reps and ran through all the loading screens = 184
    Time: 21:29
    Avg HR: 122
    Max HR: 163