EA Sports Active 2 - 9 week Challenge



  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    The thing with using free weights is that you use whatever weight you'd like.

    Yeah, that's why I was asking -- I've always done lower-body work, and not so much upper-body, so I don't want to buy something that'll be so heavy that I lose form while doing the reps. I don't know what that "ideal weight" would be, though. I figured that, if I knew what the original band corresponded to, in terms of free weights, I could go with something just a smidgen heavier...
    You must really be pulling to break two! :laugh:

    Apparently, I don't know my own strength! :laugh: :ohwell:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Last night's workout:
    Workout 32 Medium
    44 minutes
    324 calories
    132 Avg HR
    173 Max HR

    So, last night's workout was supposed to be 38% lower body. HA! It felt more like 98%! Running, mountain climbers, mountain boarding, mountain biking, skipping, alternating jump split squats, turning jump squats, squats with calf raises, reverse lunges with high knee jumps, stride jumps...give me a break with the 38%!! Oh! And my straight arm plank went from 20 to 45 seconds. Needless to say, I was potty mouth galore last night. :laugh: But only four more to go!!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Yeah, that's why I was asking -- I've always done lower-body work, and not so much upper-body, so I don't want to buy something that'll be so heavy that I lose form while doing the reps. I don't know what that "ideal weight" would be, though. I figured that, if I knew what the original band corresponded to, in terms of free weights, I could go with something just a smidgen heavier...
    Ah, okay. I misunderstood. I usually do 8-10 pounds for bicep workouts, 5-8 pounds for shoulders and 3-5 pounds for triceps. My triceps are extremely weak so I don't push it. That's the reason why I don't use free weights for this program because I'd have to switch between 4 sets of weights. It just makes sense to tighten and loosen the band.
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    Running, skipping, stride jumps...straight arm plank

    the straight arm plank counts for "core", and these others for "cardio", right? :huh:
    Needless to say, I was potty mouth galore last night.

    Get in a few good ones for me, too!!! :laugh:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Yep for both. But the running, skipping and stride jumps all involve active legs so going from those to the other lower body workouts was torture to me!

    You bet I did get in some for you too! :laugh:
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member
    Workout 19- Medium
    36:45 min
    201 Calories

    I really need to get my own HRM because I know I burned wayyyy more than that. Today there was two sets of core workouts; one in middle and one at the end. Aye! Other than that lot's of cardio and squattish exercises. Oh and how could I forget about the 4 sets of mountain climbers:explode:

    For the person who asked about using weights I gave up on the bands a long time ago. I just prefer weights. I use 3 pound and 5 pound weights. I'm thinking about getting some 7.5 pound weights for biceps.
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    For the person who asked about using weights I gave up on the bands a long time ago. I just prefer weights. I use 3 pound and 5 pound weights. I'm thinking about getting some 7.5 pound weights for biceps.

    Thanks, Monique! Did the 3 pounders give about the same intensity workout as the bands?
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member

    Thanks, Monique! Did the 3 pounders give about the same intensity workout as the bands?

    For me it does. I have very little upper body strength so after a certain amount of reps I definitely feel the burn. I especially like them for the lateral exercises. When I used the bands I spent more time fumbling with them then actually exercising.
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Very good idea about using weights. I feel like I spend all my time fumbling with the band also. I might have to look into prices for those.

    I did not work out yesterday because I did so much other work (horse chores at both ends of the day for a friend and snow shoveling), and was going to make up for yesterday's missed workout on today, which is a rest day - but I was up all night with a sick child, and I am so tired...so I am going to have 2 days to make up. Hopefully I don't get too far behind. It looks like most of you are just about at the end of the challenge!
  • amohon
    amohon Posts: 39 Member
    Thank is my next goal. I first bought a Gold's Gym Arobic step instead of the Wii board. almost $60 cheaper. My next thing is the weights. Not sure which one to get and where to start haven't used weights since I was 16 and in highschool. LOL I need cheap but good and I work at Walmart so any suggestions are good.

    Went to the Dr. today and I have to limit the ankle movement., I am on Phase 2 how can I custumize it without having to start over? I have strained my ligaments and have to stay off them while I work out. Dr. said not to stop working out just midify......HELP!!!~
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    I ended up dragging myself into doing the workout - only 80% completed, partially because I had to skip two things that wouldn't pick me up, and also because I skipped the cool down. The trainer actually called me names on this workout! haha!

    Workout 5 - hard
    time 27.40
    av hr 116
    max hr 180
    calories 144.3
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    Workout 16 - Easy
    199 cals
    111 avg heart rate

    Ouch! Somewhere, in the deepest levels of he-l-l, there's a very ticked off demon, who's considering suing EA for the royalties he's due on the torture methods he thought up and then EA stole...

    3 sets of mountain climbers? mountain biking and more skipping than a double-dutch expert gets in a month? and then, we finish up with one-legged hip bridges, leg flutters, and reverse crunches? any more of this, and it'd be more appropriate to wear latex and leather than the arm and leg monitors!

    I cheated twice -- I had to take a little break halfway through the squats with calf raises, and the one-legged hip bridges were pretty intense (this was the first time I've seen them, and I've got the bad feeling that I'll be seeing *too much* of them in the next few weeks...)!

    Oh -- and after 7 weeks of use, the batteries on my leg monitor gave out. Near the end of yesterday's workout, it let me know that the battery was low, and I didn't even get a chance to start today's exercises before it told me that the battery was kicked.

    On to week 5 -- here's hoping I have a short memory, and my subconscious blocks the recollections of this workout...

  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Way to go guys! You're all getting in the spirit!! I like it when the rest of you are cursing the trainer and his evil methods! Keep up the good work!! One workout left to do tomorrow and I'm done!! I'm so excited. The cold from helll that I have also includes an ear infection from hell but I'm still ready!
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Rest day for me today so I did a custom Step for 35 minutes. After the step workout I had the fitness test. It is amazing how I am able to complete the three sets of 10 minute step workouts and still feel a need to do more cardio. Yay me!!!!

    Custom Step - Medium

    34 minutes
    274 calories
    104 AV HR
    146 MX HR

    Have a good week everyone!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Workout 28 (hard)

    Time 46.12

    Cals 315.6

    AHR 133

    MHR 182
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    I had to make up a missed workout this morning. My first missed workout so far. :cry: hehe

    Workout 17 (hard)
    Calories 212

    Average heart. 105?????
    yeah the HRM doesn't like me I was "dead" for most of one exercise haha

    Everything jumped up in reps today again 240 of those quick leg thingies (can't recall what they are called) and 90 of the jump roping... ouch.. but no mountain climbers today! haha yay...I'll probably be hammered by them tomorrow instead. :sick:
  • amohon
    amohon Posts: 39 Member
    Ok everyone I am going on workout 14 on easy is there a way I can modify the workout Dr. orders. I have to stay off my feet HELP!!!!:sad:
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Today was a rest day but I realized I forgot to post yesterday.

    9 Week Program Easy Workout 16

    Calories: 229.5
    Time: 35:27
    Avg HR: 129
    Max HR: 166
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    Ok everyone I am going on workout 14 on easy is there a way I can modify the workout Dr. orders. I have to stay off my feet HELP!!!!:sad:

    you can always delete the exercises that you aren't supposed to be doing, at the beginning of the workout. Then, afterward, you could create a custom workout if you felt the need to put in more time...
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Ok everyone I am going on workout 14 on easy is there a way I can modify the workout Dr. orders. I have to stay off my feet HELP!!!!:sad:

    Most of the exercises involve your legs in the 9 week program. I would just put the program on hold and make up your own workouts. The boxing exercises get your heart rate up. Maybe you can do those from a sitting position and still get a good workout in.